blob: e66e3a8a6d725b881fb29a3e6149fb07a192c1ec [file] [log] [blame]
# msc.test -- misc stuff that did not fit anywhere elese
# nca-073-9
# Copyright (c) 1996-2000 by Netcetera AG.
# Copyright (c) 2001 by Apache Software Foundation.
# All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# @(#) $Id$
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# tcltest package
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
package require tcltest
namespace import ::tcltest::*
web::tempfile -remove
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# creation and 'normal' usage
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
test copyright-1.0 {web::config copyright} {
set res {}
set tmp [web::config copyright]
lappend res [regexp {http://netcetera\.ch} $tmp]
lappend res [regexp {http://tcl\.apache\.org/websh} $tmp]
set res
} {1 1}
test tempfile-1.0a {web::tempfile dir prefix} {unixOnly} {
set home "/tmp"
if {[info exists env(HOME)]} {
set home $env(HOME)
} elseif {[info exists env(TMP)]} {
set home $env(TMP)
set tmp [web::tempfile -path $home -prefix "prefix"]
set msg ""
if {[string match "[file join $home prefi]*" $tmp]} {
set fh [open $tmp w]
if {[file exists $tmp]} {
set msg ok
## Websh will try to remove file at end
} else {
set msg "filename $tmp not on file system"
close $fh
} else {
set msg "filename $tmp does not satisfy specs"
set msg
} {ok}
test tempfile-1.0b {web::tempfile dir prefix} {pcOnly} {
set tmp [web::tempfile -prefix "prefix"]
set msg ""
if {[string match "*prefi*" $tmp]} {
set fh [open $tmp w]
if {[file exists $tmp]} {
set msg ok
## Websh will try to remove file at end
} else {
set msg "filename $tmp not on file system"
close $fh
} else {
set msg "filename $tmp does not satisfy specs"
set msg
} {ok}
test tempfile-1.2 {web::tempfile reject invalid dir} {
set tmp [web::tempfile -path "/tmp/yoyoy" -prefix "prefix"]
set msg ""
if {[string match "/tmp/yoyoy*" $tmp]} {
global tcl_platform
if {"$tcl_platform(platform)" == "unix"
&& "$tcl_platform(os)" == "Darwin"} {
# OSX does not complain if directory does not exist
# It just returns the nonexistig path anyway
set msg "ok"
} else {
set msg "error: accepted non-existing dir $tmp"
} elseif {[string match "*prefi*" $tmp]} {
set msg "ok"
} else {
set msg "error: rejected valid prefix"
set msg
} {ok}
test tempfile-1.3 {temporary file name} {
set fn [web::tempfile]
file exists $fn
} {0}
proc createFile filename {
set fh [open $filename w]
puts $fh x
close $fh
test tempfile-1.4 {remove temporary files} {} {
foreach f {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6} {
set $f [web::tempfile]
createFile [set $f]
web::tempfile -remove
set exist 0
foreach f {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6} {
incr exist [file exists [set $f]]
set exist
} {0}
test request-1.1 {access env var} {
set res [web::request -set websh_test_11 "the Websh guy"]
lappend res [web::request -set websh_test_11]
lappend res [web::request -set FOO_ENV_VAR]
set res
} {the Websh guy {the Websh guy} {}}
test request-1.2 {without subcommand} {
web::request -set websh_test_12 "the Websh guy"
set res [web::request websh_test_12]
lappend res [web::request FOO_ENV_VAR "bar_env"]
set res
} {the Websh guy bar_env}
test request-1.3 {-exists} {
set res [web::request -count websh_test_13]
web::request -set websh_test_13 "the Websh guy" "and the test guy"
lappend res [web::request -count websh_test_13]
web::request -unset websh_test_13
lappend res [web::request -count websh_test_13]
set res
} {0 2 0}
test request-1.4 {-names} {
web::request -set websh_test_14 "the Websh guy"
set tmp [web::request -names]
set res [expr [llength $tmp] > 1]
lappend res [expr [lsearch $tmp "websh_test_14"] != -1]
set res
} {1 1}
#fixme: these need some work...
test modwebsh-1.1 {initialzer} {
web::initializer {set tst "modwebsh1_1"}
} {modwebsh1_1}
test modwebsh-1.2 {finalizer} {
web::finalizer {set tst "modwebsh1_2"}
} {modwebsh1_2}
test modwebsh-1.3 {maineval} {
web::maineval {foo}
} {}
test modwebsh-1.4 {interpclass} {
web::interpcfg {foo}
} {}
test modwebsh-1.5 {interpclasscfg} {
web::interpclasscfg {foo}
} {}
test modwebsh-1.6 {web::config mod_websh vars} {
global env
set env(SERVER_ROOT) SeRo
set res {}
lappend res [web::config script]
lappend res [web::config server_root]
lappend res [web::config document_root]
lappend res [web::config interpclass]
unset env(SERVER_ROOT)
unset env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)
set res
} {ScFn SeRo DoRo ScFn}
# cleanup