blob: 412eda4d9e04b7085dd400fdc7556e7d1ea24c18 [file] [log] [blame]
# filelock.test --
# nca-073-9
# Copyright (c) 1996-2000 by Netcetera AG.
# Copyright (c) 2001 by Apache Software Foundation.
# All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# @(#) $Id$
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# tcltest package
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
package require tcltest
namespace import ::tcltest::*
web::tempfile -remove
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# truncatefile
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
test truncatefile-1.1 {create file, truncate it, and test size} {
set fh [open [set fn [web::tempfile]] w]
puts -nonewline $fh [string repeat "a" 10000]
flush $fh
set res [file size $fn]
web::truncatefile $fh
close $fh
lappend res [file size $fn]
} {10000 0}
test truncatefile-1.2 {wrong args} {
catch {
} msg
set msg
} {wrong # args: should be "web::truncatefile channel"}
set fn [web::tempfile]
test truncatefile-1.3 {called with a file name} {
catch {
web::truncatefile $fn
} msg
set msg
} "can not find channel named \"$fn\""
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test the actual locking
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set processes 10
set tests 100
set expect [expr $processes * $tests]
test filelock-1.3 {test file locking (mulitple processes)} {unixOnly} {
set script locktest.tcl
set seqno locktest.SEQNO
# temporary test script
set fh [open $script "w"]
global argv0
puts $fh "#![info nameofexecutable]"
puts $fh {set c [lindex $argv 0]}
puts $fh {puts "starting [pid] for $c"}
puts $fh "if {\$c < $processes} {exec \$argv0 \[incr c\] &}"
puts $fh "web::filecounter idgen -filename $seqno -seed 0 -incr 1"
puts $fh "for {set i 0} {\$i < $tests} {incr i} {"
puts $fh " set a \[idgen nextval\]"
puts $fh "}"
close $fh
file attributes $script -permissions 0755
## re-open/truncate hack (advisory lock)
set fh [open $seqno {CREAT WRONLY}]
web::lockfile $fh
flush $fh
set fh2 [open $seqno {CREAT WRONLY TRUNC}]
close $fh2
seek $fh 0 start
puts $fh "0"
web::unlockfile $fh
close $fh
# exec some concurrent processes (script is recursive)
puts "testing file locking: $processes concurrent processes with $tests file locks each"
puts -nonewline "(this may take a while...) "
flush stdout
exec "./$script" 1
# test result
web::readfile $seqno result
# cleanup
file delete -force -- $script $seqno
puts "done"
set result
} "$expect
unset processes tests expect
# cleanup