blob: 5cca7130ca7dc04ffac6e479bee0d30a6aac2adb [file] [log] [blame]
# This example demonstrates you how "file upload": sending
# a file to the server thru a html form.
# allow file upload
# uploadfilesize defines the maximum file size upload
# in this case 100 bytes
web::config uploadfilesize 100
# utility command to handle an HTML page
proc page {title code} {
web::putx {<html><head><title>{web::put $title}</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
<h3>{web::put $title}</h3>
uplevel $code
web::put "</body></html>\n"
# utility command to handle an html form
proc form {page code} {
web::put "<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\" action=\"[web::cmdurl $page]\">"
uplevel $code
web::put "</form>"
proc showForm {error} {
# generate a page with Title "File upload example"
page "File upload example" {
# generate a form with action "submit"
form "submit" {
web::putx {{
# if "error" flag is set, show the red error message asking for input
if {$error == 1} {
web::put "<font color=\"\#990000\">If you'd like to upload a file,\n you have to insert the path and file name <br></font>"
<b>File:</b> <input type="file" size="30" name="upload" value="{web::put [web::formvar upload]}"> &nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="submit" name="ok" value="Send">
# validator:
# make sure we have a name that is more than 1.
proc checkFormData {} {
# string lenght gets the lenght
# "lindex [...] 1" is getting the first line from the list in the variable
if { [string length [lindex [web::formvar upload] 1]] < 1} {
# return error code
return 1
# looks good: no error
return 0
proc showConfirmationPage {} {
# gets return value from list upload
set localname [lindex [web::formvar upload] 0]
set remotename [lindex [web::formvar upload] 1]
set NumBytesTruncated [lindex [web::formvar upload] 2]
# open pipe for reading uploaded file
set fh [open $localname r]
set chunk [read $fh 10]
close $fh
page "File upload example" {
web::putx {
<b>We have received your file. Thank you.<br><br>
Technical information:</b>
<table border="0" width="300">
<td width="100">
File-path:</td><td width="200">{web::put [web::htmlify $localname]}</td></tr>
<td width="100">
Localpath:</td><td width="200">{web::put [web::htmlify $remotename]}</td></tr>
<td width="300" colspan="2">
We have configured websh3 to allow a maximum file size of 100 bytes. Therefore
we have truncated the received file by {web::put [web::htmlify $NumBytesTruncated]} bytes.
<td width="100">Start of content:</td><td width="200">{web::put [web::htmlify $chunk]}</td></tr></table>
<a href="{web::put [web::cmdurl default]}">upload another file</a>
# register the "default" command
# See confirmation form example.
web::command default {
showForm 0
# register command "submit"
# This is the "action" of our form. See confirmation form example.
web::command submit {
if { [set res [checkFormData]] == 0 } {
} else {
showForm $res
#see dispatch example