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<title>Tcl Overview</title>
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<? prevnext "<h1>Tcl Overview</h1>" ?>
<li>Easy, Flexible
<li>Tcl is easy to learn, it has a very simple syntax. It's
also very flexible, allowing you to mold it to your needs.
<li>Extensible, Embeddable
You can extend Tcl in many ways, both in Tcl and in C, or
embed it directly in your applications.
<li>Powerful, Lightweight
<li>Tcl does many things, easily, and has a small core.</li>
<li>Multiplatform, Free
<li>Tcl runs on UNIX, Windows and Mac OS. Tcl is distributed under a BSD license.</li>
<li>Tk toolkit
<li>Seperate from Tcl, althought it was also developed by
Ousterhout, and very well integrated with Tcl.</li>