blob: f3bd78be37a658afb490c32e9293f82ed3406441 [file] [log] [blame]
# $Id$
# This program ought to return the location of
# Code borrowed from Don Porter's usenet posting.
proc RelToExec {exe cf} {
file join [file dirname [file dirname $exe]] lib $cf
proc RelToExec2 {cf} {
file join [ info library ] $cf
proc FindTclConfig {} {
set exec [file tail [info nameofexecutable]]
# If we're running tclsh...
if {[string match -nocase "*tclsh*" $exec]} {
set cf [RelToExec [info nameofexecutable]]
if {[file readable $cf]} {
return $cf
} else {
set cf [RelToExec2]
if {[file readable $cf]} {
return $cf
# If tcl_pkgPath is available, look there...
global tcl_pkgPath
if {[info exists tcl_pkgPath]} {
foreach libdir $tcl_pkgPath {
if {[file readable [file join $libdir]]} {
return [file join $libdir]
# Not in usual places, go searching for tclsh...
set candshells [list]
if {[regsub -nocase wish $exec tclsh shell]} {
lappend candshells $shell
lappend candshells tclsh[package provide Tcl]
lappend candshells tclsh[join [split [package provide Tcl] .] ""] foreach shell $candshells {
set shell [auto_execok $shell]
if {[string length $shell]} {
set cf [RelToExec $shell]
if {[file readable $cf]} {
return $cf
return -code error " not found"
puts [ FindTclConfig ]