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<title>mod_dtcl tcl commands</title>
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<h2 align="center">mod_dtcl specific Tcl commands and variables</h2>
<code><b>buffer_add <i>string</i></b></code><br>
Add text to output_buffer for later printing. Used
<code><b>hputs <i>?-error? text</i></b></code><br>
The mod_dtcl version of "puts". Outputs to the
client, instead of to stdout.
The error option permits you to send an 'error message' to the
apache log file, at the NOTICE level.
<li><code><b>var</b></code><br> These commands retrieve or
retrieve information about "CGI" variables that are passed to
the dtcl script via GET or POST operations.
<code><b>var get <i>varname</i></b></code><br> Returns the
value of variable 'varname' as a string (even if there are
multiple values).
<code><b>var list <i>varname</i></b></code><br>
Returns the value of variable 'varname' as a list, if there
are multiple values.
<code><b>var exists <i>varname</i></b></code><br>
Returns 1 if <i>varname</i> exists, 0 if it doesn't.
<code><b>var number</b></code><br>
Returns the number of variables.
<code><b>var all</b></code><br>
Return a list of variable names and values.
<li><code><b>upload</b></code><br> These commands retrieve or
retrieve information about files that have been uploaded to
the server. They replace the <code>UPLOAD</code> variable.
<code><b>upload get <i>varname</i> channel</b></code><br>
Returns a Tcl channel that can be used to access the uploaded file.
<code><b>upload get <i>varname</i> save <i>name</i></b></code><br>
Moves the uploaded file to the give name.
<code><b>upload get <i>varname</i> data</b></code><br>
Returns data uploaded to the server. This is binary clean.
<code><b>upload info <i>varname</i> exists</b></code><br>
Returns 1 if the variable exists, 0 if not.
<code><b>upload info <i>varname</i> size</b></code><br>
Returns the size of the file uploaded.
<code><b>upload info <i>varname</i> type</b></code><br>If the
Content-type is set, it is returned, otherwise, an empty
<code><b>upload info <i>varname</i> filename</b></code><br>
Returns the filename on the remote host that uploaded the file.
<code><b>upload names</b></code><br> Returns the variable
names, as a list, of all the files uploaded.
<code><b>hgetvars</b></code><br> Get environmental, and Cookie
variables. This is in a seperate command so as not to make the
server do this every time you load a .ttml file. <code>ENVS</code> and
<code>COOKIES</code> are the associative arrays created. <code>ENVS</code> contains
environmental variables, and <code>COOKIES</code> contains any cookies
recieved from the client.
<code><b>include <i>filename</i></b></code><br>
Include a file without parsing it. This is the best
way to include an HTML file or any other static content.
<code><b>parse <i>filename</i></b></code><br>
"Source" a .ttml file. This is the way to include
other .ttml files.
Flush the output buffers to the client. Use this if
you want to incrementally update a page.
<code><b>headers redirect <i>uri</i></b></code><br>
Redirect from the current page to a new
URI. <b>Must</b> be done in the first block of TCL code.
<code><b>headers setcookie <i>-name cookie-name
-value cookie-value ?-expires date/time? ?-domain domain?
?-path path? ?-secure?</i></b></code><br>
This command is for setting cookies. Cookie-name is
the name of the cookie, cookie-value is the data
associated with the variable. Expires sets an
expiration date for the cookie, and must be in the
format 'DD-Mon-YY HH:MM:SS', path sets the path for
which the cookie is valid, and secure specifies that
the cookie is only to be transmitted if the connection
is secure (HTTPS).
<code><b>headers type
This command sets the "Content-type:" header returned
by the script, which is useful if you wish to create a
PNG (image), for example, with mod_dtcl.
<code><b>headers set <i>headername value</i></b></code><br>
Set arbitrary header names and values.
<code><b>makeurl <i>filename</i></b></code><br>
Create a self referencing URL from a filename. For example:
<code>makeurl /tclp.gif</code> returns
Prints information on the internals of the module in
HTML. Currently, only the PID and size of the object
cache are reported.
Note that these variables may be lists if more than one file
is uploaded at a time.<br>
The filename of the uploaded file.<br>
The form variable name of the upload.<br>
The size of the uploaded file.<br>
The content type of the file upload. <i>Not always available!</i><br>
<code><b>$::request::UPLOAD(channelname)</b></code><br> The
name of a Tcl channel which may be used to manipulate the
uploaded file. If Dtcl_UploadFilesToVar is set, this
variable doesn't get created. If no file is passed to the
server, this variable does not exist! Be sure to check for
Contents of the uploaded file, if Dtcl_UploadFilesToVar is