Merge stable branch from trunk

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6240c35
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+Welcome to Apache Tashi!
+This text will show you how to get set up quickly, and then will touch 
+on how to configure additional functionality.
+The audience for this document is someone with skills in the following areas:
+   * Creating disk images for mass installation
+   * Networking, bridging and bonding
+You must be able to properly create and maintain disk images that newly 
+created virtual machines can boot from. This includes handling 
+installations of hardware drivers necessary to run in the virtualized 
+environment provided by Tashi.
+You must be able to properly handle connections to an existing network. 
+If you do not operate the network the virtual machines are to be 
+connected to, you must make arrangements with your network 
+administrators for permission to connect to their network, IP address 
+blocks, name service, DHCP and any other services necessary. The 
+instructions here reflect an environment commonly available within a 
+home network, i.e. a home router providing access to name service, NAT 
+to access the internet and a DHCP service that will hand out private 
+addresses without the need for prior reservations.
+The hardware demands for an installation of Tashi are extremely modest, 
+but a Tashi cluster can grow to a large size. This installation document 
+will first demonstrate a Tashi setup in a virtual machine on a 2007 era 
+Macbook Pro.
+If you already have an existing set of physical machines, you can choose 
+one now to host the cluster manager and the scheduler. You can follow 
+the instructions on how to install Tashi on a single machine, then 
+continue on with suggestions on how to deploy additional nodes.
+---+ Installation on a single host
+An installation on a single host will run the cluster manager, the 
+primitive scheduler agent and a node manager. Install Linux on this 
+machine, add the KVM virtualization packages and prepare the networking 
+on the host to connect virtual machines.
+---++ Sample fulfillment of prerequisites
+For example, once you have logged into the machine as root, do the 
+following to create the bridge your newly created virtual machines will 
+connect to. You should be connected via console because you may lose 
+your network connection if you aren't very careful here. Refer to your 
+distribution's instructions on how to make this configuration permanent.
+# create a network bridge for the default network
+brctl addbr br0
+# set the bridge's hello and forward delay to 1 second
+brctl setfd br0 1
+brctl sethello br0 1
+# disconnect eth0 from the network, attach it to the bridge and
+# obtain an address for the bridge
+ifdown eth0;ifconfig eth0;brctl addif br0 eth0;dhclient br0
+# create a script /etc/qemu-ifup.0 which will allow virtual machines
+# to be attached to the default network (0).
+cat /etc/qemu-ifup.0
+/sbin/ifconfig $1 up
+/sbin/brctl addif br0 $1
+exit 0
+# Ensure the script has execute permissions
+chmod 700 /etc/qemu-ifup.0
+If you don't have RPyC version 3.1 installed, download a copy from
+ and install it.
+Prepare a virtual machine image in qcow2 format for Tashi to deploy. You 
+can create this with practically any consumer or professional 
+virtualization system, by converting the resulting disk image via 
+qemu-img. Note that operating systems from Redmond only tend to install 
+a minimal amount of hardware drivers, and deployment could fail because 
+the necessary drivers aren't on the disk image. Search online for a 
+virtual driver diskette providing virtio drivers for qemu, or other 
+drivers for the virtualization layer you select. Linux and BSD VMs 
+should be fine. For this installation, the default Tashi configuration 
+will look for images in /tmp/images
+---++ Installation of Tashi code
+If you are reading this, you will already have obtained a distribution 
+of the code. Go to the top level directory of Tashi and create a 
+destination directory for the code base:
+DISCLAIMER  doc/  etc/  LICENSE  Makefile  NOTICE  README  src/
+mkdir /usr/local/tashi
+Move the Tashi code to the directory you created
+mv * /usr/local/tashi
+Create Tashi executables in /usr/local/tashi/bin
+cd /usr/local/tashi
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi# make
+Symlinking in clustermanager...
+Symlinking in nodemanager...
+Symlinking in tashi-client...
+Symlinking in primitive...
+Symlinking in zoni-cli...
+Symlinking in Accounting server...
+If /usr/local/tashi/src is not included in the system's default path for 
+searching for python modules, ensure the environment variable PYTHONPATH 
+is set before using any Tashi executables.
+export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/tashi/src
+Start the cluster manager and populate the hosts and networks databases. 
+When defining the host, you must provide the name the host has been 
+given by the hostname command. If you plan on eventually having several 
+hosts and networks, feel free to add them now.
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# DEBUG=1 ./clustermanager
+2012-01-26 23:12:33,972 [./clustermanager:INFO] Using configuration file(s) ['/usr/local/tashi/etc/TashiDefaults.cfg']
+2012-01-26 23:12:33,972 [./clustermanager:INFO] Starting cluster manager
+Welcome to IPython. I will try to create a personal configuration directory
+where you can customize many aspects of IPython's functionality in:
+Initializing from configuration: /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/IPython/UserConfig
+Successful installation!
+Please read the sections 'Initial Configuration' and 'Quick Tips' in the
+IPython manual (there are both HTML and PDF versions supplied with the
+distribution) to make sure that your system environment is properly configured
+to take advantage of IPython's features.
+Important note: the configuration system has changed! The old system is
+still in place, but its setting may be partly overridden by the settings in 
+"~/.ipython/" config file. Please take a look at the file 
+if some of the new settings bother you. 
+Please press <RETURN> to start IPython.
+In [1]: from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import Host, HostState, Network
+In [2]: data.baseDataObject.hosts[1] = Host(d={'id':1,'name':'grml','state': HostState.Normal,'up':False})
+In [3]: data.baseDataObject.networks[1]=Network(d={'id':0,'name':'default'})
+In [4]:
+In [5]: import os
+In [6]: os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)
+Run the cluster manager in the background:
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# ./clustermanager &
+[1] 4289
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# 2012-01-25 07:53:43,177 [./clustermanager:INFO] Using configuration file(s) ['/usr/local/tashi/etc/TashiDefaults.cfg']
+2012-01-25 07:53:43,177 [./clustermanager:INFO] Starting cluster manager
+Run the node manager in the background. Note that the hostname must be 
+registered with the cluster manager, as shown above.
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# ./nodemanager &
+[2] 4293
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# 2012-01-25 07:53:59,348 [__main__:INFO] Using configuration file(s) ['/usr/local/tashi/etc/TashiDefaults.cfg', '/usr/local/tashi/etc/NodeManager.cfg']
+2012-01-25 07:53:59,392 [/usr/local/tashi/src/tashi/nodemanager/vmcontrol/] No VM information found in /var/tmp/VmControlQemu/
+2012-01-25 07:53:59,404 [/usr/local/tashi/src/tashi/nodemanager/vmcontrol/] Waiting for NM initialization
+Verify that the node is shown as being "Up".
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# ./tashi-client gethosts
+ id reserved name decayed up   state  version memory cores notes
+ 1  []       grml True    True Normal HEAD    233    1     None
+Start the primitive scheduling agent:
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# ./primitive &
+[3] 4312
+Verify that the cluster manager has full communication with the host. 
+When this has happened, decayed is False.
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# tashi-client gethosts
+ id reserved name decayed up   state  version memory cores notes
+ 1  []       grml False   True Normal HEAD    233    1     None 
+Check the presence of a disk image:
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# ls /tmp/images/
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# ./tashi-client getimages
+ id imageName                 imageSize
+ 0  debian-wheezy-amd64.qcow2 1.74G
+Create a VM with 1 core and 128 MB of memory using our disk image in 
+non-persistent mode:
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# ./tashi-client createVm --cores 1 
+--memory 128 --name wheezy --disks debian-wheezy-amd64.qcow2
+ id hostId name   user state   disk                      memory cores
+ 1  None   wheezy root Pending debian-wheezy-amd64.qcow2 128    1    
+2012-02-02 22:09:58,392 [./primitive:INFO] Scheduling instance wheezy (128 mem, 1 cores, 0 uid) on host grml
+2012-02-02 22:09:58,398 [/usr/local/tashi/src/tashi/nodemanager/vmcontrol/qemu.pyc:INFO] Executing command: /usr/bin/kvm   -clock dynticks -drive file=/tmp/images/debian-wheezy-amd64.qcow2,if=ide,index=0,cache=off,snapshot=on  -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:90:2a:9d,model=virtio,vlan=0 -net tap,ifname=tashi1.0,vlan=0,script=/etc/qemu-ifup.0  -m 128 -smp 1 -serial null -vnc none -monitor pty
+2012-02-02 22:09:58,412 [/usr/local/tashi/src/tashi/nodemanager/vmcontrol/qemu.pyc:INFO] Adding vmId 5472
+Verify the machine is running:
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# ./tashi-client getinstances
+ id hostId name   user state   disk                      memory cores
+ 1  1      wheezy root Running debian-wheezy-amd64.qcow2 128    1    
+After the machine had a chance to boot, find out what address it got. If 
+you have a DHCP server on your network, search the pool of addresses:
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# ifconfig br0
+br0       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0c:29:62:b3:76  
+          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
+          inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe62:b376/64 Scope:Link
+          RX packets:2622 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
+          TX packets:1598 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
+          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
+          RX bytes:730925 (713.7 KiB)  TX bytes:226530 (221.2 KiB)
+Find the MAC address given to the VM
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# ./tashi-client getmyinstances 
+--show-nics --hide-disk
+ id hostId name   user state   memory cores nics                                                    
+ 1  1      wheezy root Running 128    1     [{'ip': None, 'mac': '52:54:00:90:2a:9d', 'network': 0}]
+Look for that MAC address on the local network
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# arp-scan -I br0|grep 90:2a:9d
+Interface: br0, datalink type: EN10MB (Ethernet)
+Starting arp-scan 1.6 with 256 hosts (
+ 52:54:00:90:2a:9d       QEMU
+Log into the VM:
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# ssh root@
+The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
+RSA key fingerprint is af:f2:1a:3a:2b:7c:c3:3b:6a:04:4f:37:bb:75:16:58.
+Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
+Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
+root@'s password: 
+Linux debian 3.1.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Tue Jan 10 05:01:58 UTC 2012 x86_64
+The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
+the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
+individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
+Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
+permitted by applicable law.
+Last login: Thu Jan 19 15:06:22 2012 from login.cirrus.pdl.cmu.local
+debian:~# uname -a
+Linux debian 3.1.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Tue Jan 10 05:01:58 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
+debian:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
+processor       : 0
+vendor_id       : AuthenticAMD
+cpu family      : 6
+model           : 2
+model name      : QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.14.0
+stepping        : 3
+cpu MHz         : 2193.593
+cache size      : 512 KB
+fpu             : yes
+fpu_exception   : yes
+cpuid level     : 4
+wp              : yes
+flags           : fpu pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 syscall nx lm up nopl pni cx16 popcnt hypervisor lahf_lm svm abm sse4a
+bogomips        : 4387.18
+TLB size        : 1024 4K pages
+clflush size    : 64
+cache_alignment : 64
+address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
+power management:
+debian:~# perl -e 'print "My new VM!\n";'
+My new VM!
+debian:~# halt
+Broadcast message from root@debian (pts/0) (Wed Jan 25 02:01:43 2012):
+The system is going down for system halt NOW!
+debian:~# Connection to closed by remote host.
+Connection to closed.
+2012-02-02 22:18:35,662 [/usr/local/tashi/src/tashi/nodemanager/vmcontrol/qemu.pyc:INFO] Removing vmId 5472 because it is no longer running
+2012-02-02 22:18:35,662 [/usr/local/tashi/src/tashi/nodemanager/vmcontrol/qemu.pyc:INFO] Removing any scratch for wheezy
+2012-02-02 22:18:36,461 [./primitive:INFO] VM exited: wheezy
+Verify the VM is no longer running:
+root@grml:/usr/local/tashi/bin# ./tashi-client getinstances
+ id hostId name user state disk memory cores
+You have now completed the simplest form of a Tashi install: a single 
+machine providing hosting, scheduling and management services. For 
+additional information on what you can do, please view the documentation 
+in the doc/ directory.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b790711..174defd 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -27,6 +27,15 @@
 all: bin src/utils/nmd src/tags doc/html aws
 	@echo Done
+	@echo "Building package in apache-tashi.tar.gz"
+	rm -rf apache-tashi.tar.gz apache-tashi
+	mkdir apache-tashi
+	cp -rp doc etc Makefile src DISCLAIMER INSTALL LICENSE NOTICE README apache-tashi/
+	find apache-tashi -type d -name ".svn"|xargs rm -rf
+	tar zcf apache-tashi.tar.gz apache-tashi
+	rm -rf apache-tashi
 doc: rmdoc doc/html
 	@echo Done
@@ -35,7 +44,7 @@
 	@echo Done
-	sed -i "s/version = .*/version = \"`date`\"/" src/tashi/
+	sed -i "s/version = .*/version = \"`date +%Y-%m-%d`\"/" src/tashi/
 aws: src/tashi/aws/wsdl/ src/tashi/aws/wsdl/
@@ -51,49 +60,48 @@
 	if test -e src/tashi/aws/wsdl/2009-04-04.ec2.wsdl; then echo Removing aws...; rm -f src/tashi/aws/wsdl/2009-04-04.ec2.wsdl; rm -f src/tashi/aws/wsdl/AmazonEC2_*.py; fi
-# Implicit builds
-# src/utils/nmd: src/utils/Makefile src/utils/nmd.c
-#	@echo Building nmd...
-#	(cd src/utils; make)
-#	ln -s ../src/utils/nmd ./bin/nmd
 src/utils/nmd: src/utils/
-	ln -s ../src/utils/ ./bin/
+	ln -s ../src/utils/ ./bin/nmd
 #	if test -e src/utils/nmd; then echo Removing nmd...; (cd src/utils; make clean); rm -f bin/nmd; fi
-	echo Removing nmd...; rm -f bin/
+	echo Removing nmd...; rm -f bin/nmd
-bin: bindir bin/ bin/ bin/ bin/ bin/
+bin: bindir bin/clustermanager bin/nodemanager bin/tashi-client bin/primitive bin/zoni-cli bin/accounting
 	if test ! -d bin; then mkdir bin; fi
-rmbin: rmclustermanager rmnodemanager rmtashi-client rmprimitive rmzoni-cli
+rmbin: rmclustermanager rmnodemanager rmtashi-client rmprimitive rmzoni-cli rmaccounting
 	if test -d bin; then rmdir bin; fi
 	if test ! -e bin/getInstances; then (echo "Generating client symlinks..."; cd bin; PYTHONPATH=../src ../src/tashi/client/ --makesyms); fi
 	if test -e bin/getInstances; then (echo Removing client symlinks...; cd bin; PYTHONPATH=../src ../src/tashi/client/ --rmsyms; cd ..); fi
-bin/ src/tashi/clustermanager/
+bin/accounting: src/tashi/accounting/
+	@echo Symlinking in Accounting server...
+	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/accounting/ accounting)
+	if test -e bin/accounting; then echo Removing Accounting server symlink...; rm bin/accounting; fi
+bin/clustermanager: src/tashi/clustermanager/
 	@echo Symlinking in clustermanager...
-	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/clustermanager/ .)
+	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/clustermanager/ clustermanager)
-	if test -e bin/; then echo Removing clustermanager symlink...; rm bin/; fi
-bin/ src/tashi/nodemanager/
+	if test -e bin/clustermanager; then echo Removing clustermanager symlink...; rm bin/clustermanager; fi
+bin/nodemanager: src/tashi/nodemanager/
 	@echo Symlinking in nodemanager...
-	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/nodemanager/ .)
+	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/nodemanager/ nodemanager)
-	if test -e bin/; then echo Removing nodemanager symlink...; rm bin/; fi
-bin/ src/tashi/agents/
+	if test -e bin/nodemanager; then echo Removing nodemanager symlink...; rm bin/nodemanager; fi
+bin/primitive: src/tashi/agents/
 	@echo Symlinking in primitive...
-	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/agents/ .)
+	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/agents/ primitive)
-	if test -e bin/; then echo Removing primitve-agent symlink...; rm bin/; fi
+	if test -e bin/primitive; then echo Removing primitve-agent symlink...; rm bin/primitive; fi
 	@echo Symlinking in tashi-client...
-	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/client/ .)
+	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/client/ tashi-client)
-	if test -e bin/; then echo Removing tashi-client symlink...; rm bin/; fi
+	if test -e bin/tashi-client; then echo Removing tashi-client symlink...; rm bin/tashi-client; fi
 	@echo Generating tags...
 	(cd src; ctags-exuberant -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -f ./tags .)
@@ -107,14 +115,15 @@
 	if test -d doc/html; then echo Removing HTML docs...; rm -rf ./doc/html; fi
 #  Zoni 
 	@echo Symlinking in zoni-cli...
-	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/zoni/client/ .)
+	(cd bin; ln -s ../src/zoni/client/zoni-cli .)
+# why necessarily put this in /usr/local/bin like nothing else?
 	@echo Creating /usr/local/bin/zoni
 	(echo '#!/bin/bash\nPYTHONPATH=$(shell pwd)/src $(shell pwd)/bin/ $$*' > /usr/local/bin/zoni; chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/zoni)
-	if test -e bin/; then echo Removing zoni-cli symlink...; rm bin/; fi
+	if test -e bin/zoni-cli; then echo Removing zoni-cli symlink...; rm bin/zoni-cli; fi
 	if test -e /usr/local/bin/zoni; then echo Removing zoni...; rm /usr/local/bin/zoni; fi
 ## for now only print warnings having to do with bad indentation. pylint doesn't make it easy to enable only 1,2 checks
diff --git a/NOTICE b/NOTICE
index bf1c1c8..f444b9a 100644
--- a/NOTICE
+++ b/NOTICE
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Apache Tashi
-Copyright 2008-2011 The Apache Software Foundation
+Copyright 2008-2012 The Apache Software Foundation
 This product includes software developed at
 The Apache Software Foundation (
diff --git a/doc/DEVELOPMENT b/doc/DEVELOPMENT
index 8729da0..32d1b20 100644
@@ -1,16 +1,10 @@
 Current goals:
-   * integrate bug fixes from Tashi sites into SVN.
-   * Tashi is working well for us developers, so we should fork
-     a stable version as beta release. Xen startup was problematic
-     as of September, so advise on caveats there. Probably not include
-     Zoni for now.
+   * Add more hardware support for Zoni.
+   * Add virtual hardware to Zoni to allow users to
+      add support for their own hardware?
 Future goals:
-   * How should Tashi accounting be done? Database entries or
-     flat files?
-   * Support host auto-registration, but only by affirmative option.
    * Consider using libraries like libcloud to abstract VMM interactions.
-   * Add more hardware support for Zoni.
 Other ideas:
    * Make available a console aggregator for user's VMs.
diff --git a/doc/INSTALL2 b/doc/INSTALL2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66ad7dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/INSTALL2
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+---+ Installation on additional hosts
+To add additional hosts to the Apache Tashi cluster, they should be 
+installed to satisfy the prerequisites as described in the main 
+installation document. However, only the node manager will have to be 
+launched on these hosts. There should be only one cluster manager and 
+scheduling agent in the cluster.
+You must register the host's hostname with the clustermanager, as shown 
+in the main installation document.
+You can then start the node manager manually, or have it start from the 
+system initialization scripts.
+---+ Deployment over multiple networks
+To add additional networks to the Apache Tashi cluster, they should be 
+brought to the hosts as VLAN network interfaces, attached to software 
+bridges. The new network will have to be registered with the cluster 
+manager, as detailed in the main installation document. Scheduling of 
+virtual machines is open over the cluster, so each host needs to provide 
+access to the same networks.
+Generally, your network switch will have to be configured to send 
+packets "tagged" with the VLAN identifiers for all networks that the 
+cluster is to host virtual machines on.
+This can be automatically done on start up. For example, a stanza from 
+/etc/network/interfaces that configures a bridge for VLAN 11, using 
+jumbo frames, will look like this:
+auto br11
+iface br11 inet manual
+  mtu 9000
+  bridge_ports eth0.11
+  bridge_fd 1
+  bridge_hello 1
+  up ifconfig eth0.11 mtu 9000
+The corresponding /etc/qemu-ifup.11 looks like this:
+/sbin/ifconfig $1 up mtu 9000
+/sbin/brctl addif br11 $1
+exit 0
+Note that the entire path of a network connection must be configured to 
+use jumbo frames, if the virtual machines are to use them.
+---+ Accounting server
+An accounting server is available in the distribution. It will log 
+events from the cluster manager and node managers, as well as obtain 
+periodic state from the cluster manager on what virtual machines are 
+running. It can be started by running "accounting" from the binaries 
+directory, and then starting the cluster services.
diff --git a/doc/RELEASES b/doc/RELEASES
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..978834d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/RELEASES
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+---+ Apache Tashi release policy
+This document is based on the draft incubator release management 
+document available at 
+---++ Apache RAT testing
+You could use Apache RAT to examine for any problems like required files 
+which are missing, or which ones don't include an Apache header.
+To run RAT, obtain the binary release of Apache RAT, untar it and run 
+java -jar apache-rat-0.8/apache-rat-0.8.jar <top directory>
+---++ Uploading artifacts
+---+++ Distribution
+The destination for an artifact is . 
+This location is accessible at /www/ 
+---+++ Mirroring
+Releases must be mirrored. Checksums, KEYS, signatures are mirrored too. 
+Per the release signing guide, the mirrored copies of these files are 
+non-authoritative. In-site links must point to the originals on
+---+++ Archiving
+All releases must be archived for future reference. Archives are stored 
+under This archiving 
+happens automatially for all artifacts in
+Old releases should be removed from 
+The release will then only remain on the archive server.
+---+++ Permissions
+All files should be owned by the "incubator" group. Permissions should 
+be <user>:incubator 664, or <user>:incubator 775 respectively for 
+---+++ Checksums and signatures
+The KEYS file should contain the public keys for code signers. The 
+private key needs to be kept safe. Code-signing keys should be linked to 
+the Apache web of trust.
+---+++ Modifications
+Uploaded artifacts must never be modified. Excluded from this policy are 
+README's, NOTES, KEYS and the like.
+---++ Distribution checklist
+   * Destination:
+   * umask 022
+   * group owner is "incubator"
+   * Checksums and signatures match to artifact
+   * Old release archived
+   * Links to KEYS, signatures and checksums point to
+   * Package into .tar.gz
+---++ Dealing with defects
+Uploaded artifacts must never be modified (repeat). A new numbered 
+release should be generated. (Assume this will require a vote)
+Serious defects may call for a release withdrawal by archiving, 
+announcement on the mailing lists and adding a notice to the download 
+---++ Release checklist
+   * Packages:
+      * Artifacts unpack correctly?
+      * Documentation is readable?
+      * For distributed libraries:
+         * Licenses are included, along with NOTICEs?
+         * Licenses comply with incubator policy?
+         * LICENSE and NOTICE contain required sections?
+         * Crypto code satisfies export regulations?
+      * Copyright notices:
+         * Source files include license boilerplate?
+         * Source files with licenses not in LICENSE?
+         * Check policy on header file compliance?
+      * Incubator requirements:
+         * DISCLAIMER included?
+         * Check legal STATUS document?
+      * Source package:
+         * Build instructions exist and work?
+         * License headers applied correctly?
+         * Version control cruft cleaned?
+      * Keys:
+         * KEYS file contains proper signing keys?
+         * Signing key is available on public keyservers?
+      * Version control:
+         * Release was built from specific tag?
+         * Tag named "APACHE_TASHI_<version>"?
+      * Miscellaneous:
+         * Deprecations, incompatibilities documented in RELEASE_NOTES?
+---++ Naming
+The release should be named apache-tashi-<version>-incubating. <version> 
+should be a six-digit year-and-month, optionally followed by a period 
+and number in case of bug fixes applied to the base version.
+---++ Guidelines
+In case of need for additional guidance, the following mailing lists are 
+   * legal-discuss: for licensing issues
+   * infrastructure-issues: for issues pertaining to release infrastructure
+---++ Announcements
+Announce releases via address. Announcements should be plain
+text signed.
+---++ Release procedure
+Releases must be approved by Incubator PMC.
+A release should first be proposed to the PPMC. The proposal should include:-
+   * Link to release candidate artifact (in apache home directory)
+   * Link to tag from which the release was built
+Should the PPMC vote pass, call for a vote on 
+Additionally to the above provide a link to the PPMC voting thread.
+Remove release candidate artifacts on conclusion of voting.
+---++ Invocation
+Oh god...
diff --git a/etc/Accounting.cfg b/etc/Accounting.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b7d603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/Accounting.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+service = tashi.accounting.AccountingService
+port = 2228
+pollSleep = 600
+class = FileHandler
+level = NOTSET
+formatter = standardFormatter
+args = ("/var/log/accounting.log",)
+#keys = consoleHandler,publisherHandler,fileHandler
+keys = consoleHandler,fileHandler
+keys = root
+level = DEBUG
+#handlers = consoleHandler,publisherHandler,fileHandler,syslogHandler
+handlers = fileHandler
+propagate = 1
diff --git a/etc/Agent.cfg b/etc/Agent.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88762ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/Agent.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+class = FileHandler
+level = NOTSET
+formatter = standardFormatter
+args = ("/var/log/agent.log",)
+#keys = consoleHandler,publisherHandler,fileHandler
+keys = consoleHandler,fileHandler
+keys = root
+level = DEBUG
+#handlers = consoleHandler,publisherHandler,fileHandler,syslogHandler
+handlers = consoleHandler,fileHandler
+propagate = 1
diff --git a/etc/NodeManager.cfg b/etc/NodeManager.cfg
index fc65920..a47bccf 100644
--- a/etc/NodeManager.cfg
+++ b/etc/NodeManager.cfg
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 propagate = 1
-prefix = /dfs
+prefix = /tmp
 vmNamePrefix = tashi
@@ -75,10 +75,11 @@
 port = 9883
 registerHost = False
 registerFrequency = 10.0
-infoFile = /var/tmp/nm.dat
 clusterManagerHost = localhost ; Clustermanager hostname
 clusterManagerPort = 9882
 statsInterval = 0.0
+;accountingHost = clustermanager
+;accountingPort = 2228
 ;bind = ; not supported (Thrift is missing support to specify what to bind to!)
diff --git a/etc/TashiDefaults.cfg b/etc/TashiDefaults.cfg
index 94a8c93..fd034eb 100644
--- a/etc/TashiDefaults.cfg
+++ b/etc/TashiDefaults.cfg
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
 maxMemory = 8192
 maxCores = 8
 allowDuplicateNames = False
+;accountingHost = clustermanager
+;accountingPort = 2228
 ;bind = ; not supported (Thrift is missing support to specify what to bind to!)
@@ -87,6 +89,10 @@
 uri = mysql://root@clustermanager/tashi
 password = changeme
+# Accounting portion
+publisher = tashi.messaging.GangliaPublisher
 # NodeManger portion
 dfs = tashi.dfs.Vfs
@@ -100,7 +106,6 @@
 port = 9883
 registerHost = False
 registerFrequency = 10.0
-infoFile = /var/tmp/nm.dat
 # Clustermanger hostname
 clusterManagerHost = localhost 
 clusterManagerPort = 9882
@@ -108,7 +113,7 @@
 ;bind = ; not supported (Thrift is missing support to specify what to bind to!)
-qemuBin = /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64
+qemuBin = /usr/bin/kvm
 infoDir = /var/tmp/VmControlQemu/
 pollDelay = 1.0
 migrationRetries = 10
@@ -130,7 +135,7 @@
-prefix = /dfs
+prefix = /tmp
 host = localityserverhostname
@@ -149,12 +154,12 @@
 publisher = tashi.messaging.GangliaPublisher
-hook1 = tashi.agents.DhcpDns
+#hook1 = tashi.agents.DhcpDns
 scheduleDelay = 2.0
 densePack = False
-hook1 = tashi.agents.DhcpDns
+#hook1 = tashi.agents.DhcpDns
 refreshTime = 5
 authuser = changeme
 authkey = 1111
diff --git a/scripts/create b/scripts/create
deleted file mode 100755
index 4127a98..0000000
--- a/scripts/create
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.    
-if [[ $# -ne 4 ]]; then
-	echo "create <name> <type> <image> <persistent>"
-	mac=`echo $((RANDOM%256)) $((RANDOM%256)) $((RANDOM%256)) | awk '{printf("%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x", $1, $2, $3)}'`
-	echo ./bin/createVm "Instance(d={'name':'$1','type':$2,'disks':[DiskConfiguration(d={'uri':'$3','persistent':$4})],'nics':[NetworkConfiguration(d={'network':2,'mac':'52:54:00:$mac'})], 'hints':{'display':'True'}})"
-	./bin/createVm "Instance(d={'name':'$1','type':$2,'disks':[DiskConfiguration(d={'uri':'$3','persistent':$4})],'nics':[NetworkConfiguration(d={'network':2,'mac':'52:54:00:$mac'})], 'hints':{'display':'True'}})"
diff --git a/scripts/demo-yahoo-08-14-08 b/scripts/demo-yahoo-08-14-08
deleted file mode 100755
index 9519fde..0000000
--- a/scripts/demo-yahoo-08-14-08
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.    
-export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/src/
-echo "Creating small VMs..."
-for h in `seq -w 1 ${NUM}`; do
-	echo "Creating VM #${h}..."
-	INFO=`./create 1 $h 2>/dev/null | grep "[ \t]id:"`
-	if [[ ${BASEID} -eq 0 ]]; then
-		BASEID=`echo ${INFO} | sed 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\).*/\1/'`
-	fi
-echo "Small VMs created"
-echo "Waiting for startup..."
-while [[ true ]]; do
-	PASS="True"
-	for h in `cat ~/hosts/vms.txt`; do
-		HN=`ssh root@bd.${h} "hostname 2> /dev/null" 2> /dev/null | cut -c -2`
-		if [[ "${HN}" != "vm" ]]; then
-			PASS="False"
-		fi
-	done
-	if [[ "${PASS}" == "True" ]]; then
-		break
-	fi
-	sleep 1
-echo "Waiting finished"
-echo "Starting work on small VMs..."
-for h in `cat ~/hosts/vms.txt`; do
-	ssh root@bd.${h} "./run > /dev/null 2>&1" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
-echo "Creating large VM..."
-./create 2 11 > /dev/null 2>&1
-echo "Done creating large VM"
-while [[ true ]]; do
-	sleep 5
-	for h in `cat ~/hosts/vms.txt`; do
-		CNT=`ssh root@bd.${h} "ls /x/mryan3/cvm-out/*/*.txt 2> /dev/null | wc -l 2> /dev/null" 2> /dev/null`
-	done
-	echo "${COUNT}/64 work items completed..."
-	if [[ ${COUNT} -eq 64 ]]; then
-		break
-	fi
-echo "Work on small VMs completed"
-for i in `seq 1 ${NUM}`; do
-	wait
-echo "Collecting output from small VMs to the large VM..."
-ssh root@bd.${BIGNODE} ./gather > /dev/null 2>&1
-echo "Done collecting output"
-echo "Destroying small VMs..."
-for i in `seq 1 ${NUM}`; do
-	./bin/destroyVm $((i+BASEID-1)) > /dev/null 2>&1
-echo "Done destroying small VMs"
-echo "Doing work on large VM..."
-ssh root@bd.${BIGNODE} ./build > /dev/null 2>&1 &
-while [[ true ]]; do
-	sleep 2
-	SIZE=`ssh root@bd.${BIGNODE} "du -hs ./out.e 2> /dev/null | awk '{print "'$1'"}' 2> /dev/null" 2> /dev/null`
-	echo "${SIZE}/154M output data generated..."
-	if [[ "${SIZE}" == "154M" ]]; then
-		break
-	fi
-echo "Work on large VM complete"
-echo "Copying final output file to localhost..."
-scp root@bd.${BIGNODE}:./out.e /tmp/out.e
-echo "Copy complete"
-echo "Destroying large VM..."
-./bin/destroyVm $((11+BASEID-1)) > /dev/null 2>&1
-echo "Large VM destroyed"
-echo "Generating output image from etree..."
-(cd ~/local/src/mryan3/BigDatavis/src; ./util/draw_slice -d /tmp/out.e 0 0 0 512 0 0 0 512 0 512 512 /tmp/output.jpg > /dev/null 2>&1)
-echo "Image complete"
-qiv /tmp/output.jpg
diff --git a/scripts/mryan3-database-setup b/scripts/mryan3-database-setup
deleted file mode 100755
index 14324f8..0000000
--- a/scripts/mryan3-database-setup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.    
-./bin/addUser "User(d={'username':'mryan3'})"
-./bin/addPersistentImage "PersistentImage(d={'userId':1,'name':'i386-ubuntu.qcow'})"
-./bin/addInstanceConfiguration "InstanceConfiguration(d={'name':'i386-512','memory':512,'cores':1})"
-./bin/addHardDiskConfiguration "HardDiskConfiguration(d={'index':0,'persistentImageId':1,'persistent':False,'instanceConfigurationId':1})"
-./bin/addNetworkInterfaceConfiguration "NetworkInterfaceConfiguration(d={'index':0,'instanceConfigurationId':1})"
-./bin/addHost "Host(d={'hostname':'blade043'})"
-./bin/addHost "Host(d={'hostname':'blade044'})"
-./bin/addHost "Host(d={'hostname':'blade045'})"
-./bin/addHost "Host(d={'hostname':'blade074'})"
diff --git a/scripts/stress b/scripts/stress
deleted file mode 100755
index 623f52c..0000000
--- a/scripts/stress
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.    
-if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
-	VMS=$1
-	VMS=20
-#HOSTS=`./bin/getHosts | grep name | wc -l`
-echo "Hosts: ${HOSTS}"
-echo "Create:"
-for i in `seq -w 1 $VMS`; do
-	echo "./scripts/create 2 $i"
-	ID=`./scripts/create 2 $i | grep "id: " | awk '{print $2}'`
-	if [[ ${ID} -lt ${MID} ]]; then
-		MID=${ID}
-	fi
-echo "Wait:"
-while [[ true ]]; do
-	CNT=`./bin/getInstances | grep -c Running`
-	echo ${CNT}
-	if [[ ${CNT} -eq ${VMS} ]]; then
-		break
-	fi
-	sleep 1
-sleep 20
-echo "Migrate:"
-for i in `seq 0 $((VMS-1))`; do
-	echo "./bin/migrateVm $((MID+i)) $((((i+1)%HOSTS)+1))"
-	./bin/migrateVm $((MID+i)) $((((i+1)%HOSTS)+1)) > /dev/null &
-for i in `seq 0 $((VMS-1))`; do
-	wait
-echo "Wait:"
-while [[ true ]]; do
-	CNT=`./bin/getInstances | grep -c Running`
-	echo ${CNT}
-	if [[ ${CNT} -eq ${VMS} ]]; then
-		break
-	fi
-	sleep 1
-echo "Destroy:"
-for i in `seq 0 $((VMS-1))`; do
-	echo "./bin/destroyVm $((MID+i))"
-	./bin/destroyVm $((MID+i)) > /dev/null 2>&1 &
-for i in `seq 0 $((VMS-1))`; do
-	wait
-echo "Wait:"
-while [[ true ]]; do
-	CNT=`./bin/getInstances | wc -l`
-	echo ${CNT}
-	if [[ ${CNT} -eq 1 ]]; then
-		break
-	fi
-	sleep 1
diff --git a/scripts/tomer-database-setup b/scripts/tomer-database-setup
deleted file mode 100755
index 7fd718b..0000000
--- a/scripts/tomer-database-setup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.    
-./bin/addUser "User(d={'username':'administrator'})"
-./bin/addUser "User(d={'username':'tshiran'})"
-./bin/addUser "User(d={'username':'jcipar'})"
-./bin/addPersistentImage "PersistentImage(d={'userId':1,'name':'hardy-25G.img'})"
-./bin/addPersistentImage "PersistentImage(d={'userId':1,'name':'hardy-25G-pdl.img','parentId':1})"
-./bin/addPersistentImage "PersistentImage(d={'userId':2,'name':'hardy-25G-tshiran.img','parentId':2})"
-./bin/addPersistentImage "PersistentImage(d={'userId':3,'name':'hardy-25G-jcipar.img','parentId':2})"
-./bin/addPersistentImage "PersistentImage(d={'userId':2,'name':'hardy-25G-tshiran-hadoop.img','parentId':3})"
-./bin/addHost "Host(d={'hostname':'ss306'})"
-./bin/addHost "Host(d={'hostname':'ss308'})"
diff --git a/scripts/resume b/src/tashi/accounting/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 74%
rename from scripts/resume
rename to src/tashi/accounting/
index 54af567..2b198bb
--- a/scripts/resume
+++ b/src/tashi/accounting/
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-#! /bin/bash
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 # distributed with this work for additional information
@@ -17,4 +15,4 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.    
-./bin/resumeVm "Instance(d={'name':'foobar','type':$1,'disks':[DiskConfiguration(d={'uri':'i386-ubuntu.qcow','persistent':False})],'nics':[NetworkConfiguration(d={'network':2,'mac':'52:54:00:00:05:$2'})], 'hints':{'display':'True'}})" "\"$3\""
+from accountingservice import AccountingService
diff --git a/src/tashi/accounting/ b/src/tashi/accounting/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..93d2999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tashi/accounting/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.    
+import sys
+import signal
+import logging.config
+from tashi.rpycservices import rpycservices
+from rpyc.utils.server import ThreadedServer
+#from rpyc.utils.authenticators import TlsliteVdbAuthenticator
+#from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import *
+from tashi.util import getConfig, createClient, instantiateImplementation, boolean, debugConsole, signalHandler
+import tashi
+class Accounting(object):
+	def __init__(self, config, cmclient):
+		self.config = config
+ = cmclient
+		self.hooks = []
+		self.log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
+		items = self.config.items("Accounting")
+		items.sort()
+		for item in items:
+			(name, value) = item
+			name = name.lower()
+			if (name.startswith("hook")):
+				try:
+					self.hooks.append(instantiateImplementation(value, config, cmclient, False))
+				except:
+					self.log.exception("Failed to load hook %s" % (value))
+	def initAccountingServer(self):
+		service = instantiateImplementation(self.config.get("Accounting", "service"), self.config)
+		#if boolean(self.config.get("Security", "authAndEncrypt")):
+		if False:
+			pass
+		else:
+			t = ThreadedServer(service=rpycservices.ManagerService, hostname='', port=int(self.config.get('AccountingService', 'port')), auto_register=False)
+		t.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
+		t.service.service = service
+		t.service._type = 'AccountingService'
+		debugConsole(globals())
+		try:
+			t.start()
+		except KeyboardInterrupt:
+			self.handleSIGTERM(signal.SIGTERM, None)
+	@signalHandler(signal.SIGTERM)
+	def handleSIGTERM(self, signalNumber, stackFrame):
+'Exiting cluster manager after receiving a SIGINT signal')
+		sys.exit(0)
+def main():
+	(config, configFiles) = getConfig(["Accounting"])
+	publisher = instantiateImplementation(config.get("Accounting", "publisher"), config)
+	tashi.publisher = publisher
+	cmclient = createClient(config)
+	logging.config.fileConfig(configFiles)
+	accounting = Accounting(config, cmclient)
+	accounting.initAccountingServer()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()
diff --git a/src/tashi/accounting/ b/src/tashi/accounting/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1c035a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tashi/accounting/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.    
+import logging
+import threading
+import time
+from tashi import createClient
+class AccountingService(object):
+        """RPC service for the Accounting service"""
+        def __init__(self, config):
+            self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+            self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+	    self.config = config
+	    self.pollSleep = None
+	    # XXXstroucki new python has fallback values
+	    try:
+		    self.pollSleep = self.config.getint("AccountingService", "pollSleep")
+	    except:
+		    pass
+	    if self.pollSleep is None:
+		    self.pollSleep = 600
+   = createClient(config)
+            threading.Thread(target=self.__start).start()
+	# remote
+        def record(self, strings):
+            for string in strings:
+      "Remote: %s" % (string))
+        def __start(self):
+            while True:
+                try:
+                    instances =
+                    for instance in instances:
+                        # XXXstroucki this currently duplicates what the CM was doing.
+              'Accounting: id %d host %d vmId %d user %d cores %d memory %d' % (, instance.hostId, instance.vmId, instance.userId, instance.cores, instance.memory))
+                except:
+                    self.log.warning("Accounting iteration failed")
+                # wait to do the next iteration
+                time.sleep(self.pollSleep)
diff --git a/src/tashi/agents/ b/src/tashi/agents/
index f2d62b7..99ef702 100755
--- a/src/tashi/agents/
+++ b/src/tashi/agents/
@@ -17,16 +17,11 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.    
-from socket import gethostname
-import os
-import socket
-import sys
-import threading
 import time
-import random
 import logging.config
-from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import *
+from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import Errors, HostState, InstanceState, TashiException
 from tashi.util import getConfig, createClient, instantiateImplementation, boolean
 import tashi
@@ -274,10 +269,10 @@
 					# end for unassigned vms
-			except TashiException, e:
+			except TashiException:
 				self.log.exception("Tashi exception")
-			except Exception, e:
+			except Exception:
 				self.log.warning("Scheduler iteration failed")
diff --git a/src/tashi/client/ b/src/tashi/client/
index 9060270..f36e719 100755
--- a/src/tashi/client/
+++ b/src/tashi/client/
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@
 'getSlots': (getSlots, None),
 'getImages': (None, ['id', 'imageName', 'imageSize']), 
 'copyImage': (None, None), 
+'createVm': (None, ['id', 'hostId', 'name', 'user', 'state', 'disk', 'memory', 'cores']),
 'createMany': (createMany, ['id', 'hostId', 'name', 'user', 'state', 'disk', 'memory', 'cores']),
 'destroyMany': (destroyMany, None),
 'getVmLayout': (getVmLayout, ['id', 'name', 'state', 'instances', 'usedMemory', 'memory', 'usedCores', 'cores']),
@@ -575,7 +576,8 @@
 				if (type(res) == types.ListType):
 					makeTable(res, keys)
-					pprint(res)
+					makeTable([res], keys)
 			except IOError:
 			except Exception, e:
diff --git a/src/tashi/clustermanager/ b/src/tashi/clustermanager/
index 4cd8d0a..db61194 100755
--- a/src/tashi/clustermanager/
+++ b/src/tashi/clustermanager/
@@ -17,13 +17,9 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.    
-import os
 import sys
-import threading
 import signal
 import logging.config
-from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
-from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
 from tashi.util import signalHandler, boolean, instantiateImplementation, getConfig, debugConsole
 import tashi
diff --git a/src/tashi/clustermanager/ b/src/tashi/clustermanager/
index 76fdc73..284ffcb 100644
--- a/src/tashi/clustermanager/
+++ b/src/tashi/clustermanager/
@@ -15,15 +15,13 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.    
-from datetime import datetime
-from random import randint
-from socket import gethostname
 import logging
 import threading
 import time
+from tashi.rpycservices import rpycservices             
 from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import Errors, InstanceState, HostState, TashiException
-from tashi import boolean, convertExceptions, ConnectionManager, vmStates, timed, version, scrubString
+from tashi import boolean, ConnectionManager, vmStates, version, scrubString
 class ClusterManagerService(object):
 	"""RPC service for the ClusterManager"""
@@ -42,6 +40,7 @@
 		self.dfs = dfs
 		self.convertExceptions = boolean(config.get('ClusterManagerService', 'convertExceptions'))
 		self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+		self.log.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
 		self.hostLastContactTime = {}
 		#self.hostLastUpdateTime = {}
 		self.instanceLastContactTime = {}
@@ -51,27 +50,96 @@
 		self.maxMemory = int(self.config.get('ClusterManagerService', 'maxMemory'))
 		self.maxCores = int(self.config.get('ClusterManagerService', 'maxCores'))
 		self.allowDuplicateNames = boolean(self.config.get('ClusterManagerService', 'allowDuplicateNames'))
-		now = self.__now()
+		self.accountingHost = None
+		self.accountingPort = None
+		try:
+			self.accountingHost = self.config.get('ClusterManagerService', 'accountingHost')
+			self.accountingPort = self.config.getint('ClusterManagerService', 'accountingPort')
+		except:
+			pass
+		self.__initAccounting()
+		self.__initCluster()
+		threading.Thread(target=self.__monitorCluster).start()
+	def __initAccounting(self):
+		self.accountBuffer = []
+		self.accountLines = 0
+		self.accountingClient = None
+		try:
+			if (self.accountingHost is not None) and \
+				    (self.accountingPort is not None):
+				self.accountingClient=rpycservices.client(self.accountingHost, self.accountingPort)
+		except:
+			self.log.exception("Could not init accounting")
+	def __initCluster(self):
+		# initialize state of VMs if restarting
 		for instance in
 			instanceId =
 			instance =
 			instance.decayed = False
 			if instance.hostId is None:
-				self.stateTransition(instance, None, InstanceState.Pending)
+				self.__stateTransition(instance, None, InstanceState.Pending)
-				self.stateTransition(instance, None, InstanceState.Orphaned)
+				self.__stateTransition(instance, None, InstanceState.Orphaned)
+		# initialize state of hosts if restarting
 		for host in
 			hostId =
 			host =
 			host.up = False
 			host.decayed = False
-		threading.Thread(target=self.monitorCluster).start()
-	def stateTransition(self, instance, old, cur):
+	def __ACCOUNTFLUSH(self):
+		try:
+			if (self.accountingClient is not None):
+				self.accountingClient.record(self.accountBuffer)
+			self.accountLines = 0
+			self.accountBuffer = []
+		except:
+			self.log.exception("Failed to flush accounting data")
+	def __ACCOUNT(self, text, instance=None, host=None):
+		now = self.__now()
+		instanceText = None
+		hostText = None
+		if instance is not None:
+			try:
+				instanceText = 'Instance(%s)' % (instance)
+			except:
+				self.log.exception("Invalid instance data")
+		if host is not None:
+			try:
+				hostText = "Host(%s)" % (host)
+			except:
+				self.log.exception("Invalid host data")
+                secondary = ','.join(filter(None, (hostText, instanceText)))
+		line = "%s|%s|%s" % (now, text, secondary)
+		self.accountBuffer.append(line)
+		self.accountLines += 1
+		# XXXstroucki think about autoflush by time
+		if (self.accountLines > 0):
+			self.__ACCOUNTFLUSH()
+	def __stateTransition(self, instance, old, cur):
 		if (old and instance.state != old):
 			raise TashiException(d={'errno':Errors.IncorrectVmState,'msg':"VmState is not %s - it is %s" % (vmStates[old], vmStates[instance.state])})
 		if (instance.state == cur):
@@ -104,7 +172,7 @@
 			instance =
 			if instance.hostId ==
 				instance.decayed = True
-				self.stateTransition(instance, None, InstanceState.Orphaned)
+				self.__stateTransition(instance, None, InstanceState.Orphaned)
@@ -148,10 +216,16 @@
 		for hostId in self.hostLastContactTime.keys():
 			#self.log.warning("iterate %d" % hostId)
 			host =
-			if (self.hostLastContactTime[hostId] < (self.__now() - self.allowDecayed)):
+			# XXXstroucki: timing has changed with the message
+			# buffering in the NM, so this wasn't being run any-
+			# more because the time check was passing.
+			# I should think a bit more about this, but
+			# the "if True" is probably appropriate.
+			#if (self.hostLastContactTime[hostId] < (self.__now() - self.allowDecayed)):
+			if True:
 				host.decayed = True
-'Fetching state from host %s because it is decayed' % (
+				self.log.debug('Fetching state from host %s because it is decayed' % (
 				myInstancesThisHost = [i for i in myInstances.values() if i.hostId ==]
@@ -195,6 +269,15 @@
 		# iterate through all VMs I believe are active
 		for instanceId in self.instanceLastContactTime.keys():
+			# Don't query non-running VMs. eg. if a VM
+			# is suspended, and has no host, then there's
+			# no one to ask
+			if instance.state != InstanceState.Running and \
+			   instance.state != InstanceState.Activating and \
+			   instance.state != InstanceState.Orphaned:
+				continue
+			# XXXstroucki should lock instance here?
 			if (self.instanceLastContactTime[instanceId] < (self.__now() - self.allowDecayed)):
 					instance =
@@ -202,7 +285,7 @@
 				instance.decayed = True
-'Fetching state on instance %s because it is decayed' % (
+				self.log.debug('Fetching state on instance %s because it is decayed' % (
 				if instance.hostId is None: raise AssertionError
 				# XXXstroucki check if host is down?
@@ -225,21 +308,6 @@
-	def monitorCluster(self):
-		while True:
-			sleepFor = min(self.expireHostTime, self.allowDecayed)
-			try:
-				self.__checkHosts()
-				self.__checkInstances()
-			except:
-				self.log.exception('monitorCluster iteration failed')
-			#  XXXrgass too chatty.  Remove
-"Sleeping for %d seconds" % sleepFor)
-			time.sleep(sleepFor)
 	def normalize(self, instance): = None
 		instance.vmId = None
@@ -274,12 +342,14 @@
 		instance = self.normalize(instance)
 		instance =
+		self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM REQUEST", instance=instance)
 		return instance
 	def shutdownVm(self, instanceId):
 		instance =
-		self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Running, InstanceState.ShuttingDown)
+		self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Running, InstanceState.ShuttingDown)
+		self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM SHUTDOWN", instance=instance)
 		hostname =
@@ -291,14 +361,17 @@
 	def destroyVm(self, instanceId):
 		instance =
 		if (instance.state is InstanceState.Pending or instance.state is InstanceState.Held):
+			self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM DESTROY UNSTARTED", instance=instance)
 		elif (instance.state is InstanceState.Activating):
-			self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Activating, InstanceState.Destroying)
+			self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM DESTROY STARTING", instance=instance)
+			self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Activating, InstanceState.Destroying)
 			# XXXstroucki: This is a problem with keeping
 			# clean state.
-			self.stateTransition(instance, None, InstanceState.Destroying)
+			self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM DESTROY", instance=instance)
+			self.__stateTransition(instance, None, InstanceState.Destroying)
 			if instance.hostId is None:
@@ -316,8 +389,9 @@
 	def suspendVm(self, instanceId):
 		instance =
-		self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Running, InstanceState.Suspending)
+		self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Running, InstanceState.Suspending)
+		self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM SUSPEND", instance=instance)
 		hostname =
 		destination = "suspend/%d_%s" % (,
@@ -329,14 +403,16 @@
 	def resumeVm(self, instanceId):
 		instance =
-		self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Suspended, InstanceState.Pending)
+		self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Suspended, InstanceState.Pending)
 		source = "suspend/%d_%s" % (,
 		instance.hints['__resume_source'] = source
+		self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM RESUME", instance=instance)
 		return instance
 	def migrateVm(self, instanceId, targetHostId):
 		instance =
+		self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM MIGRATE", instance=instance)
 			# FIXME: should these be acquire/release host?
 			targetHost =
@@ -345,7 +421,7 @@
-		self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Running, InstanceState.MigratePrep)
+		self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Running, InstanceState.MigratePrep)
 			# Prepare the target
@@ -353,16 +429,16 @@
 			self.proxy[].prepSourceVm(instance.vmId)"migrateVm: Calling prepReceiveVm on target host %s" %
 			cookie = self.proxy[].prepReceiveVm(instance, sourceHost)
-		except Exception, e:
+		except Exception:
 			self.log.exception('prepReceiveVm failed')
 		instance =
-		self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.MigratePrep, InstanceState.MigrateTrans)
+		self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.MigratePrep, InstanceState.MigrateTrans)
 			# Send the VM
 			self.proxy[].migrateVm(instance.vmId, targetHost, cookie)
-		except Exception, e:
+		except Exception:
 			self.log.exception('migrateVm failed')
@@ -374,15 +450,16 @@
 			# Notify the target
 			vmId = self.proxy[].receiveVm(instance, cookie)
-		except Exception, e:
+		except Exception:
 			self.log.exception('receiveVm failed')
 	def pauseVm(self, instanceId):
 		instance =
-		self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Running, InstanceState.Pausing)
+		self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Running, InstanceState.Pausing)
+		self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM PAUSE", instance=instance)
 		hostname =
@@ -390,14 +467,15 @@
 			self.log.exception('pauseVm failed on host %s with vmId %d' % (hostname, instance.vmId))
 		instance =
-		self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Pausing, InstanceState.Paused)
+		self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Pausing, InstanceState.Paused)
 	def unpauseVm(self, instanceId):
 		instance =
-		self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Paused, InstanceState.Unpausing)
+		self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Paused, InstanceState.Unpausing)
+		self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM UNPAUSE", instance=instance)
 		hostname =
@@ -405,7 +483,7 @@
 			self.log.exception('unpauseVm failed on host %s with vmId %d' % (hostname, instance.vmId))
 		instance =
-		self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Unpausing, InstanceState.Running)
+		self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Unpausing, InstanceState.Running)
@@ -440,6 +518,7 @@
 	def vmmSpecificCall(self, instanceId, arg):
 		instance =
 		hostname =
+		self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM SPECIFIC CALL", instance=instance)
 			res = self.proxy[hostname].vmmSpecificCall(instance.vmId, arg)
 		except Exception:
@@ -466,8 +545,7 @@
 		if oldHost.up == False:
-		self.hostLastContactTime[] = time.time()
-		#self.hostLastUpdateTime[] = time.time()
+		self.hostLastContactTime[] = self.__now()
 		oldHost.version = host.version
 		oldHost.memory = host.memory
 		oldHost.cores = host.cores
@@ -479,10 +557,8 @@
 			oldHost.state = HostState.Normal
 		# let the host communicate what it is running
-		# XXXrgass - This is too chatty for the console, I think we should remove this.
-		# XXXstroucki - My install depends on this, but I output to log files. This should be handled by a separate accounting server in future.
+		# and note that the information is not stale
 		for instance in instances:
-'Accounting: id %d host %d vmId %d user %d cores %d memory %d' % (,, instance.vmId, instance.userId, instance.cores, instance.memory))
 			self.instanceLastContactTime.setdefault(, 0)
@@ -500,8 +576,9 @@
 			self.log.exception("Could not acquire instance")
-		self.instanceLastContactTime[instanceId] = time.time()
+		self.instanceLastContactTime[instanceId] = self.__now()
 		oldInstance.decayed = False
+		self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM UPDATE", instance=oldInstance)
 		if (instance.state == InstanceState.Exited):
 			# determine why a VM has exited
@@ -509,7 +586,7 @@
 			if (oldInstance.state not in [InstanceState.ShuttingDown, InstanceState.Destroying, InstanceState.Suspending]):
 				self.log.warning('Unexpected exit on %s of instance %s (vmId %d)' % (hostname,, oldInstance.vmId))
 			if (oldInstance.state == InstanceState.Suspending):
-				self.stateTransition(oldInstance, InstanceState.Suspending, InstanceState.Suspended)
+				self.__stateTransition(oldInstance, InstanceState.Suspending, InstanceState.Suspended)
 				oldInstance.hostId = None
 				oldInstance.vmId = None
@@ -552,13 +629,14 @@
 		instance =
+		self.__ACCOUNT("CM VM ACTIVATE", instance=instance)
 		if ('__resume_source' in instance.hints):
-			self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Pending, InstanceState.Resuming)
+			self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Pending, InstanceState.Resuming)
 			# XXXstroucki should held VMs be continually tried? Or be explicitly set back to pending?
-			#self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Pending, InstanceState.Activating)
-			self.stateTransition(instance, None, InstanceState.Activating)
+			#self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Pending, InstanceState.Activating)
+			self.__stateTransition(instance, None, InstanceState.Activating)
 		instance.hostId =
@@ -568,14 +646,14 @@
 				vmId = self.proxy[].resumeVm(instance, instance.hints['__resume_source'])
 				vmId = self.proxy[].instantiateVm(instance)
-		except Exception, e:
+		except Exception:
 			instance =
 			if (instance.state is InstanceState.Destroying): # Special case for if destroyVm is called during initialization and initialization fails
 				# XXXstroucki what can we do about pending hosts in the scheduler?
 				# put them at the end of the queue and keep trying?
-				self.stateTransition(instance, None, InstanceState.Held)
+				self.__stateTransition(instance, None, InstanceState.Held)
 				instance.hostId = None
 			return "failure"
@@ -594,7 +672,7 @@
 			if ('__resume_source' not in instance.hints):
 				# XXXstroucki should we just wait for NM to update?
-				#self.stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Activating, InstanceState.Running)
+				#self.__stateTransition(instance, InstanceState.Activating, InstanceState.Running)
@@ -606,9 +684,41 @@
               "Host %s is already registered, it was updated now" % hostname)
               "A host was registered - hostname: %s, version: %s, memory: %s, cores: %s" % (hostname, version, memory, cores))
+		try:
+			host =
+			self.__ACCOUNT("CM HOST REGISTER", host=host)
+		except:
+			self.log.warning("Failed to lookup host %s" % hostId)
                 return hostId
         def unregisterHost(self, hostId):
+		try:
+			host =
+			self.__ACCOUNT("CM HOST UNREGISTER", host=host)
+		except:
+			self.log.warning("Failed to lookup host %s" % hostId)
+			return
       "Host %s was unregistered" % hostId)
+	# service thread
+	def __monitorCluster(self):
+		while True:
+			sleepFor = min(self.expireHostTime, self.allowDecayed)
+			try:
+				self.__checkHosts()
+				self.__checkInstances()
+			except:
+				self.log.exception('monitorCluster iteration failed')
+			#  XXXrgass too chatty.  Remove
+			# XXXstroucki the risk is that a deadlock in obtaining
+			# data could prevent this loop from continuing.
+"Sleeping for %d seconds" % sleepFor)
+			time.sleep(sleepFor)
diff --git a/src/tashi/clustermanager/data/ b/src/tashi/clustermanager/data/
index 189c342..8511a07 100644
--- a/src/tashi/clustermanager/data/
+++ b/src/tashi/clustermanager/data/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 import os
 import ConfigParser
-from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import *
+from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import Host, Network, User, TashiException, Errors, HostState
 from import DataInterface
 class FromConfig(DataInterface):
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
 	def releaseInstance(self, instance):
 			if ( not in self.instances): # MPR: should never be true, but good to check
-				raise TashiException(d={'errno':Errors.NoSuchInstanceId,'msg':"No such instanceId - %d" % (instanceId)})
+				raise TashiException(d={'errno':Errors.NoSuchInstanceId,'msg':"No such instanceId - %d" % (})
diff --git a/src/tashi/clustermanager/data/ b/src/tashi/clustermanager/data/
index a74fb3e..b3a6e03 100644
--- a/src/tashi/clustermanager/data/
+++ b/src/tashi/clustermanager/data/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 import cPickle
 import os
 import threading
-from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import *
+from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import Instance, Host
 from import FromConfig, DataInterface
 class Pickled(FromConfig):
diff --git a/src/tashi/clustermanager/data/ b/src/tashi/clustermanager/data/
index 7a99226..64e5681 100644
--- a/src/tashi/clustermanager/data/
+++ b/src/tashi/clustermanager/data/
@@ -17,11 +17,9 @@
 import logging
 import threading
-import time
-import types
 # XXXstroucki getImages needs os?
 import os
-from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import *
+from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import Errors, Network, Host, User, Instance, TashiException, LocalImages, DiskConfiguration, NetworkConfiguration
 from import DataInterface
 from tashi.util import stringPartition, boolean, instantiateImplementation, humanReadable
@@ -45,7 +43,7 @@
 			self.password = self.config.get('SQL', 'password')
 			self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=self.password, db=db)
-			raise ValueException, 'Unknown SQL database engine by URI: %s' % (self.uri)
+			raise TashiException, 'Unknown SQL database engine by URI: %s' % (self.uri)
 		self.instanceOrder = ['id', 'vmId', 'hostId', 'decayed', 'state', 'userId', 'name', 'cores', 'memory', 'disks', 'nics', 'hints']
 		self.hostOrder = ['id', 'name', 'up', 'decayed', 'state', 'memory', 'cores', 'version']
@@ -319,7 +317,7 @@
 		for r in res:
 			if r[1] == hostname:
 				id = r[0]
-				print "Host %s already registered, update will be done" % id
+				self.log.warning("Host %s already registered, update will be done" % id)
 				s = ""
 				host = Host(d={'id': id, 'up': 0, 'decayed': 0, 'state': 1, 'name': hostname, 'memory':memory, 'cores': cores, 'version':version})
 				l = self.makeHostList(host)
diff --git a/src/tashi/ b/src/tashi/
index b2bcb15..5eeae6c 100644
--- a/src/tashi/
+++ b/src/tashi/
@@ -15,9 +15,8 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.    
-import rpyc
 from tashi.rpycservices import rpycservices
-from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import *
+#from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import *
 class ConnectionManager(object):
 	def __init__(self, username, password, port, timeout=10000.0):
diff --git a/src/tashi/dfs/ b/src/tashi/dfs/
index 383e363..d039335 100644
--- a/src/tashi/dfs/
+++ b/src/tashi/dfs/
@@ -27,52 +27,67 @@
 		DfsInterface.__init__(self, config)
 		self.prefix = self.config.get("Vfs", "prefix")
-# why do these three need to be separate?	
+	def __dfsToReal(self, dfspath):
+		realpath = os.path.join(self.prefix, dfspath)
+		return realpath
 	def copyTo(self, localSrc, dst):
-		shutil.copy(localSrc, os.path.join(self.prefix, dst))
-# just assuming this works
+		realdest = self.__dfsToReal(dst)
+		shutil.copy(localSrc, realdest)
+		# just assuming this works
 		return None
 	def copyFrom(self, src, localDst):
-		shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.prefix, src), localDst)
-# just assuming this works
+		realsrc = self.__dfsToReal(src)
+		shutil.copy(realsrc, localDst)
+		# just assuming this works
 		return None
 	def copy(self, src, dst):
-		shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.prefix, src),
-			    os.path.join(self.prefix, dst))
-# just assuming this works
+		realsrc = self.__dfsToReal(src)
+		realdst = self.__dfsToReal(dst)
+		shutil.copy(realsrc, realdst)
+		# just assuming this works
 		return None
 	def list(self, path):
-			return os.listdir(os.path.join(self.prefix, path))
+			realpath = self.__dfsToReal(path)
+			return os.listdir(realpath)
 		except OSError, e:
+			# XXXstroucki error 20 = ENOTDIR
 			if (e.errno == 20):
 				return [path.split('/')[-1]]
 	def stat(self, path):
-		return os.stat(os.path.join(self.prefix, path))
+		realpath = self.__dfsToReal(path)
+		return os.stat(realpath)
 	def move(self, src, dst):
-		shutil.move(os.path.join(self.prefix, src), 
-			    os.path.join(self.prefix, dst))
-# just assuming this works
+		realsrc = self.__dfsToReal(src)
+		realdst = self.__dfsToReal(dst)
+		shutil.move(realsrc, realdst)
+		# just assuming this works
 		return None
 	def mkdir(self, path):
-		return os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.prefix, path))
+		realpath = self.__dfsToReal(path)
+		return os.mkdir(realpath)
 	def unlink(self, path):
-		return os.unlink(os.path.join(self.prefix, path))
+		realpath = self.__dfsToReal(path)
+		return os.unlink(realpath)
 	def rmdir(self, path):
-		return os.rmdir(os.path.join(self.prefix, path))
+		realpath = self.__dfsToReal(path)
+		return os.rmdir(realpath)
 	def open(self, path, perm):
-		return open(os.path.join(self.prefix, path), perm)
+		realpath = self.__dfsToReal(path)
+		return open(realpath, perm)
 	def getLocalHandle(self, path):
-		return os.path.join(self.prefix, path)
+		realpath = self.__dfsToReal(path)
+		return realpath
diff --git a/src/tashi/nodemanager/ b/src/tashi/nodemanager/
index 166262d..66d2d5b 100755
--- a/src/tashi/nodemanager/
+++ b/src/tashi/nodemanager/
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 import sys
 from tashi.util import instantiateImplementation, getConfig, debugConsole, signalHandler
-from tashi import ConnectionManager
 import tashi
 from tashi import boolean
diff --git a/src/tashi/nodemanager/ b/src/tashi/nodemanager/
index 6ad86c7..c493ac9 100755
--- a/src/tashi/nodemanager/
+++ b/src/tashi/nodemanager/
@@ -15,17 +15,14 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.    
-import cPickle
 import logging
-import os
 import socket
-import sys
 import threading
 import time
-from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import Host, HostState, InstanceState, TashiException, Errors, Instance
-from tashi.nodemanager import RPC
-from tashi import boolean, vmStates, logged, ConnectionManager, timed
+from tashi.rpycservices import rpycservices
+from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import InstanceState, TashiException, Errors, Instance
+from tashi import boolean, vmStates, ConnectionManager
 import tashi
@@ -50,257 +47,150 @@
 		self.log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
 		self.convertExceptions = boolean(config.get('NodeManagerService', 'convertExceptions'))
 		self.registerFrequency = float(config.get('NodeManagerService', 'registerFrequency'))
-		self.infoFile = self.config.get('NodeManagerService', 'infoFile')
 		self.statsInterval = float(self.config.get('NodeManagerService', 'statsInterval'))
- = None
+		self.registerHost = boolean(config.get('NodeManagerService', 'registerHost'))
+		try:
+ = ConnectionManager(self.username, self.password, self.cmPort)[self.cmHost]
+		except:
+			self.log.exception("Could not connect to CM")
+			return
+		self.accountingHost = None
+		self.accountingPort = None
+		try:
+			self.accountingHost = self.config.get('NodeManagerService', 'accountingHost')
+			self.accountingPort = self.config.getint('NodeManagerService', 'accountingPort')
+		except:
+			pass
 		self.notifyCM = []
-		self.loadVmInfo()
-		vmList = self.vmm.listVms()
-		for vmId in vmList:
-			if (vmId not in self.instances):
-				self.log.warning('vmcontrol backend reports additional vmId %d' % (vmId))
-				self.instances[vmId] = Instance(d={'vmId':vmId,'id':-1})
-		for vmId in self.instances.keys():
-			if (vmId not in vmList):
-				self.log.warning('vmcontrol backend does not report %d' % (vmId))
-				self.vmStateChange(vmId, None, InstanceState.Exited)
-		self.registerHost()
-		threading.Thread(target=self.backupVmInfoAndFlushNotifyCM).start()
-		threading.Thread(target=self.registerWithClusterManager).start()
-		threading.Thread(target=self.statsThread).start()
+		self.__initAccounting()
+ = None
+		# XXXstroucki this fn could be in this level maybe?
+ = self.vmm.getHostInfo(self)
+		# populate self.instances
+		self.__loadVmInfo()
+		self.__registerHost()
+ =, self.instances.values())
+		# XXXstroucki cut cross check for NM/VMM state
+		# start service threads
+		threading.Thread(target=self.__registerWithClusterManager).start()
+		threading.Thread(target=self.__statsThread).start()
-	def loadVmInfo(self):
+	def __initAccounting(self):
+                self.accountBuffer = []
+                self.accountLines = 0
+                self.accountingClient = None
+                try:
+                        if (self.accountingHost is not None) and \
+                                    (self.accountingPort is not None):
+                                self.accountingClient=rpycservices.client(self.accountingHost, self.accountingPort)
+                except:
+                        self.log.exception("Could not init accounting")
+	def __loadVmInfo(self):
 			self.instances = self.vmm.getInstances()
-		except Exception, e:
+		except Exception:
 			self.log.exception('Failed to obtain VM info')
 			self.instances = {}
-	def saveVmInfo(self):
+	# send data to CM
+	# XXXstroucki adapt this for accounting?
+	def __flushNotifyCM(self):
+		start = time.time()
+		# send data to CM, adding message to buffer if
+		# it fails
-			data = cPickle.dumps(self.instances)
-			f = open(self.infoFile, "w")
-			f.write(data)
-			f.close()
-		except Exception, e:
-			self.log.exception('Failed to save VM info to %s' % (self.infoFile))
-	def vmStateChange(self, vmId, old, cur):
-		instance = self.getInstance(vmId)
-		if (old and instance.state != old):
-			self.log.warning('VM state was %s, call indicated %s' % (vmStates[instance.state], vmStates[old]))
-		if (cur == InstanceState.Exited):
-			del self.instances[vmId]
-			return True
-		if (instance.state == cur):
-			# Don't do anything if state is what it should be
-			return True
-		instance.state = cur
-		newInst = Instance(d={'state':cur})
-		success = lambda: None
-		try:
-			cm = ConnectionManager(self.username, self.password, self.cmPort)[self.cmHost]
-			cm.vmUpdate(, newInst, old)
-		except Exception, e:
-			self.log.exception('RPC failed for vmUpdate on CM')
-			self.notifyCM.append((, newInst, old, success))
-		else:
-			success()
-		return True
-	def backupVmInfoAndFlushNotifyCM(self):
-		cm = None
-		cmUseCount = 0
-		while True:
-			if cmUseCount > 10 or cm is None:
-				try:
-					# XXXstroucki hope rpyc handles destruction
-					cm = ConnectionManager(self.username, self.password, self.cmPort)[self.cmHost]
-					cmUseCount = 0
-				except Exception, e:
-					self.log.warning("Could not get a handle to the clustermanager")
-					time.sleep(60)
-					continue
-			cmUseCount = cmUseCount + 1
-			start = time.time()
+			notifyCM = []
-				self.saveVmInfo()
-			except Exception, e:
-				self.log.exception('Failed to save VM info')
-			try:
-				notifyCM = []
-				try:
-					while (len(self.notifyCM) > 0):
-						(instanceId, newInst, old, success) = self.notifyCM.pop(0)
-						try:
-							cm.vmUpdate(instanceId, newInst, old)
-						except TashiException, e:
-							notifyCM.append((instanceId, newInst, old, success))
-							if (e.errno != Errors.IncorrectVmState):
-								raise
-						except:
-							notifyCM.append((instanceId, newInst, old, success))
+				while (len(self.notifyCM) > 0):
+					value = self.notifyCM.pop(0)
+					(instanceId, newInst, old, success) = value
+					try:
+, newInst, old)
+					except TashiException, e:
+						notifyCM.append((instanceId, newInst, old, success))
+						if (e.errno != Errors.IncorrectVmState):
-						else:
-							success()
-				finally:
-					self.notifyCM = self.notifyCM + notifyCM
-			except Exception, e:
-				self.log.exception('Failed to register with the CM')
-			toSleep = start - time.time() + self.registerFrequency
-			if (toSleep > 0):
-				time.sleep(toSleep)
-	def registerWithClusterManager(self):
-		cm = None
-		cmUseCount = 0
+					except:
+						notifyCM.append((instanceId, newInst, old, success))
+						raise
+					else:
+						success()
+			finally:
+				if len(notifyCM) > 0:
+					self.notifyCM.append(notifyCM)
+		except Exception, e:
+			self.log.exception('Failed to send data to the CM')
+		#toSleep = start - time.time() + self.registerFrequency
+		#if (toSleep > 0):
+			#time.sleep(toSleep)
+        def __ACCOUNTFLUSH(self):
+		try:
+			if (self.accountingClient is not None):
+				self.accountingClient.record(self.accountBuffer)
+			self.accountLines = 0
+			self.accountBuffer = []
+		except:
+			self.log.exception("Failed to flush accounting data")
+        def __ACCOUNT(self, text, instance=None, host=None):
+                now = time.time()
+                instanceText = None
+                hostText = None
+                if instance is not None:
+			try:
+                        	instanceText = 'Instance(%s)' % (instance)
+			except:
+				self.log.exception("Invalid instance data")
+                if host is not None:
+			try:
+                        	hostText = "Host(%s)" % (host)
+			except:
+				self.log.exception("Invalid host data")
+                secondary = ','.join(filter(None, (hostText, instanceText)))
+                line = "%s|%s|%s" % (now, text, secondary)
+                self.accountBuffer.append(line)
+                self.accountLines += 1
+		# XXXstroucki think about force flush every so often
+                if (self.accountLines > 0):
+                        self.__ACCOUNTFLUSH()
+	# service thread function
+	def __registerWithClusterManager(self):
 		while True:
-			if cmUseCount > 10 or cm is None:
-				try:
-					cm = ConnectionManager(self.username, self.password, self.cmPort)[self.cmHost]
-					cmUseCount = 0
-				except Exception, e:
-					self.log.warning("Could not get a handle to the clustermanager")
-					time.sleep(60)
-					continue
-			cmUseCount = cmUseCount + 1
+			#self.__ACCOUNT("TESTING")
 			start = time.time()
-				host = self.vmm.getHostInfo(self)
 				instances = self.instances.values()
-				#import pprint
-				#self.log.warning("Instances: " + pprint.saferepr(instances))
- = cm.registerNodeManager(host, instances)
-			except Exception, e:
+ =, instances)
+			except Exception:
 				self.log.exception('Failed to register with the CM')
 			toSleep = start - time.time() + self.registerFrequency
 			if (toSleep > 0):
-	def getInstance(self, vmId):
-		instance = self.instances.get(vmId, None)
-		if (instance is None):
-			raise TashiException(d={'errno':Errors.NoSuchVmId,'msg':"There is no vmId %d on this host" % (vmId)})
-		return instance
-	def instantiateVm(self, instance):
-		vmId = self.vmm.instantiateVm(instance)
-		instance.vmId = vmId
-		instance.state = InstanceState.Running
-		self.instances[vmId] = instance
-		return vmId
-	def suspendVm(self, vmId, destination):
-		instance = self.getInstance(vmId)
-		instance.state = InstanceState.Suspending
-		threading.Thread(target=self.vmm.suspendVm, args=(vmId, destination)).start()
-	def resumeVmHelper(self, instance, name):
-		self.vmm.resumeVmHelper(instance, name)
-		instance.state = InstanceState.Running
-		newInstance = Instance(d={'id','state':instance.state})
-		success = lambda: None
-		cm = ConnectionManager(self.username, self.password, self.cmPort)[self.cmHost]
-		try:
-			cm.vmUpdate(, newInstance, InstanceState.Resuming)
-		except Exception, e:
-			self.log.exception('vmUpdate failed in resumeVmHelper')
-			self.notifyCM.append((, newInstance, InstanceState.Resuming, success))
-		else:
-			success()
-	def resumeVm(self, instance, name):
-		instance.state = InstanceState.Resuming
-		instance.hostId =
-		try:
-			instance.vmId = self.vmm.resumeVm(instance, name)
-			self.instances[instance.vmId] = instance
-			threading.Thread(target=self.resumeVmHelper, args=(instance, name)).start()
-		except:
-			self.log.exception('resumeVm failed')
-			raise TashiException(d={'errno':Errors.UnableToResume,'msg':"resumeVm failed on the node manager"})
-		return instance.vmId
-	def prepReceiveVm(self, instance, source):
-		instance.vmId = -1
-		transportCookie = self.vmm.prepReceiveVm(instance,
-		return transportCookie
-	def prepSourceVm(self, vmId):
-		instance = self.getInstance(vmId)
-		instance.state = InstanceState.MigratePrep
-	def migrateVmHelper(self, instance, target, transportCookie):
-		self.vmm.migrateVm(instance.vmId,, transportCookie)
-		del self.instances[instance.vmId]
-	def migrateVm(self, vmId, target, transportCookie):
-		instance = self.getInstance(vmId)
-		instance.state = InstanceState.MigrateTrans
-		threading.Thread(target=self.migrateVmHelper, args=(instance, target, transportCookie)).start()
-		return
-	def receiveVmHelper(self, instance, transportCookie):
-		cm = ConnectionManager(self.username, self.password, self.cmPort)[self.cmHost]
-		vmId = self.vmm.receiveVm(transportCookie)
-		instance.state = InstanceState.Running
-		instance.hostId =
-		instance.vmId = vmId
-		self.instances[vmId] = instance
-		newInstance = Instance(d={'id','state':instance.state,'vmId':instance.vmId,'hostId':instance.hostId})
-		success = lambda: None
-		try:
-			cm.vmUpdate(, newInstance, InstanceState.MigrateTrans)
-		except Exception, e:
-			self.log.exception('vmUpdate failed in receiveVmHelper')
-			self.notifyCM.append((, newInstance, InstanceState.MigrateTrans, success))
-		else:
-			success()
-	def receiveVm(self, instance, transportCookie):
-		instance.state = InstanceState.MigrateTrans
-		threading.Thread(target=self.receiveVmHelper, args=(instance, transportCookie)).start()
-		return
-	def pauseVm(self, vmId):
-		instance = self.getInstance(vmId)
-		instance.state = InstanceState.Pausing
-		self.vmm.pauseVm(vmId)
-		instance.state = InstanceState.Paused
-	def unpauseVm(self, vmId):
-		instance = self.getInstance(vmId)
-		instance.state = InstanceState.Unpausing
-		self.vmm.unpauseVm(vmId)
-		instance.state = InstanceState.Running
-	def shutdownVm(self, vmId):
-		instance = self.getInstance(vmId)
-		instance.state = InstanceState.ShuttingDown
-		self.vmm.shutdownVm(vmId)
-	def destroyVm(self, vmId):
-		instance = self.getInstance(vmId)
-		instance.state = InstanceState.Destroying
-		self.vmm.destroyVm(vmId)
-	def getVmInfo(self, vmId):
-		instance = self.getInstance(vmId)
-		return instance
-	def vmmSpecificCall(self, vmId, arg):
-		return self.vmm.vmmSpecificCall(vmId, arg)
-	def listVms(self):
-		return self.instances.keys()
-	def liveCheck(self):
-		return "alive"
-	def statsThread(self):
+	# service thread function
+	def __statsThread(self):
 		if (self.statsInterval == 0):
 		while True:
@@ -323,12 +213,220 @@
 				self.log.exception('statsThread threw an exception')
-        def registerHost(self):
-                cm = ConnectionManager(self.username, self.password, self.cmPort)[self.cmHost]
+        def __registerHost(self):
                 hostname = socket.gethostname()
 		# populate some defaults
 		# XXXstroucki: I think it's better if the nodemanager fills these in properly when registering with the clustermanager
 		memory = 0
 		cores = 0
 		version = "empty"
-                #cm.registerHost(hostname, memory, cores, version)
+      , memory, cores, version)
+	def __getInstance(self, vmId):
+		instance = self.instances.get(vmId, None)
+		if instance is not None:
+			return instance
+		# refresh self.instances if not found
+		self.__loadVmInfo()
+		instance = self.instances.get(vmId, None)
+		if instance is not None:
+			return instance
+		raise TashiException(d={'errno':Errors.NoSuchVmId,'msg':"There is no vmId %d on this host" % (vmId)})
+	# remote
+	# Called from VMM to update self.instances
+	# but only changes are Exited, MigrateTrans and Running
+	# calls this in the matchSystemPids thread
+	# i have no real idea why it is called there
+	def vmStateChange(self, vmId, old, cur):
+		instance = self.__getInstance(vmId)
+		if (instance.state == cur):
+			# Don't do anything if state is what it should be
+			return True
+		if (old and instance.state != old):
+			# make a note of mismatch, but go on.
+			# the VMM should know best
+			self.log.warning('VM state was %s, call indicated %s' % (vmStates[instance.state], vmStates[old]))
+		instance.state = cur
+		self.__ACCOUNT("NM VM STATE CHANGE", instance=instance)
+		newInst = Instance(d={'state':cur})
+		success = lambda: None
+		# send the state change up to the CM
+		self.notifyCM.append((, newInst, old, success))
+		self.__flushNotifyCM()
+		# cache change locally
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+		if (cur == InstanceState.Exited):
+			# At this point, the VMM will clean up,
+			# so forget about this instance
+			del self.instances[vmId]
+			return True
+		return True
+	# remote
+	def createInstance(self, instance):
+		vmId = instance.vmId
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+	# remote
+	def instantiateVm(self, instance):
+		self.__ACCOUNT("NM VM INSTANTIATE", instance=instance)
+		try:
+			vmId = self.vmm.instantiateVm(instance)
+			#instance.vmId = vmId
+			#instance.state = InstanceState.Running
+			#self.instances[vmId] = instance
+			return vmId
+		except:
+			self.log.exception("Failed to start instance")
+	# remote
+	def suspendVm(self, vmId, destination):
+		instance = self.__getInstance(vmId)
+		self.__ACCOUNT("NM VM SUSPEND", instance=instance)
+		instance.state = InstanceState.Suspending
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+		threading.Thread(target=self.vmm.suspendVm, args=(vmId, destination)).start()
+	# called by resumeVm as thread
+	def __resumeVmHelper(self, instance, name):
+		self.vmm.resumeVmHelper(instance, name)
+		instance.state = InstanceState.Running
+		newInstance = Instance(d={'id','state':instance.state})
+		success = lambda: None
+		self.notifyCM.append((, newInstance, InstanceState.Resuming, success))
+		self.__flushNotifyCM()
+	# remote
+	def resumeVm(self, instance, name):
+		self.__ACCOUNT("NM VM RESUME", instance=instance)
+		instance.state = InstanceState.Resuming
+		instance.hostId =
+		try:
+			instance.vmId = self.vmm.resumeVm(instance, name)
+			self.instances[instance.vmId] = instance
+			threading.Thread(target=self.__resumeVmHelper, args=(instance, name)).start()
+		except:
+			self.log.exception('resumeVm failed')
+			raise TashiException(d={'errno':Errors.UnableToResume,'msg':"resumeVm failed on the node manager"})
+		return instance.vmId
+	# remote
+	def prepReceiveVm(self, instance, source):
+		instance.vmId = -1
+		transportCookie = self.vmm.prepReceiveVm(instance,
+		return transportCookie
+	# remote
+	def prepSourceVm(self, vmId):
+		instance = self.__getInstance(vmId)
+		self.__ACCOUNT("NM VM MIGRATE SOURCE PREP", instance=instance)
+		instance.state = InstanceState.MigratePrep
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+	# called by migrateVm as thread
+	# XXXstroucki migrate out?
+	def __migrateVmHelper(self, instance, target, transportCookie):
+		self.vmm.migrateVm(instance.vmId,, transportCookie)
+		del self.instances[instance.vmId]
+	# remote
+	# XXXstroucki migrate out?
+	def migrateVm(self, vmId, target, transportCookie):
+		instance = self.__getInstance(vmId)
+		self.__ACCOUNT("NM VM MIGRATE", instance=instance)
+		instance.state = InstanceState.MigrateTrans
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+		threading.Thread(target=self.__migrateVmHelper, args=(instance, target, transportCookie)).start()
+		return
+	# called by receiveVm as thread
+	# XXXstroucki migrate in?
+	def __receiveVmHelper(self, instance, transportCookie):
+		vmId = self.vmm.receiveVm(transportCookie)
+		instance.state = InstanceState.Running
+		instance.hostId =
+		instance.vmId = vmId
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+		newInstance = Instance(d={'id','state':instance.state,'vmId':instance.vmId,'hostId':instance.hostId})
+		success = lambda: None
+		self.notifyCM.append((, newInstance, InstanceState.Running, success))
+		self.__flushNotifyCM()
+	# remote
+	# XXXstroucki migrate in?
+	def receiveVm(self, instance, transportCookie):
+		instance.state = InstanceState.MigrateTrans
+		vmId = instance.vmId
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+		self.__ACCOUNT("NM VM MIGRATE RECEIVE", instance=instance)
+		threading.Thread(target=self.__receiveVmHelper, args=(instance, transportCookie)).start()
+		return
+	# remote
+	def pauseVm(self, vmId):
+		instance = self.__getInstance(vmId)
+		self.__ACCOUNT("NM VM PAUSE", instance=instance)
+		instance.state = InstanceState.Pausing
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+		self.vmm.pauseVm(vmId)
+		instance.state = InstanceState.Paused
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+	# remote
+	def unpauseVm(self, vmId):
+		instance = self.__getInstance(vmId)
+		self.__ACCOUNT("NM VM UNPAUSE", instance=instance)
+		instance.state = InstanceState.Unpausing
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+		self.vmm.unpauseVm(vmId)
+		instance.state = InstanceState.Running
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+	# remote
+	def shutdownVm(self, vmId):
+		instance = self.__getInstance(vmId)
+		self.__ACCOUNT("NM VM SHUTDOWN", instance=instance)
+		instance.state = InstanceState.ShuttingDown
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+		self.vmm.shutdownVm(vmId)
+	# remote
+	def destroyVm(self, vmId):
+		instance = self.__getInstance(vmId)
+		self.__ACCOUNT("NM VM DESTROY", instance=instance)
+		instance.state = InstanceState.Destroying
+		self.instances[vmId] = instance
+		self.vmm.destroyVm(vmId)
+	# remote
+	def getVmInfo(self, vmId):
+		instance = self.__getInstance(vmId)
+		return instance
+	# remote
+	def vmmSpecificCall(self, vmId, arg):
+		return self.vmm.vmmSpecificCall(vmId, arg)
+	# remote
+	def listVms(self):
+		return self.instances.keys()
+	# remote
+	def liveCheck(self):
+		return "alive"
diff --git a/src/tashi/nodemanager/vmcontrol/ b/src/tashi/nodemanager/vmcontrol/
index 69cfc12..7806f4b 100644
--- a/src/tashi/nodemanager/vmcontrol/
+++ b/src/tashi/nodemanager/vmcontrol/
@@ -26,12 +26,11 @@
 import subprocess
 import sys
 import time
+import shlex
-# for scratch space support
-from os import system
-from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import *
-from tashi.util import broken, logged, scrubString, boolean
+#from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import *
+from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import InstanceState, Host
+from tashi.util import scrubString, boolean
 from tashi import version, stringPartition
 from vmcontrolinterface import VmControlInterface
@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@
 			ls = listenSocket.fileno()
-			input = child.monitorFd
+			#input = child.monitorFd
 			output = child.monitorFd
 			#print "listen"[ls], [], [])
@@ -96,6 +95,10 @@
 		self.migrateTimeout = float(self.config.get("Qemu", "migrateTimeout"))
 		self.useMigrateArgument = boolean(self.config.get("Qemu", "useMigrateArgument"))
 		self.statsInterval = float(self.config.get("Qemu", "statsInterval"))
+		# XXXstroucki amount of reserved memory could be configurable
+		self.reservedMem = 512
+		# XXXstroucki perhaps make this configurable
+		self.ifPrefix = "tashi"
 		self.controlledVMs = {}
 		self.usedPorts = []
 		self.usedPortsLock = threading.Lock()
@@ -115,8 +118,10 @@
-		self.scanInfoDir()
-		threading.Thread(target=self.pollVMsLoop).start()
+		self.__scanInfoDir()
+		threading.Thread(target=self.__pollVMsLoop).start()
 		if (self.statsInterval > 0):
@@ -124,7 +129,7 @@
 		def __init__(self, **attrs):
-	def getSystemPids(self):
+	def __getHostPids(self):
 		"""Utility function to get a list of system PIDs that match the QEMU_BIN specified (/proc/nnn/exe)"""
 		pids = []
 		for f in os.listdir("/proc"):
@@ -136,83 +141,105 @@
 		return pids
+	# extern
 	def getInstances(self):
 		"""Will return a dict of instances by vmId to the caller"""
 		return dict((x, self.controlledVMs[x].instance) for x in self.controlledVMs.keys())
-	def matchSystemPids(self, controlledVMs):
+	def __matchHostPids(self, controlledVMs):
 		"""This is run in a separate polling thread and it must do things that are thread safe"""
-		if self.nm is None:
-			#XXXstroucki log may not be there yet either
-"NM hook not yet available")
-			return
 		vmIds = controlledVMs.keys()
-		pids = self.getSystemPids()
+		pids = self.__getHostPids()
 		for vmId in vmIds:
 			child = controlledVMs[vmId]
+			instance = child.instance
+			name =
 			if vmId not in pids:
+				# VM is no longer running, but is still
+				# considered controlled
+				# remove info file
 				os.unlink(self.INFO_DIR + "/%d"%(vmId))
+				# XXXstroucki why not use self.controlledVMs
+				# argument, so why modify this fn's formal?
 				del controlledVMs[vmId]
+				# remove any stats (appropriate?)
 					del self.stats[vmId]
 				if (child.vncPort >= 0):
-"Removing vmId %d" % (vmId))
+"Removing vmId %d because it is no longer running" % (vmId))
+				# if the VM was started from this process,
+				# wait on it
 				if (child.OSchild):
 						os.waitpid(vmId, 0)
-						log.exception("waitpid failed")
+						log.exception("waitpid failed for vmId" % (vmId))
+				# recover the child's stderr and monitor
+				# output if possible
 				if (child.errorBit):
 					if (child.OSchild):
 						f = open("/tmp/%d.err" % (vmId), "w")
 					f = open("/tmp/%d.pty" % (vmId), "w")
 					for i in child.monitorHistory:
-				#XXXstroucki remove scratch storage
+				# remove scratch storage
 					if self.scratchVg is not None:
-						scratch_name =
-"Removing any scratch for " + scratch_name)
-						cmd = "/sbin/lvremove -f %s" % self.scratchVg
-    						result = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), executable=cmd.split()[0], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).wait()
+"Removing any scratch for %s" % (name))
+						cmd = "/sbin/lvremove --quiet -f %s" % self.scratchVg
+    						result = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), executable=cmd.split()[0], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, "w"), close_fds=True).wait()
+					log.warning("Problem cleaning scratch volumes")
+				# let the NM know
 					if (not child.migratingOut):
 						self.nm.vmStateChange(vmId, None, InstanceState.Exited)
-				except Exception, e:
-					log.exception("vmStateChange failed")
+				except Exception:
+					log.exception("vmStateChange failed for VM %s" % (name))
+				# VM is still running
 					if (child.migratingOut):
 						self.nm.vmStateChange(vmId, None, InstanceState.MigrateTrans)
-					else:
+					elif (instance.state == InstanceState.Orphaned) or \
+						(instance.state == InstanceState.Activating):
 						self.nm.vmStateChange(vmId, None, InstanceState.Running)
-					#XXXstroucki nm is initialised at different time
-					log.exception("vmStateChange failed")
+					log.exception("vmStateChange failed for VM %s" % (name))
-	def scanInfoDir(self):
+	# called once on startup
+	def __scanInfoDir(self):
 		"""This is not thread-safe and must only be used during class initialization"""
 		controlledVMs = {}
 		controlledVMs.update(map(lambda x: (int(x), self.anonClass(OSchild=False, errorBit=False, migratingOut=False)), os.listdir(self.INFO_DIR + "/")))
 		if (len(controlledVMs) == 0):
-"No vm information found in %s", self.INFO_DIR)
+"No VM information found in %s" % (self.INFO_DIR))
 		for vmId in controlledVMs:
-				child = self.loadChildInfo(vmId)
+				child = self.__loadChildInfo(vmId)
 				if (child.vncPort >= 0):
@@ -223,40 +250,46 @@
 				#XXXstroucki ensure instance has vmId
 				child.instance.vmId = vmId
-				self.controlledVMs[] = child
-"Adding vmId %d" % (
-			except Exception, e:
+				self.controlledVMs[vmId] = child
+			except Exception:
 				log.exception("Failed to load VM info for %d", vmId)
 			else:"Loaded VM info for %d", vmId)
-		# XXXstroucki NM may not be available yet here.
-		try:
-			self.matchSystemPids(self.controlledVMs)
-		except:
-			pass
-	def pollVMsLoop(self):
+	# service thread
+	def __pollVMsLoop(self):
 		"""Infinite loop that checks for dead VMs"""
+		# As of 2011-12-30, nm is None when this is called, and
+		# is set later by the NM. Things further down require
+		# access to the NM, so wait until it is set.
+		# Moved into __pollVMsLoop since putting it in this thread
+		# will allow the init to complete and nm to be actually
+		# set.
+		while self.nm is None:
+"Waiting for NM initialization")
+			time.sleep(2)
 		while True:
-				self.matchSystemPids(self.controlledVMs)
+				self.__matchHostPids(self.controlledVMs)
 				log.exception("Exception in poolVMsLoop")
-	def waitForExit(self, vmId):
+	def __waitForExit(self, vmId):
 		"""This waits until an element is removed from the dictionary -- the polling thread must detect an exit"""
 		while vmId in self.controlledVMs:
-	def getChildFromPid(self, pid):
+	def __getChildFromPid(self, pid):
 		"""Do a simple dictionary lookup, but raise a unique exception if the key doesn't exist"""
 		child = self.controlledVMs.get(pid, None)
 		if (not child):
 			raise Exception, "Uncontrolled vmId %d" % (pid)
 		return child
-	def consumeAvailable(self, child):
+	def __consumeAvailable(self, child):
 		"""Consume characters one-by-one until they stop coming"""
 		monitorFd = child.monitorFd
 		buf = ""
@@ -299,9 +332,9 @@
 		return buf[len(needle):]
-	def enterCommand(self, child, command, expectPrompt = True, timeout = -1):
+	def __enterCommand(self, child, command, expectPrompt = True, timeout = -1):
 		"""Enter a command on the qemu monitor"""
-		res = self.consumeAvailable(child)
+		res = self.__consumeAvailable(child)
 		os.write(child.monitorFd, command + "\n")
 		if (expectPrompt):
 			# XXXstroucki: receiving a vm can take a long time
@@ -309,7 +342,7 @@
 			res = self.consumeUntil(child, "(qemu) ", timeout=timeout)
 		return res
-	def loadChildInfo(self, vmId):
+	def __loadChildInfo(self, vmId):
 		child = self.anonClass(pid=vmId)
 		info = open(self.INFO_DIR + "/%d"%(, "r")
 		(instance, pid, ptyFile) = cPickle.load(info)
@@ -331,11 +364,12 @@
 			child.vncPort = -1
 		return child
-	def saveChildInfo(self, child):
+	def __saveChildInfo(self, child):
 		info = open(self.INFO_DIR + "/%d"%(, "w")
 		cPickle.dump((child.instance,, child.ptyFile), info)
+	# extern
 	def getHostInfo(self, service):
 		host = Host() =
@@ -344,7 +378,7 @@
 		memoryStr = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), executable=cmd.split()[0], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
 		if (memoryStr[2] == "kB"):
 			# XXXstroucki should have parameter for reserved mem
-			host.memory = (int(memoryStr[1])/1024) - 512
+			host.memory = (int(memoryStr[1])/1024) - self.reservedMem
 			log.warning('Unable to determine amount of physical memory - reporting 0')
 			host.memory = 0
@@ -353,22 +387,39 @@
 		host.decayed = False
 		host.version = version
 		return host
-	def startVm(self, instance, source):
+	def __stripSpace(self, s):
+		return "".join(s.split())
+	def __startVm(self, instance, source):
 		"""Universal function to start a VM -- used by instantiateVM, resumeVM, and prepReceiveVM"""
-		#  Capture startVm Hints
+		#  Capture __startVm Hints
 		#  CPU hints
 		cpuModel = instance.hints.get("cpumodel")
 		cpuString = ""
 		if cpuModel:
+			# clean off whitespace
+			cpuModel = self.__stripSpace(cpuModel)
 			cpuString = "-cpu " + cpuModel 
 		#  Clock hints
 		clockString = instance.hints.get("clock", "dynticks")
+		# clean off whitespace
+		clockString = self.__stripSpace(clockString)
 		#  Disk hints
+		# XXXstroucki: insert commentary on jcipar's performance
+		# measurements
+		# virtio is recommended, but linux will name devices
+		# vdX instead of sdX. This adds a trap for someone who
+		# converts a physical machine or other virtualization
+		# layer's image to run under Tashi.
 		diskInterface = instance.hints.get("diskInterface", "ide")
+		# clean off whitespace
+		diskInterface = self.__stripSpace(diskInterface)
 		diskString = ""
 		for index in range(0, len(instance.disks)):
@@ -398,10 +449,10 @@
 			diskString = diskString + "-drive " + ",".join(thisDiskList) + " "
-		# scratch disk (should be integrated better)
+		# scratch disk
 		scratchSize = instance.hints.get("scratchSpace", "0")
 		scratchSize = int(scratchSize)
-		scratch_file = None
+		scratchName = None
 			if scratchSize > 0:
@@ -410,18 +461,21 @@
 				# create scratch disk
 				# XXXstroucki: needs to be cleaned somewhere
 				# XXXstroucki: clean user provided instance name
-				scratch_name = "lv" +
+				scratchName = "lv%s" %
 				# XXXstroucki hold lock
 				# XXXstroucki check for capacity
-				cmd = "/sbin/lvcreate -n" + scratch_name + " -L" + str(scratchSize) + "G " + self.scratchVg
+				cmd = "/sbin/lvcreate --quiet -n%s -L %dG %s" % (scratchName, scratchSize, self.scratchVg)
+				# XXXstroucki check result
 				result = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), executable=cmd.split()[0], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).wait()
 				index += 1
-				thisDiskList = [ "file=/dev/%s/%s" % (self.scratchVg, scratch_name) ]
+				thisDiskList = [ "file=/dev/%s/%s" % (self.scratchVg, scratchName) ]
 				thisDiskList.append("if=%s" % diskInterface)
 				thisDiskList.append("index=%d" % index)
+				# XXXstroucki force scratch disk to be
+				# persistent
 				if (True or disk.persistent):
 					snapshot = "off"
 					migrate = "off"
@@ -434,18 +488,21 @@
 				if (self.useMigrateArgument):
 					thisDiskList.append("migrate=%s" % migrate)
-				diskString = diskString + "-drive " + ",".join(thisDiskList) + " "
+				diskString = "%s-drive %s " % (diskString, ",".join(thisDiskList))
-			print 'caught exception'
-			raise 'exception'
+			log.exception('caught exception in scratch disk formation')
+			raise
 		#  Nic hints
 		nicModel = instance.hints.get("nicModel", "virtio")
+		# clean off whitespace
+		nicModel = self.__stripSpace(nicModel)
 		nicString = ""
 		for i in range(0, len(instance.nics)):
 			nic = instance.nics[i]
-			nicString = nicString + "-net nic,macaddr=%s,model=%s,vlan=%d -net tap,ifname=tashi%d.%d,vlan=%d,script=/etc/qemu-ifup.%d " % (nic.mac, nicModel,,, i,,
+			nicString = nicString + "-net nic,macaddr=%s,model=%s,vlan=%d -net tap,ifname=%s%d.%d,vlan=%d,script=/etc/qemu-ifup.%d " % (nic.mac, nicModel,, self.ifPrefix,, i,,
 		#  ACPI
 		if (boolean(instance.hints.get("noAcpi", False))):
@@ -455,14 +512,16 @@
 		#  Construct the qemu command
 		strCmd = "%s %s %s -clock %s %s %s -m %d -smp %d -serial null -vnc none -monitor pty" % (self.QEMU_BIN, noAcpiString, cpuString, clockString, diskString, nicString, instance.memory, instance.cores)
-		cmd = strCmd.split()
 		if (source):
-			cmd = cmd + ["-incoming", source]
-			strCmd = strCmd + " -incoming %s" % (source)
-"QEMU command: %s" % (strCmd))
+			strCmd = '%s -incoming "%s"' % (strCmd, source)
+		# XXXstroucki perhaps we're doing it backwards
+		cmd = shlex.split(strCmd)
+"Executing command: %s" % (strCmd))
 		(pipe_r, pipe_w) = os.pipe()
 		pid = os.fork()
 		if (pid == 0):
+			# child process
 			pid = os.getpid()
 			os.setpgid(pid, pid)
@@ -477,146 +536,195 @@
 			# XXXstroucki unfortunately no kvm option yet
+			# to direct COW differences elsewhere, so change
+			# this process' TMPDIR, which kvm will honour
 			os.environ['TMPDIR'] = self.scratchDir
 			os.execl(self.QEMU_BIN, *cmd)
+		# parent process
 		child = self.anonClass(pid=pid, instance=instance, stderr=os.fdopen(pipe_r, 'r'), migratingOut = False, monitorHistory=[], errorBit = True, OSchild = True)
 		child.ptyFile = None
 		child.vncPort = -1
 		child.instance.vmId =
-		self.saveChildInfo(child)
+		self.__saveChildInfo(child)
 		self.controlledVMs[] = child"Adding vmId %d" % (
 		return (, cmd)
-	def getPtyInfo(self, child, issueContinue):
+	def __getPtyInfo(self, child, issueContinue):
 		ptyFile = None
 		while not ptyFile:
-			l = child.stderr.readline()
-			if (l == ""):
+			line = child.stderr.readline()
+			if (line == ""):
 					os.waitpid(, 0)
 					log.exception("waitpid failed")
 				raise Exception, "Failed to start VM -- ptyFile not found"
-			if (l.find("char device redirected to ") != -1):
-				ptyFile=l[26:].strip()
+			redirLine = "char device redirected to "
+			if (line.find(redirLine) != -1):
+				ptyFile=line[len(redirLine):].strip()
 		child.ptyFile = ptyFile
 		child.monitorFd =, os.O_RDWR | os.O_NOCTTY)
 		child.monitor = os.fdopen(child.monitorFd)
-		self.saveChildInfo(child)
+		self.__saveChildInfo(child)
 		if (issueContinue):
 			# XXXstroucki: receiving a vm can take a long time
-			self.enterCommand(child, "c", timeout=None)
+			self.__enterCommand(child, "c", timeout=None)
-	def stopVm(self, vmId, target, stopFirst):
+	def __stopVm(self, vmId, target, stopFirst):
 		"""Universal function to stop a VM -- used by suspendVM, migrateVM """
-		child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
+		child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
 		if (stopFirst):
-			self.enterCommand(child, "stop")
+			self.__enterCommand(child, "stop")
 		if (target):
 			retry = self.migrationRetries
 			while (retry > 0):
-				res = self.enterCommand(child, "migrate -i %s" % (target), timeout=self.migrateTimeout)
+				# migrate in foreground respecting cow backed
+				# images
+				# XXXstroucki if we're doing this in the fg
+				# then it may still be ongoing when the timeout
+				# happens, and no way of interrupting it
+				# trying to restart the migration by running
+				# the command again (when qemu is ready to
+				# listen again) is probably not helpful
+				success = False
+				res = self.__enterCommand(child, "migrate -i %s" % (target), timeout=self.migrateTimeout)
 				retry = retry - 1
 				if (res.find("migration failed") == -1):
-					retry = -1
+					success = True
+					retry = 0
+					break
 					log.error("Migration (transiently) failed: %s\n", res)
-			if (retry == 0):
+			if (retry == 0) and (success is False):
 				log.error("Migration failed: %s\n", res)
 				child.errorBit = True
 				raise RuntimeError
-		self.enterCommand(child, "quit", expectPrompt=False)
+		# XXXstroucki what if migration is still ongoing, and
+		# qemu is not listening?
+		self.__enterCommand(child, "quit", expectPrompt=False)
 		return vmId
+	# extern	
 	def instantiateVm(self, instance):
-		(vmId, cmd) = self.startVm(instance, None)
-		child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
-		self.getPtyInfo(child, False)
-		child.cmd = cmd
-		self.saveChildInfo(child)
-		return vmId
-	def suspendVm(self, vmId, target):
-		tmpTarget = "/tmp/tashi_qemu_suspend_%d_%d" % (os.getpid(), vmId)
-		# XXX: Use fifo to improve performance
-		vmId = self.stopVm(vmId, "\"exec:gzip -c > %s\"" % (tmpTarget), True)
-		self.dfs.copyTo(tmpTarget, target)
-		return vmId
-	def resumeVmHelper(self, instance, source):
-		child = self.getChildFromPid(instance.vmId)
-			self.getPtyInfo(child, True)
-		except RuntimeError, e:
+			(vmId, cmd) = self.__startVm(instance, None)
+			child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
+			self.__getPtyInfo(child, False)
+			child.cmd = cmd
+			self.nm.createInstance(child.instance)
+			self.nm.vmStateChange(vmId, None, InstanceState.Running)
+			# XXXstroucki Should make sure Running state is saved
+			# otherwise on restart it will appear as Activating
+			# until we update the state in __matchHostPids
+			child.instance.state = InstanceState.Running
+			self.__saveChildInfo(child)
+			return vmId
+		except:
+			log.exception("instantiateVm failed")
+			raise
+	# extern
+	def suspendVm(self, vmId, target):
+		tmpTarget = "/%s/tashi_qemu_suspend_%d_%d" % (self.scratchDir, os.getpid(), vmId)
+		# XXX: Use fifo to improve performance
+		vmId = self.__stopVm(vmId, "\"exec:gzip -c > %s\"" % (tmpTarget), True)
+		self.dfs.copyTo(tmpTarget, target)
+		os.unlink(tmpTarget)
+		return vmId
+	# extern
+	def resumeVmHelper(self, instance, source):
+		child = self.__getChildFromPid(instance.vmId)
+		try:
+			self.__getPtyInfo(child, True)
+		except RuntimeError:
 			log.error("Failed to get pty info -- VM likely died")
 			child.errorBit = True
 		status = "paused"
 		while ("running" not in status):
-			status = self.enterCommand(child, "info status")
+			status = self.__enterCommand(child, "info status")
+		child.instance.state = InstanceState.Running
+		self.__saveChildInfo(child)
+	# extern
 	def resumeVm(self, instance, source):
 		fn = self.dfs.getLocalHandle("%s" % (source))
-		(vmId, cmd) = self.startVm(instance, "exec:zcat %s" % (fn))
-		child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
+		(vmId, cmd) = self.__startVm(instance, "exec:zcat %s" % (fn))
+		child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
 		child.cmd = cmd
 		return vmId
+	def __checkPortListening(self, port):
+		lc = 0
+		# XXXpipe: find whether something is listening yet on the port
+		(stdin, stdout) = os.popen2("netstat -ln | grep | wc -l" % (port))
+		stdin.close()
+		r =
+		lc = int(r.strip())
+		if (lc < 1):
+			return False
+		else:
+			return True
+	# extern
 	def prepReceiveVm(self, instance, source):
-		port = int(random.random()*1000+19000)
-		while port in self.usedPorts:
-			port = int(random.random()*1000+19000)
+		while True:
+			port = random.randint(19000, 20000)
+			if port not in self.usedPorts:
+				break
-		(vmId, cmd) = self.startVm(instance, "tcp:" % (port))
+		(vmId, cmd) = self.__startVm(instance, "tcp:" % (port))
 		transportCookie = cPickle.dumps((port, vmId, socket.gethostname()))
-		child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
+		child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
 		child.cmd = cmd
 		child.transportCookie = transportCookie
-		self.saveChildInfo(child)
-		# XXX: Cleanly wait until the port is open
-		lc = 0
-		while (lc < 1):
-# XXXpipe: find whether something is listening yet on the port
-			(stdin, stdout) = os.popen2("netstat -ln | grep | wc -l" % (port))
-			stdin.close()
-			r =
-			lc = int(r.strip())
-			if (lc < 1):
-				time.sleep(1.0)
+		self.__saveChildInfo(child)
+		# XXX: Cleanly wait until the port is listening
+		while self.__checkPortListening(port) is not True:
+			time.sleep(1)
 		return transportCookie
+	# extern
 	def migrateVm(self, vmId, target, transportCookie):
 			(port, _vmId, _hostname) = cPickle.loads(transportCookie)
-			child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
+			child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
 			child.migratingOut = True
-			res = self.stopVm(vmId, "tcp:%s:%d" % (target, port), False)
+			# tell the VM to live-migrate out
+			res = self.__stopVm(vmId, "tcp:%s:%d" % (target, port), False)
 			# XXX: Some sort of feedback would be nice
 			# XXX: Should we block?
-			self.waitForExit(vmId)
+			# XXXstroucki: isn't this what __waitForExit does?
+			self.__waitForExit(vmId)
 		return res
+	# extern
 	def receiveVm(self, transportCookie):
 		(port, vmId, _hostname) = cPickle.loads(transportCookie)
-			child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
+			child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
 			log.error("Failed to get child info; transportCookie = %s; hostname = %s" % (str(cPickle.loads(transportCookie)), socket.hostname()))
-			self.getPtyInfo(child, True)
-		except RuntimeError, e:
+			self.__getPtyInfo(child, True)
+		except RuntimeError:
 			log.error("Failed to get pty info -- VM likely died")
 			child.errorBit = True
@@ -625,79 +733,121 @@
 		return vmId
+	# extern
 	def pauseVm(self, vmId):
-		child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
-		self.enterCommand(child, "stop")
+		child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
+		self.__enterCommand(child, "stop")
+		# XXXstroucki we have no Stopped state, so consider
+		# the VM still Running?
+	# extern
 	def unpauseVm(self, vmId):
-		child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
-		self.enterCommand(child, "c")
+		child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
+		self.__enterCommand(child, "c")
+		# XXXstroucki as above, should this be a state change
+		# or not?
+	# extern
 	def shutdownVm(self, vmId):
 		"""'system_powerdown' doesn't seem to actually shutdown the VM on some versions of KVM with some versions of Linux"""
-		child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
-		self.enterCommand(child, "system_powerdown")
+		# If clean shutdown is desired, should try on VM first,
+		# shutdownVm second and if that doesn't work use
+		# destroyVm
+		child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
+		self.__enterCommand(child, "system_powerdown")
+	# extern
 	def destroyVm(self, vmId):
-		child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
+		child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
 		child.migratingOut = False
 		# XXX: the child could have exited between these two points, but I don't know how to fix that since it might not be our child process
 		os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL)
+	def __specificStartVnc(self, vmId):
+		child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
+		hostname = socket.gethostname()
+		if (child.vncPort == -1):
+			self.vncPortLock.acquire()
+			port = 0
+			while (port in self.vncPorts):
+				port += 1
+			self.vncPorts.append(port)
+			self.vncPortLock.release()
+			self.__enterCommand(child, "change vnc :%d" % (port))
+			child.vncPort = port
+			self.__saveChildInfo(child)
+		port = child.vncPort
+		return "VNC running on %s:%d" % (hostname, port + 5900)
+	def __specificStopVnc(self, vmId):
+		child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
+		self.__enterCommand(child, "change vnc none")
+		if (child.vncPort != -1):
+			self.vncPortLock.acquire()
+			self.vncPorts.remove(child.vncPort)
+			self.vncPortLock.release()
+			child.vncPort = -1
+			self.__saveChildInfo(child)
+		return "VNC halted"
+	def __specificChangeCdRom(self, vmId, iso):
+		child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
+		imageLocal = self.dfs.getLocalHandle("images/" + iso)
+		self.__enterCommand(child, "change ide1-cd0 %s" % (imageLocal))
+		return "Changed ide1-cd0 to %s" % (iso)
+	def __specificStartConsole(self, vmId):
+		child = self.__getChildFromPid(vmId)
+		hostname = socket.gethostname()
+		self.consolePortLock.acquire()
+		# XXXstroucki why not use the existing ports scheme?
+		consolePort = self.consolePort
+		self.consolePort += 1
+		self.consolePortLock.release()
+		threading.Thread(target=controlConsole, args=(child,consolePort)).start()
+		return "Control console listening on %s:%d" % (hostname, consolePort)
+	# extern
 	def vmmSpecificCall(self, vmId, arg):
 		arg = arg.lower()
+		changeCdText = "changecdrom:"
 		if (arg == "startvnc"):
-			child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
-			hostname = socket.gethostname()
-			if (child.vncPort == -1):
-				self.vncPortLock.acquire()
-				port = 0
-				while (port in self.vncPorts):
-					port = port + 1
-				self.vncPorts.append(port)
-				self.vncPortLock.release()
-				self.enterCommand(child, "change vnc :%d" % (port))
-				child.vncPort = port
-				self.saveChildInfo(child)
-			port = child.vncPort
-			return "VNC started on %s:%d" % (hostname, port+5900)
+			return self.__specificStartVnc(vmId)
 		elif (arg == "stopvnc"):
-			child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
-			self.enterCommand(child, "change vnc none")
-			if (child.vncPort != -1):
-				self.vncPortLock.acquire()
-				self.vncPorts.remove(child.vncPort)
-				self.vncPortLock.release()
-				child.vncPort = -1
-				self.saveChildInfo(child)
-			return "VNC halted"
-		elif (arg.startswith("changecdrom:")):
-			child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
-			iso = scrubString(arg[12:])
-			imageLocal = self.dfs.getLocalHandle("images/" + iso)
-			self.enterCommand(child, "change ide1-cd0 %s" % (imageLocal))
-			return "Changed ide1-cd0 to %s" % (iso)
+			return self.__specificStopVnc(vmId)
+		elif (arg.startswith(changeCdText)):
+			iso = scrubString(arg[len(changeCdText):])
+			return self.__specificChangeCdRom(vmId, iso)
 		elif (arg == "startconsole"):
-			child = self.getChildFromPid(vmId)
-			hostname = socket.gethostname()
-			self.consolePortLock.acquire()
-			consolePort = self.consolePort
-			self.consolePort = self.consolePort+1
-			self.consolePortLock.release()
-			threading.Thread(target=controlConsole, args=(child,consolePort)).start()
-			return "Control console listenting on %s:%d" % (hostname, consolePort)
+			return self.__specificStartConsole(vmId)
 		elif (arg == "list"):
-			return "startVnc\nstopVnc\nchangeCdrom:<image.iso>\nstartConsole"
+			commands = [
+				"startVnc",
+				"stopVnc",
+				"changeCdrom:<image.iso>",
+				"startConsole",
+				]
+			return "\n".join(commands)
-			return "Unknown arg %s" % (arg)
+			return "Unknown command %s" % (arg)
+	# extern
 	def listVms(self):
 		return self.controlledVMs.keys()
+	# thread
 	def statsThread(self):
 		ticksPerSecond = float(os.sysconf('SC_CLK_TCK'))
 		netStats = {}
 		cpuStats = {}
+		# XXXstroucki be more exact here?
 		last = time.time() - self.statsInterval
 		while True:
 			now = time.time()
@@ -706,7 +856,7 @@
 				netData = f.readlines()
 				for l in netData:
-					if (l.find("tashi") != -1):
+					if (l.find(self.ifPrefix) != -1):
 						(dev, sep, ld) = stringPartition(l, ":")
 						dev = dev.strip()
 						ws = ld.split()
@@ -714,6 +864,9 @@
 						sendBytes = float(ws[8])
 						(recvMBs, sendMBs, lastRecvBytes, lastSendBytes) = netStats.get(dev, (0.0, 0.0, recvBytes, sendBytes))
 						if (recvBytes < lastRecvBytes):
+							# We seem to have overflowed
+							# XXXstroucki How likely is this to happen?
 							if (lastRecvBytes > 2**32):
 								lastRecvBytes = lastRecvBytes - 2**64
@@ -743,13 +896,13 @@
 					child = self.controlledVMs[vmId]
 					(recvMBs, sendMBs, recvBytes, sendBytes) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 					for i in range(0, len(child.instance.nics)):
-						netDev = "tashi%d.%d" % (, i)
+						netDev = "%s%d.%d" % (self.ifPrefix,, i)
 						(tmpRecvMBs, tmpSendMBs, tmpRecvBytes, tmpSendBytes) = netStats.get(netDev, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
 						(recvMBs, sendMBs, recvBytes, sendBytes) = (recvMBs + tmpRecvMBs, sendMBs + tmpSendMBs, recvBytes + tmpRecvBytes, sendBytes + tmpSendBytes)
 					self.stats[vmId] = self.stats.get(vmId, {})
 					child = self.controlledVMs.get(vmId, None)
 					if (child):
-						res = self.enterCommand(child, "info blockstats")
+						res = self.__enterCommand(child, "info blockstats")
 						for l in res.split("\n"):
 							(device, sep, data) = stringPartition(l, ": ")
 							if (data != ""):
@@ -767,6 +920,7 @@
 				log.exception("statsThread threw an exception")
 			last = now
+	# extern	
 	def getStats(self, vmId):
 		return self.stats.get(vmId, {})
diff --git a/src/tashi/ b/src/tashi/
index 8b9a217..09fe57e 100644
--- a/src/tashi/
+++ b/src/tashi/
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@
 # Test Code
 import unittest
-import sys
-import time
+#import sys
+#import time
 class TestThreadPool(unittest.TestCase):
 	def setUp(self):
diff --git a/src/tashi/rpycservices/ b/src/tashi/rpycservices/
index 3deac45..c66a40e 100644
--- a/src/tashi/rpycservices/
+++ b/src/tashi/rpycservices/
@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
 # under the License.
 import rpyc
-from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import *
+from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import Instance, Host, User
 import cPickle
 clusterManagerRPCs = ['createVm', 'shutdownVm', 'destroyVm', 'suspendVm', 'resumeVm', 'migrateVm', 'pauseVm', 'unpauseVm', 'getHosts', 'getNetworks', 'getUsers', 'getInstances', 'vmmSpecificCall', 'registerNodeManager', 'vmUpdate', 'activateVm', 'registerHost', 'getImages', 'copyImage']
 nodeManagerRPCs = ['instantiateVm', 'shutdownVm', 'destroyVm', 'suspendVm', 'resumeVm', 'prepReceiveVm', 'prepSourceVm', 'migrateVm', 'receiveVm', 'pauseVm', 'unpauseVm', 'getVmInfo', 'listVms', 'vmmSpecificCall', 'getHostInfo', 'liveCheck']
+accountingRPCs = ['record']
 def clean(args):
 	"""Cleans the object so cPickle can be used."""
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@
 		"""Returns a function that makes the RPC call. No keyword arguments allowed when calling this function."""
 		if self.conn.closed == True:
 			self.conn = self.createConn()
-		if name not in clusterManagerRPCs and name not in nodeManagerRPCs:
+		if name not in clusterManagerRPCs and name not in nodeManagerRPCs and name not in accountingRPCs:
 			return None
 		def connectWrap(*args):
 			args = cPickle.dumps(clean(args))
@@ -81,6 +82,8 @@
 	# Note: self.service and self._type are set before rpyc.utils.server.ThreadedServer is started.
 	def checkValidUser(self, functionName, clientUsername, args):
 		"""Checks whether the operation requested by the user is valid based on clientUsername. An exception will be thrown if not valid."""
+		if self._type == 'AccountingService':
+			return
 		if self._type == 'NodeManagerService':
 		if clientUsername in ['nodeManager', 'agent', 'root']:
@@ -114,4 +117,7 @@
 			return makeCall
 		if self._type == 'NodeManagerService' and name in nodeManagerRPCs:
 			return makeCall
+		if self._type == 'AccountingService' and name in accountingRPCs:
+			return makeCall
 		raise AttributeError('RPC does not exist')
diff --git a/src/tashi/ b/src/tashi/
index ae4b17d..4eb0981 100644
--- a/src/tashi/
+++ b/src/tashi/
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 # under the License.    
 import ConfigParser
-import cPickle
+#import cPickle
 import os
-import select
+#import select
 import signal
-import struct
+#import struct
 import sys
 import threading
 import time
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 import types
 import getpass
-import rpyc
 from tashi.rpycservices import rpycservices
 from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import TashiException, Errors, InstanceState, HostState
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@
 		def newFunc(*args, **kw):
 				return cur(*args, **kw)
-			except Exception, e:
+			except:
 				self.__dict__['__current_obj__'] = self.__dict__['__failsafe_obj__']
 				return fail(*args, **kw)
 		return newFunc
@@ -197,9 +196,9 @@
 	def newFunc(*args, **kw):
 			return oldFunc(*args, **kw)
-		except TashiException, e:
+		except TashiException:
-		except Exception, e:
+		except:
 			self = args[0]
 			if (self.convertExceptions):
 				raise TashiException(d={'errno':Errors.ConvertedException, 'msg': traceback.format_exc(10)})
@@ -210,7 +209,7 @@
 	"""Creates many permutations of a list of locations to look for config 
 	   files and then loads them"""
 	config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
-	baseLocations = ['./etc/', '/usr/share/tashi/', '/etc/tashi/', os.path.expanduser('~/.tashi/')]
+	baseLocations = ['/usr/local/tashi/etc/', '/usr/share/tashi/', '/etc/tashi/', os.path.expanduser('~/.tashi/')]
 	names = ['Tashi'] + additionalNames
 	names = reduce(lambda x, y: x + [y+"Defaults", y], names, [])
 	allLocations = reduce(lambda x, y: x + reduce(lambda z, a: z + [y + a + ".cfg"], names, []), baseLocations, []) + additionalFiles
@@ -264,10 +263,12 @@
 def createClient(config):
 	cfgHost = config.get('Client', 'clusterManagerHost')
 	cfgPort = config.get('Client', 'clusterManagerPort')
-	cfgTimeout = config.get('Client', 'clusterManagerTimeout')
+	#XXXstroucki nothing uses timeout right now
+	#cfgTimeout = config.get('Client', 'clusterManagerTimeout')
 	host = os.getenv('TASHI_CM_HOST', cfgHost)
 	port = os.getenv('TASHI_CM_PORT', cfgPort)
-	timeout = float(os.getenv('TASHI_CM_TIMEOUT', cfgTimeout)) * 1000.0
+	#XXXstroucki nothing uses timeout right now
+	#timeout = float(os.getenv('TASHI_CM_TIMEOUT', cfgTimeout)) * 1000.0
 	authAndEncrypt = boolean(config.get('Security', 'authAndEncrypt'))
 	if authAndEncrypt:
diff --git a/src/tashi/ b/src/tashi/
index 45865d6..1fd7997 100644
--- a/src/tashi/
+++ b/src/tashi/
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.    
-version = "201111"
+version = "201202"