nodemanagerservice: sometimes VMs report their death during creation. Note that this can happen.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/src/tashi/nodemanager/ b/src/tashi/nodemanager/
index b9032d9..3af587e 100755
--- a/src/tashi/nodemanager/
+++ b/src/tashi/nodemanager/
@@ -247,7 +247,14 @@
 	# calls this in the matchSystemPids thread
 	# i have no real idea why it is called there
 	def vmStateChange(self, vmId, old, cur):
-		instance = self.__getInstance(vmId)
+		try:
+			instance = self.__getInstance(vmId)
+		except TashiException, e:
+			if e.errno == Errors.NoSuchVmId:
+				self.log.warning("Asked to change state for unknown VM. Has it not completed starting yet?")
+				return False
+			else:
+				raise
 		if (instance.state == cur):
 			# Don't do anything if state is what it should be