blob: 65460e3613849cdceb8f9e01cad64d01531b2b70 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# under the License.
import rpyc
from tashi.rpycservices.rpyctypes import Instance, Host, User
import cPickle
clusterManagerRPCs = ['createVm', 'shutdownVm', 'destroyVm', 'suspendVm', 'resumeVm', 'migrateVm', 'pauseVm', 'unpauseVm', 'getHosts', 'getNetworks', 'getUsers', 'getInstances', 'vmmSpecificCall', 'registerNodeManager', 'vmUpdate', 'activateVm', 'registerHost', 'getImages', 'copyImage', 'setHostState']
nodeManagerRPCs = ['instantiateVm', 'shutdownVm', 'destroyVm', 'suspendVm', 'resumeVm', 'prepReceiveVm', 'prepSourceVm', 'migrateVm', 'receiveVm', 'pauseVm', 'unpauseVm', 'getVmInfo', 'listVms', 'vmmSpecificCall', 'getHostInfo', 'liveCheck']
accountingRPCs = ['record']
def clean(args):
"""Cleans the object so cPickle can be used."""
if isinstance(args, list) or isinstance(args, tuple):
cleanArgs = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(args, tuple):
cleanArgs = tuple(cleanArgs)
return cleanArgs
if isinstance(args, Instance):
return Instance(args.__dict__)
if isinstance(args, Host):
return Host(args.__dict__)
if isinstance(args, User):
user = User(args.__dict__)
user.passwd = None
return user
return args
class client:
def __init__(self, host, port, username=None, password=None):
"""Client for ManagerService. If username and password are provided, rpyc.tlslite_connect will be used to connect, else rpyc.connect will be used.""" = host
self.port = int(port)
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.conn = self.createConn()
def createConn(self):
"""Creates a rpyc connection."""
if self.username != None and self.password != None:
return rpyc.tlslite_connect(, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password)
return rpyc.connect(, port=self.port)
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Returns a function that makes the RPC call. No keyword arguments allowed when calling this function."""
if self.conn.closed == True:
self.conn = self.createConn()
if name not in clusterManagerRPCs and name not in nodeManagerRPCs and name not in accountingRPCs:
return None
def connectWrap(*args):
# XXXstroucki: why not talk directly, instead
# of using rpyc? We're already using pickle to move
# args.
args = cPickle.dumps(clean(args))
res = getattr(self.conn.root, name)(args)
except Exception, e:
raise e
res = cPickle.loads(res)
if isinstance(res, Exception):
raise res
return res
return connectWrap
class ManagerService(rpyc.Service):
"""Wrapper for rpyc service"""
# Note: self.service and self._type are set before rpyc.utils.server.ThreadedServer is started.
def checkValidUser(self, functionName, clientUsername, args):
"""Checks whether the operation requested by the user is valid based on clientUsername. An exception will be thrown if not valid."""
if self._type == 'AccountingService':
if self._type == 'NodeManagerService':
if clientUsername in ['nodeManager', 'agent', 'root']:
if functionName in ['destroyVm', 'shutdownVm', 'pauseVm', 'vmmSpecificCall', 'suspendVm', 'unpauseVm', 'migrateVm', 'resumeVm']:
instanceId = args[0]
instance =
instanceUsername =
if clientUsername != instanceUsername:
raise Exception('Permission Denied: %s cannot perform %s on VM owned by %s' % (clientUsername, functionName, instanceUsername))
def _rpyc_getattr(self, name):
"""Returns the RPC corresponding to the function call"""
def makeCall(args):
args = cPickle.loads(args)
if self._conn._config['credentials'] != None:
self.checkValidUser(makeCall._name, self._conn._config['credentials'], args)
except Exception, e:
e = cPickle.dumps(clean(e))
return e
res = getattr(self.service, makeCall._name)(*args)
except Exception, e:
res = e
res = cPickle.dumps(clean(res))
return res
makeCall._name = name
if self._type == 'ClusterManagerService' and name in clusterManagerRPCs:
return makeCall
if self._type == 'NodeManagerService' and name in nodeManagerRPCs:
return makeCall
if self._type == 'AccountingService' and name in accountingRPCs:
return makeCall
raise AttributeError('RPC does not exist')