tashi-client: new encapsulated comms don't give direct feedback if RPC is unavailable: Give preference to extraViews. Improve error messages.

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tashi/branches/stroucki-accounting@1295358 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/src/tashi/client/tashi-client.py b/src/tashi/client/tashi-client.py
index f7411ba..b4d9323 100755
--- a/src/tashi/client/tashi-client.py
+++ b/src/tashi/client/tashi-client.py
@@ -526,6 +526,7 @@
 	"""Main function for the client program"""
 	global INDENT, exitCode, client
 	exitCode = 0
+	exception = None
 	INDENT = (os.getenv("INDENT", 4))
 	if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
@@ -583,25 +584,33 @@
 					vals[parg] = val
+			# somewhat lame, but i don't want to rewrite the fn at this time
+			exception = ValueError("Unknown argument %s" % (arg)) 
-			raise ValueError("Unknown argument %s" % (arg)) 
+		f = None
+		try:
+			f = extraViews[function][0]
+		except:
+			pass
-		f = getattr(client, function, None)
+		if (f is None):
+			f = getattr(client, function, None)
-			if (f is None):
-				f = extraViews[function][0]
+			if exception is not None:
+				raise exception
 			if (function in convertArgs):
 				fargs = eval(convertArgs[function], globals(), vals)
 				fargs = []
-		except NameError, e:
-			print e
+			res = f(*fargs)
+		except Exception, e:
+			print "Failed in calling %s: %s" % (function, e)
 			print "Please run tashi-client --examples for syntax information"
-		res = f(*fargs)
 		if (res != None):
 			keys = extraViews.get(function, (None, None))[1]