blob: 68d229550c14724414ca06ca1789b7b1739edcf3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2004, 2005 The Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
service-no-parameters=Service {0} requires no service parameters.
service-single-parameter=Service {0} requires exactly one service parameter.
service-single-context-parameter=Service {0} requires exactly one context parameter.
service-requires-parameters=Service {0} requires at least one service parameter.
service-incorrect-parameter-count=Service {0} requires exactly {1} service parameters.
missing-resource=Could not locate resource {0}.
invalid-field-name=Invalid field name: {0}.
unable-to-resolve-class=Unable to resolve class {0}.
field-not-defined=Field {0} does not exist.
illegal-field-access=Cannot access field {0}.
field-is-instance=Field {0} is an instance variable, not a class variable.
deprecated-component-param=Parameter ''{1}'' of component {0} is deprecated, use parameter ''{2}'' instead.
must-be-wrapped-by-form={1} components must be enclosed by a Form component.
invalid-null-parameter=Parameter ''{0}'' may not be null.
null-value-for-binding=Binding value is null.
no-such-component=Component {0} does not contain a component {1}.
required-parameter=Value for parameter ''{0}'' in component {1} is null, and a non-null value is required.
render-only-property=Property ''{0}'' of {1} may only be accessed while the component is rendering.
unsupported-property=Property ''{1}'' is not supported by {0}.
must-be-contained-by-body={0} components must be contained by a Body component.
illegal-encoding=The encoding ''{0}'' is not recognized.
# org.apache.tapestry
AbstractComponent.attempt-to-change-container=Attempt to change existing container.
AbstractComponent.attempt-to-change-component-id=Attempt to change existing component id.
AbstractComponent.null-container={0} container is null.
AbstractComponent.attempt-to-change-page=Attempt to change existing containing page.
AbstractComponent.attempt-to-change-spec=Attempt to change existing component specification.
AbstractPage.attempt-to-change-locale=Attempt to change existing locale for a page.
AbstractPage.attempt-to-change-name=Attempt to change existing name for a page.
AbstractMarkupWriter.missing-constructor-parameters=Incomplete parameters to AbstractMarkupWriter constructor.
ApplicationServlet.could-not-locate-engine=Could not locate an engine to service this request.
ApplicationServlet.engine-stateful-without-session=Engine {0} is stateful even though there is no HttpSession. Discarding the engine.
BaseComponent.unbalance-open-tags=Not all tags closed in template.
RedirectServlet.redirect-path=Redirecting to servlet at path {0}.
RedirectServlet.redirecting=Redirecting servlet context URL to {0}.
ResponseOutputStream.content-type-not-set=Content type of response never set.
StaleLinkException.action-mismatch=Action id {0} matched component {1}, not {2}.
StaleLinkException.component-mismatch=Action id {0} does not match component {1}.
Tapestry.even-sized-array=An even-sized array of keys and values is required.
Tapestry.missing-method-invocation=Class {0} overrides method ''{1}'' but does not invoke the super-class implementation.
# org.apache.tapestry.asset
AssetExternalizer.externalize-failure=Could not externalize asset {0} to {1}.
ExternalAsset.resource-missing=Could not access external asset {0}.
# org.apache.tapestry.bean
AbstractBeanInitializer.unable-to-set-property=Unable to set property ''{0}'' of {1} to {2}.
# org.apache.tapestry.binding
AbstractBinding.wrong-type=Parameter {0} ({1}) is an instance of {2}, which does not inherit from {3}.
AbstractBinding.wrong-interface=Parameter {0} ({1}) is an instance of {2}, which does not implement interface {3}.
ExpressionBinding.unable-to-resolve-expression=Unable to resolve expression ''{0}'' for {1}.
ExpressionBinding.unable-to-update-expression=Unable to update expression ''{0}'' for {1} to {2}.
ListenerBinding.invalid-access=Inappropriate invocation of {0} on instance of ListenerBinding.
ListenerBinding.bsf-exception=Unable to execute listener script "{0}": {1}
ListenerBinding.unable-to-undeclare-bean=Unable to undeclare bean ''{0}'' after executing "{0}".
# org.apache.tapestry.component
Insert.unable-to-format=Unable to format object {0}.
# org.apache.tapestry.param {1} of component {0} is not read-write. Java type was specified for parameter {0} of component {1}.
ParameterManager.type-mismatch=Parameter {0} of component {1} is declared as {2}, but the property is {3}.
ParameterManager.static-initialization-failure=Unable to set property {0} of component {1} from {2}.
ParameterManager.incompatible-direction-and-binding=Parameter {0} of component {1} is direction {2} which is incompatible with {3}.
# org.apache.tapestry.engine
AbstractEngine.unable-to-begin-request=Tapestry unable to begin processing request.
AbstractEngine.unable-to-cleanup-page=Unable to cleanup page {0}.
AbstractEngine.unable-to-create-cleanup-context=Unable to create an instance of RequestContext to process end-of-session page cleanups.
AbstractEngine.exception-during-cache-clear=Exception while clearing caches after request.
ActionService.context-parameters=Service action requires either three or four service contect parameters.
ActionService.action-component-wrong-type=Component {0} does not implement the IAction interface.
DefaultScriptSource.unable-to-parse-script=Unable to parse script {0}.
EngineServiceLink.unknown-parameter-name=Unknown parameter name ''{0}''.
Namespace.application-namespace=application namespace
Namespace.framework-namespace=framework namespace
Namespace.nested-namespace=namespace ''{0}''
Namespace.library-id-not-found=Library ''{0}'' not found in {1}.
RequestCycle.invalid-null-name=Parameter name may not be null in RequestCycle.getPage(String).
RequestCycle.form-rewind-failure=Failure to rewind form {0}.
ResourceResolver.unable-to-load-class=Could not load class {0} from {1}: {2}
TagSupportService.service-only=The tagsupport service does not support tag generation.
TagSupportService.null-attribute=Request attribute ''{0}'' is required by the tagsupport service, but the value is null.
TagSupportService.attribute-not-string=Request attribute ''{0}'' is an instance of {1}, not a string.
TagSupportService.attribute-not-array=Request attribute ''{0}'' is an instance of {0}, not an object array.
BaseEngine.recorder-has-uncommited-changes=Could not forget changes to page {0} because the page's recorder has uncommitted changes.
BaseEngine.duplicate-page-recorder=Could not create a second page recorder for page {0}.
# org.apache.tapestry.event
ObservedChangeEvent.null-property-name=Must specify a non-null propertyName when creating ObservedChangeEvent for {0}.
ObservedChangeEvent.must-be-serializable=Must specify a serializable object as the new value of property when creating an ObservedChangeEvent.
# org.apache.tapestry.form
ListEdit.unable-to-convert-value=Unable to convert {0} to an external string in ListEdit component.
ListEdit.unable-to-convert-string=Unable to convert {0} back into an object in ListEdit component.
For.unable-to-convert-value=Unable to convert {0} to an external string in For component.
For.unable-to-convert-string=Unable to convert {0} back into an object in For component.
If.invalid-condition-type=Unable to convert {0} back into a boolean in If component.
If.unable-to-convert-value=Unable to convert {0} to an external string in If component.
If.unable-to-convert-string=Unable to convert {0} back into an object in If component.
FormConditional.unable-to-convert-value=Unable to convert {0} to an external string in FormConditional component.
FormConditional.unable-to-convert-string=Unable to convert {0} back into an object in FormConditional component.
Option.must-be-contained-by-select=Option component must be contained within a Select.
Radio.must-be-contained-by-group=Radio component must be contained within a RadioGroup.
RadioGroup.may-not-nest=RadioGroup components may not be nested.
Select.may-not-nest=Select components may not be nested.
LinkSubmit.may-not-nest=LinkSubmit components may not be nested.
# org.apache.tapestry.html
Body.may-not-nest=Body components may not be nested.
Body.include-classpath-script-only=Unable to include external script {0}: only classpath resources are supported.
Rollover.must-be-contained-by-body=Rollover components must be contained within a Body component.
Rollover.must-be-contained-by-link=Rollover components must be contained within an ILinkComponent.
Script.must-be-contained-by-body=Script components must be contained within a Body component.
# org.apache.tapestry.contrib.inspector
ShowEngine.could-not-serialize=Could not serialize the application engine.
InspectorButton.must-be-contained-by-body=InspectorButton component must be contained within a Body component.
# org.apache.tapestry.jsp
URLRetriever.unable-to-find-dispatcher=Unable to find request dispatcher for servlet at ''{0}''. exception messaging servlet {0}: {1}
URLRetriever.servlet-exception=Servlet exception messaging servlet {0}: {1} exception writing output: {1}
AbstractTapestryTag.unable-to-evaluate-expression=Unable to evaluate OGNL expression ''{0}'': {1}
GestureLink.missing-service=No engine service name {0}. may not be nested. link component with multiple functions for a single event type must be contained within a Body.
# org.apache.tapestry.multipart
UploadPart.unable-to-open-content-file=Unable to open uploaded file ''{0}''.
UploadPart.write-failure=Error writing uploaded content to {0}: {1}
DefaultMultipartDecoder.unable-to-decode=Unable to decode request: {0}
DefaultMultipartDecoder.encoding-not-set=No encoding has been set for this request.
# org.apache.tapestry.pageload
PageLoader.unable-to-load-specification=Unable to load component specification.
# org.apache.tapestry.parse
TextToken.error-trimming={0}: Failure trimming leading and trailing whitespace. {0} does not define a public id.
TextToken.range-error={0}: out of range for template length {1}.
TemplateToken.may-not-render={0} tokens may not render.
# org.apache.tapestry.record
PageRecorder.change-after-lock=Page recorder for page {0} is locked after a commit(), but received a change to property {1} of component {2}.
PageRecorder.unable-to-persist=Unable to persist property {0} of component {1} as {2}.
PageRecorder.null-property-name=A change event for component {0} failed to specify the name of the updated property.
PageRecorder.unable-to-rollback=Unable to set property {0} of component {1} to {2}: {3}
# org.apache.tapestry.script
ScriptParser.unknown-public-id=Script uses unknown public identifier {0}.
ScriptParser.invalid-key=''{0}'' is not a valid key. Symbol keys must be valid Java identifiers.
ScriptParser.unable-to-resolve-class=''{0}'' is not a resolvable class name.
InputSymbolToken.required=Script symbol ''{0}'' is required, but not specified.
InputSymbolToken.wrong-type=Script symbol ''{0}'' is {1}, not {2}.
# org.apache.tapestry.spec
LibrarySpecification.duplicate-child-namespace-id=A child namespace with id ''{0}'' already exists.
LibrarySpecification.duplicate-page-name=A page named ''{0}'' already exists in this namespace.
LibrarySpecification.duplicate-component-alias=A component alias ''{0}'' already exists in this namespace.
LibrarySpecification.duplicate-extension-name=An extension named ''{0}'' already exists in this namespace. extension named ''{0}'' exists in this namespace.
LibrarySpecification.extension-does-not-implement-interface=Extension ''{0}'' (class {1}) does not implement interface {2}.
LibrarySpecification.extension-not-a-subclass=Extension ''{0}'' (class {1}) does not inherit from class {2}.
ExtensionSpecification.duplicate-property={0}: already contains property configuration for ''{1}''.
ExtensionSpecification.bad-class=Unable to locate class {0}.
# org.apache.tapestry.util
JanitorThread.interval-locked=The interval for this janitor thread is locked.
JanitorThread.illegal-interval=The interval for a janitor thread may not be less than 1 millisecond.
MultiKey.null-keys=Must pass in non-empty array of keys.
MultiKey.first-element-may-not-be-null=First element of keys may not be null. keys for this MultiKey.
DataSqueezer.short-prefix=The adaptor prefix must contain at least one character.
DataSqueezer.null-class=The dataClass may not be null.
DataSqueezer.null-adaptor=The adaptor may not be null.
DataSqueezer.prefix-out-of-range=DataSqueezer prefix must be in the range ''!'' to ''z''.
DataSqueezer.adaptor-prefix-taken=An adaptor for prefix ''{0}'' is already registered.
SerializableAdaptor.class-not-found=Class {0} not found.
SerializableAdaptor.unable-to-convert=Cannot convert {0} into a modified Base64 character.
SerializableAdaptor.unable-to-interpret-char=Cannot interpret ''{0}'' as a modified Base64 character. ComponentAddress encoding -- separator not present
# org.apache.tapestry.util.prop
PropertyFinder.unable-to-introspect-class=Unable to instrospect properties of class {0}.
OgnlUtils.unable-to-update-expression=Unable to update expression ''{0}'' of {1} to {2}.
OgnlUtils.unable-to-read-expression=Unable to read expression ''{0}'' of {1}.
OgnlUtils.unable-to-parse-expression=Unable to parse expression ''{0}''.
# org.apache.tapestry.util.xml
AbstractDocumentParser.unable-to-parse=Unable to parse {0}: {1}
AbstractDocumentParser.unable-to-read=Error reading {0}: {1}
AbstractDocumentParser.unable-to-construct-builder=Unable to construct DocumentBuilder: {0}
AbstractDocumentParser.invalid-identifier={0} is not a valid identifier (in element {1}). rule is defined for parsing element ''{0}''.
RuleDrivenParser.resource-missing=Unable to find resource {0}.
RuleDrivenParser.unable-to-open-resource=Unable to open resource {0}.
RuleDrivenParser.parse-error=Unable to parse {0}: {1}
# org.apache.tapestry.valid
ValidField.must-be-contained-by-body=A ValidField using client-side validation must be enclosed by a Body component.
NumberValidator.unknown-type=Unknown value type {0}. to provide validation for field {0} (value type {1}).
PatternValidator.pattern-match-error=Unable to match pattern {0} for field {1}.
# org.apache.tapestry.wml may not be nested.
Postfield.must-be-contained-by-go=This postfield must be contained within a Go.
# org.apache.tapestry.contrib.components
When.must-be-contained-by-choose=When component must be contained within a Choose.