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<title>Tapestry: Java Web Components </title>
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<td height="5"><IMG height=1 src="web/images/spacer.gif" width=1 border=0></td>
<td align="left" valign="top" height="20"><span class="release">Release @VERSION@</RELEASE></span></td>
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<IMG height=44 src="web/images/ico_t.gif" width=44 align=absMiddle border=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;<IMG height=22 alt="" src="web/images/hd_tapestry.gif" width=100 align=absMiddle vspace=17 border=0>
<p>Tapestry is a component based framework for creating sophisticated web applications.
It's used with existing application servers, acting as a kind of "super servlet".
The <a href="">Tapestry Home Page</a>
contains much more information about what Tapestry
is, how to use it and why you can't live without it!
<p>Tapestry is distributed as a single distribution, including source code, compiled frameworks,
examples and documentation.
<p>The JARs were created on
using the
<p>This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation
(<a href=""></a>).
<IMG height=12 src="web/images/dots_leftnav.gif" width=14>&nbsp;<A class=clsLeftNav href="#config">Configuration</A>
<IMG height=12 src="web/images/dots_leftnav.gif" width=14>&nbsp;<A class=clsLeftNav href="#doc">Documentation</A>
<IMG height=12 src="web/images/dots_leftnav.gif" width=14>&nbsp;<A class=clsLeftNav href="#jars">Third Party Jars</A>
<a name="config"></a>
<p>Tapestry ships with the the Tapestry Tutorial and the Virtual Library demo applications, which are very
easy to configure and run. To run these Tapestry appliations please ensure:
<li>JDK 1.3 or newer JVM is installed, and the <tt>JAVA_HOME</tt> environment variable is set.</B>
<li><b><a href="">Ant</a></b> 1.5 or newer is installed, and is added
to the system <tt>PATH</tt>.</li>
To run the Tapestry Tutorial and the Virtual Library applications with the
<a href="">JBoss</a> server:
<li><b>Download <b><a href="">JBoss 3.0.0</a></b>. </b>
JBoss is an open-source application server, used to run the database and Enterprise JavaBeans in the Virtual Library.
<em>The Virtual Library can only be
auto-configured using the JBoss 3.0.0 distribution.</em>
<li><b>Create the file <code><i>Tapestry</i>/config/</code>.</b>
This file informs
Tapestry where JBoss as been installed.
The directory contains a template file.
Set <code>jboss.dir</code> to the JBoss installation
directory, for example <i>C:/JBoss-3.0.0</i>.
<b>Note:</b> Use only forward slashes in this file name.
<li><b>Execute the command: <code>ant -emacs configure run-jboss</code></b>
<br>This will copy and configure the necessary files in the JBoss installation directory,
then run the JBoss server, automatically deploying the Tapestry Tutorial and
the Virtual Library demonstration. (The <code>-emacs</code> option
changes the Ant output format to be less verbose).</li>
Congratulations, you can now run the
<a href="http://localhost/tutorial">Tapestry Tutorial</a>
or the
<a href="http://localhost/vlib/app">Virtual Library</a> applications.
To run the Tapestry Tutorial application with the
<a href="">Jetty</a> server included in this distribution:
<li><b>Execute the command: <code>ant run-tutorial</code></b>
<br>This will run the Jetty server and the <a href="http://localhost:8080/tutorial">Tapestry Tutorial</a> application.</li>
To deploy the Tapestry Tutorial application onto an existing
<a href="">Tomcat</a> server:
<li><b>Create the file <code><i>Tapestry</i>/config/</code>.</b>
This file informs Tapestry where Tomcat as been installed.
The directory contains a template file.
Set <code>tomcat.dir</code> to the Tomcat installation
directory, for example <i>C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Tomcat 4.1</i>.
<b>Note:</b> Use only forward slashes in this file name.
<li><b>Execute the command: <code>ant deploy-tomcat</code></b>
<br>This will deploy run tutorial application onto the Tomcat server. If Tomcat is running
you should be able to access <a href="http://localhost:8080/tutorial">Tapestry Tutorial</a> application, otherwise start Tomcat to access the
<a name="doc"></a>
Tapestry documentation is distributed seperately from the main binary distribution,
in the file
<a href="">Tapestry-@VERSION@-doc.tar.gz</a>,
or is available <a href="">online</a>.
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr valign="top">
<td><IMG height=12 src="web/images/dots_leftnav.gif" width=14></td>
<td><A class=clsLeftNav href="web/doc/api/">Tapestry API Documentation</A>
Full documentation for the Tapestry framework, the <code>contrib</code>
framework (which contains additional components and classes),
and all the example code.
<tr><td height="10" colspan="4"><IMG src="images/spacer.gif" width=1></td></tr>
<tr valign="top">
<td><IMG height=12 src="web/images/dots_leftnav.gif" width=14></td>
<td><A class=clsLeftNav href="web/doc/ComponentReference/">Tapestry Component Reference</A>
A handy refrence to the built-in Tapestry components, with example
specifications, HTML templates and code.
<tr><td height="10" colspan="4"><IMG src="images/spacer.gif" width=1></td></tr>
<tr valign="top">
<td><IMG height=12 src="web/images/dots_leftnav.gif" width=14></td>
<td><A class=clsLeftNav href="web/doc/Tutorial/Tutorial.html">Tutorial</A>
<IMG height=12 src="web/images/dots_leftnav.gif" width=14>
<A class=clsLeftNav href="web/doc/Tutorial/Tutorial.pdf">[PDF]</A>
The best way to begin learning about the Tapestry framework; this document
eases the reader into basic Tapestry concepts.
<tr><td height="10" colspan="4"><IMG src="images/spacer.gif" width=1></td></tr>
<tr valign="top">
<td><IMG height=12 src="web/images/dots_leftnav.gif" width=14></td>
<td><A class=clsLeftNav href="web/doc/DevelopersGuide/DevelopersGuide.html">Tapestry Developer's Guide</A>
<IMG height=12 src="web/images/dots_leftnav.gif" width=14>
<A class=clsLeftNav href="web/doc/DevelopersGuide/DevelopersGuide.pdf">[PDF]</A>
Exhaustive reference for Tapestry, in extreme detail.
<tr><td height="10" colspan="4"><IMG src="images/spacer.gif" width=1></td></tr>
<tr valign="top">
<td><IMG height=12 src="web/images/dots_leftnav.gif" width=14></td>
<td><A class=clsLeftNav href="web/doc/ContributorsGuide/ContributorsGuide.html">Tapestry Contributor's Guide</A>
<IMG height=12 src="web/images/dots_leftnav.gif" width=14>
<A class=clsLeftNav href="web/doc/ContributorsGuide/ContributorsGuide.pdf">[PDF]</A>
A guide for advanced developers who want to contribute code back to the Tapestry framework.
Discusses coding conventions, CVS access procedures, documentation standards and the like.
<a name="jars"></a>
<h2>Third party JARs</h2>
Tapestry requires some third party JARs when it is compiled, as well as
at runtime. These files are are included in the distribution.
<table border="0">
<tr bgcolor="black">
<th><font color="white">JAR file</font>
<th><font color="white">Version</font>
<th><font color="white">License</font>
<th><font color="white">Description</font>&lt;
<tr valign="top" class="odd">
<td><A href="LICENSE.jakarta-oro.txt">Apache Software License, Version 1.1</A>
<td>Jakarta Commons Lang library, see
<a href="">Commons Lang</a>
<tr valign="top" class="even">
<td><A href="LICENSE.jakarta-oro.txt">Apache Software License, Version 1.1</A>
<td>Jakarta Commons Logging library, see
<a href="">Commons Logging</a>
<tr valign="top" class="odd">
<td>from jBoss 2.2.2
<td> LGPL</A>
<td>EJB 1.1 , copied from the
<a href="">JBoss</a> distribution.
<p>This library is required to compile Tapestry and
to compile and run the demos and tutorials.</p>
<tr valign="top" class="even">
<td><A href="LICENSE.jakarta-oro.txt">Apache Software License, Version 1.1</A>
<td>Regular expression library
<tr valign="top" class="odd">
<td><A href="LICENSE.javax.servlet.txt">Apache Software License, Version 1.1</A>
<td>Servlet API 2.3 reference implementation,
distributed with Jetty
<tr valign="top" class="even">
<td><A href="LICENSE.javax.xml.html">Sun Binary Code License</A>
<td>Java API for XML Processing , distributed with Jetty
<tr valign="top" class="odd">
<td><A href="LICENSE.JFreeChart.txt">LGPL</A>
<td>Part of <a href="">JFreeChart</a>, used in the Workbench tutorial.
<tr valign="top" class="even">
<td><A href="LICENSE.JFreeChart.txt">LGPL</A>
<td>Part of <a href="">JFreeChart</a>, used in the Workbench tutorial.
<tr valign="top" class="odd">
<td><A href="">IBM's Common Public License Version 0.5</A></A>
<td>Java unit testing framework, see <a href="">JUnit</a>
<tr valign="top" class="even">
<td><A href="LICENSE.log4j.txt">Apache Software License, Version 1.1</A></A>
<td>Logging Toolkit, logging toolkit used by Tapestry framework classes.
More information at the <a href="">log4j home page</a>.
<tr valign="top" class="odd">
<td>0.92 beta</td>
<td><A href="">McKoi
SQL Database</A>, Java SQL Database used for the Virtual Library demonstration.
<tr valign="top" class="even">
<td><A href="LICENSE.ognl.txt">BSD?</A></td>
<td><a href="">Object Graph
Navigation Library</a>.
<tr valign="top" class="odd">
<td><A href="LICENSE.javax.xml.html">Sun Binary Code License</A>
<td> Sun XML Parser, Distributed with Jetty
<tr valign="top" class="even">
<td><A href="LICENSE.Jetty.html">Jetty License</A>
<td>Jetty HTTP Servlet Server, see <a href="">
<tr bgcolor="black">
<td colspan="5" height=1><IMG src="web/images/spacer.gif"></td>
<p>Tapestry is an open source project, hosted by
<a href="">The Jakarta Project</a>
and distributed under the terms
of the <A href="License.txt">Apache Software License 1.1</A>.</p></td></tr></table>
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<td width="654" align="right" valign="bottom" class="clsFooter">&copy; 2003 Apache Software Foundation.
All rights reserved.
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