blob: aeb85134e36c56f93748b5e689c1e5b985a387b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tapestry.contrib.table.model.simple;
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.apache.tapestry.IComponent;
import org.apache.tapestry.contrib.table.model.ITableRendererSource;
import org.apache.tapestry.contrib.table.model.common.AbstractTableColumn;
* A simple minimal implementation of the
* {@link org.apache.tapestry.contrib.table.model.ITableColumn} interface that
* provides all the basic services for displaying a column.
* @version $Id$
* @author mindbridge
public class SimpleTableColumn extends AbstractTableColumn
public static final ITableRendererSource DEFAULT_COLUMN_RENDERER_SOURCE =
new SimpleTableColumnRendererSource();
public static final ITableRendererSource FORM_COLUMN_RENDERER_SOURCE =
new SimpleTableColumnFormRendererSource();
public static final ITableRendererSource DEFAULT_VALUE_RENDERER_SOURCE =
new SimpleTableValueRendererSource();
private String m_strDisplayName;
private ITableColumnEvaluator m_objEvaluator;
* Creates a SimpleTableColumn
* @param strColumnName the identifying name and display name of the column
public SimpleTableColumn(String strColumnName)
this(strColumnName, strColumnName);
* Creates a SimpleTableColumn
* @param strColumnName the identifying name and display name of the column
* @param bSortable whether the column is sortable
public SimpleTableColumn(String strColumnName, boolean bSortable)
this(strColumnName, strColumnName, bSortable);
* Creates a SimpleTableColumn
* @param strColumnName the identifying name and display name of the column
* @param bSortable whether the column is sortable
* @param objEvaluator the evaluator to extract the column value from the row
public SimpleTableColumn(
String strColumnName,
ITableColumnEvaluator objEvaluator,
boolean bSortable)
this(strColumnName, strColumnName, objEvaluator, bSortable);
* Creates a SimpleTableColumn
* @param strColumnName the identifying name of the column
* @param strDisplayName the display name of the column
public SimpleTableColumn(String strColumnName, String strDisplayName)
this(strColumnName, strDisplayName, false);
* Creates a SimpleTableColumn
* @param strColumnName the identifying name of the column
* @param strDisplayName the display name of the column
* @param bSortable whether the column is sortable
public SimpleTableColumn(
String strColumnName,
String strDisplayName,
boolean bSortable)
this(strColumnName, strDisplayName, null, bSortable);
* Creates a SimpleTableColumn
* @param strColumnName the identifying name of the column
* @param strDisplayName the display name of the column
* @param bSortable whether the column is sortable
* @param objEvaluator the evaluator to extract the column value from the row
public SimpleTableColumn(
String strColumnName,
String strDisplayName,
ITableColumnEvaluator objEvaluator,
boolean bSortable)
super(strColumnName, bSortable, null);
setComparator(new DefaultTableComparator());
* Returns the display name of the column that will be used
* in the table header.
* Override for internationalization.
* @return String the display name of the column
public String getDisplayName()
return m_strDisplayName;
* Sets the displayName.
* @param displayName The displayName to set
public void setDisplayName(String displayName)
m_strDisplayName = displayName;
* Returns the evaluator.
* @return ITableColumnEvaluator
public ITableColumnEvaluator getEvaluator()
return m_objEvaluator;
* Sets the evaluator.
* @param evaluator The evaluator to set
public void setEvaluator(ITableColumnEvaluator evaluator)
m_objEvaluator = evaluator;
* Sets a comparator that compares the values of this column rather than
* the objects representing the full rows. <br>
* This method allows easier use of standard comparators for sorting
* the column. It simply wraps the provided comparator with a row-to-column
* convertor and invokes the setComparator() method.
* @param comparator The column value comparator
public void setColumnComparator(Comparator comparator)
setComparator(new ColumnComparator(this, comparator));
* Extracts the value of the column from the row object
* @param objRow the row object
* @return Object the column value
public Object getColumnValue(Object objRow)
ITableColumnEvaluator objEvaluator = getEvaluator();
if (objEvaluator != null)
return objEvaluator.getColumnValue(this, objRow);
// default fallback
return objRow.toString();
* Use the column name to get the display name, as well as
* the column and value renderer sources from the provided component.
* @param objSettingsContainer the component from which to get the settings
public void loadSettings(IComponent objSettingsContainer)
String strDisplayName = objSettingsContainer.getMessages().getMessage(getColumnName(), null);
if (strDisplayName != null)
public class DefaultTableComparator implements Comparator, Serializable
public int compare(Object objRow1, Object objRow2)
Object objValue1 = getColumnValue(objRow1);
Object objValue2 = getColumnValue(objRow2);
if (objValue1 == objValue2)
return 0;
boolean bComparable1 = objValue1 instanceof Comparable;
boolean bComparable2 = objValue2 instanceof Comparable;
// non-comparable values are considered equal
if (!bComparable1 && !bComparable2)
return 0;
// non-comparable values (null included) are considered smaller
// than the comparable ones
if (!bComparable1)
return -1;
if (!bComparable2)
return 1;
return ((Comparable) objValue1).compareTo(objValue2);