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// Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tapestry5.func;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
* Functional operations on collections with generics support. The core interface is {@link Flow} to
* which operations
* and transformations
* (in terms of {@link Predicate}s, {@link Mapper}s and {@link Reducer}s) to create new Flows. Flows
* are initially
* created
* using {@link #flow(Collection)} and {@link #flow(Object...)}.
* <p/>
* F will be used a bit, thus it has a short name (for those who don't like static imports). It provides a base set of
* Predicate, Mapper and Reducer factories. A good development pattern for applications is to provide a similar,
* application-specific, set of such factories.
* @since 5.2.0
public class F
final static Flow<?> EMPTY_FLOW = new EmptyFlow();
static <T> Flow<T> emptyFlow()
return (Flow<T>) EMPTY_FLOW;
* A Predicate factory for equality of an element from a flow against a specified
* value.
public static <T> Predicate<T> eql(final T value)
return new Predicate<T>()
public boolean accept(T element)
return element.equals(value);
* Predicate that returns true if the provided string is blank (null or all whitespace).
public static Predicate<String> IS_BLANK = new Predicate<String>()
public boolean accept(String element)
return element == null || element.trim().length() == 0;
* A Predicate factory for comparison of a Comparable element from a flow against a fixed value.
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Predicate<T> eq(final T value)
return new Predicate<T>()
public boolean accept(T element)
return element.compareTo(value) == 0;
* A Predicate factory for comparison of a Comparable element against a fixed value.
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Predicate<T> neq(final T value)
return new Predicate<T>()
public boolean accept(T object)
return object.compareTo(value) != 0;
* A Predicate factory for comparison of a Comparable against a fixed value; true
* if the flow element is greater than the provided value.
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Predicate<T> gt(final T value)
return new Predicate<T>()
public boolean accept(T element)
return element.compareTo(value) > 0;
* A Predicate factory for comparison of a Comparable against a fixed value; true
* if the flow element is greater than or equal to the value.
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Predicate<T> gteq(final T value)
return new Predicate<T>()
public boolean accept(T element)
return element.compareTo(value) >= 0;
* A Predicate factory for comparison of a Comparable against a fixed value; true
* if the element is less than the value.
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Predicate<T> lt(T value)
return not(gteq(value));
* A Predicate factory for comparison of a Comprable element against a fixed value; true
* if the element is less than or equal to the value.
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Predicate<T> lteq(T value)
return not(gt(value));
* A Predicate factory; returns true if the value from the Flow is null.
public static <T> Predicate<T> isNull()
return new Predicate<T>()
public boolean accept(T element)
return element == null;
* A Predicate factory; returns true if the value from the Flow is not null.
public static <T> Predicate<T> notNull()
return not(isNull());
* A Mapper factory that gets the string value of the flow value using {@link String#valueOf(Object)}.
public static <T> Mapper<T, String> stringValueOf()
return new Mapper<T, String>()
public String map(T value)
return String.valueOf(value);
* A Mapper factory; the returned Mapper ignores its input value and always returns a
* predetermined result.
public static <S, T> Mapper<S, T> always(final T fixedResult)
return new Mapper<S, T>()
public T map(S input)
return fixedResult;
* A Mapper factory that combines a Predicate with two {@link Mapper}s; evaluating the predicate
* selects one of the two mappers.
* @param predicate
* evaluated to selected a coercion
* @param ifAccepted
* used when predicate evaluates to true
* @param ifRejected
* used when predicate evaluates to false
public static <S, T> Mapper<S, T> select(final Predicate<? super S> predicate, final Mapper<S, T> ifAccepted,
final Mapper<S, T> ifRejected)
assert predicate != null;
assert ifAccepted != null;
assert ifRejected != null;
return new Mapper<S, T>()
public T map(S input)
Mapper<S, T> active = predicate.accept(input) ? ifAccepted : ifRejected;
* Override of {@link #select(Predicate, Mapper, Mapper)} where rejected values are replaced
* with null.
public static <S, T> Mapper<S, T> select(Predicate<? super S> predicate, Mapper<S, T> ifAccepted)
return select(predicate, ifAccepted, (T) null);
* Override of {@link #select(Predicate, Mapper)} where rejected values are replaced with a
* fixed value.
public static <S, T> Mapper<S, T> select(Predicate<? super S> predicate, Mapper<S, T> ifAccepted, T ifRejectedValue)
Mapper<S, T> rejectedMapper = always(ifRejectedValue);
return select(predicate, ifAccepted, rejectedMapper);
* A Mapper factory; the Mapper returns the the flow value unchanged.
public static <S> Mapper<S, S> identity()
return new Mapper<S, S>()
public S map(S input)
return input;
* Allows a Mapper that maps to boolean to be used as a Predicate.
public static <S> Predicate<S> toPredicate(final Mapper<S, Boolean> mapper)
assert mapper != null;
return new Predicate<S>()
public boolean accept(S object)
* A Reducer that operates on a Flow of Integers and is used to sum the values.
public static Reducer<Integer, Integer> SUM_INTS = new Reducer<Integer, Integer>()
public Integer reduce(Integer accumulator, Integer value)
return accumulator + value;
* A two-input Mapper used to add the values from two Flows of Integers into a Flow of Integer
* sums.
public static Mapper2<Integer, Integer, Integer> ADD_INTS = new Mapper2<Integer, Integer, Integer>()
public Integer map(Integer first, Integer second)
return first + second;
* Extracts the values from the collection to form a {@link Flow}. The Collection
* may change after the Flow is created without affecting the Flow.
public static <T> Flow<T> flow(Collection<T> values)
assert values != null;
if (values.isEmpty())
return emptyFlow();
return new ArrayFlow<T>(values);
* Creates a new Flow from the values. You should not change the values array
* after invoking this method (i.e., no defensive copy of the values is made).
public static <T> Flow<T> flow(T... values)
if (values.length == 0)
return emptyFlow();
return new ArrayFlow<T>(values);
* Creates a lazy Flow from the {@link Iterator} obtained from the iterable. The Flow
* will be threadsafe as long as the iterable yields a new Iterator on each invocation <em>and</em> the underlying
* iterable object is not modified while the Flow is evaluating.
* In other words, not extremely threadsafe.
public static <T> Flow<T> flow(Iterable<T> iterable)
assert iterable != null;
return flow(iterable.iterator());
* Creates a lazy Flow from the {@link Iterator}. The Flow will be threadsafe as long as the underlying iterable
* object is not modified while the Flow is evaluating. In other words, not extremely threadsafe.
* @since 5.3
public static <T> Flow<T> flow(Iterator<T> iterator)
return lazy(new LazyIterator<T>(iterator));
* Creates a ZippedFlow from the provided map; the order of the tuples in the ZippedFlow is defined
* by the iteration order of the map entries.
* @param <A>
* type of key and first tuple value
* @param <B>
* type of value and second tuple value
* @param map
* source of tuples
* @return zipped flow created from map
* @since 5.3
public static <A, B> ZippedFlow<A, B> zippedFlow(Map<A, B> map)
assert map != null;
Flow<Tuple<A, B>> tuples = F.flow(map.entrySet()).map(new Mapper<Map.Entry<A, B>, Tuple<A, B>>()
public Tuple<A, B> map(Entry<A, B> element)
return Tuple.create(element.getKey(), element.getValue());
return ZippedFlowImpl.create(tuples);
* Creates a lazy Flow that returns integers in the given range. The range starts
* with the lower value and counts by 1 up to the upper range (which is not part of
* the Flow). If lower equals upper, the Flow is empty. If upper is less than lower,
* the Flow counts down instead.
* @param lower
* start of range (inclusive)
* @param upper
* end of range (exclusive)
public static Flow<Integer> range(int lower, int upper)
if (lower == upper)
return F.emptyFlow();
if (lower < upper)
return lazy(new LazyRange(lower, upper, 1));
return lazy(new LazyRange(lower, upper, -1));
* Creates a {@link Flow} from a {@linkplain LazyFunction lazy function}.
public static <T> Flow<T> lazy(LazyFunction<T> function)
assert function != null;
return new LazyFlow<T>(function);
private static <T> LazyFunction<T> toLazyFunction(final T currentValue, final Mapper<T, T> function)
return new LazyFunction<T>()
public LazyContinuation<T> next()
final T nextValue =;
return new LazyContinuation<T>(nextValue, toLazyFunction(nextValue, function));
* Creates an infinite lazy flow from an initial value and a function to map from the current value to the
* next value.
* @param initial
* initial value in flow
* @param function
* maps from current value in flow to next value in flow
* @return lazy flow
public static <T> Flow<T> iterate(final T initial, final Mapper<T, T> function)
LazyFunction<T> head = new LazyFunction<T>()
public LazyContinuation<T> next()
return new LazyContinuation<T>(initial, toLazyFunction(initial, function));
return lazy(head);
* Creates an <em>infinite</em> series of numbers.
* <p/>
* Attempting to get the {@linkplain Flow#count()} of the series will form an infinite loop.
public static Flow<Integer> series(int start, final int delta)
return iterate(start, new Mapper<Integer, Integer>()
public Integer map(Integer element)
return element + delta;
* A Worker factory; the returnedWorker adds the values to a provided collection.
public static <T> Worker<T> addToCollection(final Collection<T> coll)
return new Worker<T>()
public void work(T value)
* A Predicate factory for matching String elements with a given prefix.
* @since 5.3
public static Predicate<String> startsWith(String prefix)
return startsWith(prefix, false);
* As {@link #startsWith(String)}, but ignores case.
* @since 5.3
public static Predicate<String> startsWithIgnoringCase(String prefix)
return startsWith(prefix, true);
* @since 5.3
private static Predicate<String> startsWith(final String prefix, final boolean ignoreCase)
return new Predicate<String>()
public boolean accept(String element)
return element.regionMatches(ignoreCase, 0, prefix, 0, prefix.length());
* A Predicate factory for matching String elements with a given suffix.
* @since 5.3
public static Predicate<String> endsWith(String suffix)
return endsWith(suffix, false);
* As with {@link #endsWith(String)} but ignores case.
* @since 5.3
public static Predicate<String> endsWithIgnoringCase(String suffix)
return endsWith(suffix, true);
* @since 5.3
private static Predicate<String> endsWith(final String suffix, final boolean ignoreCase)
return new Predicate<String>()
public boolean accept(String element)
return element
.regionMatches(ignoreCase, element.length() - suffix.length(), suffix, 0, suffix.length());
* Creates a Comparator for the Tuples of a {@link ZippedFlow} that sorts the Tuple elements based on the first
* value in the Tuple.
* @since 5.3
public static <A extends Comparable<A>, B> Comparator<Tuple<A, B>> orderByFirst()
return new Comparator<Tuple<A, B>>()
public int compare(Tuple<A, B> o1, Tuple<A, B> o2)
return o1.first.compareTo(o2.first);
* Creates a Comparator for the Tuples of a {@link ZippedFlow} that sorts the Tuple elements based on the first
* value in the Tuple.
* @since 5.3
public static <A, B extends Comparable<B>> Comparator<Tuple<A, B>> orderBySecond()
return new Comparator<Tuple<A, B>>()
public int compare(Tuple<A, B> o1, Tuple<A, B> o2)
return o1.second.compareTo(o2.second);
* Inverts a predicate.
* @param delegate
* the predicate to invert
* @return a new predicate that is inverse to the existing predicate
* @since 5.3
public static <T> Predicate<T> not(final Predicate<? super T> delegate)
assert delegate != null;
return new Predicate<T>()
public boolean accept(T element)
return !delegate.accept(element);
* Combines two mappers into a composite mapping from type A to type C via type B.
* @param abMapper
* maps from A to B
* @param bcMapper
* maps from B to C
* @return mapper from A to C
public static <A, B, C> Mapper<A, C> combine(final Mapper<A, B> abMapper, final Mapper<B, C> bcMapper)
assert abMapper != null;
assert bcMapper != null;
return new Mapper<A, C>()
public C map(A aElement)
B bElement =;
* Combines any number of delegates as a logical and operation. Evaluation terminates
* with the first delegate predicate that returns false.
* @param delegates
* to evaluate
* @return combined delegate
* @since 5.3
public static <T> Predicate<T> and(final Predicate<? super T>... delegates)
return new Predicate<T>()
public boolean accept(T element)
for (Predicate<? super T> delegate : delegates)
if (!delegate.accept(element))
return false;
return true;
* Combines any number of delegates as a logical or operation. Evaluation terminates
* with the first delegate predicate that returns true.
* @param delegates
* to evaluate
* @return combined delegate
* @since 5.3
public static <T> Predicate<T> or(final Predicate<? super T>... delegates)
return new Predicate<T>()
public boolean accept(T element)
for (Predicate<? super T> delegate : delegates)
if (delegate.accept(element))
return true;
return false;
* Combines several compatible workers together into a composite.
* @since 5.3
public static <T> Worker<T> combine(final Worker<? super T>... delegates)
assert delegates.length > 0;
return new Worker<T>()
public void work(T value)
for (Worker<? super T> delegate : delegates)