blob: 694913a7ab968282dbd4878b57744fb2455967c8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012-2013 The Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ## t5/core/console
# A wrapper around the native console, when it exists.
define ["./dom", "underscore"],
(dom, _) ->
nativeConsole = {}
floatingConsole = null
messages = null
noFilter = -> true
filter = noFilter
updateFilter = (text) ->
if text is ""
filter = noFilter
text = text.toLowerCase()
filter = (e) -> e.text().toLowerCase().indexOf(text) >= 0
forceFloating = (dom.body.attribute "data-floating-console") == "true"
# FireFox will throw an exception if you even access the console object and it does
# not exist. Wow!
nativeConsole = console
catch e
# _internal_: displays the message inside the floating console, creating the floating
# console as needed.
display = (className, message) ->
dom.withReflowEventsDisabled ->
unless floatingConsole
floatingConsole = dom.create
class: "tapestry-console",
<div class="message-container"></div>
<div class="row-fluid">
<button data-action="clear" class="btn btn-mini"><i class="icon-remove"></i> Clear Console</button>
<button data-action="enable" class="btn btn-mini" disabled="true"><i class="icon-play"></i> Enable Console</button>
<button data-action="disable" class="btn btn-mini"><i class="icon-pause"></i> Disable Console</button>
<input class="search-query input-xlarge" size="40" placeholder="Filter console content">
dom.body.prepend floatingConsole
messages = floatingConsole.findFirst ".message-container"
floatingConsole.on "click", "[data-action=clear]", ->
messages.update ""
floatingConsole.on "click", "[data-action=disable]", ->
@attribute "disabled", true
floatingConsole.findFirst("[data-action=enable]").attribute "disabled", false
return false
floatingConsole.on "click", "[data-action=enable]", ->
@attribute "disabled", true
floatingConsole.findFirst("[data-action=disable]").attribute "disabled", false
return false
floatingConsole.on "change keyup", ".search-query", ->
updateFilter @value()
for e in messages.children()
visible = filter e
e[if visible then "show" else "hide"]()
return false
div = dom.create
class: className,
_.escape message
# Should really filter on original message, not escaped.
unless filter div
messages.append div
# Make sure the console is visible, even if disabled (and even if the new content is hidden).
# A slightly clumsy way to ensure that the container is scrolled to the bottom.
_.delay -> messages.element.scrollTop = messages.element.scrollHeight
level = (className, consolefn) ->
(message) ->
# consolefn may be null if there's no console; under IE it may be non-null, but not a function.
# For some testing, it is nice to force the floating console to always display.
if forceFloating or (not consolefn)
# Display it floating. If there's a real problem, such as a failed Ajax request, then the
# client-side code should be alerting the user in some other way, and not rely on them
# being able to see the logged console output.
display className, message
return unless forceFloating
if _.isFunction consolefn
# Use the available native console, calling it like an instance method console, message
# And IE just has to be different. The properties of console are callable, like functions,
# but aren't proper functions that work with `call()` either.
consolefn message
exports =
info: level "info",
warn: level "warn", nativeConsole.warn
error: level "error", nativeConsole.error
# Determine whether debug is enabled by checking for the necessary attribute (which is missing
# in production mode).
debugEnabled: (document.documentElement.getAttribute "data-debug-enabled")?
# When debugging is not enabled, then the debug function becomes a no-op.
exports.debug =
if exports.debugEnabled
# If native console available, go for it. IE doesn't have debug, so we use log instead.
level "debug", (nativeConsole.debug or nativeConsole.log)
# This is also an aid to debugging; it allows arbitrary scripts to present on the console; when using Geb
# and/or Selenium, it is very useful to present debugging data right on the page.
window.t5console = exports
requirejs.onError = (err) ->
message = "RequireJS error: #{err.requireType}"
if err.message
message += """: #{err.message}"""
if err.requireType
message += """, modules #{err.requireModules.join(", ")}"""
exports.error message
# Return the exports; we keep a reference to it, so we can see exports.DURATION, even
# if some other module imports this one and modifies that property.
return exports