blob: 616c86968713a2a2c14ac2d3145932bdf6129335 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006, 2007 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.IOCInternalTestCase;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.TimeInterval;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
public class TypeCoercerImplTest extends IOCInternalTestCase
private TypeCoercer coercer;
public void setup_coercer()
coercer = getService(TypeCoercer.class);
public void cleanup_coercer()
coercer = null;
public void builtin_coercion()
// String to Double
assertEquals(coercer.coerce("-15", Double.class), new Double(-15));
// Now a second pass through, to exercise the internal cache
assertEquals(coercer.coerce("2.27", Double.class), new Double(2.27));
public void primitive_type_as_target()
assertEquals(coercer.coerce(227l, int.class), new Integer(227));
public void no_coercion_necessary()
Object input = new Integer(-37);
assertSame(coercer.coerce(input, Number.class), input);
public void combined_coercion()
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("12345");
// This should trigger Object -> String, String -> Integer
assertEquals(coercer.coerce(builder, int.class), new Integer(12345));
// This should trigger String -> Double, Number -> Integer
assertEquals(coercer.coerce("52", Integer.class), new Integer(52));
public void no_coercion_found()
coercer.coerce("", Map.class);
catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
"Could not find a coercion from type java.lang.String to type java.util.Map"));
public void coercion_failure()
coercer.coerce(Collections.EMPTY_MAP, Float.class);
catch (RuntimeException ex)
"Coercion of {} to type java.lang.Float (via Object --> String, String --> Double, Double --> Float) failed"));
assertTrue(ex.getCause() instanceof NumberFormatException);
@Test(dataProvider = "coercions_inputs")
public void builtin_coercions(Object input, Class targetType, Object expected)
Object actual = coercer.coerce(input, targetType);
assertEquals(actual, expected);
@DataProvider(name = "coercions_inputs")
public Object[][] coercions_inputs()
String bigDecimalValue = "12345656748352435842385234598234958234574358723485.35843534285293857298457234587";
String bigIntegerValue = "12384584574874385743";
Object object = new Object();
// Over time, some of these may evolve from testing specific tuples to
// compound tuples (built around specific tuples).
Float floatValue = new Float(31.14);
byte byte1 = 12, byte2 = 56;
short short1 = 34, short2 = 98;
return new Object[][] {
// There's a lot of these!
{ this, String.class, toString() },
{ 55l, Integer.class, 55 },
{ "", Boolean.class, false },
{ " ", Boolean.class, false },
{ "x", Boolean.class, true },
{ " z ", Boolean.class, true },
{ "false", Boolean.class, false },
{ " False ", Boolean.class, false },
{ null, Boolean.class, false },
{ new Double(256), Integer.class, new Integer(256) },
{ new Double(22.7), Integer.class, new Integer(22) },
{ new Integer(0), Boolean.class, false },
{ new Long(32838), Boolean.class, true },
{ new Integer(127), Byte.class, new Byte("127") },
{ new Double(58), Short.class, new Short("58") },
{ new Integer(33), Long.class, new Long(33) },
{ new Integer(22), Float.class, new Float(22) },
{ new Integer(1234), Double.class, new Double(1234) },
{ floatValue, Double.class, floatValue.doubleValue() },
{ Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Boolean.class, false },
{ Collections.singleton(this), Boolean.class, true },
{ bigDecimalValue, BigDecimal.class, new BigDecimal(bigDecimalValue) },
{ new BigDecimal(bigDecimalValue), Double.class, 1.2345656748352436E49 },
{ bigIntegerValue, BigInteger.class, new BigInteger(bigIntegerValue) },
{ new BigInteger("12345678"), Long.class, 12345678l },
{ -12345678l, BigInteger.class, new BigInteger("-12345678") },
{ object, List.class, Collections.singletonList(object) },
{ null, Iterable.class, null },
{ null, List.class, null },
{ null, Collection.class, null },
{ null, String.class, null },
{ new Object[] { "a", 123 }, List.class, Arrays.asList("a", 123) },
{ new String[] { "a", "b" }, List.class, Arrays.asList("a", "b") },
{ new byte[] { byte1, byte2 }, List.class, Arrays.asList(byte1, byte2) },
{ new short[] { short1, short2 }, List.class, Arrays.asList(short1, short2) },
{ new int[] { 1, 2 }, List.class, Arrays.asList(1, 2) },
{ new long[] { 123L, 321L }, List.class, Arrays.asList(123L, 321L) },
{ new float[] { 3.4f, 7.777f }, List.class, Arrays.asList(3.4f, 7.777f) },
{ new double[] { 3.4, 7.777 }, List.class, Arrays.asList(3.4, 7.777) },
{ new char[] { 'a', 'b' }, List.class, Arrays.asList('a', 'b') },
{ new boolean[] { true, false }, List.class, Arrays.asList(true, false) },
{ "foo/bar/baz.txt", File.class, new File("foo/bar/baz.txt") },
{ new TimeInterval("2 h"), Long.class, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000l },
{ "2 h", TimeInterval.class, new TimeInterval("120 m") },
// null to arbitrary object is still null
{ null, XMLReader.class, null } };
@Test(dataProvider = "explain_inputs")
public <S, T> void explain(Class<S> inputType, Class<T> outputType, String expected)
assertEquals(coercer.explain(inputType, outputType), expected);
@DataProvider(name = "explain_inputs")
public Object[][] explain_inputs()
return new Object[][] {
{ StringBuffer.class, Integer.class, "Object --> String, String --> Long, Long --> Integer" },
{ void.class, Map.class, "null --> null" }, { void.class, Boolean.class, "null --> Boolean" },
{ String[].class, List.class, "Object[] --> java.util.List" },
{ Float.class, Double.class, "Float --> Double" },
{ Double.class, BigDecimal.class, "Object --> String, String --> java.math.BigDecimal" },