blob: e83a84107dd4c8775d98eaccb464c26f8b63498f [file] [log] [blame]
Tapestry IOC makes use of runtime-evaluated <symbols> to handle certains types of configuration tasks.
The syntax of symbols is based on Ant expression, that is, a leading <<<$\{>>> before the symbol name,
and a trailing <<<\}>>> after. The value on the inside is the <symbol name>. By convention, the symbol
name is segmented with periods.
These symbols are used inside the
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/annoations/Value.html}Value}} and
For example:
public static MyService build(
@InjectService("${some-service-id}") Collaborator collab)
return . . . ;
Here, the symbol,
<<<some-service-id>>> is a service id, such as <<<WackyCollaborator>>>.
Although not shown here, it is possible to use multple symbols inside the string, or mix literal text with
Symbol Resolution
Symbols are resolved by the
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/services/SymbolSource.html}SymbolSource}} service. The SymbolSource
checks against an ordered list of
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/services/SymbolProvider.html}SymbolProvider}} objects.
Additional symbol providers may be employed by contributing to the tapestry.ioc.SymbolSource service configuration,
which is an ordered list of SymbolProviders.
By default, there are three providers:
* SystemProperties
The first provider allows JVM System Properties to provide symbol values. This allows the use
of the <<java>> command's <<-D>> option to provide runtime overrides. This is most often used
when testing code, rather than in production.
* ApplicationDefaults
Values not found as System Properties are searched for in the ApplicationDefaults. This
service, ApplicationDefaults, may be configured using a mapped configuration to provide values.
From the previous example:
public void contributeApplicationDefaults(MappedConfiguration<String, String> configuration)
configuration.add("some-service-id", "WackyCollaborator");
* FactoryDefaults
The same as ApplicationDefaults, but checked only if a value is not satisfied by SystemProperties
or ApplicationDefaults.
Libraries will typically set reasonable defaults as contributions to the FactoryDefaults service configuration.
Individual applications may hard code overrides of those defaults using ApplicationDefaults. Individual developers
may override even those defaults by setting JVM System Properties.
Recursive Symbols
It is possible and valid to define one symbol in terms of one ore more other symbols.
public void contributeFactoryDefaults(MappedConfiguration<String, String> configuration)
configuration.add("report.url", "http://${}:${report.port}/${report.path}");
configuration.add("", "");
configuration.add("report.port", "80");
configuration.add("report.path", "/report.cgi");
The ordinary default for <<<report.url>>> will be <<<>>>.
However, this can be changed by making an overriding contribution to the ApplicationDefaults service
Tapestry checks that no symbol is directly or indirectly dependent on itself. For example, the following contribution is
public void contributeApplicationDefaults(MappedConfiguration<String, String> configuration)
configuration.add("report.path", "${report.url}/report.cgi");
When the <<<report.url>>> is referenced, an exception will be thrown with the message: <<
Symbol 'report.path' is defined in terms of itself (report.path --> report.url --> report.path).>>