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Starting the Tapestry IoC Registry
Starting the Tapestry IoC Registry
Primarily, you will use the IoC Registry as part of a Tapestry application.
In those situations, the
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/TapestryFilter.html}TapestryFilter}} will
be responsible for starting and stopping the registry.
However, you may want to do some integration testing using the Registry
from within a test case, or you may even use Tapestry IoC separately from
Building the Registry
The class
is used to create a Registry.
RegistryBuilder builder = new RegistryBuilder();
builder.add(AppModule.class, UtilModule.class);
Registry registry =;
You may invoke add() as many times as you wish, or pass as many module classes
as you wish.
Using this approach, you will form a Registry containing
the builtin services from the
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/services/TapestryIoCModule.html}Tapestry IoC module}}, plus
the modules you explicitly list.
The call to performRegistryStartup() is necessary to ensure that any services marked with the
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/annotations/EagerLoad.html}EagerLoad}} annotation are, in fact,
Building the Default Registry
The default registry is available by invoking the static method
This method builds a Registry using
{{{module.html#Autoloading modules}autoloading logic}}, where modules to load
are identified via a JAR Manifest entry.
In addition, the JVM system property <<<tapestry.modules>>> (if specified) is a list of additional
module classes to load. This is often used in development, where tests may be executed against
the local classes, not JARs, and so there no manifest to read.
Shutting down the Registry
The method
will shutdown the Registry. This immediately invalidates all service proxies.
Some services may have chosen to register for shutdown notification (for example,
to do cleanup work such as closing a database connection).
Once the Registry is shutdown, it may not be used again: it will not be possible to
access services within the Registry, or invoke methods on services previously
acquired. All you can do is release the Registry to the garbage collector.