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Form Input and Validation
Form Input and Validation
The life's blood of any application is form input; this is the most effective way to gather significant information from the user.
Whether it's a search form, a login screen or a multi-page registration wizard, forms are how the user really expresses themselves to the
Tapestry excels at creating forms and validating input. Input validation is declarative, meaning you simply tell Tapestry what validations
to apply to a given field, and it takes care of it on the server and (once implemented) on the client as well.
Finally, Tapestry is able to not only present the errors back to the user, but to decorate the fields and the labels for the
fields, marking them as containing errors (primarily, using CSS effects).
Form component
The core of Tapestry's form support is the
{{{../ref/org/apache/tapestry5/corelib/components/Form.html}Form}} component. The Form component encloses (wraps around) all the
other <field components> such as
{{{../ref/org/apache/tapestry5/corelib/components/Checkbox.html}Checkbox}}, etc.
The Form component generates a number of {{{event.html}component events}} that
you may provide event handler methods for.
When rendering, the Form component emits two notifications: first, "prepareForRender", then "prepare". These
allow the Form's container to setup any fields or properties that will be referenced in the form.
For example, this is a good chance to create a temporary entity object to be rendered, or
to load an entity from a database to be editted.
When user submits the form on the client, a series of steps occur on the server.
First, the Form emits a "prepareForSubmit" notification,
then a "prepare" notification. These allow the container to ensure that objects are set up
and ready to receive information from the form submission.
Next, all the fields inside the form are activated to pull values out of the
incoming request, validate them and (if valid) store the changes.
<For Tapestry 4 Users: > Tapestry 5 does not use the fragile "form rewind" approach
from Tapestry 4. Instead, a hidden field generated during the render stores
the information needed to process the form submission.
After the fields have done their processing, the Form emits a "validate" event.
This is a chance to perform cross-form validation that can't be described declaratively.
Next, the Form determines if there have been any validation errors. If there have been,
then the submission is considered a failure, and a "failure" event is emitted.
If there have been no validation errors, then a "success" event is emitted.
Last, the Form emits a "submit" event (for logic that doesn't care about success or
Tracking Validation Errors
Associated with the Form is an
that tracks all the provided user input and validation errors for every field in the
form. The tracker can be provided to the Form via the Form's tracker parameter,
but this is rarely necessary.
The Form includes methods <<<isValid()>>> and <<<getHasErrors()>>>, which are used to
see if the Form's validation tracker contains any errors.
In your own logic, it is possible to record your own errors. Form includes
two different versions of method <<<recordError()>>>, one of which specifies a
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/Field.html}Field}} (an interface implemented by
all form element components), and one of which is for "global" errors, unassociated
with any particular field.
Storing Data Between Requests
As with other action requests, the result of a form submission is to send a redirect
to the client which re-renders the page. The ValidationTracker must be
stored {{{persist.html}persistently}} between requests, or all the validation
information will be lost (the default ValidationTracker provided by the Form is persistent).
Likewise, the individual fields updated by the components should also be persistent.
For example, a Login page, which collects a user name and a password, might look like:
public class Login
private String userName;
private String password;
private UserAuthenticator authenticator;
@Component(id = "password")
private PasswordField passwordField;
private Form form;
String onSuccess()
if (!authenticator.isValid(userName, password))
form.recordError(passwordField, "Invalid user name or password.");
return null;
return "PostLogin";
public String getPassword()
return password;
public void setPassword(String password)
password = password;
public String getUserName()
return userName;
public void setUserName(String userName)
userName = userName;
Because of the the fact that a form submission is <two> requests (the submission itself, then a re-render of the page),
it is necessary to make the value stored in the _userName field persist between the two requests. This would be necessary
for the _password field as well, except that the
{{{../ref/org/apache/tapestry5/corelib/components/PasswordField.html}PasswordField}} component never renders a value.
Note that the onSuccess() method is not public; event handler methods can have any visibility, even private. Package private
(that is, no modifier) is the typical use, as it allows the component to be tested, from a test case class in the same package.
The Form only emits a "success" event if the there are no prior validation errors. This means it is not necessary to
write <<<if (_form.getHasErrors()) return;>>> as the first line of the method.
Finally, notice how business logic fits into validation. The UserAuthenticator service is responsible for ensuring
that the userName and (plaintext) password are valid. When it returns false, we ask the Form component
to record an error. We provide the PasswordField instance as the first parameter; this ensures that the
password field, and its label, are decorated when the Form is re-rendered, to present the errors to the user.
Configuring Fields and Labels
The template for page contains a minimal amount of Tapestry instrumentation:
<html xmlns:t="">
<h1>Please Login</h1>
<form t:id="form">
<t:label for="userName"/>:
<input t:type="TextField" t:id="userName" t:validate="required,minlength=3" size="30"/>
<t:label for="password"/>:
<input t:type="PasswordField" t:id="password" t:validate="required,minlength=3" size="30"/>
<input type="submit" value="Login"/>
The Tapestry Form component is responsible for creating the necessary URL for the form submission (this is Tapestry's
responsibility, not yours).
{{{../ref/org/apache/tapestry5/corelib/components/Errors.html}Errors}} component must be placed inside a Form, it outputs
all of the errors for all the fields within the Form as a single list. It uses some simple styling to make the result more presentable.
Each field component, such as the TextField, is paired with a
{{{../ref/org/apache/tapestry5/corelib/components/Label.html}Label}} component. The Label will render out
a \<label\> element connected to the field. This is very important for useability, especially for users with
visual disabilities. It also means you can click on the label text to move the cursor to the corresponding field.
The <<<for>>> parameter of the Label is the id of a component.
For the TextField, we provide a component id, userName. We could specify the <<<value>>> parameter, but the default is
to match the TextField's id against a property of the container, the Login page, if such a property exists.
As a rule of thumb, you should always give your fields a specific id (this id will be used to generate the <<<name>>> and <<<id>>> attributes
of the rendered tag). Being allowed to omit the value parameter helps to keep the template from getting too cluttered.
The <<<validate>>> parameter identifies what validations should occur for the field. This is a list of validator names. Validators are
configured within Tapestry, and the list of available validators is extensible. "required" is a name of one of the built-in validators,
that ensures that the submitted value is not the empty string. Likewise, "minlen" ensures that the value has the specified minimum length.
The <<<validate>>> parameter was placed within the Tapestry namespace using the <<<t:>>> prefix. This is not strictly necessary, as the template
is <well formed> either way. However, putting the Tapestry specific values into the Tapestry namespace ensures that the template will itself
be <valid>.
Errors and Decorations
<<Note: This section has not been updated to reflect the introduction of client-side input validation.>>
When you first activate the Login page, the fields and forms will render normally, awaiting input:
[../images/validation_initial.png] Initial form presentation
Notice how the Label components are displaying the textual names for the fields. Given that we have not done any explicit configuration,
what's happened is that the component's ids ("userName" and "password") have been converted to "User Name" and "Password".
If you just submit the form as is, the fields will violate the "required" constraint and the page will be redisplayed to present those
errors to the user:
[../images/validation_errors.png] Errors and decorations
There's a couple of subtle things going on here. First, Tapestry tracks <all> the errors for <all> the fields. The
Errors component has displayed them at the top of the form. Further, the <default validation decorator> has added
decorations to the labels and the fields, adding "t-error" to the CSS class for the fields and labels. Tapestry provides a default
CSS stylesheet that combines with the "t-error" class to make things turn red.
Next, we'll fill in the user name but not provide enough characters for password.
[../images/validation_minlength.png] Minlength error message
The user name field is OK, but there's an error on just the password field. The PasswordField component always displays a blank value
by default, otherwise we'd see the partial password displayed inside.
If you type in enough characters and submit, we see how the logic inside the Login page can attach errors to fields:
[../images/validation_password.png] Application supplied errors
This is nice and seamless; the same look and feel and behavior for both the built-in validators, and for errors generated based on
application logic.
Overriding the Translator with Events
The TextField, PasswordField and TextArea components all have a translate parameter, a
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/Translator.html}Translator}} object that is used to convert values on the server
side to strings on the client side.
In most cases, the translate parameter is not set explicitly; Tapestry derives an appropriate value
based on the type of property being editted by the field.
In certain cases, you may want to override the translator. This can be accomplished using two events
triggered on the component, "toclient" and "parseclient".
The "toclient" event is passed the current object value and returns a string, which will be the default
value for the field. When there is no event handler, or when the event handler returns null, the default
Translator is used to convert the server side value to a string.
For example, you may have a quantity field that you wish to display as blank, rather than zero,
<t:textfield t:id="quantity" size="10"/>
. . .
private int quantity;
String onToClientFromQuantity()
if (quantity == 0) return "";
return null;
This is good so far, but if the field is optional and the user submits the form,
you'll get a validation error, because the empty string is not valid as an integer.
That's where the "parseclient" event comes in:
Object onParseClientFromQuantity(String input)
if ("".equals(input)) return 0;
return null;
The event handler metohd has precendence over the translator. Here it checks for the empty string
(and note that the input may be null!) and evaluates that as zero.
Again, returning null lets the normal translator do its work.
The event handler may also throw
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ValidationException.html}ValidationException}} to indicate a value
that can't be parsed.
Now, what if you want to perform your own custom validation? That's another event: "validateInput":
void onValidateFromCount(Integer value) throws ValidationException
if (value.equals(13)) throw new ValidationException("Thirteen is an unlucky number.");
This event gets fired <<after>> the normal validators. It is passed the <parsed> value (not the string from
the client, but the object value from the translator, or from the "parseclient" event handler).
The method may not return a value, but may throw a ValidationException to indicate a problem with
the value.
<<Caution:>> These events are exclusively on the <server side>.
This means that, in certain circumstances,
an input value will be rejected on the client side even though it is valid on the server side.