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Component Rendering
Component Rendering
* Tapestry 4 Approach
Rendering was a recursive process. Each component implemented a render() method
(inherited from an IRender interface).
Components would invoke render() on the objects in their template, including
other components.
{{{}Bruce Tate}} has said "if you get veritgo, don't
stand at the edge of a JavaServer Faces stack trace and look down". The same applies
to Tapestry 4. Once you have heavily nested, looping components, the stack trace
can get quite deep.
* Tapestry 5 Approach
Rendering of components is based on a <state machine> and a <queue> instead of tail recursion.
This breaks the rendering process up into tiny pieces that can easily be
implemented or overriden. Don't worry, in practice, it is a breathtakingly
small amount of code to write.
Rendering Phases
The rendering of each component is divided into a number of phases, illustrated
[../images/component-render-states.png] Component Render States
Each of the orange phases (SetupRender, BeginRender, BeforeRenderBody, etc.)
corresponds to an annotation you
may place on one or more methods of your class. The annotation directs
Tapestry to invoke your method as part of that phase.
Methods marked with these annotations are called <<render phase methods>>.
Your methods may be void, or return a boolean value. Returning a value can force
phases to be skipped, or even be re-visited. In the diagram, solid lines
show the normal processing path. Dashed lines are alternate flows that are triggered
when your render phase methods return false instead of true (or void).
Render phase methods may take no parameters, or may take
a parameter of type {{{dom.html}MarkupWriter}}. The methods can have any visibility
you like ... typically, package private is used, as this visibility
makes it possible to unit test your code (from within the same Java package)
without making the methods part of the component's
<public> API.
These methods are <<optional>>, a default behavior is associated with each phase.
The large number of phases reflects the use of {{{mixin.html}component mixins}} which
also plug into the render phases. Several of the phases
exist almost exclusively for mixins.
Generally, your code will use the SetupRender, BeginRender, AfterRender and CleanupRender
phases ... often just one or two of those.
Here's the source for a looping component that counts up or down between two values,
renders its body a number of times,
and stores the current index value in a parameter:
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.AfterRender;
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.SetupRender;
public class Count
private int start = 1;
@Parameter(required = true)
private int end;
private int value;
private boolean increment;
void initializeValue()
value = start;
increment = start < end;
boolean next()
if (increment)
int newValue = value + 1;
if (newValue <= end)
value = newValue;
return false;
int newValue = value - 1;
if (newValue >= end)
value = newValue;
return false;
return true;
Returning false from next() causes Tapestry to re-run the BeginRender phase,
and from there, re-render the component's body (this component does not have a template).
Returning true transitions to the CleanupRender phase.
Notice how Tapestry adapts to your methods, as marked with the annotations. It also
adapts in terms of parameters; the two annotated methods here did not perform any
output, so they did not need a MarkupWriter.
What's really mind blowing is that the template and body of a component will
often contain ... more components! That means that many different components will
be in different phases of their own state machine.
* {{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/SetupRender.html}SetupRender}}
This is where you can perform any one-time per-render setup for your component.
This is a good place to read component parameters and use them to set temporary instance
* {{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/BeginRender.html}BeginRender}}
For components that render a tag, the start tag is should be rendered here (the close tag
should be rendered inside the AfterRender phase). The component
can also prevent the template and/or body from being rendered by returning false.
Components may or may not have a template. If a component has a template,
and the template includes a \<body\> element, then the BeforeRenderBody phase
will be triggered (giving the component the option of rendering its body or not).
If a component does not have a \<body\> element in its template, then
the BeforeRenderBody phase is not triggered.
If a component does not have a template, but does have a body, the BeforeRenderBody
phase is still triggered.
If no methods are annotated with BeginRender, then no special output occurs during
this phase, but the template (if present) or body (if no template is present, but
the component has a body) will be rendered.
* {{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/BeforeRenderTemplate.html}BeforeRenderTemplate}}
This phase exists to allow a component to decorate
its template (creating markup around the template generated markup), or to allow a component
to skip its template.
* {{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/BeforeRenderBody.html}BeforeRenderBody}}
Phase associated with a component's body (the portion of its container's template that
the component occupies). The BeforeRenderBody phase allows the component the ability
to skip the body, while still rendering the rest of the component's template (if any).
If no methods are annotated with BeforeRenderBody, then the body will be rendered by
default. Again, this occurs when the \<body\> element of the component's template
is reached, or automatically if the component has no template (but the component does
have a body).
* {{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/AfterRenderBody.html}AfterRenderBody}}
Phase that is executed after the body is rendered; this only occurs for components with a
* {{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/AfterRender.html}AfterRender}}
This phase complements BeginRender, and is often used to render the close tag
that matches the start tag rendered in the BeginRender phase. In any case, the
AfterRender phase can continue on to CleanupRender, or revert back to BeginRender (as
in our Count component example, above).
If no methods are annotated with AfterRender, then no special output occurs, and the
CleanupRender phase is triggered.
* {{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/CleanupRender.html}CleanupRender}}
The counterpart to SetupRender, this allows final cleanups to occur.
Using Method Names instead of Annotations
If you prefer to avoid using annotations on your methods, you may do so by providing specific names for your methods.
The required method name is the annotation name, with the first character decapitalized: setupRender(), beginRender(), etc.
As with annotated render phase methods, Tapestry is flexible about visibility, return type and parameters.
Using this mechanism, the earlier example can be rewritten as:
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Parameter;
public class Count
private int start = 1;
@Parameter(required = true)
private int end;
private int value;
private boolean increment;
void setupRender()
value = start;
increment = start < end;
boolean afterRender()
if (increment)
int newValue = value + 1;
if (newValue <= end)
value = newValue;
return false;
int newValue = value - 1;
if (newValue >= end)
value = newValue;
return false;
return true;
This style is a tradeoff: on the gain side, the code is <even> simpler and shorter, and the method names will, by design, be more consistent from one class to the next.
The down side is that the names are very generic, and may in some cases, be less descriptive than using annotated methods (<<<initializeValue()>>> and <<<next()>>> are,
to some eyes, more descriptive).
You can, of course, mix and match, using specifically named render phase methods in some cases, and annotated render phase methods in other cases.
Rendering Components
Instead of returning true or false, a render phase method may return a component. The component may have been injected via the
{{{.../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/Component.html}Component}} annotation, or may have been passed to the
as a parameter.
In any case, returning a component will queue that component to be rendered <<before>> the active component continues rendering.
The component to render may even be from a completely different page of the application.
Recursive rendering of components is not allowed.
This technique allows the rendering of Tapestry pages to be <highly> dynamic.
Returning a component instance does <<not>> short circuit method invocation, the way returning a boolean would. It is possible
that multiple methods may return components (this is not advised -- insanity may ensue).
Method Conflicts and Ordering
It is possible to have multiple methods that are annotated with the
same render phase annotation. This may include methods in the same class, or
a mix of method defined in a class and inherited from other classes.
* Mixins Before Component
When a component has {{{mixins.html}mixins}}, then the mixins' render phase methods execute <before>
the component's render phase methods. If a mixin extends from a base class, the mixin's
parent class methods execute before the mixin subclass' render phase methods.
The order in which the mixins execute is not defined at this time.
Exception: Mixins whose class is annotated with
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/MixinAfter.html}MixinAfter}} are ordered
<after> the component, not before.
* Parents before Child
Ordering is always parent-first. Methods defined in the parent class are always invoked
before methods defined in the child class.
* Reverse Ordering for AfterXXX and CleanupRender
The After<XXX> phases exists to balance the Begin<XXX> and Before<XXX> phases. Often elements will
be started inside an earlier phase and then the elements will be ended (closed)
inside the correspopnding After<XXX> phase (with the body and template of the component rendering
In order to ensure that operations occur in the correct, and natural order, the
render phase methods for these two stages are invoked in <reverse order>:
* Subclass methods
* Parent class methods
* Mixin subclass methods
* Mixin parent class methods
* Within a Single Class
Currently, methods are sorted alphabetically. Methods with the same name are
sorted by number of parameters. Even so, this is not a great idea ... just define
one method, and have it call the other methods in the order you desire.
* Short Circuiting
If a method returns a true or false value, this will short circuit processing. Other
methods within the phase that would ordinarily be invoked will not be invoked.
Most render phase methods should return void, to avoid unintentionally short circuiting
other methods for the same phase.