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Component Parameters
Component Parameters
Component parameters are a critical aspect of Tapestry. It is not enough that an instance of
a component class <exists>, it must be <configured> to do the right thing. Configuration is in
terms of the parameters of the component.
A component may have any number of parameters. Each parameter has a specific name,
a specific Java type (which may be a primitive value), and may be <optional> or <required>.
Parameters are defined by placing a
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/Parameter.html}Parameter}} annotation
onto a private field.
The component listed below is a looping component; it renders its body
a number of times, defined by its start and end parameters (which set the boundaries
of the loop). The component can update a value parameter bound to a property of its container,
it will automatically count up or down depending on whether start or end is larger.
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.AfterRender;
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.SetupRender;
public class Count
private int start = 1;
@Parameter(required = true)
private int end;
private int value;
private boolean increment;
void initializeValue()
value = start;
increment = start < end;
boolean next()
if (increment)
int newValue = value + 1;
if (newValue <= end)
value = newValue;
return false;
int newValue = value - 1;
if (newValue >= end)
value = newValue;
return false;
return true;
The name of the parameter is derived from the field name (by stripping leading "_" and "$" characters).
Here, the parameter names are "start", "end" and "value".
Binding Parameters
The component above can be referenced in another component or page
<html t:type="layout" xmlns:t="">
<p> Merry Christmas: <t:count end="3"> Ho! </t:count>
The end attribute is used to <bind> the end parameter of the
Count component. Here, it is being bound to the string value "3", which is automatically
{{{coercion.html}coerced}} by Tapestry into the int value, 3.
Any number of parameters may be bound this way.
Component parameters may also be bound using the
{{{component-classes.html#Embedded Components}Component annotation}} inside the component class.
Where conflicts occur, the parameters bound using the Component annotation will
take precendence over parameter bindings
in the template.
Binding Expressions
The value inside the template, "3" in the previous example, is a <binding expression>.
By placing a prefix in front of the value, you can change how Tapestry interprets the remainder
of the expression (the part after the colon):
| <<Prefix>> | <<Description>> |
| asset | The relative path to an asset file (which must exist). |
| block | The id of a block within the template. |
| component | The id of another component within the same template. |
| literal | A literal string. |
| nullfieldstrategy | Used to locate a pre-defined {{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/NullFieldStrategy.html}NullFieldStrategy}}|
| message | Retrieves a value from the component's {{{localization.html}message catalog}}. |
| prop | The name of a property of the containing component to read or update. |
| translate | The name of a configured translator. |
| validate | A <validator specification> used to create some number of field validators. |
| var | Allows a render variable of the component to be read or updated. | |
Parameters have a default prefix, usually "prop:", that is used when the prefix is not provided.
A <special prefix>, "inherit:", is used to support {{{#Inherited Parameter Bindings}Inherted Parameter Bindings}}.
Render Variables
Components can have any number of <render variables>. Render variables are named values with no
specific type (they are ultimately stored in a Map). Render variables are useful
for holding simply values, such as a loop index, that needs to be passed from one component to another.
For example:
<li t:type="loop" source="1..10" value="index">${index}</li>
And in the Java code:
private int index;
... could be rewritten as just:
<li t:type="loop" source="1..10" value="var:index">${var:index}</li>
In other words, you don't have to define a property in the Java code. The disadvantage is that
render variables don't work with the property expression syntax, so you can pass around a
render variables <value> but you can't reference any of the value's properties.
Render variables are automatically cleared when a component finishes rendering.
Render variable names are case insensitive.
Property Bindings
The "prop:" binding prefix indicates a property binding.
The expression for a property binding is a dotted sequence of property names. Simple
property expressions are just the name of a property, "prop:userName". Complex property
expression may do a little navigation before getting to the property to read and/or update:
In addition to property names, you may also invoke arbitrary methods. The methods must be public,
return a non-void value, throw no checked exceptions, and take no parameters. To differentiate
a method name from a property name, you simply append the open and close parenthesis. Thus
the prior examples could be rewritten as "prop:getUserName()" and "prop:getUserData().getName()".
Note that when the last term in the expression is a method name, the binding will be read-only,
rather than read/write.
This feature is most useful for accessing a couple of propertys of standard collection classes
that aren't named as proper properties, such as Collection.size(), or Map.keySet().
Ever get frustrated, tripping over null pointers inside such an expression? You may use
"?." instead of "." as the separator. This adds a null check and aborts the expression
if the term is null. Thus "foo?.bar?.baz" will return null if either foo or bar are null.
Likewise, updating "foo?.bar?.baz" will turn into a no-op if foo or bar is null.
In addition, a few special cases are also supported.
In most cases, these special values save you the trouble of adding a "literal:" prefix to
the value. These special cases are <alternatives> to property expressions.
* "true" and "false" will be converted to booleans.
* "null" will be the value null.
* "this" will be the component itself.
* Simple numeric values are also accepted. These will be parsed into Long or Double objects.
Ex: "prop:3.14".
* A range of integers separated by two periods. Ex: "1..10".
* Literal strings, inside single quotes. Ex: "'Hello World'"
In all these cases, excess whitespace is ignored. For the keywords ("true", "false", "this" and
"null"), case is ignored.
Such values are read only and invariant.
Validate Bindings
The "validate:" binding prefix is highly specialized. It allows a short string to be
used to create and configure the objects that perform input validation for
form control components, such as TextField and Checkbox.
The string is a comma-separated list of <validator types>. These are short aliases
that for objects that perform the validation. In many cases, the validation is configurable
in some way: for example, a validator that enforces a minimum string length
needs to know what that minimum string length is. Such values are specified after an equals sign.
For example: <<<validate:required,minLength=5>>> would presumably enforce that a field
requires a value, with at least five characters.
Translate Bindings
The "translate:" binding prefix is also related to input validator. It is the name
of a configured {{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/Translator.html}Translator}}, responsible
for converting between server-side and client-side representations of data (for instance, between
client-side strings and server-side numeric values).
The list of available translators is configured by the
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/services/TranslatorSource.html}TranslatorSource}} service.
Informal Parameters
Some components support <informal parameters>, additional parameters beyond the formally defined parameters.
Informal parameters will be rendered into the output as additional attributes on the tag rendered by
the component. Generally speaking, components that have a 1:1 relationship with a particular HTML tag
(such as {{{../ref/org/apache/tapestry5/corelib/components/TextField.html}TextField}} and
\<input\> will support informal parameters.
Only components whose class is annotated with
will support informal parameters.
Informal parameters are often used to set the CSS class of an element, or to specify client-side event handlers.
The default binding prefix for informal parameters depends on <where> the parameter binding is specified.
If the parameter is bound inside a Java class, within the
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/Component.html}Component}} annotation, then the default binding
prefix is "prop:". If the parameter is bound inside the component template, then the default binding
prefix is "literal:". This reflects the fact that a parameter specified in the Java class, using the annotation, is most likely
a computed value, whereas a value in the template should simply be copied, as is, into the result HTML stream.
Supporting Informal Parameters
<<Only>> components which area annotated with
may have informal parameters. Tapestry silently drops informal parameters that are specified for components
that do not have this annotation.
To render informal parameters, inject the
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ComponentResources.html}ComponentResources}} for your component
and invoke the <<<renderInformalParameters()>>> method.
Parameters Are Bi-Directional
Parameters are not simply variables; each parameter represents a connection, or <binding>, between
a component and a property of its container. When using the prop: binding prefix,
the component can force changes <into> a property of its container, just by assigning a value
to its own instance variable.
<t:layout xmlns:t="">
<p> Countdown:
<t:count start="5" end="1" value="index">
${index} ...
Because the Count component updates its value parameter (the _value field), the index property
of the containing component is updated. Inside the Count's body, we output the current
value of the index property, using the expansion <<<$\{index\}>>>. The resulting output
will look something like:
<p> Countdown: 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... </p>
(Though the whitespace will be quite different.)
The relevant part is that components can read fixed values, or <live>
properties of their container, and can <change> properties of their container as well.
Required Parameters
Parameters that are required <<must>> be bound. A runtime exception occurs if a component
has unbound required parameters.
Optional Parameters
Parameters which are not required, are optional.
You may set a default value for optional parameters as you would for any other field. In the Count component,
the min parameter has a default value of 1. That value is used unless the min parameter is bound,
in which case, the bound value supercedes the default.
{Inherited Parameter Bindings}
A special prefix, "inherit:" is used to identify the name of a parameter of the containing component.
If the parameter is bound in the containing component, then it will be bound to the same value
in the embedded component.
If the parameter is not bound in the containing component, then it will not be bound in the embedded component
(and so, the embedded component may use a default binding).
Inherited bindings are useful for complex components; they are often used when an inner component
has a default value for a parameter, and the outer component wants to make it possible to override that default.
More examples on this coming soon.
Parameter Binding Defaults
The Parameter annotation's value() attribute can be used to specify a <binding expression> that will be the
default binding for the parameter is otherwise left unbound. Typically, this is the name of a property
that that will compute the value on the fly.
private String message;
private int maxLength;
public String getDefaultMessage()
return String.format("Maximum field length is %d.", _maxLength);
As elsewhere, you may use a prefix on the value. A common prefix to use is the "message:" prefix, to access a localized message.
Computed Parameter Binding Defaults
In <rare> cases, you may want to compute the binding to be used as a parameter default. In this case, you will provide
a <default binding method>, a method that takes no parameters. The returned value is used to bind the parameter. The return value may
be a
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/Binding.html}Binding}} instance, or it may be a simple value (which is more often the case).
The method name is "default" plus the capitalized name
of the parameter.
Using this approach, the previous example may be rewritten as:
private String message;
private int maxLength;
private ComponentResources resources;
private BindingSource bindingSource;
Binding defaultMessage()
return bindingSource.newBinding("default value", resources, "defaultMessage");
public String getDefaultMessage()
return String.format("Maximum field length is %d.", maxLength);
In this example, a property expression, "defaultMessage", is used to access the message dynamically.
Alternately, the previous example may be written even more succinctly as:
private String message;
private int maxLength;
private ComponentResources resources;
String defaultMessage()
return String.format("Maximum field length is %d.", _maxLength);
This form is more like using the "literal:" binding prefix, except that the literal value is computed by the defaultMessage() method.
Obviously, this is a lot more work than simply specifying a default value as part of the Parameter annotation. In the few
real cases where this is approach is used, the default binding method will usually deduce a proper binding, typically in terms of
the component's id. For example, the TextField component will deduce a value parameter that binds to a property of its container with
the same name.
A default binding method will <only> be invoked if the Parameter annotation does not provide a default value.
Unbound Parameters
If a parameter is not bound (and is optional), then the value may be read or <updated> at any time.
Updates to unbound parameters cause no side effects. In the first example, the value parameter of the Count
component is not bound, and this is perfectly valid.
Note: updates to such fields are temporary; when the component <finishes rendering>, the field
will revert to its default value.
<<TODO: This seems contradictory. What does it mean to update an unbound component parameter when the component
is not rendering?>>
Parameter Caching
Reading a parameter value can be marginally expensive (because of type coercion). Therefore, it makes sense
to cache the parameter value, at least while the component is actively rendering itself.
In rare cases, it is desirable to defeat the caching; this can be done by setting the cache() attribute
of the Parameter annotation to false.
Parameter Type Coercion
Tapestry includes a mechanism for {{{coercion.html}coecing types automatically}}. Most often, this is used to
convert literal strings into appropriate values, but in many cases, more complex conversions
will occur.
Parameter Names
By default, Tapestry converts from the field name to the parameter name, by stripping off leading
"$" and "_" characters.
This can be overriden using the name() attribute of the Parameter annotation.
Determining if Bound
In rare cases, you may want to take different behaviors based on whether a parameter is bound
or not. This can be accomplished by querying the component's resources, which can be
{{{inject.html}injected}} into the component using the
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/annotations/Inject.html}Inject}} annotation:
public class MyComponent
private int myParam;
private ComponentResources resources;
void setup()
if (resources.isBound("myParam"))
. . .
The above sketch illustrates the approach. Because the parameter type is a primitive type, int,
it is hard to distinguish between no binding, and binding explicitly to the value 0.
The Inject annotation will inject the
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ComponentResources.html}ComponentResources}} for the component.
These resources are the linkage between the Java class you provide, and the infrastructure Tapestry
builds around your class. In any case, once the resources are injected,
they can be queried.