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Environmental Services
Environmental Services
Environmental services represent yet another, distinct form of injection.
Unlike service injection (injection via a service implementation's constructor) or
normal component injection (directly into component fields, via the @Inject annotation) where the injected value
is always the same, with environmental services, the injected value is very late bound and dynamic.
Environmental services are often a conduit of communication between an outer component
and the components it encloses.
An example of this is form support; the
component creates an environmental of type
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/services/FormSupport.html}FormSupport}}. The FormSupport
interface allows enclosed components to participate in both the rendering of the Form
and the Form's eventual submission. This is how control names and client-side ids are determined, how fields
register callbacks so that they can process their part of the submission, and
how fields hook themselves to client-side validation.
Using the @Environmental annotation
The {{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/Environmental.html}Environmental}} annotation
is used to dynamically connect to a Environmental service provided by an enclosing component.
A very common Environmental is
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/RenderSupport.html}RenderSupport}}, used
when generating {{{ajax.html}client-side JavaScript}}.
@Inject @Path("${tapestry.scriptaculous}/dragdrop.js")
private Asset dragDropLibrary;
private RenderSupport renderSupport;
void setupRender()
Environmental services are, by their nature, per-thread (and therefore per-request).
Accessing an environmental field causes a lookup, by type, against
the {{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/services/Environment.html}Environment}} service.
Normally, an environmental of the specified type must be available in the Environment, or an exception
is thrown when accessing the field.
If the value of the Environmental annotation is false, then the environmental value is optional.
Placing a value in the environment
The Environment service has push() and pop() methods to put a value in the Environment, and discard it.
For example, say you were building a tab-based menu system and you needed to allow an outer TabGroup component
to communicate with inner Tab components, to control various aspects of presentation.
The relevant information could be exposed as an interface, TabModel.
public class TabGroup
private Environment environment;
void beginRender()
environment.push(TabModel.class, new TabModelImpl(...));
void afterRender()
public class Tab
private TabModel model;
void beginRender(MarkupWriter writer)
Notice that when pushing a value into the Environment, you identify its type as well as the
instance. Environment maintains a number of stacks, one for each type. Thus, pushing a TabModel into
the environment won't disturb the RenderSupport or other environmentals already there.
What's important here is that the code that pushes a environmental onto a stack should also pop it off.
The enclosed class, Tab, has full access to whatever object was pushed onto the stack by the TabGroup.
The reason why Environment is a stack is so that a component can, when it makes sense, easily replace
or intercept access to an Environmental.
Fundamental Environmentals
Not all environmentals are pushed into the Environment by components.
A number of environmentals are initialized as part of page rendering, even before the first
component starts to render. This initialization is accomplished
contributions to the
{{{../../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/service/MarkupRenderer.html}MarkupRenderer}} service.
Accessing Environmentals in Services
The Environmenal annotation only works inside components.
To access an Environmental inside a service implementation, you must inject the Environment service and obtain values from
it using the peek() method.
If this is something that will occur frequently, it is possible to create a service implementation
that is "backed" by the Environment. For example, RenderSupport is accessible as a normal injection, because
a service is built for it in TapestryModule:
public RenderSupport buildRenderSupport(EnvironmentalShadowBuilder builder)
The EnvironmentShadowBuilder service creates a service implementation that delegates to the proper instance
in the environment. The same technique can be used for your own services and environmentals.