blob: 4c9816f18c770029ce443ebfb1adfbd149752f0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tapestry5.dom;
import org.apache.tapestry5.internal.TapestryInternalUtils;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.CollectionFactory;
import static org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.CollectionFactory.newLinkedList;
import static org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.CollectionFactory.newMap;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.Defense;
import static org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.Defense.notBlank;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.InternalUtils;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* An element that will render with a begin tag and attributes, a body, and an end tag. Also acts as a factory for
* enclosed Element, Text and Comment nodes.
* <p/>
* TODO: Support for CDATA nodes. Do we need Entity nodes?
public final class Element extends Node
class Attribute
private final String namespace;
private final String name;
private final String value;
public Attribute(String namespace, String name, String value)
this.namespace = namespace; = name;
this.value = value;
public String getValue()
return value;
void render(MarkupModel model, StringBuilder builder)
builder.append(" ");
builder.append(toPrefixedName(namespace, name));
model.encodeQuoted(value, builder);
private final String name;
private Map<String, Attribute> attributes;
private Element parent;
private final Document document;
private static final String CLASS_ATTRIBUTE = "class";
* URI of the namespace which contains the element. A quirk in XML is that the element may be in a namespace it
* defines itself, so resolving the namespace to a prefix must wait until render time (since the Element is created
* before the namespaces for it are defined).
private final String namespace;
private Map<String, String> namespaceToPrefix;
* Constructor for a root element.
Element(Document container, String namespace, String name)
document = container;
this.namespace = namespace; = name;
* Constructor for a nested element.
Element(Element parent, String namespace, String name)
this.parent = parent;
this.namespace = namespace; = name;
document = parent.getDocument();
public Document getDocument()
return document;
* Returns the containing element for this element. This will be null for the root element of a document.
public Element getParent()
return parent;
* Adds an attribute to the element, but only if the attribute name does not already exist.
* @param name the name of the attribute to add
* @param value the value for the attribute. A value of null is allowed, and no attribute will be added to the
* element.
public void attribute(String name, String value)
attribute(null, name, value);
* Adds a namespaced attribute to the element, but only if the attribute name does not already exist.
* @param namespace the namespace to contain the attribute, or null
* @param name the name of the attribute to add
* @param value the value for the attribute. A value of null is allowed, and no attribute will be added to the
* element.
public void attribute(String namespace, String name, String value)
notBlank(name, "name");
if (value == null) return;
if (attributes == null) attributes = newMap();
if (!attributes.containsKey(name)) attributes.put(name, new Attribute(namespace, name, value));
* Convenience for invoking {@link #attribute(String, String)} multiple times.
* @param namesAndValues alternating attribute names and attribute values
public void attributes(String... namesAndValues)
int i = 0;
while (i < namesAndValues.length)
String name = namesAndValues[i++];
String value = namesAndValues[i++];
attribute(name, value);
* Forces changes to a number of attributes. The new attributes <em>overwrite</em> previous values.
public void forceAttributes(String... namesAndValues)
if (attributes == null) attributes = newMap();
int i = 0;
while (i < namesAndValues.length)
String name = namesAndValues[i++];
String value = namesAndValues[i++];
if (value == null)
attributes.put(name, new Attribute(null, name, value));
* Creates and returns a new Element node as a child of this node.
* @param name the name of the element to create
* @param namesAndValues alternating attribute names and attribute values
public Element element(String name, String... namesAndValues)
notBlank(name, "name");
Element child = newChild(new Element(this, null, name));
return child;
* Creates and returns a new Element within a namespace as a child of this node.
* @param namespace namespace to contain the element, or null
* @param name element name to create within the namespace
* @return the newly created element
public Element elementNS(String namespace, String name)
notBlank(name, "name");
return newChild(new Element(this, namespace, name));
public Element elementAt(int index, String name, String... namesAndValues)
notBlank(name, "name");
Element child = new Element(this, null, name);
insertChildAt(index, child);
return child;
* Adds the comment and returns this element for further construction.
public Element comment(String text)
newChild(new Comment(this, text));
return this;
* Adds the raw text and returns this element for further construction.
public Element raw(String text)
newChild(new Raw(this, text));
return this;
* Adds and returns a new text node (the text node is returned so that {@link Text#write(String)} or [@link {@link
* Text#writef(String, Object[])} may be invoked .
* @param text initial text for the node
* @return the new Text node
public Text text(String text)
return newChild(new Text(this, document, text));
* Adds an returns a new CDATA node.
* @param content the content to be rendered by the node
* @return the newly created node
public CData cdata(String content)
return newChild(new CData(this, document, content));
private <T extends Node> T newChild(T child)
return child;
public void toMarkup(PrintWriter writer)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
String prefixedElementName = toPrefixedName(namespace, name);
MarkupModel markupModel = document.getMarkupModel();
if (attributes != null)
List<String> keys = InternalUtils.sortedKeys(attributes);
for (String key : keys)
Attribute attribute = attributes.get(key);
attribute.render(markupModel, builder);
// Next, emit namespace declarations for each namespace.
if (namespaceToPrefix != null)
List<String> namespaces = InternalUtils.sortedKeys(namespaceToPrefix);
for (String namespace : namespaces)
String prefix = namespaceToPrefix.get(namespace);
builder.append(" xmlns");
if (!prefix.equals(""))
markupModel.encodeQuoted(namespace, builder);
EndTagStyle style = markupModel.getEndTagStyle(name);
boolean hasChildren = hasChildren();
String close = (!hasChildren && style == EndTagStyle.ABBREVIATE) ? "/>" : ">";
if (hasChildren) writeChildMarkup(writer);
// Dangerous -- perhaps it should be an error for a tag of type OMIT to even have children!
// We'll certainly be writing out unbalanced markup in that case.
if (style == EndTagStyle.OMIT) return;
if (hasChildren || style == EndTagStyle.REQUIRE) writer.printf("</%s>", prefixedElementName);
private String toPrefixedName(String namespace, String name)
if (namespace == null || namespace.equals("")) return name;
String prefix = toNamespacePrefix(namespace);
// The empty string indicates the default namespace which doesn't use a prefix.
if (prefix.equals("")) return name;
return prefix + ":" + name;
* Tries to find an element under this element (including itself) whose id is specified. Performs a width-first
* search of the document tree.
* @param id the value of the id attribute of the element being looked for
* @return the element if found. null if not found.
public Element getElementById(String id)
Defense.notNull(id, "id");
LinkedList<Element> queue = newLinkedList();
while (!queue.isEmpty())
Element e = queue.removeFirst();
String elementId = e.getAttribute("id");
if (id.equals(elementId)) return e;
for (Node n : e.getChildren())
Element child = n.asElement();
if (child != null) queue.addLast(child);
// Exhausted the entire tree
return null;
* Searchs for a child element with a particular name below this element. The path parameter is a slash separated
* series of element names.
* @param path
* @return
public Element find(String path)
notBlank(path, "path");
Element search = this;
for (String name : TapestryInternalUtils.splitPath(path))
search = search.findChildWithElementName(name);
if (search == null) break;
return search;
private Element findChildWithElementName(String name)
for (Node node : getChildren())
Element child = node.asElement();
if (child != null && child.getName().equals(name)) return child;
// Not found.
return null;
public String getAttribute(String attributeName)
Attribute attribute = InternalUtils.get(attributes, attributeName);
return attribute == null ? null : attribute.getValue();
public String getName()
return name;
* All other implementations of Node return null except this one.
Element asElement()
return this;
* Adds one or more CSS class names to the "class" attribute. No check for duplicates is made. Note that CSS class
* names are case insensitive on the client.
* @param className one or more CSS class names
* @return the element for further configuration
public Element addClassName(String... className)
String classes = getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (classes != null) builder.append(classes);
for (String name : className)
if (builder.length() > 0) builder.append(" ");
forceAttributes(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, builder.toString());
return this;
String toNamespacePrefix(String namespaceURI)
String prefix = InternalUtils.get(namespaceToPrefix, namespaceURI);
if (prefix != null) return prefix;
if (parent == null) throw new RuntimeException(DomMessages.namespaceURINotMappedToPrefix(namespaceURI));
return parent.toNamespacePrefix(namespaceURI);
* Defines a namespace for this element, mapping a URI to a prefix. This will affect how namespaced elements and
* attributes nested within the element are rendered, and will also cause <code>xmlns:</code> attributes (to define
* the namespace and prefix) to be rendered.
* @param namespace URI of the namespace
* @param namespacePrefix prefix
* @return this element
public Element defineNamespace(String namespace, String namespacePrefix)
Defense.notNull(namespace, "namespace");
Defense.notNull(namespacePrefix, "namespacePrefix");
if (namespaceToPrefix == null) namespaceToPrefix = CollectionFactory.newMap();
namespaceToPrefix.put(namespace, namespacePrefix);
return this;
* Returns the namespace for this element (which is typically a URL). The namespace may be null.
public String getNamespace()
return namespace;