blob: 17a5b6392f0d052108d54a6fc2e25537a3479c44 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2007, 2008 The Apache Software Foundation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<title>Tapestry Project Release Notes</title>
<h1>Release Notes - Tapestry - Version 5.0.11</h1>
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1475</a>] - Tapestry is missing
an API for clearing out persistent properties of a particular page
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1605</a>] - The request encoding
(for component action requests) occurs too late; after query parameters of the request have been
accessed, which prevents the proper request encoding from being used
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1780</a>] - T5 Form component
NPE if no FORM_DATA found
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2103</a>] - When referencing a
method as part of a property expression, the method name must be case exact whereas the rest of the
property expression is case insensitive
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2108</a>] - Tapestry.onDOMLoaded
not working in konqueror
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2117</a>] - Circular @SubModule
will crash the IOC container with OutOfMemoryException
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2141</a>] -
NullPointerExceptions under JDK 1.5 due to underlying ThreadLocal bug
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2145</a>] - Documentation
(including javadoc), refers to &quot;ZoneEffects&quot; instead of &quot;ZoneEffect&quot;
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2147</a>] - Typo in Tapestry
developer &quot;bible&quot;
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2149</a>] - Tapestry should
allow the pages and components to be referenced by their &quot;unstripped&quot; names as well
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2150</a>] - Tapestry should
recognize pages that are &quot;nested&quot; beneath other pages
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2151</a>] - Date format used by
DateField shows the year as two digits, not four
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2172</a>] - DateField component
shows up misplaced in major browsers
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2177</a>] - Conversion of
context parameters to server-side objects uses the TypeCoercer rather than the correct ValueEncoder
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2184</a>] - Null pointer
exception when creating an action link during a component event request
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2188</a>] - GridModel and
GridDataSource should be changed to support multiple sort columns
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2190</a>] -
JSONObjectEventResultProcessor sends the wrong content type value
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2192</a>] -
DateField.xdoc:65:11: The element type &quot;p&quot; must be terminated by the matching end-tag &quot;&lt;/p&gt;&quot;
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2206</a>] - Tapestry should have
a different data type for numbers than for strings
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2208</a>] - The data type &quot;checkbox&quot;
should be renamed to &quot;boolean&quot; to reflect what it is, rather than how it is rendered
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2209</a>] - JSONObject response
contains additional {}
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2212</a>] - Index.tml generated
by Quickstart Archetype is broken due to recent Index page change.
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2219</a>] - Enum label
overrides, as outlined in the Tapestry Tutorial, no longer work
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2220</a>] - In some cases,
component event requests are incorrectly interpretted as render requests (with a page activation
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2221</a>] - Exception message
when a context value is null or blank is confusing
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2226</a>] - Requests for the
root index page that include a page activation context fail with a 404 error
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2229</a>] - BeanEditForm is
including properties that are read only, causing errors when the form is submitted
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2238</a>] - Returning a Block
from an Ajax form submission fails with IllegalStateException
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2240</a>] - Groovy classes can
no longer be used as component classes because of the public metaClass field
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2245</a>] - GridDataSource
getAvailableRows() method called inefficiently
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1336</a>] - Refactor
ApplicationGlobals's store methods
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1612</a>] - Allow access to the
PageTester registry
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1835</a>] - Need an API to see
if a field is required or optional
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1890</a>] - Allow Tapestry
applications to NOT autoload modules from library
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1930</a>] - Render missing
parameter names in different font and/or text style.
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1932</a>] - Extend PropertyModel
to allow access to annotations associated with the property
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1954</a>] - Move the
ClassNameLocator service to the tapestry-ioc module
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1955</a>] - Hibernate
SessionFactory close on webapp destroy
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1978</a>] - When supplying an
empty parameter binding, indicate problem parameter in error message.
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1983</a>] - Add parameter to
Grid component that will add additional columns to the BeanModel
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1999</a>] - Allow the context
for an event to be specified as a List as well as an Object array
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2078</a>] - More understandable
error messages needed when incorrect classes found in component/page packages
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2087</a>] - Add &quot;else&quot;
parameter to Unless component.
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2164</a>] - The Tapestry binary
distribution should include appropriate third party dependencies
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2173</a>] - When Tapestry must
instantiate an Application State Object without an explicit ApplicationStateCreator, it should autobuild
the object rather than just use the default constructor
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2180</a>] - Add release notes
about API changes
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2182</a>] -
NullPointerExceptions, due to reading nested properties that do not suppress null values, do not
indicate problematic expression for AbstractPropertyOutput derivatives
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2200</a>] - Need a mechanism via
which display and/or edit BeanBlocks may be overridden
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2204</a>] - Upgrade
tapestry-test to use Selenium 0.9.2
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2205</a>] - Upgrade to Javassist
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2218</a>] - Grid component
should render informal parameters
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2222</a>] - The exception report
should highlight the lines related to the application in the stack trace
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2227</a>] - Typo in User Guide -&gt;
Persistent Data -&gt; Persistence Strategy
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2237</a>] - Grid should make its
&quot;currentPage&quot; value available to containing components
<h2>New Feature
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1653</a>] - Provide automatic
ValueEncoders for Hibernate entities
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1778</a>] - Allow extending the
PageTester with extra modules for better integration with tapestry-spring
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1919</a>] - Let Tapestry control
HTTP/HTTPS in links via page configuration
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2169</a>] - Create an
ExceptionAnalysisDisplay component
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2170</a>] - Add annotation to
inject a component defined in the template
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2197</a>] - Support for &quot;index&quot;
pages in packages
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2202</a>] - When the
BeanEditForm or BeanEditor components must create the bean to be editted, it should be autobuilt
(supporting injection) rather than just instantiated via the default constructor
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2214</a>] - Select component
should provide control over a blank option for optional selects
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2216</a>] - Add a @Property
annotation for fields to create a getter and setter method
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2241</a>] - Add new parameter
&quot;include&quot; to BeanEditor, Grid, etc. to limit properties to a provided list, and rename
existing &quot;remove&quot; parameter to &quot;exclude&quot;
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2244</a>] - Add @Cached
annotation for caching method values
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2246</a>] - Add @Persist
strategy for Hibernate entities
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1933</a>] - Setup infrastructure
for integration tests in tapestry-hibernate
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2162</a>] - Update roadmap on
<h1>Release Notes - Tapestry - Version 5.0.10</h1>
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1518</a>] - Add support for JDK
1.5 Generics when defining pages and accessing bean properties
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1594</a>] - tapestry-upload
processes requests with multipart content even if Tapestry doesn't recognize the page
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1727</a>] - Exception report
page doesn't display object arrays very nicely
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1850</a>] - Hibernate Sessions
are not being closed at the end of the request
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1853</a>] - Create a guide to
using the Grid component
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1901</a>] - Grid component calls
prepare() and getRowValue() with incorrect values after items are removed
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1969</a>] - Error messages in
Errors component are misaligned in Internet Explorer 7
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2027</a>] -
AbstractIntegrationTestSuite does not allow custom selenium browser selection
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2048</a>] - Tapestry default.css
includes a bad rule for the autocomplete mixin's styles
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2052</a>] - Disabled fields
still perfom client side validation
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2054</a>] - page activation
context with spaces are incorrectly decoded when using forms
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2061</a>] -
tapestry-component-report reports only components with parameters
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2080</a>] -
PageRenderRequestFilter's service() method should throw IOException as PageRenderRequestHandler does
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2083</a>] - Using @Inject with a
primitive field fails with a &quot;cannot find constructor&quot; transformation error
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2085</a>] - When a user submit a
form with a TextField and the value is missing or blank, the value null is passed through the component
to the model property
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2088</a>] -
ClassNotFoundException when passing an int[] parameter to a component
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2089</a>] - File upload does not
ever invoke FileCleaner.exitWhenFinished()
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2094</a>] - Exception when
creating service MultipartDecoder prevents the use of the Upload component
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2095</a>] - Incorrect
optimization for requests that contain a colon but do not contain a slash
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2099</a>] - Contribution to
PartialMarkupRenderer should be named &quot;Heartbeat&quot; not &quot;Heatbeat&quot;
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2112</a>] - Tapestry should use
ValueEncoders, not simple type coercion, to convert between event context values, URL strings, and event
method handler parameters
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2118</a>] -
ComponentReport.extractSubpackage throws ArrayOutOfBoundException
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2128</a>] - If-Modified-Since
always returns not modified for js and css in jar files
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1416</a>] - Add support for
programatically adding new columns to a Grid
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1642</a>] - When the Label
component has a body, it should render that rather than using the field's label
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1887</a>] - Extend the
AbstractLink class to provide access to the clientId and disabled flag, as well as to the URL
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2036</a>] - Add a parameter to
the Output component to add control over whether output is filtered or unfiltered
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2040</a>] - Allow subclasses of
the Autocomplete mixin greater control over the JSON and markup rendered to the client
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2081</a>] - It should be
possible to override a Grid column header as easily as overriding a Grid cell
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2097</a>] - Render exceptions
should identify the components that are actively rendering
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2101</a>] - DateField icon
should be configurable
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2134</a>] - Add a link to
InterLDAP project
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2142</a>] - Document the Layout
component pattern
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2144</a>] - Upgrade to Prototype
<h2>New Feature
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1843</a>] - Tapestry should have
a &quot;production mode&quot; (vs. development mode)
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2002</a>] - Add annotations to
easily set content type and response encoding
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2009</a>] - Add examples to
component reference
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2076</a>] - Component report
should break out as one class per page and include examples
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2084</a>] - Add control over
whether whitespace is stripped from templates by default
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1851</a>] - Extend scripts and
Ant build.xml to make rolling out a release easier
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2069</a>] - Replace LGPL
JavaScript calendar with a properly licensed one
<h1>Release Notes - Tapestry - Version 5.0.9</h1>
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2074</a>] - Tapestry fails with
URISyntaxException when the project folder contains spaces
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1647</a>] - Need to be able to
render elements before and after form labels
<h2>New Feature
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1724</a>] - Add ability for
pages to be notified about errors within themselves so that they can override the default error handling
<h1>Release Notes - Tapestry - Version 5.0.8</h1>
<em>Release not made public due to TAPESTRY-2074</em>
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1315</a>] - Context expression
without period results in StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1377</a>] - NullPointerException
invoking methods on the Request service
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1546</a>] - Add
inheritInformalParameters flag to the @Component annotation
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1595</a>] - Add support for
ignoring paths that belong to other servlets in the web application
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1598</a>] - Tapestry should not
require explicit value encoders (via the encoder parameter) where it can automatically coerce the value
between string and the appropriate server-side type
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1600</a>] - Cannot render XML
from page templates: XML declaration and namespaces are removed
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1636</a>] - Template reloading
in Tomcat doesn't work
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1713</a>] - Tapestry doesn't run
correctly on Websphere 6.1 due to an incorrect implementation of HttpServletRequest.getServletPath()
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1823</a>] - It is not possible
to create a reasonable implementation of RequestExceptionHandler without importing internal interfaces
and services
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1840</a>] - Tapestry 5 does not
compile with Java 6
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1849</a>] - There are two
virtually identical PersistentLocaleImpl classes, one unused (probably an incomplete refactoring)
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1880</a>] - DateField component
should support editting of time as well as date
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1926</a>] - DateField disabling
does not work
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1941</a>] - ValidationTracker
retaining field values inconsistently
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1948</a>] - Null pointer
exception when performing a partial page render
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1957</a>] - EnumValueEncoder
missing null check when converting to client value
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1984</a>] - Error occurs with a
multipart (file upload) request if the request encoding is null
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1988</a>] - Page activation
paremeter with escaped ( %2f ) slash ( &quot; / &quot; ) character not passed correctly
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2005</a>] - Using component
classes as component parameters fails (Could not find a coercion)
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2007</a>] - PNG images related
to validation render poorly in IE
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2013</a>] - BeanEditor does not
support informal parameters
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2017</a>] - AssetDispatcher
doesn't stream asset when the 'If-Modified-Since' header can't be converted to a date
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2019</a>] - Autocompleter mixin
now fails with a NullPointerException
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2028</a>] - Mimimize whitespace
in the output markup
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2033</a>] - Optimized requests
paths are broken for root paths within contexts
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2044</a>] - Component action
requests are not capable of handling the case where the active page and the page containing the
component are different
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1478</a>] - Validation messages
for zh_CN locale
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1502</a>] - Generated URLs
should be relative to request base URL
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1599</a>] - Make it possible to
differentiate between preparing for a Form render vs. preparing for a Form submission
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1639</a>] - Components that
generate hyperlinks (ActionLink, PageLink, EventLink) should have a getLink() method to retrieve the
link as generated
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1671</a>] - Need a way to
redirect to external URLs
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1739</a>] - Add byte, short and
float Translators
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1802</a>] - Add documentation
for the intended project layout
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1818</a>] - Template parser
should handle CDATA blocks
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1830</a>] - Add ability to store
temporary data without having to define new properties
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1940</a>] - Italian translation
of messages for Error component, and validation
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1991</a>] - It should be easier
to access an Application State Object without forcing its creation
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2008</a>] - Validation popup
bubbles are somewhat distracting, should be simplified
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2012</a>] - Add BeanEditor
support for data types &quot;password&quot; and &quot;longtext&quot;
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2014</a>] - ComponentResources
should expose the page's lifecycle to interested listeners
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2021</a>] - It should be
possible to turn off the generation of CSS classes for table headers and table cells inside a Grid
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2049</a>] - Avoid reflection
when instantiating component instances
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2056</a>] - Add configurable
null handling for text fields
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2057</a>] - Add EventLink
component that can create a link that triggers an arbitrarily named event in its container
<h2>New Feature
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1526</a>] - Strip the folder
name used to identify libraries from logical page names, just as the subfolder is stripped
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1847</a>] - Grid component
should output additional CSS classes into TDs to identify first and last column, first and last row
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2006</a>] - Replace naive page
pool mechanism with a more realistic one that can handle larger sites
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-2042</a>] - Make it possible to
merge action requests with rendering, as with Tapestry 4
<h1>Release Notes - Tapestry - Version 5.0.7</h1>
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1541</a>] - Can't find page with
same name as parent folder
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1608</a>] - Some documentation
pages link to the out-of-date PDF tutorial, rather than the current HTML tutorial
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1627</a>] - Start page redirect
requests can return an empty response.
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1723</a>] - tapestry-upload does
not use character encoding
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1745</a>] - Palette javascript
errors in Internet Explorer
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1748</a>] - Field validators
continue to generate client-side JavaScript even though the Form is configured to not do client-side
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1816</a>] - Some tapestry-ioc
tests fail on IBM JDK due to subtle differences in JDK implementations
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1834</a>] - Fields not rewritten
when modifying existing methods
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1838</a>] - Palette javascript
Error when an item contains a quote
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1863</a>] - Tapestry should
verify that marker annotations have retention type runtime
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1864</a>] - Code sample in
documentation on how to add a new property editor incorrect
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1871</a>] - Null date displayed
in a Grid raises error
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1879</a>] - PageLink does not
have an anchor parameter
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1882</a>] - Formatted messages
are not localized properly
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1922</a>] - EJB3 Beans can not
be referenced as properties inside JBoss 4.0
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1925</a>] - Obscure exception
when a Collection (not a List) is used as a GridDataSource
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1934</a>] - Tapestry should
enforce that component classes only extend from other (transformed) component classes, or
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1936</a>] - Non-null return
value from form action event causes exception
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1937</a>] - If a single module
contains more than one integration test (subclass of AbstractIntegrationTestSuite), then the second one
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1943</a>] - Site menu is the
same on all pages
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1947</a>] - Mangled URLs that
should result in standard 404 error pages are instead resulting in a Tapestry exception report
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1949</a>] - Component action
requests where the action context contains a period are not parsed correctly leading to request failures
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1951</a>] - &quot;No
ClassLoaders found for&quot; exception
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1952</a>] - The &quot;match any
event&quot; feature for the OnEvent handler is not useful and should be removed
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1966</a>] -
Non-private/non-static fields in a page should be an exception, not a warning
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1975</a>] - Template parser is
insufficiently picky about component ids
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1360</a>] - Add a @Width
annotation to set the width of input fields generated by BeanEditForm
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1576</a>] - Getting access to
the created configuration
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1862</a>] - Change Tapestry to
be compatible with Eclipse/Maven Plugin 0.0.11
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1897</a>] - Upgrade to Javassist
3.6 for improved JDK 1.6 support
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1900</a>] - Allow multiple
markers annotations per service
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1903</a>] - Upgrade to Prototype
1.6 / Scriptaculous 1.8
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1917</a>] - Tapestry should list
available pages, components and mixins at startup, and when classes change
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1918</a>] - Tapestry's reload
logic should be able to see additions, not just deletions and changes
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1935</a>] - Create an annotation
to add a CSS stylesheet to the rendered page
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1942</a>] - Client side
validation should be triggered when the user moves out of a field
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1973</a>] - Tapestry 5 Tutorial
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1990</a>] - More flexibility for
specifying timeouts and other time periods in minutes, seconds, etc. rather than milliseconds
<h2>New Feature
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1476</a>] - Component events for
input translation and validation
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1509</a>] - Create an annotation
to add a static JavaScript library to the rendered page
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1829</a>] - Allow @Marker
annotation on module classes, to automatically mark all services of that module with the annotation
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1860</a>] - Extend ObjectLocator
to create a proxied, autobuilt service
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1891</a>] - Tapestry IoC Service
Proxies should be serializable
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1931</a>] - Add an annotation to
allow explicit setting of property types
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1994</a>] - Allow easy override
of the default Tapestry stylesheet
<li>[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1914</a>] - Nightly build broken
inside quickstart module
<h1>Release Notes - Tapestry - Version 5.0.6</h1>
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1328</a>] - Support for form
elements inside a Grid
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1345</a>] - Exception generated
when a page does not have a template is
confusing: &quot;No root element has been defined.&quot;
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1389</a>] - Coercion to numeric
types does not check for null
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1417</a>] - CSS classes on text
input fields are discarded when field is
in error
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1471</a>] - Controlling the
order of properties within a BeanModel is
too complex and needs an improved API
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1506</a>] - Add support for
anchors when generating links
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1597</a>] - When a List is
converted to a SelectModel, the keys are
converted unnecessarily to strings
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1604</a>] - Attributes of
elements do not have entity values quoted
(including the &amp;quot; character itself) resulting in invalid
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1606</a>] - Anchor-Links in
&quot;Component Index&quot; web page for T5
doesn't work with FireFox
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1625</a>] - T5 Form Component
Generates Script Tag With Deprecated
Language Attribute
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1626</a>] - T5 Form Component
Generates contactForm:errors Div With
Invalid Empty List
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1629</a>] - Licenses are not
distributed correctly
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1631</a>] - tapestry-spring
initializes lazy-init beans too soon
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1648</a>] - Coercing from null
to BigDecimal causes an NPE
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1667</a>] - Parameters bound to
expansions may be cached when they
should not be
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1702</a>] - Missing coercion
from primitive arrays to List
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1709</a>] - Radio component
throws an exception when used with
RadioGroup and Label
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1730</a>] - Order of event
handler method invocation should be greatest
number of parameters to fewest
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1731</a>] - @Inject @Symbol does
not work inside a component
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1735</a>] - PageLink doesn't
have a disabled parameter
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1746</a>] - Input validation
documentation includes an invalid template
that results in a parser error
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1752</a>] - Expansions used in
bound parameters are never re-evaluated
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1769</a>] - Bug when component
name i same as component package
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1785</a>] - Move non-component
classes out of corelib.components
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1789</a>] - Exception messages
listing pages, components, etc, should
strip out the &quot;core/&quot; prefix
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1790</a>] - Component Report
generates bad links to apidocs when the
apidocs are generated at the project level
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1809</a>] - archetype.xml
doesn't account for change to .tml
(/WEB-INF/Start.html should be /Start.tml)
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1815</a>] - The InjectComponent
annotation is misnamed, should be
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1824</a>] - Code example on
Alias page of tapestry-core guide is wrong,
has extra &quot;new&quot;
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1825</a>] - Full Tapestry
releases should have the artifacts deployed
with the updateReleaseInfo flag set
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1831</a>] - Builtin services
(TypeCoercer, ClassFactory, etc.) are not
marked with the @Builtin annotation
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1372</a>] - Allow contributions
to the Hibernate Configuration
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1469</a>] - Templates should
support an outer t:container element for
when a template consists of non-tree structured content
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1579</a>] - Allow multiple
BeanEditor components within a form
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1603</a>] - BeanEditForm submit
button cannot be uniquely identified for
CSS purposes
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1607</a>] - Tapestry modules
should have a link to Tapestry's JIRA
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1615</a>] - ClassTransformation
needs ability to rename a method and
extend the beginning of a method
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1619</a>] - Add coercion from
type [C ( simple char ) to type
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1633</a>] -
PropertyDisplayContext should expose the id/propertyName of
the currently rendering property
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1697</a>] - There is no link to
the bug database on the Tapestry project
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1737</a>] - When a property name
in a property expression is not valid,
the exception message should list the available property names
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1738</a>] - Render debugging
output is incredibly verbose, and should
only be output at the TRACE (i.e. more vebose than DEBUG)
logging level
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1750</a>] - Separate out
Tapestry annotations for use in other tiers
(without dragging in all of Tapestry)
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1777</a>] - Allow HTML 4
doctypes to be used in component templates
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1781</a>] - Tapestry templates
should use the extension .tml (Tapestry
Markup Language) since they may contain other than (X)HTML
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1800</a>] - Having two different
Inject annotations with virtually
identical behavior is confusing, they should be consolidated
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1808</a>] - Automatic coercion
from String to File would be handy
<h2>New Feature</h2>
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1358</a>] - Create BeanDisplay
component to display the content of a
single bean
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1634</a>] - Create a DateField
component that uses client-side
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1676</a>] - Add component for
editing a single bean property
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1722</a>] - Startup service for
Tapestry IoC to perform initialization
when the Registry starts up
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1741</a>] - TestBase/MockTester
should give each Mock a name based on
the type of mock, which assists with debugging
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1742</a>] - Support removal and
reordering of BeanModel properties
inside Grid and BeanEditForm components
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1786</a>] - Add JVM system
property for adding modules to the IoC
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1798</a>] - Injection via Marker
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1841</a>] - Extend
PageRenderSupport to have equivalent support for CSS
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1845</a>] - Need a simple way to
access a component's messages for use
in testing
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1848</a>] - Make status of
Tapestry IoC services available
programattically and via a simple user interface
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1367</a>] - Documentation error
on Application State page:
ApplicationStateConfiguration should be
[<a href=''>TAPESTRY-1704</a>] - Convert logging
strategy from commons-logging to Simple
Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J)
<h1>Release Notes - Tapestry - Version 5.0.5</h1>
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1294</a>] - Tapestry does not
set an output encoding which prevents
Unicode content from being output correctly
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1423</a>] - Tapestry IoC fails
to get the correct class from
javassist.CtClass when the instance is already a proxy
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1425</a>] - Eager Loaded service
(builder) cannot use object injection
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1434</a>] - Service builder
methods do not allow services to be defined
in terms of non-interface class, even though ServiceBinder does
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1443</a>] -
org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Service annotation is
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1447</a>] - Headers are not set
appropiately to allow the browser to
cache javascript resources.
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1451</a>] - T5 website: Broken
Link to
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1464</a>] - Cannot Subclass
TapestryFilter to add custom init() and
destroy() logic
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1465</a>] - BeanEditForm and
Grid are not extensible in terms of
supported property types to be editted or viewed
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1480</a>] - Implement Radio
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1481</a>] - ActionLink and
PageLink render an id attribute, but don't
provide a clientId property, making it impossible to reference
them in JavaScript
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1491</a>] - No way to get the
logical page name for a page instance
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1494</a>] - Artifact snapshots
are being deployed to the
tapestry-repository, not the tapestry-snapshot-repository
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1497</a>] - EagerLoad is too
early for a normal Tapestry application
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1498</a>] - nbsp in template
causes exception in SAX Parser.
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1504</a>] - When a Map is
converted to a SelectModel, the keys are
converted unnecessarily to strings
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1511</a>] - VerifyError when
using inner classes inside components
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1528</a>] - No way to cleanup
the thread without access to the Registry
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1537</a>] - Release notes for
5.0.4 claim that TAPESTRY-1294 is fixed,
which it isn't
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1559</a>] - application package
initializer removed while merging svn
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1562</a>] - Spurious warnings
about missing component ids due to
case-sensitive checking of template ids vs. declared components
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1571</a>] -
CheckForUpdatesFilter can cause deadlock
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1583</a>] - The &quot;block:&quot;
binding prefix may only reference
blocks that appear before the reference in the template, an
error occurs if the block is defined later in the template
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1585</a>] - tapestry-upload has
an incorrect manifest entry for the
module class
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1590</a>] - Page templates in
WEB-INF located based on logical page name
(which may not match the class name)
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1593</a>] - Various typos in
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1596</a>] - Contributing a
service to the Alias service configuration
fails if the service uses a non-standard scope, such as
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1614</a>] - No &quot;expires&quot;
header should be set in asset
download requests, as that can confuse the browser, preventing
changes versions of assets from being downloaded
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1359</a>] - The BeanEditForm
component should attempt to create its
object parameter if it is null
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1409</a>] - Extend
StreamResponse to support setting headers in the
Response prior to streaming the contents from the InputStream
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1439</a>] - Convert Tutorial
from Pages/PDF to new module using APT
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1457</a>] - No way for PageLink
to distinguish between an explicitly
empty page activate context and normal delegation to the target
page's passivate event
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1479</a>] - It would be nice to
have a pipeline between the Dispatchers
and the RequestHandlers (for component action requests and for
page render requests)
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1493</a>] - Grid component
should display sort icon next to all sortable
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1505</a>] - The quickstart
archetype should include an empty bind()
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1523</a>] - Split mock-control
managing logic in TestBase so that it can
be used in a JUnit test suite
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1572</a>] -
AbstractIntegrationTestSuite should mark setup() and
cleanup() as alwaysRun
<h2>New Feature</h2>
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1354</a>] - Implement a file
upload component
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1356</a>] - Implement
client-side field persistence
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1369</a>] - There should be a
global application-level message catalog
for messages common to all pages &amp; components
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1370</a>] - Add a component
event result processor for Class instances
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1373</a>] - Recreate T4's
Palette component for T5
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1446</a>] - @Symbol annotation
for injecting a specific symbol
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1463</a>] - Way to inherit
binding from containing component
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1466</a>] - Support expansions
inside ordinary attributes
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1492</a>] - The Session
interface needs methods for getting and setting
the session timeout
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1503</a>] - BeanEditForm should
default its object parameter to
container property that matches its id
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1610</a>] - Implement regular
expression based input validation (client
and server)
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1485</a>] - Remove the Any
component --- not necessary because of
expansions in attributes
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1501</a>] - Remove Img
component, not needed because expansions are
allowed in attributes
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1566</a>] - Hibernate
configuration documentation is out of date /
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1570</a>] - wrong link to
RequestGlobals in the guide
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1472</a>] - The module and
filter are coded against Spring's
WebApplicationContext, but doesn't use any APIs not present in
<h1>Release Notes - Tapestry - Version 5.0.4</h1>
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1263</a>] - Can't use HTML
entities in templates
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1264</a>] - Can't specify
DOCTYPE in template
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1317</a>] - Service contributors
are not case insensitive with respect
to the service id.
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1333</a>] - Cannot bundle
component classes &amp; templates in
WEB-INF/classes when deploying to Tomcat (&amp; JBoss)
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1337</a>] - PageTester can't
handle pages with context assets
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1338</a>] -
ApplicationStateObjects not properly instantiated when using
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1357</a>] - Quickstart archetype
still uses out-of-date @Id and
@Contribute annotations
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1363</a>] - Some of the Java
comments in the generated AppModule class
are out of date
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1371</a>] - The Submit component
should have a defer parameter, but just
has a _defer private instance variable.
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1387</a>] - @Inject should
expose annotations on the field to the
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1411</a>] - PageLink component
does not render informal parameters
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1365</a>] - RandomDataSource
should allow any type of value for the
oneOf() method, not just String
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1424</a>] - @OnEvent annotation
should be simplified to specify at most
one event and at most one component id
<h2>New Feature</h2>
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1330</a>] - The @Scope annotaton
should be allowed on service
implementation classes (in addition to service builder methods
inside a module class)
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1331</a>] - Need an @InjectValue
annotation for cases where a value to
insert contains a colon
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1353</a>] - Include copies of
common DTDs in the JAR such that the
template parser does not need to access the network to parse
templates with specific doctypes
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1368</a>] - The
@ApplicationState annotation should be capable of
enhancing a boolean field to indicate whether the state object
already exists
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1382</a>] - Strip out
duplication of names in the class name -> page
name / component type conversion
<h1>Release Notes - Tapestry - Version 5.0.3</h1>
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1270</a>] - The StringTranslator
should return null when an empty text
field is submitted with a form, not the empty string
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1275</a>] - Recursive Components
cause heap space overflow
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1282</a>] - Assets should be
streamed with an appropriate content type,
even when the container is unable to provide the content type
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1291</a>] - Race condition in
IoC service creation can create runtime
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1297</a>] - incorrect context
generated for URLs with final slash
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1300</a>] - Unit tests require
english locale to run succesfully
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1303</a>] - Update licences and
notice files for external dependencies
(javassist, etc.)
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1314</a>] - ExceptionAnalyzer
throws NPE when an exception message is
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1316</a>] - Address class loader
issues inside JBoss
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1321</a>] - JBoss deployment
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1322</a>] - Spurious errors in
log concerning page "favicon"
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1329</a>] - The favicon.ico file
is not generated into the project by
the quickstart archetype
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1343</a>] - Under Tomcat, a root
path URL such as http://.../context
(without a trailing slash) causes a
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException inside PageRenderDispatcher
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1344</a>] - Render phase methods
should be allowed to return a
Renderable object
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1346</a>] - tapestry-hibernate
module depends on missing
ComponentClassLocator service
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1025</a>] - Add support for
eager loading of services
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1295</a>] - Event handling
methods that have too many parameters for the
event context should be silently skipped
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1298</a>] - ExceptionReport can
be too verbose and repetative
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1308</a>] - Exceptions while
building services are poorly reported
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1320</a>] - Render phase
BeginRender should respond to a "false" result
by switching to phase AfterRender (rather than phase
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1323</a>] - Support caseless
mapped service configurations
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1335</a>] - The
"infrastructure:" object provider prefix is too long and
the name is confusing, rename to "alias:"
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1339</a>] - Rework Tapestry IoC
to remove the concept of module ids and
qualified service ids
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1342</a>] - When an exception is
reported concerning a particular
method, the string identifying the method should include the
file name and line number (if available)
<h2>New Feature</h2>
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1276</a>] - If component should
include an optional negate parameter
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1284</a>] - Tapestry Spring
integration module
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1292</a>] - Allow lists to be
used as select models
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1302</a>] - JavaScript support
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1311</a>] - Identify type of
component via tag element name in templates
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1319</a>] -
tapestry.InfrastructureOverrides is not yet implemented
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1325</a>] - Add an "asset:"
object provider, to simplfy injecting assets
into services
[<a href="">TAPESTRY-1341</a>] - Allow service
builders named "build" and determine service
id from the result type