blob: 30e9c614a01a7c1ed0acc277406ca5cb848a6b1c [file] [log] [blame]
import org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model.*
import t5build.*
description = "Central module for Tapestry, containing all core services and components"
project.ext {
antlrSource = "src/main/antlr"
generatedDir = "$buildDir/generated-sources"
antlrOutput = "$generatedDir/antlr"
configurations {
} antlrOutput
dependencies {
compile project(':tapestry-ioc')
compile project(':tapestry-json')
provided project(":tapestry-test")
provided "javax.servlet:servlet-api:${versions.servletapi}"
compile "commons-codec:commons-codec:1.5"
// Transitive will bring in the unwanted string template library as well
compile "org.antlr:antlr-runtime:3.3", { transitive = false }
// Antlr3 tool path used with the antlr3 task
antlr3 "org.antlr:antlr:3.3"
testRuntime "org.hsqldb:hsqldb:"
// This may spin out as a plugin once we've got the details down pat
task generateGrammarSource(type: JavaExec) {
description "Generates Java sources from Antlr3 grammars."
inputs.source fileTree(dir: antlrSource, include: "**/*.g")
outputs.dir file(antlrOutput)
classpath configurations.antlr3
main "org.antlr.Tool"
args "-o", "${antlrOutput}/org/apache/tapestry5/internal/antlr"
args inputs.sourceFiles
doFirst { "Executing Antlr3 grammar generation:\n${commandLine.join(' ')}"
task compileCoffeeScript(type: CompileCoffeeScript) {
outputDir "${generatedDir}/compiled-coffeescript"
task compileTestCoffeeScript(type: CompileCoffeeScript) {
srcDir "src/test/coffeescript"
outputDir "${generatedDir}/compiled-test-coffeescript"
processResources {
from compileCoffeeScript
processTestResources {
dependsOn processResources
from compileTestCoffeeScript
idea.module {
sourceDirs += compileCoffeeScript.srcDir
sourceDirs += compileCoffeeScript.outputDir
testSourceDirs += compileTestCoffeeScript.srcDir
testSourceDirs += compileTestCoffeeScript.outputDir
// Hack the IML so that "build" is not excluded; necessary because several directories under build
// are added as source, resources, or test folders.
iml.whenMerged { module ->
module.excludeFolders.removeAll {
it.canonicalUrl.endsWith "/build"
compileJava {
dependsOn generateGrammarSource
options.fork(memoryMaximumSize: '512m')
// Not sure why this is necessary:
compileTestGroovy.dependsOn compileTestJava
jar {
from("src/main/filtered-resources") {
filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [version: project.version])