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Tapestry IoC Decorators
Tapestry IoC Decorators
<Decoration> is the name of a popular design pattern. Using decoration,
an existing object's behavior can be extended without changing the implementation
of the object.
Instead, a new object is placed <around> the existing object. The rest of the world
sees this new object, termed an <<interceptor>>. The interceptor implements the
same interface as the underlying object being decorated.
A common example for this is the Java I/O library. The abstract InputStream
base class has a very simple API for reading bytes from a stream (and a few
other things). Subclasses of InputStream provide a wide array of other options
such as buffering, encryption or decryption, as well as control over the source
of data read by the stream. All of these <concerns> are encapsulated in different
implementations of InputStream, and all can be connected together in a kind of
pipline, using the common InputStream API.
Tapestry IoC uses a similar approach, where a one or more of interceptor objects,
all implementing the service interface, are strung together. The service's
proxy (responsible for just-in-time instantiation of the service implementation)
is at one end of this pipeline, the core service implementation is at the other.
For each method in the service interface, the interceptor object can perform
some operations before and after re-invoking the same method on the
core service implementation. This is another design pattern: <delegation>. An interceptor
can even catch exceptions thrown by the underlying implementation and react to them.
A sufficiently clever interceptor could retry a method if an exception is thrown, or
could "soften" a checked exception by wrapping it in a RuntimeException.
Decorators often are used in the context of <cross-cutting concerns>, such as logging or
transaction management. This approach is a kind of <aspect oriented design>.
One such cross cutting concern is lazy initialization of services. In HiveMind, services
are created only as needed, when a method of a service interface is first invoked.
This concern is supplied by the Tapestry IoC framework itself, but similar
concerns are easily implemented as decorations.
Whereas the popular AspectJ framework changes the compiled bytecode of your
classes (it calls the process "weaving"),
with Tapestry IoC, the approach is to wrap your existing classes in new objects. These
wrapper objects are often dynamically created at runtime.
It is also common to have <multiple> decorations on a single service. In this case,
a whole stack of interceptor objects will be created, each delegating to the next.
Tapestry IoC provides control over the order in which such decorations occur.
Decorations are driven by service decoration methods. Often, a reusable service
exists to do the grunt work of creating and instantiating a new class.
Service Decoration Methods
import org.slf4j.Logger;
public class MyAppModule
public static Indexer build()
return new IndexerImpl();
public static <T> T decorateIndexer(Class<T> serviceInterface, T delegate,
String serviceId, Logger logger,
LoggingDecorator decorator)
return, delegate, serviceId, logger);
The method decorateIndexer() is a service decorator method because it starts with the
word "decorate". In this simple case, only the myapp.Indexer service will be decorated,
even if there are other services in this module or others ... this is because
of the name match ("decorateIndexer" and "buildIndexer"), but we'll shortly see how
annotations can be used to target many services for decoration.
We are using the parameterized types here (the \<T\>), to reinforce the fact that the delegate object
passed in (which will be the core service implementation, or some other interceptor)
must implement the service interface, and that the decorator method must return an
instance of the service interface.
The values that may be provided to a decorator method are exactly the same as for a builder
method, with one addition: The underlying service will be passed in
as a parameter of type java.lang.Object (after type erasure, the <<<T delegate>>> parameter
becomes <<<Object delegate>>>).
In the above example, the decorator method recieves the core service implementation,
the service interface for the Indexer service, the Log for the Indexer service,
and an interceptor factory that generates logging interceptors.
The "heavy lifting" is provided by the factory, which will create a new interceptor
that logs method entry before delegating to the core service implementation. The interceptor
will also log method parameters, return values, and even log exceptions.
The return value of the method is the new interceptor. You may return null if your
decorator method decides not to decorate the supplied service.
Alternately, when targetting services whose type is known at compile time, you may provide
a parameter whose type matches the service interface. For example, decorateIndexer() will
always be applied to the Indexer service, whose type (Indexer) is known. We could therefore rewrite
decorateIndexer() as:
public static Indexer decorateIndexer(Indexer delegate, Logger logger, LoggingDecorator decorator)
return, delegate, "Indexer", logger);
Of course, nothing stops you from combining building with decorating inside
the service builder method:
import org.slf4j.Logger;
public class MyAppModule
public static Indexer build(Logger logger, LoggingDecorator decorator)
return, logger, new IndexerImpl());
But as we'll see, its possible to have a single decorator method work on many different
services by using annotations.
Targetting Multiple Services
By using the
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/annotations/Match.html}@Match annnotation}},
you may identify which services are to be decorated.
The value specified in the Match annotation is one or more patterns. These patterns
are used to match services. In a pattern, a "*" at the start or end of a string
match zero or more characters.
For example, to target all the services in your module:
public static <T> T decorateLogging(Class<T> serviceInterface, T delegate,
String serviceId, Logger logger,
LoggingDecorator decorator)
return, delegate, serviceId, logger);
You can use multiple patterns with @Match, in which case, the decorator will be applied
to a service that matches <any> of the patterns. For instance, if you only wanted
logging for your data access and business logic services, you might end up with
<<<@Match("Data*", "*Logic")>>> (based, of course, on how you name your services).
As the precending example showed, a simple "glob" matching is supported, where a asterisk ('*')
may be used at the start or end of the match string to match any number of characters.
As elsewhere, matching is case insensitive.
Thus, <<<@Match("*")>>> is dangerous, because it will match every service in every
<Note: It is not possible to decorate the services of the TapestryIOCModule.>
<Note: Another idea will be other ways of matching services: base on inheritance of the
service interface and/or based on the presence of particular class annotations on the
service interface. None of this has been implemented yet, and can readily be accompllished
inside the decorator method (which will return null if it decides the service doesn't
need decoration).>
Ordering of Decorators
In cases where multiple decorators will apply to a single service, you can control
the order in which decorators are applied using an additional annotation:
This annotation allows any number of {{{order.html}ordering constraints}}
to be specified for the decorator, to order it relative to
any other decorators.
For example, you almost always want logging decorators to come first, so:
public static <T> T decorateLogging(Class<T> serviceInterface, T delegate,
String serviceId, Logger logger,
LoggingDecorator decorator)
return, delegate, serviceId, logger);
"before:*" indicates that this decorator should come before any decorator in <any> module.
<<Note:>> the ordering of decorators is in terms of the <effect> desired.
Internally, the decorators are invoked
last to first (since each once receives the "next" interceptor as its delegate).
So the core service implementation is created (via a service builder method)
and that is passed to the last decorator method. The interceptor created there
is passed to the the next-to-last decorator method, and so forth.
It should now be evident that the delegate passed into a decorator method is sometimes
the core service implementation, and some times an interceptor object created by some other
decorator method.
Creating your own Decorators
Decorators are a limited form of Aspect Oriented Programming, so we have
borrowed some of that terminology here.
A decorator exists to create an <interceptor>. The interceptor wraps around
the service (because these interceptors can get chained, we talk about the "delegate" and not the "service").
Each method of the interceptor will take <advice>. Advice
is provided by a {{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/MethodAdvice.html}MethodAdvice}} instance.
The sole method, <<<advise()>>>, recieves an
MethodAdvice gives you a chance to see what the method invocation <is>; you can query
the name of the method, and the types and values of the parameters.
The MethodAdvice can override the parameters if necessary, then invoke <<<proceed()>>>. This
call invokes the corresponding method on the original object, the delegate.
If the method call throws a runtime exception, that exception is not caught. Your method advice can
put a try ... catch block around the call to proceed() if interested in catching runtime exception.
Checked exceptions are not thrown (since they are not part of the proceed() method's signature). Instead
the invocation's <<<isFail()>>> method will return true. You can then retrieve the exception or override it.
In the normal success case, you can ask for the return value and even override it before
returning from the advise() method.
In other words, you have total control. Your MethodAdvice can query or change parameters, decide whether
it proceed into the original code, it can intercept exceptions that are thrown and replace them, and can
query or even replace the return value.
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/services/AspectDecorator.html}AspectDecorator}} service
is how you put your MethodAdvice into action.
By way of an example, we'll show an implementation of the LoggingDecorator service:
public class LoggingDecoratorImpl implements LoggingDecorator
private final AspectDecorator aspectDecorator;
private final ExceptionTracker exceptionTracker;
public LoggingDecoratorImpl(AspectDecorator aspectDecorator, ExceptionTracker exceptionTracker)
this.aspectDecorator = aspectDecorator;
this.exceptionTracker = exceptionTracker;
public <T> T build(Class<T> serviceInterface, T delegate, String serviceId, final Logger logger)
final ServiceLogger serviceLogger = new ServiceLogger(logger, exceptionTracker);
MethodAdvice advice = new MethodAdvice()
public void advise(Invocation invocation)
boolean debug = logger.isDebugEnabled();
if (debug) serviceLogger.entry(invocation);
catch (RuntimeException ex)
if (debug), ex);
throw ex;
if (!debug) return;
if (invocation.isFail())
Exception thrown = invocation.getThrown(Exception.class);, thrown);
return, delegate, advice,
String.format("<Logging interceptor for %s(%s)>", serviceId,
<The actual code has been refactored slightly since this documentation was written.>
Most of the logging logic occurs inside the ServiceLogger object, the MethodAdvice exists to call the right methods at
the right time. A Logger doesn't <change> parameter values (or thrown exceptions, or the result), it just
captures and logs the data.
Notice that for runtime exceptions, we catch the exception, log it, and rethrow it.
For checked exceptions, we use isFail() and getThrown().
The AspectDecorator service can also be used in more complicated ways: it is possible to
only advise some of the methods and not others, or use different advice for different methods. Check the
JavaDoc for more details.