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Deployment Notes: Tomcat
Deployment Notes: Tomcat
Deploying Tapestry applications into {{{}Tomcat}} is relatively easy, with one big caveat: you must not store your Tapestry component classes under WEB-INF/classes.
At startup, Tapestry needs to locate all your page and component classes, so that it can match page names in request URLs to page classes. Due to the way
Tomcat creates ClassLoaders, this information is not accessible to Tapestry.
Fortunately, Maven has an option inside its war plugin,
{{{}archiveClasses}}, that changes the packaging; instead of putting compiled
classes and resource files in
WEB-INF/classes, they are instead placed inside an additional JAR inside WEB-INF/lib. This keeps Tapestry happy at runtime.
The {{{quickstart/}quickstart archetype}} configures your project's Maven pom.xml file to make use of this
Tapestry 5 has been tested with Tomcat 5.5.20.
* index.html
If your application has an index.html file, Tomcat appears to use that file, rather than triggering the Tapestry filter to render the application Start page
for a base URL (just the context path).
By contrast, {{{jetty.html}Jetty}} favors the filter over the index.html file.
* Logging
TODO: Discuss logging configuration for Tomcat.