blob: 272be71abed03885ddaab03551bea9fbc3f3dea4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012-2013 The Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ## t5/core/fields
# Module for logic relating to form input fields (input, select, textarea); specifically
# presenting validation errors and perfoming input validation when necessary.
define ["underscore", "./events", "./dom", "./utils", "./forms"],
(_, events, dom, utils) ->
ensureFieldId = (field) ->
fieldId = field.attr "id"
unless fieldId
fieldId = _.uniqueId "field"
field.attr "id", fieldId
return fieldId
# Finds any `.help-block` used for presenting errors for the provided field.
# Returns the found block(s) as an array of ElementWrapper. Returns null
# if no blocks can be found.
# Normally, you would expect just a single help block for a field, but in some cases,
# such as to support responsive layout, there will be multiple help blocks for a single field.
# * field - element wrapper for the field
findHelpBlocks = (field) ->
fieldId = field.attr "id"
# When the field has an id (the normal case!), search the body for
# the matching help blocks.
if fieldId
blocks = dom.body.find "[data-error-block-for='#{fieldId}']"
return blocks if blocks.length > 0
# Assign a unique (hopefully!) client id for the field, which will be
# used to link the field and the new help-block together.
fieldId = ensureFieldId field
# Not found by id, but see if an empty placeholder was provided within
# the same .form-group.
group = field.findParent ".form-group"
return null unless group
# This happens less often, now that the Errors component ensures (at render time)
# a fieldId and a data-error-block-for element. Even so, sometimes a template
# will just contain a[data-presentation=error]
block = group.findFirst "[data-presentation=error]"
if block
block.attr "data-error-block-for", fieldId
return [block]
# Not found, so perhaps it will be created dynamically.
return null
createHelpBlock = (field) ->
fieldId = ensureFieldId field
# No containing group ... this is a problem, probably an old 5.3 application upgraded to 5.4
# or beyond. Place the block just after the field.
container = field.parent()
block = dom.create "p",
class: "help-block"
"data-error-block-for": fieldId
# The .input-group selectors are used to attach buttons or markers to the field.
# In which case, the help block can go after the group instead.
if container.hasClass("input-group")
container.insertAfter block
field.insertAfter block
return block
showValidationError = (id, message) ->
dom.wrap(id).trigger events.field.showValidationError, { message }
collectOptionValues = (wrapper) ->
_.pluck wrapper.element.options, "value"
# Default registrations:
dom.onDocument events.field.inputValidation, (event, formMemo) ->
# Fields that are disbled, or not visible to the user are not subject to
# validation. Typically, a field will only be invisible due to the
# core/FormFragment component.
return if @element.disabled or (not @deepVisible())
failure = false
fieldValue =
if (@attr "data-value-mode") is "options"
collectOptionValues this
else if @element.type is "checkbox"
memo = value: fieldValue
postEventTrigger = =>
if memo.error
# Assume the event handler displayed the message.
failure = true
if _.isString memo.error
@trigger events.field.showValidationError, { message: memo.error }
@trigger events.field.optional, memo
unless failure or (utils.isBlank memo.value)
@trigger events.field.translate, memo
unless failure
if _.isUndefined memo.translated
memo.translated = memo.value
@trigger events.field.validate, memo
if failure
formMemo.error = true
@trigger events.field.clearValidationError
dom.onDocument events.field.clearValidationError, ->
blocks = exports.findHelpBlocks this
for block in blocks or []
block.parent().removeClass "has-error"
group = @findParent ".form-group"
group and group.removeClass "has-error"
dom.onDocument events.field.showValidationError, (event, memo) ->
blocks = exports.findHelpBlocks this
unless blocks
blocks = [exports.createHelpBlock this]
for block in blocks
# Add "has-error" to the help-block's immediate container; this assist with some layout issues
# where the help block can't be under the same .form-group element as the field (more common
# with a horizontal form layout).
group = @findParent ".form-group"
container = group or @parent().closest(":not(.input-group)")
container.addClass "has-error"
exports = {findHelpBlocks, createHelpBlock, showValidationError}