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Configuring Tapestry
Configuring Tapestry
Tapestry runs on top of the standard Java Servlet API. To the servlet container,
such as Tomcat, Tapestry appears as a <servlet filter>. This gives Tapestry great
flexibility in matching URLs without requiring lots of configuration inside web.xml.
* web.xml
The majority of configuration occurs inside the servlet deployment descriptor,
Most of the configuration is boilerplate; the same for all applications.
The application specific configuration is to identify the root application package.
Tapestry uses this package name to locate your page and component classes.
Page classes must go in the pages sub-package, and components must go in the
components sub-package.
You specify the root package as a context parameter:
<!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
<display-name>My Tapestry Application</display-name>
You may name the filter whatever you want, though "app" is a common convention.
In this example, page classes will be stored in the <<<org.example.myapp.pages>>> package (or in sub-packages below).
Likewise, component classes will be stored in the <<<org.example.myapp.components>>> package.
* Tapestry Requests vs. Container Requests
The Tapestry filter matches all the requests that apply to Tapestry, and passes the rest off to the
servlet container.
Actual files inside the web application take precedence over Tapestry pages, in situation where there
would be a naming conflict.
Tapestry recognizes the <root URL>, where the servlet path is simply "/", and renders the application page "Start",
if it exists.
* Tapestry IoC Configuration
Most other configuration occurs inside your application's module builder class. The application module builder
will often define new services, provide overrides of services, or make contributions to service configurations.
Tapestry looks for a module builder class in the services package (under the root package). It capitalizes
the \<filter-name\> and appends "Module". In the previous example, the module builder class
would be
If such a class exists, it is added to the IoC Registry. It is not an error for your application to not have a module, though
any non-trivial application will have a module.
* Configuration Symbols
Tapestry may also be configured via {{{../../tapestry-ioc/symbols.html}symbols}}. A certain number of built-in services
(some of which are not even public) are configured via symbols. These symbols can be overridden
by contributing to the ApplicationDefaults service configuration, or on the command line
by defining JVM System Properties with the -D command line option.
These symbols are always defined in terms of strings, that are coerced to the appropriate type (a number,
a boolean, etc.). Of special note are <time intervals>, which are specified in a
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/util/TimeInterval.html}particular format}}.
Many of these symbols have an associated constant in the class
A flag (true or false). When true (the default) whitespace in component templates is compressed by default
(this can be fine-tuned using the standard xml:space attribute on an element in the template).
When this flag is false, then whitespace is retained by default (but can still be overridden).
The default time interval that cookies created by Tapestry will be kept in the client web browser.
The dfault value is equal to one week.
Primarily, this is used with a cookie that exists
to track the preferred user locale.
The default is "7 d" (that is, seven days).
The default stylesheet automatically injected into every rendered HTML page. Many Tapestry components assume that
this stylesheet is available. All the classes defined in the stylesheet are prefixed with "t-". The exact contents
of the stylesheet are subject to change at any time (they are considered internal), so replacing the stylesheet,
rather than overriding selected rules within it, entails some risk.
The default is org/apache/tapestry5/default.css, stored on the classpath.
The name of the page used to report exceptions. This defaults to "ExceptionReport".
Time interval between file system checks. During a file system check, only a single thread is active (all others
are blocked) and any files loaded are checked for changes (this is part of {{{reload.html}automatic component reloading}}).
The default is "1 s" (one second), and is usually overridden with a higher value in production (say, between one and five minutes).
Time interval that Tapestry will wait to obtain the exclusive lock needed for a file check. The default is "50 ms" (50 milliseconds).
If the exclusive lock can't be obtained in that amount of time, the request will proceeed normally (without the check),
but each successive request will attempt to get the lock and perform the check until successful.
A flag (true or false). When false (the default), Tapestry will attempt to optimize URIs that it generates, using
relative URIs when such URIs are shorter than absolute URIs. You will see some savings when you make generous
use of libraries, sub-folders and page activation contexts ... otherwise, no significant difference.
When true, all URIs will be absolute URIs (including the
context path, and the complete path for the request).
A flag (true or false) indicating whether the application is running in production or in development. The default
is true, which means that runtime exceptions are not reported with full detail (only the root exception message
is displayed, not the entire stack of exceptions, properties and other information shown in development mode).
The time interval that an instantiated page instance may be cached before being removed. As pages are
returned to the pool, they are time stamped. Periodically (as per the file check interval),
the pool is scanned for page instances that have not been used recently; those that are outside
the active window are discarded. This is used to free up unnecessary page instances after
a request surge.
The default is "10 m" (10 minutes).
The absolute maximum number of page instances (for a particular page name / locale combination) that Tapestry
will create at any time. If this number is reached, then requests will fail because a page instance is not
available ... this can happen as part of a denial of service attack. For this value to have any meaning, it
should be lower than the number of threads that the servlet container is configured to use when processing
The default is 20 page instances.
The number of pages in the page pool (for a given page name / locale combination) before which Tapestry will
start to wait for existing pages to be made available. Under this limit of pages, Tapestry will simply
create a new page instance if no existing instance is readily available. Once the soft limit is reached,
Tapestry will wait a short period of time (the soft wait interval) to see if an existing page instance
is made available. It will then create a new page instance (unless the hard limit has been reached).
The default is 5 page instances. Remember that page pooling is done seperately for each
page (and localization of the page).
The time interval that Tapestry will wait for a page instance to become available before deciding whether to create
an entirely new page instance. The default is "10 ms".
If true, then the page may only be accessed via HTTPS. The {{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/annotations/Secure.html}@Secure}}
annotation will set this value to true.
The path to the embedded copy of {{{}}} packaged with Tapestry. This value may be overridden
to use a different version of the library. Tapestry's default version is 1.8.1
(including Prototype
The logical name of the start page, the page that is rendered for the <root URL>. This is normally "start".
This functionality is vestigal: it has been superceded by the use of Index pages.
A comma-separated list of supported locales. Incoming requests as "narrowed" to one of these locales, based on closest match.
If no match can be found, the first locale in the list is treated as the default.
The default is (currently) "en,it,zh_CN,pt_PT,de,ru,hr,fi_FI,sv_SE,fr_FR,da". As the community contributes new localizations of the necessary messages files,
this list will expand. Note that the Tapestry quickstart archetype overrides the factory default, forcing the
application to be localized only for "en".
Normally, Tapestry responds to action requests (such as form submissions) by sending a client-side redirect
to the renderring page. This has a lot of benefits in terms of improving browser navigation, making sure
URLs are bookmarkable, and so forth. However, it has a cost: more data stored persistently in the session,
and a double-request for each user action (one action request, one render request).
Setting this symbol to "true" changes the Tapestry behavior to make it more like Tapestry 4: a markup response
is sent directly for the action request, no redirect in the middle. This option should be used with care,
and only in cases where you are certain that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.
Ignored Paths
In some cases, you may use Tapestry is concert with other servlets. This can cause problems, since
Tapestry (being a servlet filter) may see URLs intended for another servlet and attempt to process them.
The Servlet API does not provide Tapestry with any clues about what other servlets are available in the
web application. Instead, you must configure Tapestry to ignore paths intended for other servlets.
The IgnoredPathsFilter service is the method for this kind of configuration. Its configuration
is an unordered collection of regular expression patterns. A request whose path matches any of these
patterns is <<not>> processed by Tapestry.
For example, say you are using {{{}Direct Web Remoting}}. You'll likely have
the servlet path /dwr mapped to the Direct Web Remoting servlet.
You contribution would look like:
public static void contributeIgnoredPathsFilter(UnorderedCollection<String> configuration)
The regular expression matches any path that begins with "/dwr/".
The regular expressions provided in the configuration are always compiled with case insensitivity enabled.
Also note that actual files in your web application (images, stylesheets, etc.) are always ignored by Tapestry.