blob: 1e7ca7983c2d05e2a3248934e23433a833c60aa4 [file] [log] [blame]
<html t:type="Border" xmlns:t="">
<h1>Tapestry 5 Integration Application 1</h1>
Old style ad-hoc alerts, predating Tapestry 5.3:
<t:if test="alert">
<em id="alert">${alert}</em>
<ul class="pagination">
<t:loop source="alphaKeyItems.keySet()" value="key">
<a href="#ix_${key}">${key}</a>
<p><a href="#special">Special Pages</a></p>
<t:loop source="alphaKeyItems.keySet()" value="key">
<a name="ix_${key}"/>
<li t:type="loop" source="itemsForKey()" value="item">
<t:pagelink page="prop:item.pageName" context="item.context">${item.label}</t:pagelink>
-- ${item.description}
<h2 id="special">Special Pages</h2>
<p>These are often pages which can't load due to errors.</p>
<a href="${injectDemoLink}">PageLink via Class Demo</a>
-- use ComponentResources to generate a link to a page using target
page class, not logical
page name
<a href="BadTemplate">BadTemplate Page</a>
-- More exception reporting
<t:pagelink page="eventhandlerdemo" context="'clear'">
EventHandler Demo
-- Tests for event handling method order and matching
<a href="InjectContainerMismatch">
-- check error reporting when @InjectContainer doesn't match
the actual field type
<a href="injectcomponentmismatch">InjectComponentMismatch</a>
-- check error reporting when @InjectComponent
doesn't match actual field type
<a href="recursivedemo">Recursive Demo</a>
-- check for handling of recursive components
<t:actionlink t:id="securepage">Secure Page Demo</t:actionlink>
-- transition to HTTPS
<t:pagelink page="listeventcontextdemo" context="demoContext">List Event Context Demo
-- using a List for catch-all event context parameters
<a href="datumeditor">Class Transformation Exception Demo</a>
-- demo proper reporting of exceptions during class transformation
<t:actionlink t:id="instantiatePage">Instantiate Page</t:actionlink>
attempt to instantiate (and return) a page instance
<a href="fieldannotationconflict">Field Annotation Conflict</a>
-- demo failure behavior when a field contains conflicting annotations
<a href="failedinjectdemo">Failed Field Injection Demo</a>
-- demo failure when attempting to inject into a field
<a href="pageAttachFailure">Page Attach Failure</a>
-- demo failure when attaching a page
<a href="componentsNotInTemplateDemo">Components Not In Template Demo</a>
-- demo exception when a component is defined in the class but not present in the template
<a href="GetterMethodAlreadyExists">Getter Method Already Exists</a>
-- demo @Property attempting to overwrite an existing getter method
<a href="DuplicateIds">Duplicate IDs</a>
-- demo two components declared with the same ID
<a href="PublishDuplicateNameDemo">Duplicate Published Parameter Name</a>
-- demo error checking for the same parameter name published from two different
<a href="EmbeddedComponentTypeConflict">Embedded Component Type Conflict
-- error checking for conflict between @Component.type and t:type.
<a href="PublishUnknownParameterDemo">Publish Unknown Parameter Demo</a>
-- publishing a parameter which does not exist
<a href="BadMixinIdDemo">Bad Mixin Id Demo</a>
-- error reporting when a parameter specifies a mixin id that does not exist
<a href="DupeMixinDemo">Duplicate Mixin Demo</a>
-- error reporting for adding a duplicate mixin to a component
<a href="ZoneRefreshWithHandlerReturningVoid">Zone Refresh With Event Handler Returning Void</a>
-- refreshes zone with an event handler returning void
<a href="ZoneRefreshWithHandlerReturningZone">Zone Refresh With Event Handler Returning Zone</a>
-- refreshes zone with an event handler returning zone
<a href="ZoneRefreshWithContext">Zone Refresh With Context</a>
-- refreshes zone with a context
<a href="UnsupportedParameterBlockDemo">Unsupported Parameter Block Demo</a>
-- informal block parameter to a component that does not support informal parameters
<a href="InvalidTemplateExtend">Invalid Template Extend Demo</a>
-- template uses extend, but component doesn't have a super-class
<a href="PageResetFailure">PageReset Annotation Failure</a>
-- error when @PageReset is on a method with parameters
<a href="VoidMethodWithCached">@Cached on void method</a>
-- error when @Cached is used on a method that returns void
<a href="ParamsMethodWithCached">@Cached on method with parameters</a>
-- error when @cached is used on a method that has parameters
<a href="InvalidComponentTypeDemo">Invalid Component Type</a>
-- unknown type of component in template
<a href="NoTypeProvidedDemo">No Component Type Provided</a>
component type not defined.
<a href="music/details2">Missing page activation context</a>
<a href="lib/alpha/root">Alpha Library Root</a> -- demonstrates libraries contributed with a slash in the name
<a href="parameterconflictdemo">Parameter Conflict Demo</a> -- checks for subclass parameters conflicting with
base class parameters
<a href="missingembeddedcomponent">Missing Embedded Component</a> -- @InjectComponent for component not in
<t:actionlink t:id="immediateResponse">Immediate Response</t:actionlink>
-- Stream page content bypassing page activation