blob: 7269bb876bb8cc7e9d7d621d66fbc821ce5ae127 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ## t5/core/validation
# Support for Tapestry's built-in set of translators and validators.
define ["underscore", "./dom", "./events", "./utils", "./messages", "./fields"],
(_, dom, events, utils, messages) ->
REGEXP_META = "t5:regular-expression"
minus = messages "decimal-symbols.minus"
grouping = messages ""
decimal = messages "decimal-symbols.decimal"
# Formats a string for a localized number into a simple number. This uses localization
# information provided by `t5/core/messages` to remove grouping seperators and convert the
# minus sign and decimal seperator into english norms ("-" and ".") that are compatible
# with the `Number` constructor. May throw `Error` if the input can not be parsed.
# A little state machine does the parsing; the input may have a leading minus sign.
# It then consists primarily of numeric digits. At least one digit must occur
# between each grouping character. Grouping characters are not allowed
# after the decimal point.
# * input - input string to be converted
# * isInteger - restrict to integer values (decimal point not allowed)
parseNumber = (input, isInteger) ->
canonical = ""
accept = (ch) -> canonical += ch
acceptDigitOnly = (ch) ->
if ch < "0" or ch > "9"
throw new Error messages "core-input-not-numeric"
accept ch
mustBeDigit = (ch) ->
acceptDigitOnly ch
return any
decimalPortion = (ch) ->
acceptDigitOnly ch
return decimalPortion
any = (ch) ->
switch ch
when grouping then return mustBeDigit
when decimal
if isInteger
throw new Error messages "core-input-not-integer"
accept "."
return decimalPortion
mustBeDigit ch
leadingMinus = (ch) ->
if ch is minus
accept "-"
return mustBeDigit
any ch
state = leadingMinus
for ch in utils.trim input
state = (state ch)
return Number canonical
matches = (input, re) ->
groups = input.match re
# Unlike Java, there isn't an easy way to match the entire string. This
# gets the job done.
return false if groups is null
groups[0] is input
emailRE = new RegExp("[A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[A-Za-z0-9](?:[A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?\\.)+[A-Za-z0-9](?:[A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])?")
translate = (field, memo, isInteger) ->
result = parseNumber memo.value, isInteger
if _.isNaN result
throw messages "core-input-not-numeric"
memo.translated = result
catch e
memo.error = (field.attr "data-translation-message") or e.message or "ERROR"
return false
dom.onDocument events.field.optional, "[data-optionality=required]", (event, memo) ->
if utils.isBlank memo.value
memo.error = (@attr "data-required-message") or "REQUIRED"
dom.onDocument events.field.translate, "[data-translation=numeric]", (event, memo) ->
translate this, memo, false
dom.onDocument events.field.translate, "[data-translation=integer]", (event, memo) ->
translate this, memo, true
dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-validate-min-length]", (event, memo) ->
min = parseInt @attr "data-validate-min-length"
if memo.translated.length < min
memo.error = (@attr "data-min-length-message") or "TOO SHORT"
return false
dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-validate-max-length]", (event, memo) ->
max = parseInt @attr "data-validate-max-length"
if memo.translated.length > max
memo.error = (@attr "data-max-length-message") or "TOO LONG"
return false
dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-validate-max]", (event, memo) ->
max = parseInt @attr "data-validate-max"
if memo.translated > max
memo.error = (@attr "data-max-message") or "TOO LARGE"
return false
dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-validate-min]", (event, memo) ->
min = parseInt @attr "data-validate-min"
if memo.translated < min
memo.error = (@attr "data-min-message") or "TOO SMALL"
return false
dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-validate-email]", (event, memo) ->
unless (matches memo.translated, emailRE)
memo.error = (@attr "data-email-message") or "INVALID EMAIL"
return false
dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-validate-regexp]", (event, memo) ->
# Cache the compiled regular expression.
re = @meta REGEXP_META
unless re
re = new RegExp(@attr "data-validate-regexp")
@meta REGEXP_META, re
unless (matches memo.translated, re)
memo.error = (@attr "data-regexp-message") or "INVALID"
return false
dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-expected-status=checked]", (event, memo) ->
unless memo.value
memo.error = (@attr "data-checked-message") or "MUST BE CHECKED"
dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "[data-expected-status=unchecked]", (event, memo) ->
if memo.value
memo.error = (@attr "data-checked-message") or "MUST NOT BE CHECKED"
# Export the number parser, just to be nice (and to support some testing).
return { parseNumber }