blob: bd89777ab87fd9f151c51f9e131d2053fb28944a [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ## t5/core/form-fragment
define ["underscore", "./dom", "./events", "./forms"],
(_, dom, events) ->
SELECTOR = "[data-component-type='core/FormFragment']"
REENABLE = "data-re-enable-when-fragment-visible"
disableInputFields = (fragment) ->
# This is an example of where the t5/core/dom abstraction label is problematic,
# as this is very inefficient vs. the native jQuery approach.
for field in fragment.find "input:not(:disabled)"
field.attr "disabled", true
field.attr REENABLE, true
renableInputFields = (fragment) ->
for field in fragment.find "input[#{REENABLE}]"
field.attr "disabled", null
field.attr REENABLE, null
updateFields = (fragment, makeVisible) ->
# This is a server side option that says the content of the fragment should always be submitted,
# even if the fragment is not currently visible.
return if fragment.attr "data-always-submit"
f = if makeVisible then renableInputFields else disableInputFields
f fragment
# Again, a DOM event to make the FormFragment visible or invisible; this is useful
# because of the didShow/didHide events ... but we're really just seeing the evolution
# from the old style (the FormFragment class as controller) to the new style (DOM events and
# top-level event handlers).
dom.onDocument events.formfragment.changeVisibility, SELECTOR, (event) ->
makeVisible = event.memo.visible
this[if makeVisible then "show" else "hide"]()
updateFields this, makeVisible
@trigger events.element[if makeVisible then "didShow" else "didHide"]
return false
# When a FormFragment is initially rendered as hidden, then we need to do some
# book-keeping on the client side.
hide = (id) ->
field = dom(id)
updateFields field, false
# Initializes a trigger for a FormFragment
# * spec.triggerId - id of checkbox or radio button
# * spec.fragmentId - id of FormFragment element
# * spec.invert - (optional) if true, then checked trigger hides (not shows) the fragment
linkTrigger = (spec) ->
unless spec.triggerId? then throw new Error "Incomplete parameters, triggerId is null"
unless spec.fragmentId? then throw new Error "Incomplete parameters, fragmentId is null"
trigger = dom spec.triggerId
fragment = dom spec.fragmentId
if fragment is null
throw new Error "Invalid configuration, fragment with id #{spec.fragmentId} not found"
invert = spec.invert or false
update = ->
checked = trigger.element.checked
makeVisible = checked isnt invert
fragment.trigger events.formfragment.changeVisibility, visible: makeVisible
if trigger.element.type is "radio"
dom.on trigger.element.form, "click", update
trigger.on "click", update
# Module exports:
{ linkTrigger, hide }