blob: 8e582c7e02157014abe55edde878494dd0651748 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tapestry5.internal.plastic;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.tapestry5.internal.plastic.asm.Opcodes;
* Collects together information needed to write code that involves primitive types, including
* moving between wrapper types and primitive values, or extracting a primitive value from
* the {@link StaticContext}.
public enum PrimitiveType implements Opcodes
VOID("void", "V", void.class, Void.class, null, null, ILOAD, ISTORE, RETURN),
BOOLEAN("boolean", "Z", boolean.class, Boolean.class, "booleanValue", "getBoolean", ILOAD, ISTORE, IRETURN),
CHAR("char", "C", char.class, Character.class, "charValue", "getChar", ILOAD, ISTORE, IRETURN),
BYTE("byte", "B", byte.class, Byte.class, "byteValue", "getByte", ILOAD, ISTORE, IRETURN),
SHORT("short", "S", short.class, Short.class, "shortValue", "getShort", ILOAD, ISTORE, IRETURN),
INT("int", "I", int.class, Integer.class, "intValue", "getInt", ILOAD, ISTORE, IRETURN),
FLOAT("float", "F", float.class, Float.class, "floatValue", "getFloat", FLOAD, FSTORE, FRETURN),
LONG("long", "J", long.class, Long.class, "longValue", "getLong", LLOAD, LSTORE, LRETURN),
DOUBLE("double", "D", double.class, Double.class, "doubleValue", "getDouble", DLOAD, DSTORE, DRETURN);
* @param name
* the Java source name for the type
* @param descriptor
* Java descriptor for the type ('Z', 'I', etc.)
* @param primitiveType
* @param wrapperType
* wrapper type, e.g., java.lang.Integer
* @param toValueMethodName
* name of method of wrapper class to extract primitive value
* @param getFromStaticContextMethodName
* name of method of {@link StaticContext} used to extract primitive context value
* @param loadOpcode
* Correct opcode for loading an argument or local variable onto the stack (ILOAD, LLOAD, FLOAD or
* @param storeOpcode
* matching opcode for storing a value to a local variable (ISTORE, LSTORE, FSTORE or DSTORE)
* @param returnOpcode
* Correct opcode for returning the top value on the stack (IRETURN, LRETURN, FRETURN
private PrimitiveType(String name, String descriptor, Class primitiveType, Class wrapperType,
String toValueMethodName, String getFromStaticContextMethodName, int loadOpcode, int storeOpcode,
int returnOpcode)
{ = name;
this.descriptor = descriptor;
this.primitiveType = primitiveType;
this.wrapperType = wrapperType;
this.wrapperInternalName = wrapperType == null ? null : PlasticInternalUtils.toInternalName(wrapperType
this.toValueMethodName = toValueMethodName;
this.getFromStaticContextMethodName = getFromStaticContextMethodName;
this.loadOpcode = loadOpcode;
this.storeOpcode = storeOpcode;
this.returnOpcode = returnOpcode;
this.valueOfMethodDescriptor = String.format("(%s)L%s;", descriptor, wrapperInternalName);
this.toValueMethodDescriptor = "()" + descriptor;
this.getFromStaticContextMethodDescriptor = "(I)" + descriptor;
public final String name, descriptor, wrapperInternalName, valueOfMethodDescriptor, toValueMethodName,
getFromStaticContextMethodName, toValueMethodDescriptor, getFromStaticContextMethodDescriptor;
public final Class primitiveType, wrapperType;
public final int loadOpcode, storeOpcode, returnOpcode;
private static final Map<String, PrimitiveType> BY_NAME = new HashMap<String, PrimitiveType>();
private static final Map<String, PrimitiveType> BY_DESC = new HashMap<String, PrimitiveType>();
private static final Map<Class, PrimitiveType> BY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE = new HashMap<Class, PrimitiveType>();
for (PrimitiveType type : values())
BY_NAME.put(, type);
BY_DESC.put(type.descriptor, type);
BY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE.put(type.primitiveType, type);
public boolean isWide()
return this == LONG || this == DOUBLE;
* Returns the primitive type matching the given type name or null for a non-primitive type (an array type,
* or an class name).
* @param name
* possible primitive name
* @return the type or null
public static PrimitiveType getByName(String name)
return BY_NAME.get(name);
public static PrimitiveType getByPrimitiveType(Class primitiveType)
return BY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE.get(primitiveType);