blob: 84d48023eae99d6ca0050d9776e8207e2849d04d [file] [log] [blame]
package ioc.specs
import org.apache.tapestry5.commons.internal.util.MessageFormatterImpl
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll
class MessageFormatterImplSpec extends Specification {
def "standard formatting: #desc"() {
def mf = new MessageFormatterImpl(format, null)
mf.format(* args) == expected
format | args | expected | desc
"Tapestry is %s." | ["cool"] | "Tapestry is cool." | "simple substition"
"Tapestry release #%d." | [5] | "Tapestry release #5." | "numeric conversion"
"%s is %s at version %d." | ["Tapestry", "cool", 5] | "Tapestry is cool at version 5." | "multiple conversions"
"%s failed: %s" | ["Something", new RuntimeException("bad wolf")] | "Something failed: bad wolf" | "expansion of exception message"
"%s failed: %s" | ["Another", new NullPointerException()] | "Another failed: java.lang.NullPointerException" | "expansion of exception without message is exception class name"
def "toString() of a MessageFormatter is the format"() {
def mf = new MessageFormatterImpl("this is the %s", null)
mf.toString() == "this is the %s"