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<section name="Simple Example">
The Grid component is closely related to the BeanEditor component; they are both based on the same
underlying concept and share quite a bit of code.
<p>In this example, we'll display a list of users. We'll also show some basic customization, to convert a
from just text, to a clickable link.
<img src="grid_ref1.png"/>
<p>This example shows much of the default behavior, using a collection of randomly generated users.
The column order is determined by the order of the getter methods in the User class. The columns are
sortable, and
because there are more results than will fit on a single page, page navigation is included (the
disappears for small result sets).
<subsection name="">
public class User
private long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int age;
public long getId() { return id; }
public void setId(long id) { = id; }
public String getFirstName() { return firstName; }
public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; }
public String getLastName() { return lastName; }
public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; }
public int getAge() { return age; }
public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; }
<p>The @NonVisual annotation prevents the id property from being displayed.</p>
<subsection name="UserList.tml">
We want to make the user's last name a clickable link to a detail page for the user.
<html xmlns:t="" xmlns:p="tapestry:parameter">
<h1>List Users</h1>
<t:grid source="users" row="user">
<t:pagelink page="user/view" context="">${user.lastname}</t:pagelink>
<p>There are no users to display; you can <t:pagelink page="user/add">add some</a>.</p>
The block parameter name
is used to override the rendering of cells for one property. As usual, case is ignored. Here we
use a PageLink component to link to a ViewUser page, passing the id of the user as
activation context for the target page.
The Grid component takes care of the &lt;td&gt; element, and the provided block parameter
provides the content
the &lt;td&gt;.
For the block to know what is being rendered, we bind the row parameter of the Grid
to the user property of the page. The Grid will keep updating this property
just before it renders each row (using its own internal renderers, or the ones
provided as parameters).
The header for a column may be overridden in the same way, using a parameter name
. The parameter block will provide the content
inside the &lt;th&gt; element. The provided block is responsible for
providing any links or icons related to sorting.
Binding the Grid's empty parameter overrides the default message displayed when there
is no data to display. As demonstrated above, it doesn't have to be simple text, the
block can be a snippet of markup and components.
<subsection name="">
public class UserList
private UserDAO userDAO;
private User user;
public List<User> getUsers() { return userDAO.findAll(); }
The UserList class exists to provide access to the UserDAO service, and to act as a holder
for the user property, needed when the Grid is rendering. We need it here because we've
overridden the rendering of the lastName property.
<section name="Adding Columns Example">
Commonly, you may want to add a column to the Grid to support a computed property, or as a placeholder
for an action. We'll do the latter, adding a column for deleting a user.
<img src="grid_ref2.png"/>
<subsection name="UserList.tml">
<html xmlns:t="" xmlns:p="tapestry:parameter">
<h1>List Users</h1>
<t:grid source="users" row="user" add="delete">
<t:pagelink page="user/view" context="">${user.lastname}</t:pagelink>
<t:actionlink t:id="delete" context="">Delete</t:actionlink>
<p>There are no users to display; you can <t:pagelink page="user/add">add some</a>.</p>
We now explicitly provide a column for the "delete" property, which doesn't exist. In addition, a
for the "delete" property has been added that includes an ActionLink
used to delete the user for the current row. This property is a
property because it doesn't correspond to a property
of the data object, User.
<subsection name="">
public class UserList
private UserDAO userDAO;
private User user;
public List<User> getUsers() { return userDAO.findAll(); }
void onActionFromDelete(long userId)
The only addition here is an event handler method for when the delete link is clicked.
<subsection name="">
delete-label=Delete user?]]></source>
The normal column title for the "delete" property would be "Delete". Using the
page's message catalog we can override that.
<section name="Overriding Columns in Java">
In the previous example, we explained how to override the rendering block of an attribute, by using a Block object in the template. In this part, we will see how can we do the same thing in the Java class.
<subsection name="UserList.tml">
The Grid has a PropertyOverrides parameter, which makes it possible to override the rendering block directly in the Java Class, thanks to its getOverrideBlock method. This method takes one parameter, the name of the block you want to override. We will use the same suffixes (Cell and Header).
<html xmlns:t="" xmlns:p="tapestry:parameter">
<h1>List Users</h1>
<t:grid t:source="users" t:overrides="propertyOverrides">
<subsection name="">
But the next question is "How to render a Block in Java ?". We will use the RenderableAsBlock class, which will convert a simple Renderable into a Block. We will use the MarkupWriter object of the render method for writing the content of the Block.
public class UserList
private UserDAO userDAO;
public List<User> getUsers() { return userDAO.findAll(); }
void getPropertyOverrides()
return new PropertyOverrides() {
public Messages getOverrideMessages() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Block getOverrideBlock(String name) {
return new RenderableAsBlock(new Renderable() {
public void render(MarkupWriter writer) {
writer.write("test override");
return null;
In this example, we have just changed the header of the firstName attribute.
<section name="Notes">
Tapestry does a lot of work to help you with the source parameter. The parameter type
is GridDataSource, but Tapestry has built-in coercions from
Object[] and List. In more complicated cases, such as very large
queries against a database, you will want to provide your own implementation
of GridDataSource, to minimimze the sizes of queries and result sets.
<subsection name="CSS">
<p>The Grid component is designed to be customized via CSS. As it renders &lt;th&gt;, &lt;tr&gt; and
&lt;td&gt; elements,
it generates data attributes for each element. You can then add customized CSS rules, even
overriding the Tapestry defaults,
to present the Grid as desired. This is often used to set the width of a column to a fixed value.
<dd>Added to &lt;th&gt; elements to allow customization of a particular column's header,
and added to &lt;td&gt; elements to allow customization of a particular column's data cells.
<dd>Added to the first &lt;th&gt;.
<dd>Added to the first &lt;tr&gt; of the &lt;tbody&gt; (the data portion of
the table).
<dd>Added to the last &lt;th&gt;.</dd>
<dd>Added to the last &lt;tr&gt;.</dd>
<dd>Added to the &lt;th&gt; and all corresponding &lt;td&gt; elements for the column that is the
current sort column (if any,
for ascending sort).
<dd>Identifies cells of the sort column for descending..</dd>
The added attributes can get quite verbose; the Grid's lean parameter allows the data-grid-property attribute
to be omitted. Even in lean mode, the other
attribute values are rendered.
<subsection name="Configuring the Grid Component in the AppModule class">
It is possible to configure the rowsPerPage, pagerPosition and tableClass parameters of the Grid component in the AppModule class of your application. All your Grid components will use this default configuration until you define a value for one of these parameters.
public static void contributeApplicationDefaults(MappedConfiguration<String, String> configuration)
configuration.add(GridConstants.ROWS_PER_PAGE, "show");
configuration.add(GridConstants.PAGER_POSITION, "bottom");
configuration.add(GridConstants.TABLE_CLASS, "t-data-grid");