blob: 3e4148a4cd7963f95d73c538fc3f5bffa372556e [file] [log] [blame]
Tapestry Upload Component
Tapestry Upload Component
Provides a file upload component for Tapestry based on
{{{}Jakarata Commons FileUpload}}.
This is packaged as an add-on to Tapestry because of the number of additional dependencies
it adds. However, Maven takes care of that for you!
The upload component supports default value binding (based on id) and validation.
* Component Template
<input t:type="upload" t:id="file" validate="required"/>
<input type="submit" value="Upload"/>
Here, because the value parameter was not bound, the component used the file property of its container (because the
component's id is 'file'). If you want to upload as a different property, either bind the value parameter or
change the component's id.
* Page class
public class UploadExample
private UploadedFile file;
public UploadedFile getFile()
return file;
public void setFile(UploadedFile file)
this.file = file;
public void onSuccess()
File copied = new File("/my/file/location/" + file.getFileName());
Potential Issues
The Commons FileUpload library uses the CommonsIO file cleaner service to remove temporary files when
they are no longer needed. This service creates a thread to carry out its work. If the commons-io library
is shared amongst multiple applications (e.g. added to server classpath) it is possible for an application
to terminate this thread prematurely and cause errors for the other applications.
(see the {{{}Resource Cleanup}} section in for more discussion)
Technically the file cleanup service is not needed by Tapestry Upload (which deletes temporary files at the end
of request processing). However it is currently not possible to disable it (enhancement request has been filed
as {{{}FILEUPLOAD-133}}).