blob: 844d5e4fc35b1628f86c6c10c93ec33dd3b7f950 [file] [log] [blame]
Project Layout
Project Layout
This is the <suggested> layout for your Tapestry project; it is the layout of folders and files
created by the {{{../../quickstart/}Tapestry Quickstart Archetype}}. If you are creating your
own build using Ant, you may use whatever conventions work for you ... as long as everything gets
packaged up into the right place in the target WAR.
Parts of this project layout mimics the format of an <exploded WAR> (a WAR file unpackaged onto the
file system). This will often enable you to run your application directly from your workspace,
without any special build or packaging process, while developing. Each of the major IDEs has plugins
to allow you to accomplish this task ... and its one of the factors (combined with
{{{reload.html}live class reloading}}) that makes working with Tapestry a breeze.
Below is a sample project, whose root package is <<<com.example.myapp>>>:
[../images/projectlayout.png] Project Layout
* Main source files
Main Java source files, the files that will be compiled into the WAR file, are
in <<<src/main/java>>>. This is <only> Java source files. You can see
the <<<>>> source file inside the <<<pages>>> subpackage, and
the <<<>>> source file inside the <<<components>>> subpackage. The package names
demonstrated here are required, dictated by the
rules for {{{component-classes.html}component classes}}.
Compiled Java classes will ultimately be packaged in the WAR inside the
<<<WEB-INF/classes>>> folder.
* Classpath Resources
Resource files are under <<<src/main/resources>>>. This includes the
{{{localization.html}message catalog}} for the Start page (<<<>>>),
as well as the message catalog and
{{{templates.html}component template}} for the Layout component (<<<Layout.tml>>>). These files will
also be packaged into the <<<WEB-INF/classes>>> folder of the WAR.
Component templates will always be stored in the resources folder. Templates for pages may be packaged in the WAR proper instead.
* Context Resources
The WAR is built primarily from the <<<src/main/webapp>>> folder; this is where ordinary files are stored
(such as images and stylesheets). Page templates may also be stored here (<<<Start.tml>>>). The file <<<src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml>>>
is the servlet container deployment descriptor, which has a very specific
{{{conf.html}configuration}} for Tapestry.
The build tool (usually Maven) will be responsible for putting compiled classes and resources into the <<<WEB-INF/classes>>>
folder of the WAR, and for putting the Tapestry library, and its dependencies (as well as any additional libraries defined
by your application) into the <<<WEB-INF/lib>>> folder.
* Testing
The folders <<<src/test/java>>> and <<<src/test/resources>>> are used when compiling and executing tests. Files in these
folders are <not> packaged into the final WAR.