blob: 1b6e814371a4b2544c3b8fe90b970748986fc85f [file] [log] [blame]
<section name="Examples">
In this example, a Checkbox will be used alone to manipulate a property of the page.
<subsection name="ViewAccounts.tml">
<html xmlns:t="">
<h1>View Accounts</h1>
<t:checkbox t:id="showall" onclick="this.form.submit();"/> <t:label for="showall"/>
<t:grid t:id="accounts"/>
The Grid component will do most of the work in terms of displaying the account data.
Normally, we should bind the value parameter explicitly; here the component's id, "showAll",
matches against a property of the page and the value parameter is automatically bound
as a convienience.
A small amount of JavaScript is provided in-line to submit the form when the checkbox is clicked.
All Tapestry form control element components must be enclosed by a Form component.
The Label component is responsible for rendering a &lt;label&gt; element connected to the checkbox.
is good for accessibility, it also provides a larger "target" to click on.
The label's text will be "Show All", derived from the property name. Using a Label component is
but recommended.
<subsection name="">
public class ViewAccount
private boolean _showAll;
private AccountDAO _accountDAO;
public boolean isShowAll() { return _showAll; }
public void setShowAll(boolean showAll) { _showAll = showAll; }
public List<Account> getAccounts()
return _showAll ? _accountDAO.getAllAccounts() : _accountDAO.getActiveAccounts();
The component updates the _showAll field, and that's used to determine which
set of accounts should be provided to the Grid component. As always in Tapestry, you
must be careful to mark fields persistent if they need to hold their value between
the action request (the form submission) and the render request.