blob: d358e7a4b112390a94f3aea536d64949c951e3f0 [file] [log] [blame]
<section name="Related Components">
<a href="BeanEditForm.html">BeanEditForm</a>
<a href="Grid.html">Grid</a>
<section name="Examples">
Here, we'll display a User object, consisting
of a first name, last name and age. We'll also customize the output of the last name property, to
display the name in all upper-case. The result:
<img src="beandisplay_ref.png"/>
<subsection name="">
public class User
private long _id;
private String _firstName;
private String _lastName;
private int _age;
public long getId() { return _id; }
public void setId(long id) { _id = id; }
public String getFirstName() { return _firstName; }
public void setFirstName(String firstName) { _firstName = firstName; }
public String getLastName() { return _lastName; }
public void setLastName(String lastName) { _lastName = lastName; }
public int getAge() { return _age; }
public void setAge(int age) { _age = age; }
<p>The @NonVisual annotation prevents the id property from being displayed.</p>
<subsection name="">
public class ViewUser
private User _user;
public User getUser()
return _user;
public void setUser(User user)
_user = user;
Presumably, some other page is obtaining the User instance and invoking the setUser() method.
<subsection name="ViewUser.tml">
<html xmlns:t="">
<h1>View User</h1>
<t:beandisplay object="user">
<t:parameter name="lastname">
element is an
for the property. The name is
matched against a property of the bean.
Here we are leveraging the ability to invoke methods as part of a property expression.
We are also highlighting Tapestry's case insensitivity ("lastname" vs. "lastName").
<section name="Notes">
You can re-order the properties using the reorder parameter:
<source><![CDATA[<t:beandisplay object="user" reorder="lastname,firstname"/>]]></source>
You can accomplish the same thing by changing the order of the
getter methods in the bean class. The default order for properties is not alphabetical,
it is the order of the getter methods.
You can also remove properties with the exclude parameter, which is equivalent to the
@NonVisual annotation.
You might find
<code><![CDATA[<t:beandisplay object="this"/>]]></code>
useful on occasion. It will display all the properties of the current page.
As with the
<a href="BeanEditForm.html">BeanEditForm</a>
you may override the labels displayed for the fields using
the page's message catalog.
Please refer to the
<a href="PageLink.html">PageLink</a>
component documentation for an alternate way to manage the _user field.