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Tapestry Screencasts
Screencasts are a great way to learn about a new tool or framework without having to download
a single thing to your computer.
Howard Lewis Ship has started creating a series of screencasts about Tapestry 5.
<<These screencasts reflect the rapid evolution of the framework. Many things have changed and simplfied over the last few weeks and months. Watch these
in the manner intended ... as a preview of the flavor of Tapestry 5, not a reference for how to do things.>>
Screencast #1
Howard demonstrates how to set up a new Tapestry 5 project inside Eclipse (using the
Maven plugin). He also demonstrates
{{{guide/reload.html}live class reloading}}.
{{{}Tapestry 5 Technology Preview -- 17 Oct 2006}} 5:04
Screencast #2
Howard demonstrates the Loop, If and ActionLink components, touches on the
exception page, as well as transient and persistent page data.
{{{}Tapestry 5 Technology Preview #2 -- 20 Oct 2006}} 9:08
Screencast #3
Howard shows how to use Maven and the {{{tapestry-simple/index.html}tapestry-simple}} archetype to create a new Tapestry 5 project.
{{{screencast_3.html}Tapestry 5 Screencast #3 -- 29 Jan 2007}} 4:52
Screencast #4
Howard demonstrates the BeanEditForm component to build a simple UI for collecting some registration data from the user.
{{{screencast_4.html}Tapestry 5 Screencast #4 -- 15 Feb 2007}} 12:22
Screencast #5
Howard shows off the powerful Grid component, used to view and navigate large data sets.
{{{screencast_5.html}Tapestry 5 Screencast #5 -- 28 Feb 2007}} 10:46