blob: 698a2f70967ea9343e598ae162bfa98d94a6530f [file] [log] [blame]
Deployment Notes: Jetty
Deployment Notes: Jetty
{{{}Jetty}} is the easiest servlet container to deploy Tapestry into, it just plain works.
The easiest way to develop Tapestry applications is to run Jetty <embedded> inside your IDE. If you use Eclipse,
then {{{}the Jetty Launcher plugin}} is invaluable. The
{{{tutorial1/}Tapestry 5 Tutorial}} discusses installing and using Jetty Launcher.
Jetty Launcher only works with Jetty <<4 or 5>> and <<not>> Jetty 6.
* Logging
Tapestry, in its default configuration, requires Log4J version 1.2.12 or better
(it makes use of the
{{{}isTraceEnabled()}} and
{{}trace()}} methods,
introduced in version 1.2.12.
You may have to replace the version of Log4J in your Jetty's ext directory with a newer version.