TAP5-2075 - Release notes for checkbox validators
diff --git a/55_RELEASE_NOTES.md b/55_RELEASE_NOTES.md
index b754fec..c064975 100644
--- a/55_RELEASE_NOTES.md
+++ b/55_RELEASE_NOTES.md
@@ -18,10 +18,16 @@
 * `PropertiesFile`: blocks access to assets with `.properties` endings (case insensitive).
 * `XMLFile`: blocks access to assets with `.xml` endings (case insensitive).
 # New subproject/JAR: genericsresolver-guava
 Tapestry's own code to resolve the bound types of generic types and methods, based around GenericsUtils,
 couldn't handle some cases, as discovered in TAP5-2560. Fixing the code to handle these cases
 turned out to not be feasible, so we introduced a new JAR, genericsresolver-java, 
 which replaces GenericsUtils with Google Guava's TypeResolver and associated classes.
 To use it, just add genericsresolver-java, which is versioned in the same way as the other Tapestry JARs,
-to the classpath of your projects and make sure a not too-old version of Google Guava is also in the classpath.
\ No newline at end of file
+to the classpath of your projects and make sure a not too-old version of Google Guava is also in the classpath.
+# Validatior for Checkbox component
+If you want to enforce that a checkbox is checked or unchecked you can now use the new validators:
+* Checkbox must be checked: validator="checked" or @AssertTrue JSR-303 Bean validation annotation
+* Checkbox must be unchecked: validator="unchecked" or @AssertFalse JSR-303 Bean validation annotation