blob: 6b7844f7ad7ffe04795c9eb2892a5207e6b26ef8 [file] [log] [blame]
HBase Integration
Apache Tajo storage supports integration with Apache HBase™.
This integration allows Tajo to access all tables used in Apache HBase.
In order to use this feature, you need to build add some configs into ``conf/`` and then add some properties into a table create statement.
This section describes how to setup HBase integration.
First, you need to set your HBase home directory to the environment variable ``HBASE_HOME`` in ``conf/`` as follows: ::
export HBASE_HOME=/path/to/your/hbase/directory
If you set the directory, Tajo will add HBase library file to classpath.
Next, you must configure tablespace about HBase. Please see :doc:`/table_management/tablespaces` if you want to know more information about it.
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] <table_name> [(<column_name> <data_type>, ... )]
USING hbase
WITH ('table'='<hbase_table_name>'
, 'columns'=':key,<column_family_name>:<qualifier_name>, ...'
, 'hbase.zookeeper.quorum'='<zookeeper_address>'
, ''='<zookeeper_client_port>')
[LOCATION 'hbase:zk://<hostname>:<port>/'] ;
``IF NOT EXISTS`` allows ``CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE`` statement to avoid an error which occurs when the table does not exist.
If you want to create ``EXTERNAL TABLE``, You must write ``LOCATION`` statement.
* ``table`` : Set hbase origin table name. If you want to create an external table, the table must exists on HBase. The other way, if you want to create a managed table, the table must doesn't exist on HBase.
* ``columns`` : :key means HBase row key. The number of columns entry need to equals to the number of Tajo table column
* ``hbase.zookeeper.quorum`` : Set zookeeper quorum address. You can use different zookeeper cluster on the same Tajo database. If you don't set the zookeeper address, Tajo will refer the property of hbase-site.xml file.
* ```` : Set zookeeper client port. If you don't set the port, Tajo will refer the property of hbase-site.xml file.
.. code-block:: sql
``IF EXISTS`` allows ``DROP TABLE`` statement to avoid an error which occurs when the table does not exist. ``DROP TABLE`` statement removes a table from Tajo catalog, but it does not remove the contents on HBase cluster. If ``PURGE`` option is given, ``DROP TABLE`` statement will eliminate the entry in the catalog as well as the contents on HBase cluster.
INSERT OVERWRITE statement overwrites a table data of an existing table. Tajo's INSERT OVERWRITE statement follows ``INSERT INTO SELECT`` statement of SQL. The examples are as follows:
.. code-block:: sql
-- when a target table schema and output schema are equivalent to each other
INSERT OVERWRITE INTO t1 SELECT l_orderkey, l_partkey, l_quantity FROM lineitem;
-- or
-- when the output schema are smaller than the target table schema
-- when you want to specify certain target columns
INSERT OVERWRITE INTO t1 (col1, col3) SELECT l_orderkey, l_quantity FROM lineitem;
.. note::
If you don't set row key option, You are never able to use your table data. Because Tajo need to have some key columns for sorting before creating result data.
In order to create a new HBase table which is to be managed by Tajo, use the USING clause on CREATE TABLE:
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE blog (rowkey text, author text, register_date text, title text)
USING hbase WITH (
, 'columns'=':key,info:author,info:date,content:title')
LOCATION 'hbase:zk://<hostname>:<port>/';
After executing the command above, you should be able to see the new table in the HBase shell:
.. code-block:: sql
$ hbase shell
create 'blog', {NAME=>'info'}, {NAME=>'content'}
put 'blog', 'hyunsik-02', 'content:title', 'Getting started with Tajo on your desktop'
put 'blog', 'hyunsik-02', 'info:author', 'Hyunsik Choi'
put 'blog', 'hyunsik-02', 'info:date', '2014-12-03'
put 'blog', 'blrunner-01', 'content:title', 'Apache Tajo: A Big Data Warehouse System on Hadoop'
put 'blog', 'blrunner-01', 'info:author', 'Jaehwa Jung'
put 'blog', 'blrunner-01', 'info:date', '2014-10-31'
put 'blog', 'jhkim-01', 'content:title', 'APACHE TAJO™ v0.9 HAS ARRIVED!'
put 'blog', 'jhkim-01', 'info:author', 'Jinho Kim'
put 'blog', 'jhkim-01', 'info:date', '2014-10-22'
And then create the table and query the table meta data with ``\d`` option:
.. code-block:: sql
default> \d blog;
table name:
table path:
store type: HBASE
number of rows: unknown
volume: 0 B
rowkey TEXT
author TEXT
register_date TEXT
title TEXT
And then query the table as follows:
.. code-block:: sql
default> SELECT * FROM blog;
rowkey, author, register_date, title
blrunner-01, Jaehwa Jung, 2014-10-31, Apache Tajo: A Big Data Warehouse System on Hadoop
hyunsik-02, Hyunsik Choi, 2014-12-03, Getting started with Tajo on your desktop
jhkim-01, Jinho Kim, 2014-10-22, APACHE TAJO v0.9 HAS ARRIVED!
default> SELECT * FROM blog WHERE rowkey = 'blrunner-01';
Progress: 100%, response time: 2.043 sec
rowkey, author, register_date, title
blrunner-01, Jaehwa Jung, 2014-10-31, Apache Tajo: A Big Data Warehouse System on Hadoop
Here's how to insert data the HBase table:
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE TABLE blog_backup(rowkey text, author text, register_date text, title text)
USING hbase WITH (
, 'columns'=':key,info:author,info:date,content:title');
Use HBase shell to verify that the data actually got loaded:
.. code-block:: sql
hbase(main):004:0> scan 'blog_backup'
blrunner-01 column=content:title, timestamp=1421227531054, value=Apache Tajo: A Big Data Warehouse System on Hadoop
blrunner-01 column=info:author, timestamp=1421227531054, value=Jaehwa Jung
blrunner-01 column=info:date, timestamp=1421227531054, value=2014-10-31
hyunsik-02 column=content:title, timestamp=1421227531054, value=Getting started with Tajo on your desktop
hyunsik-02 column=info:author, timestamp=1421227531054, value=Hyunsik Choi
hyunsik-02 column=info:date, timestamp=1421227531054, value=2014-12-03
jhkim-01 column=content:title, timestamp=1421227531054, value=APACHE TAJO\xE2\x84\xA2 v0.9 HAS ARRIVED!
jhkim-01 column=info:author, timestamp=1421227531054, value=Jinho Kim
jhkim-01 column=info:date, timestamp=1421227531054, value=2014-10-22
3 row(s) in 0.0470 seconds