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Tajo JDBC Driver
Apache Tajo provides JDBC driver
which enables Java applciations to easily access Apache Tajo in a RDBMS-like manner.
In this section, we explain how to get JDBC driver and an example code.
How to get JDBC driver
Direct Download
You can directly download a JDBC driver jar file (``tajo-jdbc-x.y.z.jar``) from `Downloads <>`_.
From Binary Distribution
Tajo binary distribution provides JDBC jar file located in ``${TAJO_HOME}/share/jdbc-dist/tajo-jdbc-x.y.z.jar``.
From Building Source Code
You can build Tajo from the source code and then get JAR files as follows:
.. code-block:: bash
$ tar xzvf tajo-x.y.z-src.tar.gz
$ mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pdist -Dtar
$ ls -l tajo-dist/target/tajo-x.y.z/share/jdbc-dist/tajo-jdbc-x.y.z.jar
Setting the CLASSPATH
In order to use the JDBC driver, you should add ``tajo-jdbc-x.y.z.jar`` in your ``CLASSPATH``.
.. code-block:: bash
Connecting to the Tajo cluster instance
A Tajo cluster is represented by a URL. Tajo JDBC driver can take the following URL forms:
* ``jdbc:tajo://host/``
* ``jdbc:tajo://host/database``
* ``jdbc:tajo://host:port/``
* ``jdbc:tajo://host:port/database``
Each part of URL has the following meanings:
* ``host`` - The hostname of the TajoMaster. You can put hostname or ip address here.
* ``port`` - The port number that server is listening. Default port number is 26002.
* ``database`` - The database name. The default database name is ``default``.
To connect, you need to get ``Connection`` instance from Java JDBC Driver Manager as follows:
.. code-block:: java
Connection db = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
Connection Parameters
Connection parameters lets the JDBC Copnnection to enable or disable additional features. You should use ``java.util.Properties`` to pass your connection parameters into ``Connection``. The following example means that the transmission of ResultSet uses compression and its connection timeout is 15 seconds.
.. code-block:: java
String url = "jdbc:tajo://localhost/test";
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("useCompression","true"); // use compression for ResultSet
props.setProperty("connectTimeout","15000"); // 15 seconds
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);
The connection parameters that Tajo currently supports are as follows:
* ``useCompression = bool`` - Enable compressed transfer for ResultSet.
* ``defaultRowFetchSize = int`` - Determine the number of rows fetched in ResultSet by one fetch with trip to the Server.
* ``connectTimeout = int (seconds)`` - The timeout value used for socket connect operations. If connecting to the server takes longer than this value, the connection is broken. The timeout is specified in seconds and a value of zero means that it is disabled.
* ``socketTimeout = int (seconds)`` - The timeout value used for socket read operations. If reading from the server takes longer than this value, the connection is closed. This can be used as both a brute force global query timeout and a method of detecting network problems. The timeout is specified in seconds and a value of zero means that it is disabled.
* ``retry = int`` - Number of retry operation. Tajo JDBC driver is resilient against some network or connection problems. It determines how many times the connection will retry.
An Example JDBC Client
The JDBC driver class name is ``org.apache.tajo.jdbc.TajoDriver``.
You can get the driver ``Class.forName("org.apache.tajo.jdbc.TajoDriver")``.
The connection url should be ``jdbc:tajo://<TajoMaster hostname>:<TajoMaster client rpc port>/<database name>``.
The default TajoMaster client rpc port is ``26002``.
If you want to change the listening port, please refer :doc:`/configuration/cluster_setup`.
.. note::
Currently, Tajo does not support the concept of database and namespace.
All tables are contained in ``default`` database. So, you don't need to specify any database name.
The following shows an example of JDBC Client.
.. code-block:: java
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
public class TajoJDBCClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// fill your handling code
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:tajo://");
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
stmt = conn.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from table1");
while ( {
System.out.println(rs.getString(1) + "," + rs.getString(3));
} finally {
if (rs != null) rs.close();
if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
if (conn != null) conn.close();