blob: 9aadcfd16a5b2b1d0ff07ee937ce76749f3778e7 [file] [log] [blame]
JSON Functions
.. function:: json_extract_path_text (json text, json_path text)
Extracts JSON string from a JSON string based on json path specified and returns JSON string pointed to by JSONPath.
Returns null if either argument is null.
:param json: JSON string
:param json_path: JSONpath
:rtype: text
.. code-block:: sql
select json_extract_path_text('{"test" : {"key" : "tajo"}}','$.test.key');
> tajo
.. function:: json_array_get (json_array text, index int4)
Returns the element at the specified index into the JSON array. This function returns an element indexed from the end of an array with a negative index, and null if the element at the specified index doesnt exist.
:param json_array: String of a JSON array
:param index: index
:rtype: text
.. code-block:: sql
select json_array_get('[100, 200, 300]', 0);
> 100
select json_array_get('[100, 200, 300]', -2);
> 200
.. function:: json_array_contains (json_array text, value any)
Determine if the given value exists in the JSON array.
:param json_array: String of a JSON array
:param value: value of any type
:rtype: text
.. code-block:: sql
select json_array_contains('[100, 200, 300]', 100);
> t
.. function:: json_array_length(json_array text)
Returns the length of json array.
:param json_array: String of a JSON array
:rtype: int8
.. code-block:: sql
select json_array_length('[100, 200, 300]');
> 3