blob: eaa9cc7a77aaec042b94efcd2446fb50455cdeca [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
option java_package = "org.apache.tajo";
option java_outer_classname = "ResourceProtos";
option java_generic_services = false;
option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
import "tajo_protos.proto";
import "TajoIdProtos.proto";
import "CatalogProtos.proto";
import "PrimitiveProtos.proto";
import "Plan.proto";
import "errors.proto";
import "stacktrace.proto";
enum ResponseCommand {
NORMAL = 1; //ping
MEMBERSHIP = 2; // request membership to worker node
ABORT_QUERY = 3; //query master failure
SHUTDOWN = 4; // black list
//TODO add node health information
message NodeStatusProto {
enum ResourceType {
LEAF = 1;
message AllocationResourceProto {
required int32 workerId = 1;
required NodeResourceProto resource = 2;
message ExecutionBlockListProto {
repeated ExecutionBlockIdProto executionBlockId = 1;
message TaskAllocationProto {
required TaskRequestProto taskRequest = 1;
required NodeResourceProto resource = 2;
message TaskRequestProto {
required string queryMasterHostAndPort = 1;
required TaskAttemptIdProto id = 2;
repeated FragmentProto fragments = 3;
required string outputTable = 4;
required bool clusteredOutput = 5;
required LogicalNodeTree plan = 6;
optional bool interQuery = 7 [default = false];
repeated FetchProto fetches = 8;
optional KeyValueSetProto queryContext = 9;
optional DataChannelProto dataChannel = 10;
optional EnforcerProto enforcer = 11;
message FetchProto {
required string host = 1;
required int32 port = 2;
required ShuffleType type = 3;
required ExecutionBlockIdProto executionBlockId = 4;
required int32 partitionId = 5;
required string name = 6;
optional bytes range_start = 7;
optional bytes range_end = 8;
optional bool range_last_inclusive = 9;
optional bool has_next = 10 [default = false];
// repeated part
repeated int32 task_id = 11 [packed = true];
repeated int32 attempt_id = 12 [packed = true];
optional int64 offset = 13;
optional int64 length = 14;
message TaskStatusProto {
required TaskAttemptIdProto id = 1;
required string workerName = 2;
required float progress = 3;
required TaskAttemptState state = 4;
optional StatSetProto stats = 5;
optional TableStatsProto inputStats = 6;
optional TableStatsProto resultStats = 7;
repeated ShuffleFileOutput shuffleFileOutputs = 8;
message TaskCompletionReport {
required TaskAttemptIdProto id = 1;
optional StatSetProto stats = 2;
optional TableStatsProto inputStats = 3;
optional TableStatsProto resultStats = 4;
repeated ShuffleFileOutput shuffleFileOutputs = 5;
repeated PartitionDescProto partitions = 6;
message TaskFatalErrorReport {
required TaskAttemptIdProto id = 1;
required tajo.error.SerializedException error = 2;
message FailureIntermediateProto {
required int64 pagePos = 1;
required int32 startRowNum = 2;
required int32 endRowNum = 3;
message IntermediateEntryProto {
message PageProto {
required int64 pos = 1;
required int32 length = 2;
required ExecutionBlockIdProto ebId = 1;
required int32 taskId = 2;
required int32 attemptId = 3;
required int32 partId = 4;
required string host = 5;
required int64 volume = 6;
repeated PageProto pages = 7;
repeated FailureIntermediateProto failures = 8;
message ExecutionBlockReport {
required ExecutionBlockIdProto ebId = 1;
required bool reportSuccess = 2;
optional string reportErrorMessage = 3;
required int32 succeededTasks = 4;
repeated IntermediateEntryProto intermediateEntries = 5;
// deprecated
message TaskResponseProto {
required string id = 1;
required QueryState status = 2;
message StatusReportProto {
required int64 timestamp = 1;
required string serverName = 2;
repeated TaskStatusProto status = 3;
repeated TaskAttemptIdProto pings = 4;
message CommandRequestProto {
repeated Command command = 1;
message CommandResponseProto {
message Command {
required TaskAttemptIdProto id = 1;
required CommandType type = 2;
enum CommandType {
STOP = 2;
message ShuffleFileOutput {
required int32 partId = 1;
optional string fileName = 2;
optional int64 volume = 3;
message SessionProto {
required string session_id = 1;
required string username = 2;
required string current_database = 3;
required int64 last_access_time = 4;
required KeyValueSetProto variables = 5;
message NodeHeartbeatRequest {
required int32 workerId = 1;
optional NodeResourceProto totalResource = 2;
optional NodeResourceProto availableResource = 3;
optional int32 runningTasks = 4;
optional int32 runningQueryMasters = 5;
optional WorkerConnectionInfoProto connectionInfo = 6;
optional NodeStatusProto status = 7;
message NodeHeartbeatResponse {
required ResponseCommand command = 1 [default = NORMAL];
optional int32 heartBeatInterval = 2;
repeated QueryIdProto queryId = 3;
// deprecated
message TajoHeartbeatRequest {
required WorkerConnectionInfoProto connectionInfo = 1;
optional QueryIdProto queryId = 2;
optional QueryState state = 3;
optional TableDescProto result_desc = 4;
optional tajo.error.SerializedException error = 5;
optional float query_progress = 6;
// deprecated
message TajoHeartbeatResponse {
message ResponseCommand {
required string command = 1;
repeated string params = 2;
required BoolProto heartbeatResult = 1;
optional ResponseCommand responseCommand = 3;
message WorkerConnectionsResponse {
repeated WorkerConnectionInfoProto worker = 1;
message NodeResourceRequest {
optional string queue = 1;
required string userId = 2;
required ResourceType type = 3;
required int32 priority = 4;
required QueryIdProto queryId = 5;
required int32 numContainers = 6;
required NodeResourceProto capacity = 7;
required int32 runningTasks = 8;
repeated int32 candidateNodes = 9;
message NodeResourceResponse {
required QueryIdProto queryId = 1;
repeated AllocationResourceProto resource = 2;
message ExecutionBlockContextRequest {
required ExecutionBlockIdProto executionBlockId = 1;
required WorkerConnectionInfoProto worker = 2;
message ExecutionBlockContextResponse {
required ExecutionBlockIdProto executionBlockId = 1;
optional string queryOutputPath = 2;
required KeyValueSetProto queryContext = 3;
required string planJson = 4;
required ShuffleType shuffleType = 5;
message StopExecutionBlockRequest {
required ExecutionBlockIdProto executionBlockId = 1;
optional ExecutionBlockListProto cleanupList = 2;
message BatchAllocationRequest {
required ExecutionBlockIdProto executionBlockId = 1;
repeated TaskAllocationProto taskRequest = 2;
message BatchAllocationResponse {
repeated TaskAllocationProto cancellationTask = 1;
message QueryExecutionRequest {
required QueryIdProto queryId = 1;
required SessionProto session = 2;
required KeyValueSetProto queryContext = 3;
required StringProto exprInJson = 4;
optional StringProto logicalPlanJson = 5;
required AllocationResourceProto allocation = 6;
//Task history
message FetcherHistoryProto {
required int64 startTime = 1;
optional int64 finishTime = 2;
required FetcherState state = 3;
required int64 fileLength = 4;
required int32 messageReceivedCount = 5;
message TaskHistoryProto {
required TaskAttemptIdProto taskAttemptId = 1;
required TaskAttemptState state = 2;
required float progress = 3;
required int64 startTime = 4;
required int64 finishTime = 5;
required TableStatsProto inputStats = 6;
optional TableStatsProto outputStats = 7;
optional string outputPath = 8;
optional string workingPath = 9;
optional int32 finishedFetchCount = 10;
optional int32 totalFetchCount = 11;
repeated FetcherHistoryProto fetcherHistories = 12;