blob: 32e41d3934468b6dc4196cdf08b20c780f43a634 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.rules;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter;
import org.apache.tajo.OverridableConf;
import org.apache.tajo.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.*;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.partition.PartitionMethodDesc;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.proto.CatalogProtos.PartitionDescProto;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.proto.CatalogProtos.PartitionsByAlgebraProto;
import org.apache.tajo.datum.DatumFactory;
import org.apache.tajo.datum.NullDatum;
import org.apache.tajo.exception.*;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.LogicalPlan;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.expr.*;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.logical.*;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.LogicalPlanRewriteRule;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.util.EvalNodeToExprConverter;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.util.PlannerUtil;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.visitor.BasicLogicalPlanVisitor;
import org.apache.tajo.util.StringUtils;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
public class PartitionedTableRewriter implements LogicalPlanRewriteRule {
private CatalogService catalog;
private long totalVolume;
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PartitionedTableRewriter.class);
private static final String NAME = "Partitioned Table Rewriter";
private final Rewriter rewriter = new Rewriter();
public String getName() {
return NAME;
public boolean isEligible(LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext context) {
for (LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block : context.getPlan().getQueryBlocks()) {
for (RelationNode relation : block.getRelations()) {
if (relation.getType() == NodeType.SCAN) {
TableDesc table = ((ScanNode)relation).getTableDesc();
if (table.hasPartition()) {
return true;
return false;
public LogicalPlan rewrite(LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext context) throws TajoException {
LogicalPlan plan = context.getPlan();
LogicalPlan.QueryBlock rootBlock = plan.getRootBlock();
this.catalog = context.getCatalog();
rewriter.visit(context.getQueryContext(), plan, rootBlock, rootBlock.getRoot(), new Stack<>());
return plan;
private static class PartitionPathFilter implements PathFilter {
private Schema schema;
private @Nullable EvalNode partitionFilter;
public PartitionPathFilter(Schema schema, @Nullable EvalNode partitionFilter) {
this.schema = schema;
this.partitionFilter = partitionFilter;
if (this.partitionFilter != null) {
this.partitionFilter.bind(null, schema);
public boolean accept(Path path) {
Tuple tuple = buildTupleFromPartitionPath(schema, path, true);
if (tuple == null) { // if it is a file or not acceptable file
return false;
if (partitionFilter != null) {
return partitionFilter.eval(tuple).isTrue();
} else {
return true;
public String toString() {
return partitionFilter.toString();
private Path [] findFilteredPaths(OverridableConf queryContext, String tableName,
Schema partitionColumns, EvalNode [] conjunctiveForms, Path tablePath)
throws IOException, UndefinedDatabaseException, UndefinedTableException, UndefinedPartitionMethodException,
UndefinedOperatorException, UnsupportedException {
return findFilteredPaths(queryContext, tableName, partitionColumns, conjunctiveForms, tablePath, null);
* It assumes that each conjunctive form corresponds to one column.
* @param partitionColumns
* @param conjunctiveForms search condition corresponding to partition columns.
* If it is NULL, it means that there is no search condition for this table.
* @param tablePath
* @return
* @throws IOException
private Path [] findFilteredPaths(OverridableConf queryContext, String tableName,
Schema partitionColumns, EvalNode [] conjunctiveForms, Path tablePath, ScanNode scanNode)
throws IOException, UndefinedDatabaseException, UndefinedTableException, UndefinedPartitionMethodException,
UndefinedOperatorException, UnsupportedException {
Path [] filteredPaths = null;
FileSystem fs = tablePath.getFileSystem(queryContext.getConf());
String [] splits = CatalogUtil.splitFQTableName(tableName);
List<PartitionDescProto> partitions = null;
try {
if (conjunctiveForms == null) {
partitions = catalog.getPartitionsOfTable(splits[0], splits[1]);
if (partitions.isEmpty()) {
filteredPaths = findFilteredPathsFromFileSystem(partitionColumns, conjunctiveForms, fs, tablePath);
} else {
filteredPaths = findFilteredPathsByPartitionDesc(partitions);
} else {
if (catalog.existPartitions(splits[0], splits[1])) {
PartitionsByAlgebraProto request = getPartitionsAlgebraProto(splits[0], splits[1], conjunctiveForms);
partitions = catalog.getPartitionsByAlgebra(request);
filteredPaths = findFilteredPathsByPartitionDesc(partitions);
} else {
filteredPaths = findFilteredPathsFromFileSystem(partitionColumns, conjunctiveForms, fs, tablePath);
} catch (UnsupportedException ue) {
// Partial catalog might not allow some filter conditions. For example, HiveMetastore doesn't In statement,
// regexp statement and so on. Above case, Tajo need to build filtered path by listing hdfs directories.
partitions = catalog.getPartitionsOfTable(splits[0], splits[1]);
if (partitions.isEmpty()) {
filteredPaths = findFilteredPathsFromFileSystem(partitionColumns, conjunctiveForms, fs, tablePath);
} else {
filteredPaths = findFilteredPathsByPartitionDesc(partitions);
}"Filtered directory or files: " + filteredPaths.length);
return filteredPaths;
* Build list of partition path by PartitionDescProto which is generated from CatalogStore.
* @param partitions
* @return
private Path[] findFilteredPathsByPartitionDesc(List<PartitionDescProto> partitions) {
Path [] filteredPaths = new Path[partitions.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < partitions.size(); i++) {
PartitionDescProto partition = partitions.get(i);
filteredPaths[i] = new Path(partition.getPath());
totalVolume += partition.getNumBytes();
return filteredPaths;
* Build list of partition path by filtering directories in the given table path.
* @param partitionColumns
* @param conjunctiveForms
* @param fs
* @param tablePath
* @return
* @throws IOException
private Path [] findFilteredPathsFromFileSystem(Schema partitionColumns, EvalNode [] conjunctiveForms,
FileSystem fs, Path tablePath) throws IOException{
Path [] filteredPaths = null;
PathFilter [] filters;
if (conjunctiveForms == null) {
filters = buildAllAcceptingPathFilters(partitionColumns);
} else {
filters = buildPathFiltersForAllLevels(partitionColumns, conjunctiveForms);
// loop from one to the number of partition columns
filteredPaths = toPathArray(fs.listStatus(tablePath, filters[0]));
for (int i = 1; i < partitionColumns.size(); i++) {
// Get all file status matched to a ith level path filter.
filteredPaths = toPathArray(fs.listStatus(filteredPaths, filters[i]));
return filteredPaths;
* Build algebra expressions for querying partitions and partition keys by using EvalNodeToExprConverter.
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param tableName the table name
* @param conjunctiveForms EvalNode which contains filter conditions
* @return
public static PartitionsByAlgebraProto getPartitionsAlgebraProto(
String databaseName, String tableName, EvalNode [] conjunctiveForms) {
PartitionsByAlgebraProto.Builder request = PartitionsByAlgebraProto.newBuilder();
if (conjunctiveForms != null) {
EvalNode evalNode = AlgebraicUtil.createSingletonExprFromCNF(conjunctiveForms);
EvalNodeToExprConverter convertor = new EvalNodeToExprConverter(databaseName + "." + tableName);
convertor.visit(null, evalNode, new Stack<>());
} else {
* Build path filters for all levels with a list of filter conditions.
* For example, consider you have a partitioned table for three columns (i.e., col1, col2, col3).
* Then, this methods will create three path filters for (col1), (col1, col2), (col1, col2, col3).
* Corresponding filter conditions will be placed on each path filter,
* If there is no corresponding expression for certain column,
* The condition will be filled with a true value.
* Assume that an user gives a condition WHERE col1 ='A' and col3 = 'C'.
* There is no filter condition corresponding to col2.
* Then, the path filter conditions are corresponding to the followings:
* The first path filter: col1 = 'A'
* The second path filter: col1 = 'A' AND col2 IS NOT NULL
* The third path filter: col1 = 'A' AND col2 IS NOT NULL AND col3 = 'C'
* 'IS NOT NULL' predicate is always true against the partition path.
* @param partitionColumns
* @param conjunctiveForms
* @return
private static PathFilter [] buildPathFiltersForAllLevels(Schema partitionColumns,
EvalNode [] conjunctiveForms) {
// Building partition path filters for all levels
Column target;
PathFilter [] filters = new PathFilter[partitionColumns.size()];
List<EvalNode> accumulatedFilters = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < partitionColumns.size(); i++) { // loop from one to level
target = partitionColumns.getColumn(i);
for (EvalNode expr : conjunctiveForms) {
if (EvalTreeUtil.findUniqueColumns(expr).contains(target)) {
// Accumulate one qual per level
if (accumulatedFilters.size() < (i + 1)) {
accumulatedFilters.add(new IsNullEval(true, new FieldEval(target)));
EvalNode filterPerLevel = AlgebraicUtil.createSingletonExprFromCNF(
accumulatedFilters.toArray(new EvalNode[accumulatedFilters.size()]));
filters[i] = new PartitionPathFilter(partitionColumns, filterPerLevel);
return filters;
* Build an array of path filters for all levels with all accepting filter condition.
* @param partitionColumns The partition columns schema
* @return The array of path filter, accpeting all partition paths.
public static PathFilter [] buildAllAcceptingPathFilters(Schema partitionColumns) {
PathFilter [] filters = new PathFilter[partitionColumns.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < partitionColumns.size(); i++) { // loop from one to level
filters[i] = new PartitionPathFilter(partitionColumns, null);
return filters;
private Path [] toPathArray(FileStatus[] fileStatuses) {
Path [] paths = new Path[fileStatuses.length];
for (int i = 0; i < fileStatuses.length; i++) {
FileStatus fileStatus = fileStatuses[i];
paths[i] = fileStatus.getPath();
totalVolume += fileStatus.getLen();
return paths;
public Path [] findFilteredPartitionPaths(OverridableConf queryContext, ScanNode scanNode) throws IOException,
UndefinedDatabaseException, UndefinedTableException, UndefinedPartitionMethodException,
UndefinedOperatorException, UnsupportedException {
TableDesc table = scanNode.getTableDesc();
PartitionMethodDesc partitionDesc = scanNode.getTableDesc().getPartitionMethod();
Schema paritionValuesSchema = SchemaBuilder.builder()
Set<EvalNode> indexablePredicateSet = Sets.newHashSet();
// if a query statement has a search condition, try to find indexable predicates
if (scanNode.hasQual()) {
EvalNode [] conjunctiveForms = AlgebraicUtil.toConjunctiveNormalFormArray(scanNode.getQual());
Set<EvalNode> remainExprs = Sets.newHashSet(conjunctiveForms);
// add qualifier to schema for qual
for (Column column : paritionValuesSchema.getRootColumns()) {
for (EvalNode simpleExpr : conjunctiveForms) {
if (checkIfIndexablePredicateOnTargetColumn(simpleExpr, column)) {
// Partitions which are not matched to the partition filter conditions are pruned immediately.
// So, the partition filter conditions are not necessary later, and they are removed from
// original search condition for simplicity and efficiency.
if (remainExprs.isEmpty()) {
} else {
AlgebraicUtil.createSingletonExprFromCNF(remainExprs.toArray(new EvalNode[remainExprs.size()])));
if (indexablePredicateSet.size() > 0) { // There are at least one indexable predicates
return findFilteredPaths(queryContext, table.getName(), paritionValuesSchema,
indexablePredicateSet.toArray(new EvalNode[indexablePredicateSet.size()]), new Path(table.getUri()), scanNode);
} else { // otherwise, we will get all partition paths.
return findFilteredPaths(queryContext, table.getName(), paritionValuesSchema, null, new Path(table.getUri()));
private boolean checkIfIndexablePredicateOnTargetColumn(EvalNode evalNode, Column targetColumn) {
if (checkIfIndexablePredicate(evalNode) || checkIfDisjunctiveButOneVariable(evalNode)) {
Set<Column> variables = EvalTreeUtil.findUniqueColumns(evalNode);
// if it contains only single variable matched to a target column
return variables.size() == 1 && variables.contains(targetColumn);
} else {
return false;
* Check if an expression consists of one variable and one constant and
* the expression is a comparison operator.
* @param evalNode The expression to be checked
* @return true if an expression consists of one variable and one constant
* and the expression is a comparison operator. Other, false.
private boolean checkIfIndexablePredicate(EvalNode evalNode) {
// TODO - LIKE with a trailing wild-card character and IN with an array can be indexable
return AlgebraicUtil.containSingleVar(evalNode) && AlgebraicUtil.isIndexableOperator(evalNode);
* @param evalNode The expression to be checked
* @return true if an disjunctive expression, consisting of indexable expressions
private boolean checkIfDisjunctiveButOneVariable(EvalNode evalNode) {
if (evalNode.getType() == EvalType.OR) {
BinaryEval orEval = (BinaryEval) evalNode;
boolean indexable =
checkIfIndexablePredicate(orEval.getLeftExpr()) &&
boolean sameVariable =
return indexable && sameVariable;
} else {
return false;
* Take a look at a column partition path. A partition path consists
* of a table path part and column values part. This method transforms
* a partition path into a tuple with a given partition column schema.
* hdfs://
* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* table path part column values part
* When a file path is given, it can perform two ways depending on beNullIfFile flag.
* If it is true, it returns NULL when a given path is a file.
* Otherwise, it returns a built tuple regardless of file or directory.
* @param partitionColumnSchema The partition column schema
* @param partitionPath The partition path
* @param beNullIfFile If true, this method returns NULL when a given path is a file.
* @return The tuple transformed from a column values part.
public static Tuple buildTupleFromPartitionPath(Schema partitionColumnSchema, Path partitionPath,
boolean beNullIfFile) {
int startIdx = partitionPath.toString().indexOf(getColumnPartitionPathPrefix(partitionColumnSchema));
if (startIdx == -1) { // if there is no partition column in the patch
return null;
String columnValuesPart = partitionPath.toString().substring(startIdx);
String [] columnValues = columnValuesPart.split("/");
// true means this is a file.
if (beNullIfFile && partitionColumnSchema.size() < columnValues.length) {
return null;
Tuple tuple = new VTuple(partitionColumnSchema.size());
int i = 0;
for (; i < columnValues.length && i < partitionColumnSchema.size(); i++) {
String [] parts = columnValues[i].split("=");
if (parts.length != 2) {
return null;
int columnId = partitionColumnSchema.getColumnIdByName(parts[0]);
Column keyColumn = partitionColumnSchema.getColumn(columnId);
String pathName = StringUtils.unescapePathName(parts[1]);
if (pathName.equals(StorageConstants.DEFAULT_PARTITION_NAME)){
tuple.put(columnId, DatumFactory.createNullDatum());
} else {
tuple.put(columnId, DatumFactory.createFromString(keyColumn.getDataType(), pathName));
for (; i < partitionColumnSchema.size(); i++) {
tuple.put(i, NullDatum.get());
return tuple;
* Get a prefix of column partition path. For example, consider a column partition (col1, col2).
* Then, you will get a string 'col1='.
* @param partitionColumn the schema of column partition
* @return The first part string of column partition path.
public static String getColumnPartitionPathPrefix(Schema partitionColumn) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();
private final class Rewriter extends BasicLogicalPlanVisitor<OverridableConf, Object> {
public Object visitScan(OverridableConf queryContext, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
ScanNode scanNode, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
TableDesc table = scanNode.getTableDesc();
if (!table.hasPartition()) {
return null;
try {
Path [] filteredPaths = findFilteredPartitionPaths(queryContext, scanNode);
plan.addHistory("PartitionTableRewriter chooses " + filteredPaths.length + " of partitions");
PartitionedTableScanNode rewrittenScanNode = plan.createNode(PartitionedTableScanNode.class);
rewrittenScanNode.init(scanNode, filteredPaths);
// if it is topmost node, set it as the rootnode of this block.
if (stack.empty() || block.getRoot().equals(scanNode)) {
} else {
PlannerUtil.replaceNode(plan, stack.peek(), scanNode, rewrittenScanNode);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new TajoInternalError("Partitioned Table Rewrite Failed: \n" + e.getMessage());
return null;