TAJO-1644: When inserting empty data into a partitioned table, existing data would be removed. (jaehwa)
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 0046ad4..32e26ce 100644
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
+    TAJO-1644: When inserting empty data into a partitioned table,
+    existing data would be removed. (jaehwa)
     TAJO-1642: CatalogServer need to check meta table first. (jaehwa)
diff --git a/tajo-common/src/main/java/org/apache/tajo/SessionVars.java b/tajo-common/src/main/java/org/apache/tajo/SessionVars.java
index 4882b27..a74775a 100644
--- a/tajo-common/src/main/java/org/apache/tajo/SessionVars.java
+++ b/tajo-common/src/main/java/org/apache/tajo/SessionVars.java
@@ -123,6 +123,10 @@
   NULL_CHAR(ConfVars.$TEXT_NULL, "null char of text file output", DEFAULT),
   CODEGEN(ConfVars.$CODEGEN, "Runtime code generation enabled (experiment)", DEFAULT),
+    "If True, a partitioned table is overwritten even if a sub query leads to no result. "
+    + "Otherwise, the table data will be kept if there is no result", DEFAULT),
   // Behavior Control ---------------------------------------------------------
       "If true, a running query will be terminated when an overflow or divide-by-zero occurs.", DEFAULT),
diff --git a/tajo-common/src/main/java/org/apache/tajo/conf/TajoConf.java b/tajo-common/src/main/java/org/apache/tajo/conf/TajoConf.java
index 95ef4bc..84f2872 100644
--- a/tajo-common/src/main/java/org/apache/tajo/conf/TajoConf.java
+++ b/tajo-common/src/main/java/org/apache/tajo/conf/TajoConf.java
@@ -359,6 +359,10 @@
     // Behavior Control ---------------------------------------------------------
     $BEHAVIOR_ARITHMETIC_ABORT("tajo.behavior.arithmetic-abort", false),
+    // If True, a partitioned table is overwritten even if a sub query leads to no result.
+    // Otherwise, the table data will be kept if there is no result
+    $PARTITION_NO_RESULT_OVERWRITE_ENABLED("tajo.partition.overwrite.even-if-no-result", false),
     // ResultSet ---------------------------------------------------------
     $RESULT_SET_FETCH_ROWNUM("tajo.resultset.fetch.rownum", 200),
     $RESULT_SET_BLOCK_WAIT("tajo.resultset.block.wait", true),
diff --git a/tajo-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/engine/query/TestTablePartitions.java b/tajo-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/engine/query/TestTablePartitions.java
index b48720a..58e0b78 100644
--- a/tajo-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/engine/query/TestTablePartitions.java
+++ b/tajo-core/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/engine/query/TestTablePartitions.java
@@ -360,34 +360,26 @@
   public final void testInsertIntoColumnPartitionedTableByThreeColumns() throws Exception {
+    ResultSet res = null;
     String tableName = CatalogUtil.normalizeIdentifier("testInsertIntoColumnPartitionedTableByThreeColumns");
-    ResultSet res = testBase.execute(
-        "create table " + tableName + " (col4 text) partition by column(col1 int4, col2 int4, col3 float8) ");
+    res = testBase.execute(
+      "create table " + tableName + " (col4 text) partition by column(col1 int4, col2 int4, col3 float8) ");
     TajoTestingCluster cluster = testBase.getTestingCluster();
     CatalogService catalog = cluster.getMaster().getCatalog();
     assertTrue(catalog.existsTable(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, tableName));
     res = executeString("insert into " + tableName
-        + " select l_returnflag, l_orderkey, l_partkey, l_quantity from lineitem");
+      + " select l_returnflag, l_orderkey, l_partkey, l_quantity from lineitem");
     TableDesc desc = catalog.getTableDesc(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, tableName);
     Path path = new Path(desc.getPath());
     FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(path));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1/col2=1")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1/col2=1/col3=17.0")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=2")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=2/col2=2")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=2/col2=2/col3=38.0")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3/col2=2")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3/col2=3")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3/col2=2/col3=45.0")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3/col2=3/col3=49.0")));
+    verifyDirectoriesForThreeColumns(fs, path, 1);
     if (!testingCluster.isHCatalogStoreRunning()) {
       assertEquals(5, desc.getStats().getNumRows().intValue());
@@ -405,7 +397,6 @@
     Map<Double, int []> resultRows2 = Maps.newHashMap();
     resultRows2.put(49.0d, new int[]{3, 3});
     resultRows2.put(45.0d, new int[]{3, 2});
@@ -422,38 +413,27 @@
     // insert into already exists partitioned table
     res = executeString("insert into " + tableName
-        + " select l_returnflag, l_orderkey, l_partkey, l_quantity from lineitem");
+      + " select l_returnflag, l_orderkey, l_partkey, l_quantity from lineitem");
     desc = catalog.getTableDesc(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, tableName);
     path = new Path(desc.getPath());
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(path));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1/col2=1")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1/col2=1/col3=17.0")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=2")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=2/col2=2")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=2/col2=2/col3=38.0")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3/col2=2")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3/col2=3")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3/col2=2/col3=45.0")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3/col2=3/col3=49.0")));
+    verifyDirectoriesForThreeColumns(fs, path, 2);
     if (!testingCluster.isHCatalogStoreRunning()) {
       assertEquals(5, desc.getStats().getNumRows().intValue());
     String expected = "N\n" +
-        "N\n" +
-        "N\n" +
-        "N\n" +
-        "N\n" +
-        "N\n" +
-        "R\n" +
-        "R\n" +
-        "R\n" +
-        "R\n";
+      "N\n" +
+      "N\n" +
+      "N\n" +
+      "N\n" +
+      "N\n" +
+      "R\n" +
+      "R\n" +
+      "R\n" +
+      "R\n";
     String tableData = getTableFileContents(new Path(desc.getPath()));
     assertEquals(expected, tableData);
@@ -462,38 +442,79 @@
     String resultSetData = resultSetToString(res);
     expected = "col4,col1,col2,col3\n" +
-        "-------------------------------\n" +
-        "N,2,2,38.0\n" +
-        "N,2,2,38.0\n" +
-        "R,3,2,45.0\n" +
-        "R,3,2,45.0\n";
+      "-------------------------------\n" +
+      "N,2,2,38.0\n" +
+      "N,2,2,38.0\n" +
+      "R,3,2,45.0\n" +
+      "R,3,2,45.0\n";
     assertEquals(expected, resultSetData);
     res = executeString("select * from " + tableName + " where (col1 = 2 or col1 = 3) and col2 >= 2");
     resultSetData = resultSetToString(res);
     expected = "col4,col1,col2,col3\n" +
-        "-------------------------------\n" +
-        "N,2,2,38.0\n" +
-        "N,2,2,38.0\n" +
-        "R,3,2,45.0\n" +
-        "R,3,2,45.0\n" +
-        "R,3,3,49.0\n" +
-        "R,3,3,49.0\n";
+      "-------------------------------\n" +
+      "N,2,2,38.0\n" +
+      "N,2,2,38.0\n" +
+      "R,3,2,45.0\n" +
+      "R,3,2,45.0\n" +
+      "R,3,3,49.0\n" +
+      "R,3,3,49.0\n";
     assertEquals(expected, resultSetData);
     // Check not to remove existing partition directories.
     res = executeString("insert overwrite into " + tableName
-        + " select l_returnflag, l_orderkey, l_partkey, 30.0 as l_quantity from lineitem "
-        + " where l_orderkey = 1 and l_partkey = 1 and  l_linenumber = 1");
+      + " select l_returnflag, l_orderkey, l_partkey, 30.0 as l_quantity from lineitem "
+      + " where l_orderkey = 1 and l_partkey = 1 and  l_linenumber = 1");
-    desc = catalog.getTableDesc(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, tableName);
+    verifyDirectoriesForThreeColumns(fs, path, 3);
+    if (!testingCluster.isHCatalogStoreRunning()) {
+      // TODO: If there is existing another partition directory, we must add its rows number to result row numbers.
+      // desc = catalog.getTableDesc(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, tableName);
+      // assertEquals(6, desc.getStats().getNumRows().intValue());
+    }
+    verifyKeptExistingData(res, tableName);
+    // insert overwrite empty result to partitioned table
+    res = executeString("insert overwrite into " + tableName
+      + " select l_returnflag, l_orderkey, l_partkey, l_quantity from lineitem where l_orderkey > 100");
+    res.close();
+    verifyDirectoriesForThreeColumns(fs, path, 4);
+    verifyKeptExistingData(res, tableName);
+    executeString("DROP TABLE " + tableName + " PURGE").close();
+  }
+  private final void verifyKeptExistingData(ResultSet res, String tableName) throws Exception {
+    res = executeString("select * from " + tableName + " where col2 = 1");
+    String resultSetData = resultSetToString(res);
+    res.close();
+    String expected = "col4,col1,col2,col3\n" +
+      "-------------------------------\n" +
+      "N,1,1,17.0\n" +
+      "N,1,1,17.0\n" +
+      "N,1,1,30.0\n" +
+      "N,1,1,36.0\n" +
+      "N,1,1,36.0\n";
+    assertEquals(expected, resultSetData);
+  }
+  private final void verifyDirectoriesForThreeColumns(FileSystem fs, Path path, int step) throws Exception {
     assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1")));
     assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1/col2=1")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1/col2=1/col3=17.0")));
-    assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1/col2=1/col3=30.0")));
+    if (step == 1 || step == 2) {
+      assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1/col2=1/col3=17.0")));
+    } else {
+      assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1/col2=1/col3=17.0")));
+      assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=1/col2=1/col3=30.0")));
+    }
     assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=2")));
     assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=2/col2=2")));
     assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=2/col2=2/col3=38.0")));
@@ -502,38 +523,6 @@
     assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3/col2=3")));
     assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3/col2=2/col3=45.0")));
     assertTrue(fs.isDirectory(new Path(path.toUri() + "/col1=3/col2=3/col3=49.0")));
-    if (!testingCluster.isHCatalogStoreRunning()) {
-      // TODO: If there is existing another partition directory, we must add its rows number to result row numbers.
-      // assertEquals(6, desc.getStats().getNumRows().intValue());
-    }
-    res = executeString("select * from " + tableName + " where col2 = 1");
-    resultSetData = resultSetToString(res);
-    res.close();
-    expected = "col4,col1,col2,col3\n" +
-        "-------------------------------\n" +
-        "N,1,1,17.0\n" +
-        "N,1,1,17.0\n" +
-        "N,1,1,30.0\n" +
-        "N,1,1,36.0\n" +
-        "N,1,1,36.0\n";
-    assertEquals(expected, resultSetData);
-    // insert overwrite empty result to partitioned table
-    res = executeString("insert overwrite into " + tableName
-      + " select l_returnflag, l_orderkey, l_partkey, l_quantity from lineitem where l_orderkey" +
-      " > 100");
-    res.close();
-    desc = catalog.getTableDesc(DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, tableName);
-    ContentSummary summary = fs.getContentSummary(new Path(desc.getPath()));
-    assertEquals(summary.getDirectoryCount(), 1L);
-    assertEquals(summary.getFileCount(), 0L);
-    assertEquals(summary.getLength(), 0L);
diff --git a/tajo-core/src/test/resources/results/TestTajoCli/testHelpSessionVars.result b/tajo-core/src/test/resources/results/TestTajoCli/testHelpSessionVars.result
index 19b2ee1..0a81e15 100644
--- a/tajo-core/src/test/resources/results/TestTajoCli/testHelpSessionVars.result
+++ b/tajo-core/src/test/resources/results/TestTajoCli/testHelpSessionVars.result
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
 \set MAX_OUTPUT_FILE_SIZE [int value] - Maximum per-output file size (mb). 0 means infinite.
 \set NULL_CHAR [text value] - null char of text file output
 \set CODEGEN [true or false] - Runtime code generation enabled (experiment)
+\set PARTITION_NO_RESULT_OVERWRITE_ENABLED [true or false] - If True, a partitioned table is overwritten even if a sub query leads to no result. Otherwise, the table data will be kept if there is no result
 \set ARITHABORT [true or false] - If true, a running query will be terminated when an overflow or divide-by-zero occurs.
 \set FETCH_ROWNUM [int value] - Sets the number of rows at a time from Master
 \set BLOCK_ON_RESULT [true or false] - Whether to block result set on query execution
-\set DEBUG_ENABLED [true or false] - (debug only) debug mode enabled
+\set DEBUG_ENABLED [true or false] - (debug only) debug mode enabled
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tajo-storage/tajo-storage-common/src/main/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/StorageManager.java b/tajo-storage/tajo-storage-common/src/main/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/StorageManager.java
index ce963c8..231694a 100644
--- a/tajo-storage/tajo-storage-common/src/main/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/StorageManager.java
+++ b/tajo-storage/tajo-storage-common/src/main/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/StorageManager.java
@@ -642,7 +642,12 @@
           Path oldTableDir = new Path(stagingDir, TajoConstants.INSERT_OVERWIRTE_OLD_TABLE_NAME);
           ContentSummary summary = fs.getContentSummary(stagingResultDir);
-          if (!queryContext.get(QueryVars.OUTPUT_PARTITIONS, "").isEmpty() && summary.getFileCount() > 0L) {
+          // When inserting empty data into a partitioned table, check if keep existing data need to be remove or not.
+          boolean overwriteEnabled = queryContext.getBool(SessionVars.PARTITION_NO_RESULT_OVERWRITE_ENABLED);
+          // If existing data doesn't need to keep, check if there are some files.
+          if ( (!queryContext.get(QueryVars.OUTPUT_PARTITIONS, "").isEmpty())
+            && (!overwriteEnabled || (overwriteEnabled && summary.getFileCount() > 0L))) {
             // This is a map for existing non-leaf directory to rename. A key is current directory and a value is
             // renaming directory.
             Map<Path, Path> renameDirs = TUtil.newHashMap();