blob: d993b2729450155e36df1dcfabe8902bbf1cbfa5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tajo.engine.eval;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.Column;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
public class AlgebraicUtil {
* Transpose a given comparison expression into the expression
* where the variable corresponding to the target is placed
* on the left-hand side.
* @param evalNode
* @param target
* @return Transposed expression
public static EvalNode transpose(EvalNode evalNode, Column target) {
BinaryEval commutated = null;
if (evalNode instanceof BinaryEval) { // if it is binary
BinaryEval binaryEval = (BinaryEval) evalNode;
// If the variable is in the right term, inverse the expr.
if (!EvalTreeUtil.containColumnRef(binaryEval.getLeftExpr(), target)) {
// the commutate method works with a copy of the expr
commutated = commutate(binaryEval);
} else {
try {
commutated = (BinaryEval) evalNode.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new AlgebraicException(e);
return _transpose(commutated, target);
} else {
return evalNode;
private static EvalNode _transpose(BinaryEval _expr, Column target) {
EvalNode expr = eliminateConstantExprs(_expr);
if (expr instanceof BinaryEval) { // only if expr is a binary operator
BinaryEval binaryEval = (BinaryEval) expr;
if (isSingleVar(binaryEval.getLeftExpr())) {
return expr;
EvalNode left = binaryEval.getLeftExpr();
EvalNode lTerm = null;
EvalNode rTerm = null;
if (EvalType.isArithmeticOperator(left)) { // we can ensure that left is binary.
// If the left-left term is a variable, the left-right term is transposed.
if (EvalTreeUtil.containColumnRef(((BinaryEval)left).getLeftExpr(), target)) {
PartialBinaryExpr tmpTerm = splitRightTerm((BinaryEval) left);
tmpTerm.type = inverseOperator(tmpTerm.type);
lTerm = ((BinaryEval)left).getLeftExpr();
rTerm = new BinaryEval(tmpTerm);
} else {
// Otherwise, the left-right term is transposed into the left-left term.
PartialBinaryExpr tmpTerm = splitLeftTerm((BinaryEval) left);
tmpTerm.type = inverseOperator(tmpTerm.type);
lTerm = ((BinaryEval)left).getRightExpr();
rTerm = new BinaryEval(tmpTerm);
return _transpose(new BinaryEval(expr.getType(), lTerm, rTerm), target);
} else {
return _expr;
* Inverse a given operator (+, -, *, /)
* @param type
* @return inversed operator type
public static EvalType inverseOperator(EvalType type) {
switch (type) {
case PLUS:
return EvalType.MINUS;
case MINUS:
return EvalType.PLUS;
return EvalType.DIVIDE;
case DIVIDE:
return EvalType.MULTIPLY;
default : throw new AlgebraicException("ERROR: cannot inverse the operator: "
+ type);
* Examine if a given expr is a variable.
* @param node
* @return true if a given expr is a variable.
private static boolean isSingleVar(EvalNode node) {
if (node.getType() == EvalType.FIELD) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
private static class AlgebraicOptimizer extends SimpleEvalNodeVisitor<Object> {
public EvalNode visitBinaryEval(Object context, Stack<EvalNode> stack, BinaryEval binaryEval) {
EvalNode lhs = visit(context, binaryEval.getLeftExpr(), stack);
EvalNode rhs = visit(context, binaryEval.getRightExpr(), stack);
if (!binaryEval.getLeftExpr().equals(lhs)) {
if (!binaryEval.getRightExpr().equals(rhs)) {
if (lhs.getType() == EvalType.CONST && rhs.getType() == EvalType.CONST) {
return new ConstEval(binaryEval.eval(null, null));
return binaryEval;
public EvalNode visitUnaryEval(Object context, Stack<EvalNode> stack, UnaryEval unaryEval) {
EvalNode child = visit(context, unaryEval.getChild(), stack);
if (child.getType() == EvalType.CONST) {
return new ConstEval(unaryEval.eval(null, null));
return unaryEval;
public EvalNode visitFuncCall(Object context, GeneralFunctionEval evalNode, Stack<EvalNode> stack) {
boolean constant = true;
if ("sleep".equals(evalNode.funcDesc.getSignature())) {
constant = false;
} else {
for (EvalNode arg : evalNode.getArgs()) {
arg = visit(context, arg, stack);
constant &= (arg.getType() == EvalType.CONST);
if (constant) {
return new ConstEval(evalNode.eval(null, null));
} else {
return evalNode;
private final static AlgebraicOptimizer algebraicOptimizer = new AlgebraicOptimizer();
* Simplify the given expr. That is, all subexprs consisting of only constants
* are calculated immediately.
* @param expr to be simplified
* @return the simplified expr
public static EvalNode eliminateConstantExprs(EvalNode expr) {
return algebraicOptimizer.visit(null, expr, new Stack<EvalNode>());
* @param expr to be evaluated if the expr includes one variable
* @return true if expr has only one field
public static boolean containSingleVar(EvalNode expr) {
Map<EvalType, Integer> counter = EvalTreeUtil.getExprCounters(expr);
int sum = 0;
for (Integer cnt : counter.values()) {
sum += cnt;
if (sum == 1 && counter.get(EvalType.FIELD) == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Split the left term and transform it into the right deep expression.
* @param binary - notice the left term of this expr will be eliminated
* after done.
* @return the separated expression changed into the right deep expression.
* For example, the expr 'x * y' is transformed into '* x'.
public static PartialBinaryExpr splitLeftTerm(BinaryEval binary) {
if (!(EvalType.isArithmeticOperator(binary))) {
throw new AlgebraicException("Invalid algebraic operation: " + binary);
if (binary.getLeftExpr() instanceof BinaryEval) {
return splitLeftTerm((BinaryEval) binary.getLeftExpr());
PartialBinaryExpr splitted =
new PartialBinaryExpr(binary.getType(), null, binary.getLeftExpr());
return splitted;
* Split the left term and transform it into the right deep expression.
* @param binary - to be splited
* @return the separated expression changed into the right deep expression.
* For example, the expr 'x * y' is transformed into '* y'.
* @throws CloneNotSupportedException
public static PartialBinaryExpr splitRightTerm(BinaryEval binary) {
if (!(EvalType.isArithmeticOperator(binary))) {
throw new AlgebraicException("Invalid algebraic operation: " + binary);
if (binary.getRightExpr() instanceof BinaryEval) {
return splitRightTerm((BinaryEval) binary.getRightExpr());
PartialBinaryExpr splitted =
new PartialBinaryExpr(binary.getType(), null, binary.getRightExpr());
return splitted;
* Commutate two terms which are added, subtracted and multiplied.
* @param inputExpr
* @return
public static BinaryEval commutate(BinaryEval inputExpr) {
BinaryEval rewritten;
switch (inputExpr.getType()) {
case AND:
case OR:
case EQUAL:
case PLUS:
case MINUS:
case MULTIPLY: // these types can be commutated w/o any change
rewritten = EvalTreeFactory.create(inputExpr.getType(),
inputExpr.getRightExpr(), inputExpr.getLeftExpr());
case GTH:
rewritten = EvalTreeFactory.create(EvalType.LTH,
inputExpr.getRightExpr(), inputExpr.getLeftExpr());
case GEQ:
rewritten = EvalTreeFactory.create(EvalType.LEQ,
inputExpr.getRightExpr(), inputExpr.getLeftExpr());
case LTH:
rewritten = EvalTreeFactory.create(EvalType.GTH,
inputExpr.getRightExpr(), inputExpr.getLeftExpr());
case LEQ:
rewritten = EvalTreeFactory.create(EvalType.GEQ,
inputExpr.getRightExpr(), inputExpr.getLeftExpr());
default :
throw new AlgebraicException("Cannot commutate the expr: " + inputExpr);
return rewritten;
public static boolean isIndexableOperator(EvalNode expr) {
return expr.getType() == EvalType.EQUAL ||
expr.getType() == EvalType.LEQ ||
expr.getType() == EvalType.LTH ||
expr.getType() == EvalType.GEQ ||
expr.getType() == EvalType.GTH ||
expr.getType() == EvalType.BETWEEN ||
expr.getType() == EvalType.IN ||
(expr.getType() == EvalType.LIKE && !((LikePredicateEval)expr).isLeadingWildCard());
* Convert a list of conjunctive normal forms into a singleton expression.
* @param cnfExprs
* @return The EvalNode object that merges all CNF-formed expressions.
public static EvalNode createSingletonExprFromCNF(EvalNode... cnfExprs) {
if (cnfExprs.length == 1) {
return cnfExprs[0];
return createSingletonExprFromCNFRecursive(cnfExprs, 0);
private static EvalNode createSingletonExprFromCNFRecursive(EvalNode[] evalNode, int idx) {
if (idx == evalNode.length - 2) {
return new BinaryEval(EvalType.AND, evalNode[idx], evalNode[idx + 1]);
} else {
return new BinaryEval(EvalType.AND, evalNode[idx], createSingletonExprFromCNFRecursive(evalNode, idx + 1));
* Transforms a expression to an array of conjunctive normal formed expressions.
* @param expr The expression to be transformed to an array of CNF-formed expressions.
* @return An array of CNF-formed expressions
public static EvalNode [] toConjunctiveNormalFormArray(EvalNode expr) {
List<EvalNode> list = new ArrayList<EvalNode>();
toConjunctiveNormalFormArrayRecursive(expr, list);
return list.toArray(new EvalNode[list.size()]);
private static void toConjunctiveNormalFormArrayRecursive(EvalNode node, List<EvalNode> found) {
if (node.getType() == EvalType.AND) {
toConjunctiveNormalFormArrayRecursive(((BinaryEval)node).getLeftExpr(), found);
toConjunctiveNormalFormArrayRecursive(((BinaryEval)node).getRightExpr(), found);
} else {
* Convert a list of conjunctive normal forms into a singleton expression.
* @param cnfExprs
* @return The EvalNode object that merges all CNF-formed expressions.
public static EvalNode createSingletonExprFromDNF(EvalNode... cnfExprs) {
if (cnfExprs.length == 1) {
return cnfExprs[0];
return createSingletonExprFromDNFRecursive(cnfExprs, 0);
private static EvalNode createSingletonExprFromDNFRecursive(EvalNode[] evalNode, int idx) {
if (idx == evalNode.length - 2) {
return new BinaryEval(EvalType.OR, evalNode[idx], evalNode[idx + 1]);
} else {
return new BinaryEval(EvalType.OR, evalNode[idx], createSingletonExprFromDNFRecursive(evalNode, idx + 1));
* Transforms a expression to an array of disjunctive normal formed expressions.
* @param exprs The expressions to be transformed to an array of CNF-formed expressions.
* @return An array of CNF-formed expressions
public static EvalNode [] toDisjunctiveNormalFormArray(EvalNode...exprs) {
List<EvalNode> list = new ArrayList<EvalNode>();
for (EvalNode expr : exprs) {
toDisjunctiveNormalFormArrayRecursive(expr, list);
return list.toArray(new EvalNode[list.size()]);
private static void toDisjunctiveNormalFormArrayRecursive(EvalNode node, List<EvalNode> found) {
if (node.getType() == EvalType.OR) {
toDisjunctiveNormalFormArrayRecursive(((BinaryEval)node).getLeftExpr(), found);
toDisjunctiveNormalFormArrayRecursive(((BinaryEval)node).getRightExpr(), found);
} else {