blob: eb45af1eee1b5b705cdb944c87e9d94e789b7280 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.rules;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.tajo.SessionVars;
import org.apache.tajo.algebra.JoinType;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.*;
import org.apache.tajo.datum.Datum;
import org.apache.tajo.exception.TajoException;
import org.apache.tajo.exception.TajoInternalError;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.LogicalPlan;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.LogicalPlan.QueryBlock;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.LogicalPlanner;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.Target;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.expr.*;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.logical.*;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.LogicalPlanRewriteRule;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.rules.FilterPushDownRule.FilterPushDownContext;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.rewrite.rules.IndexScanInfo.SimplePredicate;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.util.PlannerUtil;
import org.apache.tajo.plan.visitor.BasicLogicalPlanVisitor;
import org.apache.tajo.schema.IdentifierUtil;
import java.util.*;
* This rule tries to push down all filter conditions into logical nodes as lower as possible.
* It is likely to significantly reduces the intermediate data.
public class FilterPushDownRule extends BasicLogicalPlanVisitor<FilterPushDownContext, LogicalNode>
implements LogicalPlanRewriteRule {
private final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FilterPushDownRule.class);
private static final String NAME = "FilterPushDown";
private CatalogService catalog;
static class FilterPushDownContext {
Set<EvalNode> pushingDownFilters = new HashSet<>();
LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext rewriteRuleContext;
public void clear() {
public void setFiltersTobePushed(Collection<EvalNode> workingEvals) {
public void addFiltersTobePushed(Collection<EvalNode> workingEvals) {
public void setToOrigin(Map<EvalNode, EvalNode> evalMap) {
//evalMap: copy -> origin
List<EvalNode> origins = new ArrayList<>();
for (EvalNode eval : pushingDownFilters) {
EvalNode origin = evalMap.get(eval);
if (origin != null) {
public String getName() {
return NAME;
public boolean isEligible(LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext context) {
for (LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block : context.getPlan().getQueryBlocks()) {
if (block.hasNode(NodeType.SELECTION) || block.hasNode(NodeType.JOIN)) {
return true;
return false;
public LogicalPlan rewrite(LogicalPlanRewriteRuleContext rewriteRuleContext) throws TajoException {
FilterPushDown rule: processing when visits each node
- If a target which is corresponding on a filter EvalNode's column is not FieldEval, do not PushDown.
- Replace filter EvalNode's column with child node's output column.
If there is no child node's output column, do not PushDown.
- When visit ScanNode, add filter eval to ScanNode's qual
- When visit GroupByNode, Find aggregation column in a filter EvalNode and
. If a parent is HavingNode, add filter eval to parent HavingNode.
. It not, create new HavingNode and set parent's child.
FilterPushDownContext context = new FilterPushDownContext();
context.rewriteRuleContext = rewriteRuleContext;
LogicalPlan plan = rewriteRuleContext.getPlan();
catalog = rewriteRuleContext.getCatalog();
for (LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block : plan.getQueryBlocks()) {
this.visit(context, plan, block, block.getRoot(), new Stack<>());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("FilterPushDown Optimized Query: \n" + plan.toString());
return plan;
public LogicalNode visitFilter(FilterPushDownContext context, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
SelectionNode selNode, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
context.pushingDownFilters.addAll(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(AlgebraicUtil.toConjunctiveNormalFormArray(selNode.getQual()))));
visit(context, plan, block, selNode.getChild(), stack);
if(context.pushingDownFilters.size() == 0) {
// remove the selection operator if there is no search condition after selection push.
LogicalNode node = stack.peek();
if (node instanceof UnaryNode) {
UnaryNode unary = (UnaryNode) node;
} else {
throw new TajoInternalError("The node must be an unary node");
} else { // if there remain search conditions
// check if it can be evaluated here
Set<EvalNode> matched = new HashSet<>();
for (EvalNode eachEval : context.pushingDownFilters) {
if (LogicalPlanner.checkIfBeEvaluatedAtThis(eachEval, selNode)) {
// if there are search conditions which can be evaluated here,
// push down them and remove them from context.pushingDownFilters.
if (matched.size() > 0) {
selNode.setQual(AlgebraicUtil.createSingletonExprFromCNF(matched.toArray(new EvalNode[matched.size()])));
return selNode;
public LogicalNode visitJoin(FilterPushDownContext context, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
JoinNode joinNode, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
Set<EvalNode> onPredicates = new HashSet<>();
if (joinNode.hasJoinQual()) {
onPredicates.addAll(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(AlgebraicUtil.toConjunctiveNormalFormArray(joinNode.getJoinQual()))));
// clear join qual
// we assume all the quals in pushingDownFilters as where predicates
Set<EvalNode> nonPushableQuals = extractNonPushableJoinQuals(plan, block, joinNode, onPredicates,
// add every predicate and remove non-pushable ones
LogicalNode left = joinNode.getLeftChild();
LogicalNode right = joinNode.getRightChild();
List<EvalNode> notMatched = new ArrayList<>();
// Join's input schema = right child output columns + left child output columns
Map<EvalNode, EvalNode> transformedMap = findCanPushdownAndTransform(context, block, joinNode, left, notMatched,
null, 0);
visit(context, plan, block, left, stack);
transformedMap = findCanPushdownAndTransform(context, block, joinNode, right, notMatched, null,
visit(context, plan, block, right, stack);
List<EvalNode> matched = new ArrayList<>();
// If the query involves a subquery, the stack can be empty.
// In this case, this join is the top most one within a query block.
boolean isTopMostJoin = stack.isEmpty() ? true : stack.peek().getType() != NodeType.JOIN;
for (EvalNode evalNode : context.pushingDownFilters) {
// TODO: currently, non-equi theta join is not supported yet.
if (LogicalPlanner.isEvaluatableJoinQual(block, evalNode, joinNode, onPredicates.contains(evalNode),
isTopMostJoin)) {
EvalNode qual = null;
if (matched.size() > 1) {
// merged into one eval tree
qual = AlgebraicUtil.createSingletonExprFromCNF(
matched.toArray(new EvalNode[matched.size()]));
} else if (matched.size() == 1) {
// if the number of matched expr is one
qual = matched.get(0);
if (qual != null) {
if (joinNode.getJoinType() == JoinType.CROSS) {
// The selection node for non-equi theta join conditions should be created here
// to process those conditions as early as possible.
// This should be removed after TAJO-742.
if (context.pushingDownFilters.size() > 0) {
List<EvalNode> nonEquiThetaJoinQuals = extractNonEquiThetaJoinQuals(context.pushingDownFilters, block, joinNode);
if (nonEquiThetaJoinQuals.size() > 0) {
SelectionNode selectionNode = createSelectionParentForNonEquiThetaJoinQuals(plan, block, stack, joinNode,
return selectionNode;
return joinNode;
private SelectionNode createSelectionParentForNonEquiThetaJoinQuals(LogicalPlan plan,
QueryBlock block,
Stack<LogicalNode> stack,
JoinNode joinNode,
List<EvalNode> nonEquiThetaJoinQuals) {
SelectionNode selectionNode = plan.createNode(SelectionNode.class);
LogicalNode parent = stack.peek();
if (parent instanceof UnaryNode) {
((UnaryNode) parent).setChild(selectionNode);
} else if (parent instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode binaryParent = (BinaryNode) parent;
if (binaryParent.getLeftChild().getPID() == joinNode.getPID()) {
} else if (binaryParent.getRightChild().getPID() == joinNode.getPID()) {
} else if (parent instanceof TableSubQueryNode) {
((TableSubQueryNode) parent).setSubQuery(selectionNode);
return selectionNode;
private static Set<EvalNode> extractNonPushableJoinQuals(final LogicalPlan plan,
final LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
final JoinNode joinNode,
final Set<EvalNode> onPredicates,
final Set<EvalNode> wherePredicates)
throws TajoException {
Set<EvalNode> nonPushableQuals = new HashSet<>();
// TODO: non-equi theta join quals must not be pushed until TAJO-742 is resolved.
nonPushableQuals.addAll(extractNonEquiThetaJoinQuals(wherePredicates, block, joinNode));
nonPushableQuals.addAll(extractNonEquiThetaJoinQuals(onPredicates, block, joinNode));
// for outer joins
if (PlannerUtil.isOuterJoinType(joinNode.getJoinType())) {
nonPushableQuals.addAll(extractNonPushableOuterJoinQuals(plan, onPredicates, wherePredicates, joinNode));
return nonPushableQuals;
* For outer joins, pushable predicates can be decided based on their locations in the SQL and types of referencing
* relations.
* <h3>Table types</h3>
* <ul>
* <li>Preserved Row table : The preserved row table refers to the table that preserves rows when there is no match
* in the join operation. Therefore, all rows from the preserved row table that qualify against the WHERE clause
* will be returned, regardless of whether there is a matched row in the join. For a left/right table, the preserved
* row table is the left/right table. For a full outer join, both tables are preserved row tables.</li>
* <li>Null Supplying table : The NULL-supplying table supplies NULLs when there is an unmatched row. Any column
* from the NULL-supplying table referred to in the SELECT list or subsequent WHERE or ON clause will contain NULL
* if there was no match in the join operation. For a left/right outer join, the NULL-supplying
* table is the right/left table. For a full outer join, both tables are NULL-supplying
* table. In a full outer join, both tables can preserve rows, and also can supply NULLs. This is significant,
* because there are rules that apply to purely preserved row tables that do not apply if the table can also supply
* NULLs.</li>
* </ul>
* <h3>Predicate types</h3>
* <ul>
* <li>During Join predicate : A predicate that is in the JOIN ON clause.</li>
* <li>After Join predicate : A predicate that is in the WHERE clause.</li>
* </ul>
* <h3>Predicate Pushdown Rules</h3>
* <ol>
* <li>During Join predicates cannot be pushed past Preserved Row tables.</li>
* <li>After Join predicates cannot be pushed past Null Supplying tables.</li>
* </ol>
private static Set<EvalNode> extractNonPushableOuterJoinQuals(final LogicalPlan plan,
final Set<EvalNode> onPredicates,
final Set<EvalNode> wherePredicates,
final JoinNode joinNode) throws TajoException {
Set<String> nullSupplyingTableNameSet = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> preservedTableNameSet = new HashSet<>();
String leftRelation = PlannerUtil.getTopRelationInLineage(plan, joinNode.getLeftChild());
String rightRelation = PlannerUtil.getTopRelationInLineage(plan, joinNode.getRightChild());
if (joinNode.getJoinType() == JoinType.LEFT_OUTER) {
} else if (joinNode.getJoinType() == JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER) {
} else {
// full outer join
Set<EvalNode> nonPushableQuals = new HashSet<>();
for (EvalNode eachQual : onPredicates) {
for (String relName : preservedTableNameSet) {
if (isEvalNeedRelation(eachQual, relName)) {
for (EvalNode eachQual : wherePredicates) {
for (String relName : nullSupplyingTableNameSet) {
if (isEvalNeedRelation(eachQual, relName)) {
return nonPushableQuals;
private static boolean isEvalNeedRelation(final EvalNode evalNode, final String relationName) {
Set<Column> columns = EvalTreeUtil.findUniqueColumns(evalNode);
for (Column column : columns) {
if (isColumnFromRelation(column, relationName)) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isColumnFromRelation(final Column column, final String relationName) {
if (relationName.equals(column.getQualifier())) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isNonEquiThetaJoinQual(final LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
final JoinNode joinNode,
final EvalNode evalNode) {
if (EvalTreeUtil.isJoinQual(block, joinNode.getLeftChild().getOutSchema(),
joinNode.getRightChild().getOutSchema(), evalNode, true) &&
evalNode.getType() != EvalType.EQUAL) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
private static List<EvalNode> extractNonEquiThetaJoinQuals(final Set<EvalNode> predicates,
final LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
final JoinNode joinNode) {
List<EvalNode> nonEquiThetaJoinQuals = new ArrayList<>();
for (EvalNode eachEval: predicates) {
if (isNonEquiThetaJoinQual(block, joinNode, eachEval)) {
return nonEquiThetaJoinQuals;
private Map<EvalNode, EvalNode> transformEvalsWidthByPassNode(
Collection<EvalNode> originEvals, LogicalPlan plan,
LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
LogicalNode node, LogicalNode childNode) throws TajoException {
// transformed -> pushingDownFilters
Map<EvalNode, EvalNode> transformedMap = new HashMap<>();
if (originEvals.isEmpty()) {
return transformedMap;
if (node.getType() == NodeType.UNION) {
// If node is union, All eval's columns are simple name and matched with child's output schema.
Schema childOutSchema = childNode.getOutSchema();
for (EvalNode eval : originEvals) {
EvalNode copy;
try {
copy = (EvalNode) eval.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new TajoInternalError(e);
Set<Column> columns = EvalTreeUtil.findUniqueColumns(copy);
for (Column c : columns) {
Column column = childOutSchema.getColumn(c.getSimpleName());
if (column == null) {
throw new TajoInternalError(
"Invalid Filter PushDown on SubQuery: No such a corresponding column '"
+ c.getQualifiedName() + " for FilterPushDown(" + eval + "), " +
"(PID=" + node.getPID() + ", Child=" + childNode.getPID() + ")");
EvalTreeUtil.changeColumnRef(copy, c.getSimpleName(), column.getQualifiedName());
transformedMap.put(copy, eval);
return transformedMap;
if (childNode.getType() == NodeType.UNION) {
// If child is union, remove qualifier from eval's column
for (EvalNode eval : originEvals) {
EvalNode copy;
try {
copy = (EvalNode) eval.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new TajoInternalError(e);
Set<Column> columns = EvalTreeUtil.findUniqueColumns(copy);
for (Column c : columns) {
if (c.hasQualifier()) {
EvalTreeUtil.changeColumnRef(copy, c.getQualifiedName(), c.getSimpleName());
transformedMap.put(copy, eval);
return transformedMap;
// node in column -> child out column
Map<String, String> columnMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < node.getInSchema().size(); i++) {
String inColumnName = node.getInSchema().getColumn(i).getQualifiedName();
Column childOutColumn = childNode.getOutSchema().getColumn(i);
columnMap.put(inColumnName, childOutColumn.getQualifiedName());
// Rename from upper block's one to lower block's one
for (EvalNode matchedEval : originEvals) {
EvalNode copy;
try {
copy = (EvalNode) matchedEval.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new TajoInternalError(e);
Set<Column> columns = EvalTreeUtil.findUniqueColumns(copy);
boolean allMatched = true;
for (Column c : columns) {
if (columnMap.containsKey(c.getQualifiedName())) {
EvalTreeUtil.changeColumnRef(copy, c.getQualifiedName(), columnMap.get(c.getQualifiedName()));
} else {
if (childNode.getType() == NodeType.GROUP_BY) {
if (((GroupbyNode) childNode).isAggregationColumn(c.getSimpleName())) {
allMatched = false;
} else {
throw new TajoInternalError(
"Invalid Filter PushDown on SubQuery: No such a corresponding column '"
+ c.getQualifiedName() + " for FilterPushDown(" + matchedEval + "), " +
"(PID=" + node.getPID() + ", Child=" + childNode.getPID() + ")"
if (allMatched) {
transformedMap.put(copy, matchedEval);
return transformedMap;
public LogicalNode visitTableSubQuery(FilterPushDownContext context, LogicalPlan plan, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
TableSubQueryNode node, Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
List<EvalNode> matched = new ArrayList<>();
List<EvalNode> unmatched = new ArrayList<>();
for (EvalNode eval : context.pushingDownFilters) {
if (LogicalPlanner.checkIfBeEvaluatedAtRelation(block, eval, node)) {
} else {
// transformed -> pushingDownFilters
Map<EvalNode, EvalNode> transformedMap =
transformEvalsWidthByPassNode(matched, plan, block, node, node.getSubQuery());
visit(context, plan, plan.getBlock(node.getSubQuery()));
return node;
public LogicalNode visitUnion(FilterPushDownContext context, LogicalPlan plan,
LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, UnionNode unionNode,
Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
LogicalNode leftNode = unionNode.getLeftChild();
List<EvalNode> origins = new ArrayList<>();
// transformed -> pushingDownFilters
Map<EvalNode, EvalNode> transformedMap = transformEvalsWidthByPassNode(origins, plan, block, unionNode, leftNode);
visit(context, plan, plan.getBlock(leftNode));
if (!context.pushingDownFilters.isEmpty()) {
errorFilterPushDown(plan, leftNode, context);
LogicalNode rightNode = unionNode.getRightChild();
transformedMap = transformEvalsWidthByPassNode(origins, plan, block, unionNode, rightNode);
visit(context, plan, plan.getBlock(rightNode), rightNode, stack);
if (!context.pushingDownFilters.isEmpty()) {
errorFilterPushDown(plan, rightNode, context);
// notify all filter matched to upper
return unionNode;
public LogicalNode visitProjection(FilterPushDownContext context,
LogicalPlan plan,
LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
ProjectionNode projectionNode,
Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
LogicalNode childNode = projectionNode.getChild();
List<EvalNode> notMatched = new ArrayList<>();
//copy -> origin
BiMap<EvalNode, EvalNode> transformedMap = findCanPushdownAndTransform(
context, block,projectionNode, childNode, notMatched, null, 0);
visit(context, plan, plan.getBlock(childNode), childNode, stack);
// find not matched after visiting child
for (EvalNode eval: context.pushingDownFilters) {
EvalNode qual = null;
if (notMatched.size() > 1) {
// merged into one eval tree
qual = AlgebraicUtil.createSingletonExprFromCNF(notMatched.toArray(new EvalNode[notMatched.size()]));
} else if (notMatched.size() == 1) {
// if the number of matched expr is one
qual = notMatched.get(0);
// If there is not matched node add SelectionNode and clear context.pushingDownFilters
if (qual != null && LogicalPlanner.checkIfBeEvaluatedAtThis(qual, projectionNode)) {
SelectionNode selectionNode = plan.createNode(SelectionNode.class);
// clean all remain filters because all conditions are merged into a qual
// if there are remain filters, recover the original names and give back to the upper query block.
if (context.pushingDownFilters.size() > 0) {
ImmutableSet<EvalNode> copy = ImmutableSet.copyOf(context.pushingDownFilters);
context.pushingDownFilters.addAll(reverseTransform(transformedMap, copy));
return projectionNode;
private Collection<EvalNode> reverseTransform(BiMap<EvalNode, EvalNode> map, Set<EvalNode> remainFilters) {
Set<EvalNode> reversed = new HashSet<>();
for (EvalNode evalNode : remainFilters) {
return reversed;
private BiMap<EvalNode, EvalNode> findCanPushdownAndTransform(
FilterPushDownContext context, LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, Projectable node,
LogicalNode childNode, List<EvalNode> notMatched,
Set<String> partitionColumns, int columnOffset) throws TajoException {
// canonical name -> target
Map<String, Target> nodeTargetMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Target target : node.getTargets()) {
nodeTargetMap.put(target.getCanonicalName(), target);
// copy -> origin
BiMap<EvalNode, EvalNode> matched = HashBiMap.create();
for (EvalNode eval : context.pushingDownFilters) {
// If all column is field eval, can push down.
Set<Column> evalColumns = EvalTreeUtil.findUniqueColumns(eval);
boolean columnMatched = true;
for (Column c : evalColumns) {
Target target = nodeTargetMap.get(c.getQualifiedName());
if (target == null) {
columnMatched = false;
if (target.getEvalTree().getType() != EvalType.FIELD) {
columnMatched = false;
if (columnMatched) {
// transform eval column to child's output column
EvalNode copyEvalNode = transformEval(node, childNode, eval, nodeTargetMap, partitionColumns, columnOffset);
if (copyEvalNode != null) {
matched.put(copyEvalNode, eval);
} else {
} else {
return matched;
private EvalNode transformEval(Projectable node, LogicalNode childNode, EvalNode origin,
Map<String, Target> targetMap, Set<String> partitionColumns,
int columnOffset) throws TajoException {
Schema outputSchema = childNode != null ? childNode.getOutSchema() : node.getInSchema();
EvalNode copy;
try {
copy = (EvalNode) origin.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new TajoInternalError(e);
Set<Column> columns = EvalTreeUtil.findUniqueColumns(copy);
for (Column c: columns) {
Target target = targetMap.get(c.getQualifiedName());
if (target == null) {
throw new TajoInternalError(
"Invalid Filter PushDown: No such a corresponding target '"
+ c.getQualifiedName() + " for FilterPushDown(" + origin + "), " +
"(PID=" + node.getPID() + ")"
EvalNode targetEvalNode = target.getEvalTree();
if (targetEvalNode.getType() != EvalType.FIELD) {
throw new TajoInternalError(
"Invalid Filter PushDown: '" + c.getQualifiedName() + "' target is not FieldEval " +
"(PID=" + node.getPID() + ")"
FieldEval fieldEval = (FieldEval)targetEvalNode;
Column targetInputColumn = fieldEval.getColumnRef();
int index;
if (targetInputColumn.hasQualifier()) {
index = node.getInSchema().getColumnId(targetInputColumn.getQualifiedName());
} else {
index = node.getInSchema().getColumnIdByName(targetInputColumn.getQualifiedName());
if (columnOffset > 0) {
index = index - columnOffset;
if (index < 0 || index >= outputSchema.size()) {
if (partitionColumns != null && !partitionColumns.isEmpty() && node instanceof ScanNode) {
ScanNode scanNode = (ScanNode)node;
boolean isPartitionColumn = false;
if (IdentifierUtil.isFQColumnName(partitionColumns.iterator().next())) {
isPartitionColumn = partitionColumns.contains(
IdentifierUtil.buildFQName(scanNode.getTableName(), c.getSimpleName()));
} else {
isPartitionColumn = partitionColumns.contains(c.getSimpleName());
if (isPartitionColumn) {
EvalTreeUtil.changeColumnRef(copy, c.getQualifiedName(),
scanNode.getCanonicalName() + "." + c.getSimpleName());
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
} else {
Column outputColumn = outputSchema.getColumn(index);
EvalTreeUtil.changeColumnRef(copy, c.getQualifiedName(), outputColumn.getQualifiedName());
return copy;
* Find aggregation columns in filter eval and add having clause or add HavingNode.
* @param context
* @param plan
* @param block
* @param parentNode If null, having is parent
* @param havingNode If null, projection is parent
* @param groupByNode
* @return matched origin eval
* @throws TajoException
private List<EvalNode> addHavingNode(FilterPushDownContext context, LogicalPlan plan,
LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block,
UnaryNode parentNode,
HavingNode havingNode,
GroupbyNode groupByNode) throws TajoException {
// find aggregation column
Set<Column> groupingColumns = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(groupByNode.getGroupingColumns()));
Set<String> aggrFunctionOutColumns = new HashSet<>();
for (Column column : groupByNode.getOutSchema().getRootColumns()) {
if (!groupingColumns.contains(column)) {
List<EvalNode> aggrEvalOrigins = new ArrayList<>();
List<EvalNode> aggrEvals = new ArrayList<>();
for (EvalNode eval : context.pushingDownFilters) {
EvalNode copy = null;
try {
copy = (EvalNode)eval.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
boolean isEvalAggrFunction = false;
for (Column evalColumn : EvalTreeUtil.findUniqueColumns(copy)) {
if (aggrFunctionOutColumns.contains(evalColumn.getSimpleName())) {
EvalTreeUtil.changeColumnRef(copy, evalColumn.getQualifiedName(), evalColumn.getSimpleName());
isEvalAggrFunction = true;
if (groupByNode.getInSchema().containsAll(EvalTreeUtil.findUniqueColumns(copy))) {
isEvalAggrFunction = true;
if (isEvalAggrFunction) {
if (aggrEvals.isEmpty()) {
return aggrEvalOrigins;
// transform
HavingNode workingHavingNode;
if (havingNode != null) {
workingHavingNode = havingNode;
} else {
workingHavingNode = plan.createNode(HavingNode.class);
EvalNode qual = null;
if (aggrEvals.size() > 1) {
// merged into one eval tree
qual = AlgebraicUtil.createSingletonExprFromCNF(aggrEvals.toArray(new EvalNode[aggrEvals.size()]));
} else if (aggrEvals.size() == 1) {
// if the number of matched expr is one
qual = aggrEvals.get(0);
// If there is not matched node add SelectionNode and clear context.pushingDownFilters
if (qual != null) {
return aggrEvalOrigins;
public LogicalNode visitWindowAgg(FilterPushDownContext context, LogicalPlan plan,
LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, WindowAggNode winAggNode,
Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
super.visitWindowAgg(context, plan, block, winAggNode, stack);
return winAggNode;
public LogicalNode visitGroupBy(FilterPushDownContext context, LogicalPlan plan,
LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, GroupbyNode groupbyNode,
Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
LogicalNode parentNode = stack.peek();
List<EvalNode> aggrEvals;
if (parentNode.getType() == NodeType.HAVING) {
aggrEvals = addHavingNode(context, plan, block, null, (HavingNode)parentNode, groupbyNode);
} else {
aggrEvals = addHavingNode(context, plan, block, (UnaryNode)parentNode, null, groupbyNode);
if (aggrEvals != null) {
// remove aggregation eval from conext
List<EvalNode> notMatched = new ArrayList<>();
// transform
Map<EvalNode, EvalNode> transformed =
findCanPushdownAndTransform(context, block, groupbyNode,groupbyNode.getChild(), notMatched, null, 0);
LogicalNode current = super.visitGroupBy(context, plan, block, groupbyNode, stack);
return current;
public LogicalNode visitScan(FilterPushDownContext context, LogicalPlan plan,
LogicalPlan.QueryBlock block, final ScanNode scanNode,
Stack<LogicalNode> stack) throws TajoException {
List<EvalNode> matched = new ArrayList<>();
// find partition column and check matching
Set<String> partitionColumns = new HashSet<>();
TableDesc table = scanNode.getTableDesc();
boolean hasQualifiedName = false;
if (table.hasPartition()) {
for (Column c: table.getPartitionMethod().getExpressionSchema().getRootColumns()) {
hasQualifiedName = c.hasQualifier();
Set<EvalNode> partitionEvals = new HashSet<>();
for (EvalNode eval : context.pushingDownFilters) {
if (table.hasPartition()) {
Set<Column> columns = EvalTreeUtil.findUniqueColumns(eval);
if (columns.size() != 1) {
Column column = columns.iterator().next();
// If catalog runs with HiveCatalogStore, partition column is a qualified name
// Else partition column is a simple name
boolean isPartitionColumn = false;
if (hasQualifiedName) {
isPartitionColumn = partitionColumns.contains(IdentifierUtil.buildFQName(table.getName(), column.getSimpleName()));
} else {
isPartitionColumn = partitionColumns.contains(column.getSimpleName());
if (isPartitionColumn) {
EvalNode copy;
try {
copy = (EvalNode) eval.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new TajoInternalError(e);
EvalTreeUtil.changeColumnRef(copy, column.getQualifiedName(),
scanNode.getCanonicalName() + "." + column.getSimpleName());
List<EvalNode> notMatched = new ArrayList<>();
// transform
Map<EvalNode, EvalNode> transformed =
findCanPushdownAndTransform(context, block, scanNode, null, notMatched, partitionColumns, 0);
for (EvalNode eval : transformed.keySet()) {
if (LogicalPlanner.checkIfBeEvaluatedAtRelation(block, eval, scanNode)) {
EvalNode qual = null;
if (matched.size() > 1) {
// merged into one eval tree
qual = AlgebraicUtil.createSingletonExprFromCNF(
matched.toArray(new EvalNode[matched.size()]));
} else if (matched.size() == 1) {
// if the number of matched expr is one
qual = matched.iterator().next();
block.addAccessPath(scanNode, new SeqScanInfo(table));
if (qual != null) { // if a matched qual exists
// Index path can be identified only after filters are pushed into each scan.
if(context.rewriteRuleContext.getQueryContext().getBool(SessionVars.INDEX_ENABLED)) {
String databaseName, tableName;
databaseName = IdentifierUtil.extractQualifier(table.getName());
tableName = IdentifierUtil.extractSimpleName(table.getName());
Set<Predicate> predicates = new HashSet<>();
for (EvalNode eval : PlannerUtil.getAllEqualEvals(qual)) {
BinaryEval binaryEval = (BinaryEval) eval;
// TODO: consider more complex predicates
if (binaryEval.getLeftExpr().getType() == EvalType.FIELD &&
binaryEval.getRightExpr().getType() == EvalType.CONST) {
predicates.add(new Predicate(binaryEval.getType(),
((FieldEval) binaryEval.getLeftExpr()).getColumnRef(),
((ConstEval) binaryEval.getRightExpr()).getValue()));
} else if (binaryEval.getLeftExpr().getType() == EvalType.CONST &&
binaryEval.getRightExpr().getType() == EvalType.FIELD) {
predicates.add(new Predicate(binaryEval.getType(),
((FieldEval) binaryEval.getRightExpr()).getColumnRef(),
((ConstEval) binaryEval.getLeftExpr()).getValue()));
// for every subset of the set of columns, find all matched index paths
for (Set<Predicate> subset : Sets.powerSet(predicates)) {
if (subset.size() == 0)
Column[] columns = extractColumns(subset);
if (catalog.existIndexByColumns(databaseName, tableName, columns)) {
IndexDesc indexDesc = catalog.getIndexByColumns(databaseName, tableName, columns);
block.addAccessPath(scanNode, new IndexScanInfo(
table.getStats(), indexDesc, getSimplePredicates(indexDesc, subset)));
for (EvalNode matchedEval: matched) {
return scanNode;
private static class Predicate {
Column column;
Datum value;
EvalType evalType;
public Predicate(EvalType evalType, Column column, Datum value) {
this.evalType = evalType;
this.column = column;
this.value = value;
private static SimplePredicate[] getSimplePredicates(IndexDesc desc, Set<Predicate> predicates) {
SimplePredicate[] simplePredicates = new SimplePredicate[predicates.size()];
Map<Column, Datum> colToValue = new HashMap<>();
for (Predicate predicate : predicates) {
colToValue.put(predicate.column, predicate.value);
SortSpec [] keySortSpecs = desc.getKeySortSpecs();
for (int i = 0; i < keySortSpecs.length; i++) {
simplePredicates[i] = new SimplePredicate(keySortSpecs[i],
return simplePredicates;
private static Column[] extractColumns(Set<Predicate> predicates) {
Column[] columns = new Column[predicates.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Predicate p : predicates) {
columns[i++] = p.column;
return columns;
private void errorFilterPushDown(LogicalPlan plan, LogicalNode node,
FilterPushDownContext context) {
String prefix = "";
StringBuilder notMatchedNodeStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (EvalNode notMatchedNode: context.pushingDownFilters) {
if (prefix.isEmpty()) {
prefix = ", ";
throw new TajoInternalError("FilterPushDown failed cause some filters not matched: "
+ notMatchedNodeStrBuilder.toString() + "\n" +
"Error node: " + node.getPlanString() + "\n" + plan.toString());